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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. It's only $20 on Steam and I think if you have PSN you can get it for free currently. I think $20 is a pretty fair price, but on the PS4 it's free. So if you got a PS4, I'd take advantage of that opportunity as soon as you can. 🙂 👍 Actually, just checked, and Fall Guys is available for free on PSN until the end of August. So you have 4 more days after today to get it for free.
  2. I agree. I would like to see other studios jump in with new arcade style sports games. EA has been a burden for the sports genres in years, and has dropped the likes of SSX, NBA/NFL/FIfa Street and more. I would love to see a new SSX game again, but not in the hands of EA. And 2K, as much as they improve on their games over EA, they are still money hungry like EA.
  3. One other game I think I could play forever, that I just remembered was Sim City 3000. I played this game so much, that I'm pretty sure I became a pro playing it. So I would easily fall back into the groove of that game if I need to play it for life.
  4. Wow you went to town on these characters. I agree with a few of them, mainly Michael and Trevor. Even though they had some good moments, they weren't redeemable people. As for Arthur Morgan, I gotta disagree on that. I may not have liked RDR2 as much as the first game, I still really like Arthur Morgan. I still prefer John Marston over him though. Conner from Assassin's Creed III was someone I wasn't a fan of. He had his reasons, but I felt he was just blah as a character. I much preferred the elder Assassin that lived in his house or whatever. I forgot his name.
  5. We've already seen the likes of PUBG, Fortnite, and Call of Duty make their way to mobile. They may not be perfect games, but for the most part they work on mobile. Do you think we'll start to see more triple A titles released on mobile? Maybe remastered versions of older games? I'd welcome some old games getting the mobile treatment. What do you guys think? I'd love to see PS1/PS2, Xbox, Gamecube and other games remastered for mobile. I think it could be possible at this point. What do you think?
  6. Weird to look at, but Sunset Overdrive is now a PlayStation exclusive. Sony now owns Insomniac Games, which made Sunset Overdrive. Expect to see this game dropping on the PS4 at some point. I don't think this will effect the Xbox One version, as I'm sure you'll still be able to purchase it from the marketplace. But who knows, they may have removed it from the xbox marketplace by now. It's ok though, I'm happy Sony fanboys get a chance to play Sunset Overdrive. It's one of my favorite games! 😄
  7. Source - https://www.vrfocus.com/2020/08/new-trailer-for-medal-of-honor-above-and-beyond-coming-this-week/ Medal of Honor is making a comeback. The most recent Medal of Honor wasn't well received at all. They gave it a try, but it failed. Now, they're bringing back Medal of Honor for another shot, and this time it's going to be in VR. It's going to be called Medal Of Honor: Above And Beyond, and the trailer is expected to drop sometime this week. Do you think Medal of Honor is back? Or will it just be another mediocre game?
  8. Halo Infinite was delayed for the upcoming Xbox Series X. The console is still coming out, it just won't launch with Halo. I think this will be the first time an Xbox came out without a Halo at launch. Which is weird to me, but I'd rather they make a perfect game instead of a messy game.
  9. Do you guys still own any gaming magazines? I used to get gaming mags from my local grocery store all the time. I always went for the PS magazine, because it always came with a demo. I always thought that was cool. I then subscribed to PSM for a few years, but sadly that never had demo discs. I also loved reading the EGM, Game Informer, and so much more. What about you guys? What gaming mags do you remember subbing to? Or just getting at a the store? What was your favorite gaming mag?
  10. Yeah, Flash is pretty much dead at this point. I think sites like Newgrounds just use HTML5 now. Flash is also not very protected, so you risk getting viruses and stuff from sites that still use it.
  11. I haven't really played many ROM hacks, but they're really popular. A lot of people make ones with their own sprites and graphics. It's quite cool. I wouldn't mind buying a few of the NES rom hacks out there. I'm always for trying newly made games from already established games.
  12. Kane99


    That is cute, I want one! 😄 A bit pricey for me, but I would love to own one. With it being a LEGO product, and the amount of work is put into it, I can see the price being fair. Just not achievable for me.
  13. I've yet to actually win a match, but I got to the final level. I got to the level where the platforms fall. I almost made it. It is quite a frustrating game though, that's for sure.
  14. Nintendo has done some creative things over the years. They created the Wii, the DS, 3DS, and of course, the Switch. They always seem to re-invent themselves when things start to get bad. What do you think Nintendo would do next after the Switch line is done? Rumors are saying they're going to make a better switch in 2021, but what about the future after the switch has its final days? Will we see a traditional console from Nintendo? Or, will they continually upgrade the switch? I can see them doing the latter, because the switch just works. And it'd probably be simple for them to perfect it even more. What do you guys think?
  15. According to many outlets, Nintendo plans to release an upgraded Nintendo Switch for 2021. Other rumors include that it may be in 4K, which would help them compete with the PS5 and new Xbox. Read more about this at the link below: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-and-improved-nintendo-switch-model-is-rumored-/1100-6481319/ I'd love to see a 4K switch released. That'd be awesome!
  16. Well I made a similar topic for the PS5, so I had to make one for the new Xbox Series X. What exclusive game are you most psyched for? It would have been Halo Infinite, but since it was delayed, there's not much I'm really excited for. I'd say, maybe the The Medium. That game looks like a scary spooky fun time. Maybe Scorn and State of Decay 3 too. Not sure. What about you guys?
  17. The PS5 is nearly here, and with it will come a ton of exclusive games. The main game I'm interested in, Spider-Man: Miles Morales. I have not yet played the original Spider-Man on PS4, but have been meaning to for a while now. I suspect the new game is going to rock as usual, and on an upgraded machine, it's gon look pretty! What PS5 exclusive are you most psyched for? And why?
  18. Yeah, I guess I didn't think of that. I've watched a lot of LGR videos about him building old PCs and he does explain the cost can be quite high. I wonder if I should just try to find a used PC from then and try to find parts as I go along. I may even have some old PCs lying about that I could take some parts out of maybe. Yeah true. There are a lot of ways to make old media work on newer devices. And thanks! 🙂 I actually watched that video a while back. I could probably do this with one of my old PCs. I actually have a raspberry pi for retro console games, got the retropi set up and have NES, SNES, and a bunch of other games. I haven't tried DOS or any PC games on it though. I disagree. I have a raspberry pi myself, and what I did was just buy a bundle case set, which included everything you need including the plugin, SD card etc. I only spent $80 or so. The only downside is that I use it on my TV, so playing PC games on it at the moment, isn't going to work for me. But yeah, I wouldn't say it's bulky. If anything it saves on room.
  19. From what I see, the devs announced they were making a port for the Switch, but nothing new has since come out of that. I found this article below: https://screenrant.com/hatred-game-nintendo-switch-violence-controversy-why-release/ I remember people going crazy about this game, saying it was made to just be violent, which it was, but the violence from what I recall, wasn't as crazy as people were expecting. And supposedly the game wasn't even that good to begin with. I have a feeling it won't release on the switch. But, we shall see I suppose.
  20. Well all they would need is the ISOs like the PlayStation classic. Of course they need to get permission from the publishers and devs of the games they want on it, but it would be fairly simple. The only other issue is the fact that PS2 games tend to be hefty in size, so if it happens, the PS2 classic would need a lot of space. Which will cost consumers even more. True. That's my biggest concern. My guess is, if they do make a PS2 classic down the road, they won't have a lot of games on it. I don't recall how many the PS classic had, so maybe around that amount, or likely less. I don't think their core team would even be involved in the PS2 classic if it were to become a thing. I imagine they had a small team handle the original PS classic, and if they do a PS2 classic, they'd probably use the same team. But, I don't see that happening anytime soon. I think it's a ways off if it ever happens. Would be cool though, I agree. 🙂
  21. Yeah, I can see what you mean. I watched a gameplay video for the game, and it does remind me somewhat of Destiny, especially when they showed the Mr. Freeze battle. But, I have a feeling it's going to work out. I just hope it isn't like the Avengers game, because that game looks like it's going to be just about the money. Here's that video:
  22. Fall Guys seems hugely popular at the moment, and I can see it being a big esporting event soon enough. Maybe not on such a grand scale as others, but I think we're going to see more competitions with this game. What do you guys think? Would you compete in a Fall Guys event?
  23. I miss the days of playing stuff like NBA Jam, NFL/NBA street, NFL Blitz, and any other arcade like sports games. We sadly don't see these types of games anymore these days. Why is that? I garauntee they would be crazy popular if done right. I would love to see an NFL Blitz resurgence. That game was awesome, and still is awesome. What classic arcade style sports games, would you like to see come back?
  24. Moderator Edit: There is already a thread open for this topic, so the two threads have been merged. This is relatively old news by now, but I'm sure most of you heard a while back that Apple and Google decided to remove Fortnite from their own app stores because Epic Games decided to cut each of them out when they introduced their own currency. Thing is, both Apple and Google require a cut of payment of any DLC/content they release. So, Epic Games went against each of there terms and conditions and is now throwing a fit that it's 1984 because Apple is such a super power and all this nonsense. Here's my view. They're all greedy, spineless companies that only care about one thing, and that's money. It's not like Apple of Google really need that cut of money, but yet again, it's not like Epic Games can't pay it up. It's just the rich squabbling for more money. I don't care what happens between these companies. Personally I'm not a fan of either of them. What do you guys think about this situation these companies are in?
  25. Has anyone here played this game yet? It came out a little while ago, and it's blown up since. It's all over twitch, and all over social media. Essentially it's a Battle Royale game where you play a little bean and your objectives from what I see, is racing to a finish line while running through an obstacle course. I have not yet played it, but I am thinking of buying it for PC soon, as I think it'd be fun to stream. There are different type of levels. If you don't make it to a finish line, you don't qualify. If you fall, you're eliminated. Etc. That's all I know about the game.
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