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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Do you guys have any green screen suggestions? I could use something like XSplit Vcam that can remove the background for you or replace it with another image, but it adds a logo unless you pay for it. So, I've decided I will instead get myself a green screen to add a background. I figure this way it won't be as choppy, since when using Xsplit vcam, you need really good lighting, otherwise the greenscreen effect is just going to be choppy. So, I'm in need of some new ideas. Any suggestions for green screens?
  2. We've yet to have a Justice League game that's like an action game in the style of the Arkham games and the recent Spider-Man and Avengers game (but better). I would love to see something like this happen, because I don't know why we haven't gotten a true triple A Justice League game. If they could make it like the Arkham series at the least, I would be happy.
  3. With the populariity of 1up arcades and various other arcades on the market, it got me thinking. Do you think this will cause an increase of aracade cabinets to come out? I've always wanted to put a arcade cabinet or two in my home, and now that they're starting to come back, do you think it'd the best time to jump at the oppurtinity? Do you think this could bring arcades back even? I doubt it, but I would love to see that happen. I mean, they are much cheaper to build these days, and are a lot easier to take care of. But, I still think it'd be cool to have an original arcade cabinet.
  4. ooh hell yeah! System Shock's remake is coming out this summer, and a new demo is available for it right now on steam. You can download the demo here - Steam As well, the game is starting to look really good. Check the trailer for it out below. What do you guys think?
  5. What are some good sports management games? Like NFL Head Coach for example, where you don't control the actual game itself, but the plays, the cutting of players, hiring, etc. Management games. Do you know any like NFL head coach?
  6. I was looking at facebook marketplace today, and I saw a guy mention via comment that he had recently sold 10 Xbox Series S consoles. Just makes you wonder how much they're over-charging for these consoles. I wanted to comment so bad, but I left it as I didn't want to start anything. But yeah, makes me sick that people think it's acceptable to do scalping like this.
  7. Yeah baby Mario was a tad bit annoying. And I didn't know that about the sequel bit. Makes sense, because it's a lot different from Super Mario World. Especially the graphics and playstyle. It's so different. But, I think it was a good idea for them to do it, because I imagine it would have been even more overlooked if it didn't. But, i could be wrong.
  8. A lot of these handheld PCs can do a lot. Just don't expect them to be cheap. But then again, when you have an item like this, it's only going to be purchased by enthusiasts and people who can afford them. I wouldn't mind owning one though.
  9. Kane99

    When Your PC Dies

    Oh when my PC dies I start to get stressed out for sure. I have a tablet/laptop combo, but it isn't as fast as my current PC, but I'd have to end up using that for the time being. Other than that, I'd use that until my main PC is fixed.
  10. It's essentially a site to buy cheap stuff made overseas. Think the junk you can get on Amazon, but somehow worse and cheaper. People can also sell products on there. Oh for sure. I find it crazy anyone would even try lol.
  11. Achievements as in Xbox and Steam achievements or PlayStation trophies. Oftentimes we collect mundane achievements in games, but there are times where an achievement is actually fun to get or achieve. What would you say was your favorite achievement to try and get? I think my favorite was from RDR1, when you had to kill a bear with a knife. It was intense, but fun trying to get it. It surprisingly didn't take me too long to do it either. Anyway, what was your favorite achievement to hunt for?
  12. There are two versions, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, and then the version without Tyson, and was just titled Punch Out. Do you have both versions of this game? Or just one or the other? I don't own either yet. But, I would like to add both versions to my collection one of these days. The newer version without Tyson, came out 3 years later. The reason they had to remove him and every mention of him, was because Tyson agreed to a 3 year deal to use his likeness, so in order to sell more copies, they had to remove him, unless pay him $50,000 every year, as that was his original deal. So, Tyson likely made $150,000 from Nintendo. Tyson also wasn't yet a household name, as I think he had yet to win his first title. But once he did, it helped propel the game a lot more.
  13. This is pretty cool. A hacker was able to speed up the game Race Drivin' on the SNES. It originally played at 4 frames a second, and was able to get it up to 30 frames a second. The difference is light and day. He used a chip called the Nintendo SA-1 processor, which made it possible to reach 30 frames. Check the video out below.
  14. Source - Mac Rumors Wow, so Valve is being forced to give information on 436 steam games. The reason is due to Apple and their choosing not to allow other app stores or shops on their platform without having to pay that fee. It sounds like they originally wanted info on 30,000 games, but Valve expressed they wouldn't have the manpower to devote to this in the time given. Apple could be getting info such as; historical sales, price, and other information. Do you think this is right? I don't know what to think about it. Seems a bit invasive, but I suppose when it revolves around a case, it's to be expected.
  15. Looks like Pokemon is getting the breath of the wild treatment, as this looks to be very similar to it, but in the world of Pokemon. I'm not a big fan of Pokemon, but I understand it's popularity and fandom. Anyway, this looks like something I would even play. Check the recent trailer out below.
  16. Amazon Luna is already feeling like a better service than Stadia lol. A friend of mine got early access into Luna and it's mostly going smooth for him. He has even streamed a bit while using Luna. But, I think streaming a service like that is probably not a good idea. But yeah, the more services like this that come out, the more challenges it'll be for Stadia and any other streaming game platform.
  17. I remember when Facebook had mostly games like Farmville. Everything back then, reminds me of mobile games today. Does that make sense?
  18. Eh, I have to disagree, as this game never really took off. If anything, it was pretty much dead on arrival. The userbase pretty much dropped the game soon after release. There are some devoted fans, but most people dropped out of the game soon after they finished it. Cyberpunk 2077 is far from a flop though. It didn't live up to the hype though, but I wouldn't say it was a flop, considering they still made a shit ton on the game, even with all the problems.
  19. Kane99

    The Saboteur

    It was a game I played a bit back when it originally came out. It wasn't a huge hit, and sadly never got a sequel. I don't think it sold that well either. I rented it back then because I was into the Assassin's Creed series, and this game reminded me a lot about it. Especially when you did the outpost sections, as you had to raise a flag and take out everyone in the area sometimes. Oh, and I remember when the game came out, there was an a code you needed to show nudity in game. No joke. There was a code that originally came with the game to unlock nudity. If people didn't have the code, they'd have to pay for it lol. Always thought that was weird.
  20. Yeah I guess it only works for the Xbox version. Oh well. Still a fun game I've been playing Retromania Wrestling on Steam. It's crazy tough when you start, but once you get the hang of it, it starts to get a bit easier. But it could do with a better tutorial.
  21. Does anyone here use facebook games? Do you happen to play anything on Facebook's marketplace? I mainly play stuff like pool, but even that I don't frequently play anymore. Are there even any good games on Facebook worth checking out? I'm always willing to give a platform a try, but I never really pictured Facebook much for gaming. But ever since they bought up oculus, I figure they might have started to support actual games. Do you know of any games worth checking out through Facebook these days?
  22. Xbox's Game Pass Ultimate is a great deal. For only $15, you can get games from the PC and Xbox side. But, wouldn't it be a nice added bonus if they released other media? Like maybe movies and tv shows? I doubt it would ever happen, but I could see if being their own way to get into the movie/tv streaming game. I mean, it's possible that at one point, we may see other options in our game pass, and who knows, Microsoft might even change it later on if they decide to include movies and tv. I doubt music would be added, but that would be a killer bonus if all of that was included. Hell, I'd pay $20 a month for all of that to be honest. But, what do you think? Could something like this even work?
  23. His most recent game, Death Stranding was somewhat popular I'd say, but I don't think it ever came close to a Metal Gear Solid. But, it's just the beginning for him. With that being said, what do you think he has in store for us next? A sequel to Death Stranding? A whole new IP? Maybe an already established property? There was rumors a while back that Kojima was back involved with Silent Hill, but those were just rumors. It's possible Konami and Kojima have come together and put the differences aside. But I have my doubts on that. Anyway, what do you guys think is next for Kojima?
  24. Remember the movie The King of Kong? It was a documentary about two guys who were fighting for the record in Donkey Kong and some other retro arcade games from the 80s. The documentary revolves around the dude who had the #1 record and the guy who's trying to get it and was able to for a while. I forget what their names are, but a google search will get you those details. Anyway, this topic is not about that. It's about whether or not you've ever broken a world record in a popular retro game, maybe an arcade game or even on other consoles and devices. I sadly have not broken any records, but I remember feeling proud of myself for breaking a few records at a forum one time lol. But that doesn't even come close.
  25. Anyone remember this game? It is kind of a hidden gem. I remember when it came out on the 360 (ps3 and PC I think) and it was essentially you taking out nazis, but you could climb buildings, use stealth and or go in guns ablazing. When you play, you'll notice the world is dark and grey, but as you overtake nazi outposts and such, you start to see color in the world. Anyway, I remember it was similar to Assassin's Creed, at least with how you can climb. In fact, I liked the climbing in this game more than AC to be honest. Sadly, this was one game I rented and never played after. I was thinking about picking it up recently, but idk if I'd be into re-playing it again.
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