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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. This is good news if you're a fan of the Hitman franchise like me. IO interactive say they're working continuously on Hitman, and are looking toward the future. I hope a new Hitman is on the horizon, but maybe in a new direction. I'd like to see more online features, maybe in a future Hitman game, players can play as their own custom made Hitman. It could work, maybe as a custom made character, you're a new type of cloned hitman, so that would explain if your character has hair. But, they would need to make sure everyone has a barcode, but it has to be a unique code based on your username. That'd be cool. But yeah, this is not about that. I can dream, but that's for another time lol. Anyway, you can read about this here - The Gamer
  2. I like to think I was really good at WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain. I played it so much, that I started to up the difficulty, and got even better. I wish they still made wrestling games like it today.
  3. I hate when a game has long trailing missions. Every Assassin's Creed game came with a bunch of them. And especially in stuff like gta, where sometimes you gotta follow this car, but don't get too close. I just find these types of missions lazy and boring.
  4. I've kind of lost interest in recent years. I think playing AC back to back, year after year did it for me. Last AC game I did play, I think was Syndicate. I think I bought origins or one of the other recent ones, but I've yet to actually play it. There's just so many games I have to play right now lol My favorites would probably be 2 and Brotherhood. The Ezio trilogy is probably my fave, even though I didn't play revelations all the way through. I think by the time I got revelations, Black Flag was already out and I already played 3 and that one. Going back was a bit tough. I was even considering going back to the first game, which I tried for a while, but I wasn't feeling it, I also hear it's the worst of the bunch, as you essentially the same stuff over and over again. That's why 2 is regarded by many as the better start if that makes sense. But yeah, I love the series, but have fallen off in recent years.
  5. Hmm, I didn't even think of that. Yeah I remember RCA, Panasonic, and I imagine various other companies like it made their own consoles back then. It was like every big manufacturer were trying to get into the gaming market. I wouldn't doubt someone like whirlpool or something had their own console at one point lol.
  6. Nothing has offended me, but then again I don't play much of anything too controversial, so I can't really say. Yeah that's messed up. I think I remember hearing about that. Reminds me of that game about assassinating JFK. Now I just wonder how many games have come out based around tragic events.
  7. For those who don't know, the back of the PS2 is where the ethernet expansion is supposed to go. But, it is also where a HDD can be put. In fact, you could install a HDD with Linux on a PS2 and use it as a PC. May not work super great these days, but it was an option. The US to my knowledge didn't really utilize the HDD option, as I think support for it wasn't really there in the states. I know other countries even had HDD kits released or something. Anyway, has anyone here installed a HDD to their PS2s? And of so, were you able to install Linux or another OS somehow?
  8. With the shows popularity still at an all time high, I wonder if they will eventually toss in a game adaptation. What do you guys think? Could it happen? I doubt it will, but I hope Disney finds a way to get someone to make some type of Mandalorian game. I'd buy it for sure. But please, don't let EA have their hands all over it. And maybe not even Ubisoft. Give it to a respected studio please.
  9. I've only played a bit of Dark Souls and that has been about it. But, I am aware of Bloodborne, as well as the game that started it all, Demon Souls. I hear many people claim that Demon Souls is the best of the bunch, but other say it's Dark Souls 1 or 3 or even Bloodborne. What are your opinions though? Since I can't really decide myself, I would like to hear what fans of the series as a whole, have to say.
  10. Want that nostalgia hit? Well check out what Goomba Stomp posted recently. It goes into detail about the first ever issue of N64 Magazine. I didn't even know they made an N64 magazine. I know they have Nintendo Magazine. Anyway, I wish I had taken care of all of my old gaming mags, as I had a ton from 97-2000 or so. Sadly I cut them all to hell when I was making crafts phase. Anyway, it's nice to go down memory lane and see the reviews, ads, and so much more. Check the article above to see more. 🙂
  11. In a bit of weird news, Elon Musk has stated that the Tesla Model S can play Cyberpunk 2077. Not sure I think that's impressive. Considering I'm sure anyone could modify their car to put a dashboard PC in there. Elon Musk showed an image of a screen in the middle of the car, right next to the steering wheel. It looks dope as hell, but honestly, very dangerous. I hope this works only when the car is parked. The steering wheel looks like it's made for a gamer. A comment on n4g said it best I think. You can read about this news here - Cnet
  12. That's really tough. Most of my favorite protagonists in games are hitmen or GTA characters/RDR characters. I don't think I'd want to be any of them, as I can't imagine their life would be all that fun, with doing crime and stuffs. Maybe I'd be someone like Sonic so I can go super fast. Maybe I'd go as Arkham Knights Batman, being able to fly over the city as Batman, taking down thugs, might be a ton of fun! 😄
  13. I just had an idea, they should do an HD Remake of the original Driver and Driver 2. Maybe even remaster Driver 3 and fix all the problems it had lol. I'd love to see that happen honestly.
  14. Just started playing The Medium. Game is really good. I am genuinely surprised with the atmosphere, graphics and gameplay. I like that they went back to the old Silent Hill/RE style fixed camera. It really adds to fear factor.
  15. I haven't actually played this yet. Do you guys know if it's free to play, or if you have to buy it? I just hope my phone can run it. First I need to make some space.
  16. Idk, I feel like they tried to be a lot more campy, more in line with previous GTA titles like, III, Vice City and San Andreas, at least in regards to the first one. I wouldn't even go as far as to say it's a blatant ripoff though, as the story is completely different, along with the gameplay, graphics and tone. A ripoff would be something that copies nearly everything the other game does. I see the inspiration, because that's very clear, but a ripoff, I just don't see it.
  17. Last cheater I remember, was back in Call of Duty: WWII. There was a glitch some guy got into and was able to camp a bit above map in an area that no one else could get to. Anyway, I took video of him killing me, and sent it to MS. 😄 I think that was the last time I remember.
  18. I don't think it's controversial. The game was known to be the step brother of GTA, as they tried so hard to copy them. The controls are a bit outdated these days, and had some dumb missions. I think most of it was as intended. Because if I remember, the character models were laughable. And the series gradually gets more crazy.
  19. I just need enough direction to get an idea of what the game is and how it works. I don't like when it's too much in depth. Just give me the tools, the controls, and point me where to go to start and I think it's usually good from there.
  20. I don't know if they outright replaced it, but they moved development to WD instead. There is always a chance they could revive it with a new team behind it. I always thought the graphics looked great too. But I continue to have those feelings about newer games, and those are starting to get outdated graphics wise too. lol.
  21. I believe I was around 3 when I started playing. I don't remember officially what I played, but I think it was SMB3. I just know, because my mom and sister told me they got me into games early on. The first game that I owned and played was the first TMNT game. 😄
  22. What are some of the platforms/consoles that were made by the most random of companies? I want things from companies that don't even have anything to do with video games originally, maybe they produced other products, and decided to jump into the gaming world. I'm curious to know, as I imagine there's a lot of companies that did this. As Nintendo, originally made playing cards and I think they made toys.
  23. For those who don't know, Amazon actually has their own gaming branch that makes their own games. So far they haven't found a hit yet. They have the money to get something going though, so I can see them eventually finding a hit that they can call their own. What do you guys think though? Does Amazon have a chance of making a quality game? One that can become a classic, or even well regarded? I would like to see what they have in store for the future. I just hope they can find a hit soon. Anyway, I wanted to discuss this, as I read an article here about Amazon and how they haven't had a hit yet. It's from Bloomberg. I think Amazon can produce something good, it just needs to make something unique and fresh, and I don't know if they can do that. We shall see.
  24. This is a bit of interesting news, IGN has reported here - IGN about Sony filing a patent where spectators can mess with you while you're playing in VR. This could add more options to VR games, if there is a possible human threat to worry about. It more so looks like something you can use to vote for other players, but also be in the same room, if that makes sense? Either way, it's an interesting patent that I'd like to see implemented with VR one of these days. Here's an image of the patent from IGN.
  25. I only played a bit of the first game, but always wanted to jump back in and also play the second. Do you guys think they will ever make a 3rd game in the series? I'd for sure welcome a new game in the series, might push me to finally catch up. 😄 Anyway, who here is a fan of these games? Do you hope they finally make a 3rd? I think it's due time for a new game.
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