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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I imagine it'll be emulation similar to what the Xbox One did with the 360 and Xbox originals. That's a small list though, and nothing I'd be too sad to miss. Wish they supported PS3, PS2 and PS1 as well. Or even PS3 at the least. But oh well, still will be able to play most PS4 titles, so that's a plus.
  2. What is the first game you ever beat or finished? For me, I believe it was Super Mario Bros. 3. I had some help from my mom, but I was able to finally beat it. I felt so awesome for beating it. What was the first game you ever beat or finished?
  3. I got the recent remastered set for THPS 1+2, but it got me thinking. If they can make this game great, why can't they make a new Tony Hawk game in the series? Just use this system and adapt it to a new game and just improve on the rest. THPS5 was considered to be one of the worst games ever, and rightfully so, it was a mess of a game. But, with this remastered set, it shows they can do something right. So, maybe, just maybe, this will result in a THPS6 that's actually good. Oh, and you gotta have it where we can get off the board. 😄 Or, they could remaster the underground games. I'd love that.
  4. What are some of those games you never would have thought be made? I'm specifically speaking of weird games that one could never imagine a game being made for. Something like Pimp My Ride (based off the MTV show), Duck Dynasty (Based on the reality show), Katamari Damacy (Weird, but awesome), Getting over it, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, Mister Mosquito, Goat Simulator, and many, many more. What are those weird games you never would expect to come out, but they do anyway? Discuss some weird games in here.
  5. Amazon has a good sale going for numerous games on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch and the 3DS. Some of these games are priced under $10-$20 or so. There's some really good deals here. Check out all the deals here - Daily Videogame
  6. I hope this is true, because I would love to get my hands on a Dreamcast mini. There's a lot of games I never got to play, as I never owned a Dreamcast and always wanted one as a kid. I just wish these mini consoles were a bit cheaper, but oh well. The Genesis mini was a good option, so I'm excited to see what they do with a dreamcast mini. Also, I'd take a Saturn mini too. There's a good set of games on the Saturn, so I could see them doing it for Saturn as well. You can read the article here - VGC
  7. Yeah, with Rocket league I can see it being popular among a few people, and then no one else is probably watching. PUBG could be fun, but I didn't know many still stream it. COD is a given, as I am alright with them. Valorant I hear is pretty good. Isn't it like a mix with Counter Strike and overwatch?
  8. I think another problem with Duke Nukem, is that no one really seems to care about him anymore. Yeah there may be some fans still in support of the franchise, but these days, I can't see people really going out of their way to purchase a new game in the series. Plus, with how long it took Forever to take out, I doubt fans are interested anymore. A remaster of the original game would be pretty dope, but I just don't see a new Duke Nukem coming out. I believe a YouTuber had this idea, but he suggested that a future game be with an older, out of touch Duke, who is still his old self, but has lost his fans, the ladies, and the respect he had in the past. I think this would be the only acceptable way to make a Duke game these days, because lets face it, he has not aged well, and many would cringe at the humor. Forever was a bit too late, and many of the jokes were outdated by the time of release. You see so many movies where a famous character comes out of retirement to redeem himself. Maybe that can be a future Duke game. I could see that working.
  9. I'm kind of bored of the post apocalyptic stuff these days. It's like more games are doing it these days. It's just like with the zombie genre years ago. People started to tire of them, and I feel that's going to happen with post apocalyptic games. But, there are some good games coming out, so maybe they'll turn out to be good.
  10. I like that idea more than the recent games getting remasters already. It makes more sense to, as some of those games from that time-frame haven't gotten any re-releases or sequels, so a remaster would be great. But for something that just came out like 2 years ago, I don't see the point. IPs mean intellectual properties, so like any new games coming out on the market, they would be considered new IPs. Sorry if I caused any confusion. I'm referring to new IPs being made rather than remasters of fairly newer games being made. Because to me, it seems they are pushing out too many remasters, but I think fans would like brand new games instead.
  11. I love games with a dark atmosphere. I think the best horror game to pull off atmosphere is probably Silent Hill 2. The abandoned town, you cut off from the outside world. The town of Silent Hill is always scary, and the many creatures and enemies help sell that atmosphere even more. Layers of Fear is a good option as the atmosphere is what sells it. Otherwise I wouldn't include layers of fear because it's essentially a jump scare simulator. From what I played, there was really no way to die, so the scares didn't have as much weight behind them.
  12. Are we getting too many remastered games, and not enough new IPs? I feel like every new gen, they gotta remaster every game. Spider-Man already has a remaster, and that game looked phenomenal on the PS4. Why not wait a few years to re-master it again? I can see more people taking interest in it after a bit of a wait. But I suppose they need to cash in as soon as possible. Anyway, I kind of feel that we get more remasters these days than we do brand new games. Doesn't it kind of feel like that in a way? What do you guys think? Don't get me wrong though, I am all for remasters. I just wish they'd wait a bit before doing one.
  13. Duke Nukem hasn't been popular in years, and I suspect his popularity has gone down in recent years. His most recent game, Duke Nukem Forever was a mess of a game that didn't deliver what fans were waiting for all those years. It came and gone like that. But, could Duke Nukem ever make a comeback? Personally I don't see it, as his character has not aged well, and probably wouldn't fly in today's political climate. As well, I kind of feel Duke is a bit played out and would rather they went back to the original style of gameplay. What do you guys think? Do you think Duke Nukem could ever make a comeback in his own game again?
  14. Sony released a video showcasing the PS5 and it being taken apart to see the innards of the machine. You can watch that video below. Goodness this console is huge though. Just look how big it is compared to the guy in the video.
  15. Of course, it's EA, they don't consider it gambiling, but call it a video game component or something along those lines. idk, they made an excuse in the past saying that loot boxes and all that stuff was a feature in the game and wasn't gambling. But it's gambling hands down, there's no way for them to legitimately claim otherwise. No wonder so many people can't stand EA, they just keep shooting themselves in the foot with their stupidity.
  16. Does anyone remember The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct? It came shortly after the season 1 game, and wasn't good at all. I remember playing it for a few hours to give it a chance, but each level was pretty much the same thing. I never got through it. But the Telltale series is masterclass in my opinion, well at least the first season, because after that first season, it does kind of go down hill. But not as bad as the television show lol.
  17. I forgot about Rocket League. That's something I could see myself playing. Only issue though, is that I can see many people already streaming it on Twitch, so I'm not sure if anyone would tune in to me playing it. But I suppose we can see and find out. 😄
  18. I could do Among us and CS: Go I imagine. Among Us kind of gives me anxiety though, because I can never lie my way out lol. I can't play the impostor anymore, get to scared when it comes time to do the meetings. CS: GO I played somewhat back in the day, but haven't played it in years. I would probably play pretty awful lol. And as for NFS, was never too into the racing games. My brother is way more into racing than myself. I might stream some THPS1+2 remastered and its online mode. Had fun when I played it briefly before.
  19. Why is it that Nintendo hasn't made a sequel to Super Mario Sunshine? I have always wanted a sequel to this game. Mario Galaxy got a sequel, why can't Sunshine get one? I mean, it would make sense, seeing as Sunshine was a great game in the series. It may not have been the best all around, it was still something different and unique for a Mario game. So, would you guys ever welcome a sequel? Or should Mario move on into the future?
  20. Well I didn't expect this, but Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit is getting the remastered treatment. Probably not the game I would have wanted remastered, *cough cough, Need For Speed: Underground *cough cough. But I think fans will like it. Watch the trailer below if you're at all interested.
  21. True, but I think it's so much cooler to be able to play original hardware online somehow. Just imagine if there was a connector you could buy with Wifi and an online system, where you'd just need to connect it to your NES to get full online capabilities. That would be so cool! If they can make a cart with wifi, imagine if they just made a wifi connector to get more games online somehow.
  22. Unfortunately it does seem to happen for the Switch Lite as well. The problem with joycon drift, is that it's the analog sticks that have the problem. This can in turn happen with the Switch Lite. The only difference, is that you'd have to send in the full console to get it repaired. 😞 This article discusses how it's happening for Lite models as well. https://www.pcmag.com/news/nintendos-switch-lite-also-suffers-from-joy-con-drift\ The good news though, is that Nintendo will fix these problems for free if they can find it to be the problem. The downside is having to wait for your Switch Lite to come back.
  23. Thanks, I'll look into it. Never really thought to stream mobile games, but it could be fun. I've been looking into mics as of late, and have no idea where to begin. Do you guys have any suggestions? I currently have a cheap Fifine mic that I paid like $25 for a couple years ago. I find the audio is very annoying, and want to upgrade to something more reliable and not painful to the ears. My budget for something like this is around $60-$80 or so. Any suggestions for a good streamer mic? I purchased an 1080p Aukey Webcam. Still unsure if I want to put my face on streams, but we shall see. I hear you can put cartoon avatars over yourself with some Nvidia software, so I might go that route too. 😄
  24. So GTA VI hasn't yet been announced, but it's likely we'll be hearing more after the PS5 and new Xbox comes out. I suspect 2021 we'll get our first bit of news and then we'll find out when we can expect GTA VI. But, what do you think they will do in terms of the setting? What about the protagonist? Will they continue the player switch option they had in GTA V and have multiple protagonists? What about a female protagonist? I could see that finally happening. I'm hoping they go back to Vice City, and maybe even Liberty City. Or, it could be a completely new setting altogether. What do you think we can expect in a new GTA? I don't care about the online mode, but if you want to discuss that as well, you're welcome to. 🙂
  25. Source - Twisted Voxel The map for Cyberpunk 2077 has leaked, and I must say, it doesn't look that big. According to the article, Night City is divided into 7 districts, as you can see on the image below. Do you think this world is big enough? I feel like it could be a lot bigger. What do you guys think?
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