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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Does anyone here have a game room just for their video games and consoles? My gaming collection doesn't have its own dedicated room sadly, though one day I would love to set up a game room, one where I can set up a few tvs, some consoles and maybe even put up a few arcade cabinets. Plus I can use it to entertain friends and family. I don't know when that day will come, but I will continue to collect video games and video game stuff for when that day does come. :) If you have a game room, feel free to share a picture here if you'd like. I'd love to see what people's collections look like.
  2. Looks like another farming sim, but with some world building elements tossed in along with some RPG elements and combat. I'm sure there are a lot of people into this genre, but I think we're seeing too many of these farming sim style games as of late. Is this something you'd be interested in? Or does it feel like much of the same? It probably isn't for me, but I can see some people being into this, especially since it's not 100% focused on the farming side. It's currently available on steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1201230/Immortal_Life/
  3. Remember the Xbox 360 faceplates for the original Xbox 360? I never purchased any of them, but I wish I did, because there was so many options. I remember altering my own with drawings. I would use permanent marker and try to design something, but it looked like shit. I don't think I have the original faceplate anymore. MetalJesusRocks posted a video talking about them recently. He's got a pretty decent collection of them now.
  4. We've all played our shares of bad to horrible games. Some so bad that they can be quite funny. Look at those recent releases, like Gollum or that Walking Dead game that came out recently. They were awful, overpriced games, but the quality of them was also kind of funny. Well for as long as you wanted to put up with them, because I think the joke wears thin when you attempt to complete any of those games. So my question is this, are there any bad, horrible or downright awful video games that you actually like for any reason? Maybe it's what I mentioned above, about the games being so bad they're good, Or I should say, so bad they're funny. Or maybe it's a game that's considered horrible, but you enjoyed it as a kid because it was that only game you rented for the weekend. Or it could be that you have a memory surrounding a game, where you played with friends for hours making fun of how bad it was.
  5. The new Indiana Jones video game has finally been revealed. It will be called Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Harrison Ford will not be reprising his role as Indy, but Troy Baker will be doing the voice, and from the trailer, he does a pretty decent job capturing the voice. I don't know if it'd be a day one buy for me, as I'm not too huge on the Indiana Jones movies, but this does look like a ton of fun for fans of the franchise. The gameplay reveal trailer was released yesterday during the Xbox Developer Direct. You can see it below.
  6. I remember when I first tried The Elder Scrolls Online, I think it was back when it released in 2014. I remember playing a beta for it I believe, or some early playtest, I don't remember. Anyway, my crappy laptop couldn't run the game, so I never really did much with it. Now lets travel back to 2024, as it's not 10 years later and from the looks of it, the game is still going strong, probably stronger than ever. I remember when it first came out and people weren't too into it, but it eventually got popular and it looks like people still frequently play it to this day. With that being said, how much longer can we expect The Elder Scrolls Online to last? Could it last another decade? Or will Bethesda end up making a new ESO game at some point?
  7. Has anyone here been to a video game museum before? I know there are ones that exist out there, but I've yet to attend one myself. I hear there's one in California that's pretty good, but that's a bit far for me. Same with the ones I heard of in Japan and other countries. A friend of mine went to the National Videogame Museum in Texas a while back and suggested I check it out if I ever visit Texas. Is there anything closer to Michigan? :D Anyway, are there any video game museums that you'd suggest visiting?
  8. Are there any voice actors in gaming that you feel don't get the respect they deserve? We've been seeing a lot of Christopher Judge since he took over voice duties for Kratos, and he's been getting a ton of respect for his work, especially as recently as the game awards. Of course you got the GOAT with Nolan North, who does work for so many games, it's hard to pin-point them all. He plays just about everyone. Troy Baker is another that comes to mind, and Jennifer Hale as well as she's considered to be one of the best female voice actors in gaming. But, are there any voice actors you who don't get the recognition they deserve? Or don't get the respect they deserve? I think voice actors in gaming deserve more pay and other benefits as well. What do you think? What are some voice actors you would like to see noticed more often?
  9. I had no idea there was a third Plants Vs Zombies game coming, but I guess it was announced all the way back in 2019. The new game is said to be going through a soft launch, and has already done so in the UK, Netherlands, Australia, and the Philippines. Eventually they plan to launch it worldwide by the end of the year. It will be going back to the tower defense style gameplay of the first game as well. Read more about the news here - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/plants-vs-zombies-3-welcome-to-zomburbia-coming-this-year/1100-6520382/
  10. I hate cleaning my PC, every time I do it I fear I'm going to somehow break something in the process. Last time I did it, I used an electronic duster/blower thing that helped clean it out pretty good, but I haven't cleaned it in a while and it's probably due for a good cleaning. Do you guys have any fears that your PC will break when you go in to clean it? I'm just paranoid if I disconnect something like my graphics card to clean it for example, that when I put it back in it'll end up dying on me. Also, how often should you change the thermal paste on a PC?
  11. Have you ever attempted to create your own manual to replace one that was lost? I actually tried this when I was a kid when I got a used copy of Super Mario World on the SNES from an old rental store. It came with a really shitty printed off copy of the manual. I was so hoping they'd include the original manual, but alas I had what I had. So to the best of my ability, I try to recreate the manual from the printed off manual and I use that instead going forward. I wish I still had it. I never did it again though, mainly because my art sucked and I hated my writing. These days games don't even release with a manual, hell some games don't even come with the game anymore, just a slip with the code. Maybe we should make our own manuals for those new games coming out without them. :)
  12. We all have played games that we ended up hating, but has there ever been a game that just made you angry after playing it? Maybe it's a game you absolutely hated and in turn it made you angry. It takes me a lot to outright get pissed with a game. I mostly get mad at myself for being trash in a game, but there have been times where a video game just doesn't want to work for me, no matter what I do. What's the angriest you've ever been playing a video game? Why did it piss you off? Did any games sour your mood for the rest of your day even? I've played some trash games, but I don't think I focused that much attention on it after I was done playing it. What games made you angry the most?
  13. I enjoyed the time had playing Hades, but damn I sucked at it. I didn't last too long before I gave up. Maybe I just suck at rogue-like games and any games with tons of challenge. Anyway, Hades 2 is happening and is coming out soon. They are supposed to be doing an early access launch sometime in Q2 of 2024. The official release date has yet to be announced, but I assume in the next couple months or so we'll know more. Gamestop wrote up a post about what they know so far on the game, you can check that out here - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/hades-2-everything-we-know-about-supergiants-upcoming-roguelike/1100-6520218/ Will Hades II be an instant buy for you when it lands in early access?
  14. And here is the start of it. An Ubisoft executive, Philippe Tremblay said that gamers will need to get “comfortable” not owning their games in the future if they want game subscriptions to take off. He expects games to go the way movies, tv, and music has gone, where majority of people no longer buy the physical media anymore and consume it digitally. I get this is the future we're moving towards if everything is going to be digital and streaming, but it is going to suck not owning the games we buy anymore. Even the games we buy digitally now I don't expect to own in the next 20 years at the rate things are going. Do you agree with this guy though? I know we're going to get to a point where physical games will be no more, and the only way to play games is to pay a subscription or buy a license to download the game. I think as long as I can download my games to a secondary drive to play whenever, I could probably deal with this, but I have a feeling these companies will continue with DRM methods even with digital games somehow. Either that, or they're going to force online connections in order to play your "owned" games. More on this story can be found here - https://me.ign.com/en/ps5/217087/news/ubisoft-exec-says-gamers-need-to-get-comfortable-not-owning-their-games-for-subscriptions-to-take-of
  15. I don't remember hearing about this, but I guess there is a Tomb Raider 1-3 remaster coming out February 14th, 2024 for PC, Xbox Series S/X, Switch, PS4 and PS5 and will retail for $29.99. It doesn't look like a massive overhaul, but it looks good enough. I wasn't expecting a complete remake or anything crazy like this, but they are adding modern controls. And if you want, you can switch between the old and new control schemes. The same can be said for the graphics, as you can change back and forth between the old polygon style and to the updated version. And I just heard that the game is going to have 200 trophies on PlayStation, you can read about that here - https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/01/17/tomb-raider-1-2-3-remastered-new-features-trophies/
  16. Gaming collectors will collect just about anything to do with gaming these days. Are people going to start collecting the fake gaming consoles as well? Like those knock-off ones you can buy on AliExpress or wish, where it's just a bunch of ROMs on shitty hardware trying to replicate what a raspberry pi device does. It often includes a really cheap controller, oftentimes not even being the right controller for the console design. I know bootleg games have become popular among gaming collectors, so it made me wonder if those fake consoles would become collectible one day. I'm sure there are people who already collect these devices. But would you? I think I'd only collect the ones that look like mini consoles, as I think some of them would look good on a shelf. But if I want a better experience, I'd just go the raspberry pi route with my retro games.
  17. With the news that Microsoft was deleting gaming clips and screenshots that weren't saved after a certain period of time, it made me wonder if I had saved all of my xbox clips before I broke my xbox. Oh well, I don't think there was anything too important. I think all the clips I wanted to keep, were already saved so should still be available. Anyway, because of this news, do you now make sure to backup all of your gaming clips instead of waiting for it to possibly be deleted later? I know Xbox will sometimes autodelete a clip you take in game unless you save it to your system. Do you backup your gaming clips to YouTube or other platforms? I have used YouTube in the past to keep all of my gaming clips, at least the ones I want to keep.
  18. Of course, you must first own a copy of Portal 2 in order to play, but it's currently available for free on the Steam marketplace here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/601360/Portal_Revolution/ It just came out this month as well. It's a fan made mod that's essentially a new game. It is said to have 8 hours of gameplay wit up to 40 new levels or so. It's also said to be a prequel to Portal 2, so it takes place after the events of the first game.
  19. AI strikes again, this time it's Ned Luke, the voice actor for Michael in GTA V. Recently, AI company WAME decided to use his voice for an AI chatbot where users could talk to an AI using his voice. Ned Luke of course was not happy about this and had a few words to say on the matter. WAME's tweet has since been deleted. Thanks to PCGamesN for grabbing the screenshot above. I really think we're going to see some big laws coming that could block AI companies from illegally using other peoples voices going forward. I think a case is going to come where one of these AI companies is going to be sued as an example, and it'll result in new rules and maybe even laws that specify that voice actors must first give their consent to have their voice used for AI, otherwise penalties and fines should be dished out at them. If people really want their voices attached to AI, that's all well and fine, but no longer should these companies be allowed to use ANY voices they want without first asking for consent. What do you think about this? Read more on this news here - https://exputer.com/news/games/gta-5-voice-actor-ai-chatbot-garbage/
  20. Rockstar is claiming that a new Remedy Games logo is too close to their Rockstar "R" logo and have decided to enter a trademark dispute in the UK in regards to it. From what I am seeing, I highly doubt there would be any confusion between the two logos. I don't think Rockstar has a leg to stand on here. Sure it's an R logo, but I think it's different enough. Plus, it also states "Remedy" under the R, so I doubt it would be hard to confuse the two. What do you guys think? Does Rockstar have a case here? You can read the full story about this news here - https://www.eurogamer.net/take-two-and-remedy-in-trademark-dispute-over-r-logo
  21. The UK game store in question is GAME. It's a popular store that is close to what we have with GameStop in the US. According to staff of GAME, there are rumors that they will no longer be accepting trade-ins going forward. It probably stems from many stores outright dropping physical media, well as it goes for movies and cds, video games are still up on shelves for now. Do you see GameStop making the same move down the road? Or is GameStop forever going to stick to trade-ins? I mean, they are always prioritizing the trade-ins over new copies, but if we start to see less physical media, that means less physical games and these stores will have to adapt to either going for retro games or doing what GameStop does by selling toys and other such things. I'm sure other stores and mom & pop game shops will still offer trade-ins, but it's probably going to be less and less with the physical market dying out. Is GameStop next? Read more about this news below. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/other/uk-s-biggest-gaming-store-rumored-to-end-trade-ins/ar-AA1n13Et
  22. Have you improved any of your skills from playing video games? Maybe you have better hand eye coordination, or you've gotten better at problem solving. Maybe you've learned how to be a team player from gaming, maybe it's helped you with your creativity and more. Has gaming in any way, helped you improve on certain things in your life?
  23. Like Crazy Taxi without the crazy. This looks more like your usual sim game, this time you take over as a taxi driver who runs their own taxi business. I think it looks relaxing, and I can see myself playing this if it isn't too pricey. Sometimes it's nice to just sit with an easy game and relax in its world. :) Anyway, is this something you'd check out? It drops March 7th 2024 and will release for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.
  24. It feels like a good time to remaster the Gears of War series, and it looks like Xbox might actually be doing it. As it's been rumored to be in the making for a bit, and now it's also rumored that it's currently in the testing phase. Recent rumors state it's currently in testing, so it could be closing in on a possible release date. The collection will have the first three games, and it is said it will have a lot of what Gears of War: Ultimate Edition remaster had. Rumors also speculate that it could be revealed around the Xbox Summer Showcase along with a new Gears of war game. Would be cool if this is all true and we get a tease to the project soon. Read more on this news below. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/rumor-gears-of-war-collection-might-be-in-testing/ar-AA1mYQsx Are you psyched for a possible Gears trilogy remaster?
  25. A new Xbox Developer Direct is happening again, this time in just a few days. Developer_Direct as it's being called, will take place January 18th 2024, starting at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm UK time. They will showcase some of the upcoming video games, some of which include the new Indiana Jones game, Avowed, Ara: History Untold, and Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II. It's also being said that the ZeniMax crew will be showing off some new stuff for The Elder Scrolls Online in their own little show to follow the Developer_Direct show. Not a big lineup of games. I doubt they will reveal any new games during this show though, seems more like a show to give us updates on these upcoming games. You can find more details on this event here - https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/01/09/xbox-developer-direct-2024/
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