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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Oh for sure. I still think it's a great game, I'm just played out on it as I've played too much as it is haha. I used to play online a lot, but I felt it was way too much of a grind and got bored after a while. The money you need to have anything is crazy. It's partly why I quit, because you need so much money to get anywhere. They'll stop playing when Rockstar stops supporting it or when they release the new game. But until then, they're going to pack as much into GTA V as they can before GTA VI comes out.
  2. It had so much hype, I don't get how they failed it. Shouldn't just done another delay and waited until the game was fully ready. Also another game that comes to mind for me as a major letdown would probably be WCW Mayhem on the PS1. I remember getting it for my birthday one year and I remember the copy I got wasn't working properly, so my dad had to run it back to the store to get a replacement. But, it didn't help much as the game was kind of crap. I forced myself to enjoy it, but I didn't. Thank god I didn't buy the sequel Backstage Assault, as I remember renting it and hating every minute of it. I know the game is titled Backstage Assault. But I was expecting to at least be able to go to the wrestling ring and fight, but nope, they were true to the name and if I remember correctly, they only had backstage areas, hence the name Backstage Assault.
  3. I think if they make a Switch 2 then I could see more AAA games dropping on the console, but right now, most AAA games are too much for the Switch hardware, so it'd just be a case of Skyrim and the Witcher like The Blackangel said. You're not going to get the best quality from the switch versions. I wouldn't bother releasing most AAA games on the switch, but if they released a new Switch with hardware that actually comes close to current gen, then I could see the likes of a new Skyrim, Witcher and even RDR2 coming. At this point, the Switch is due for a replacement anyway, so maybe Nintendo will finally create a console that actually matches or comes close enough to the hardware of most current gen consoles.
  4. Kane99


    So looking it up on Google, I see the cover art looks familiar, but I don't think I ever played this game, nor played a demo of it. But I believe I saw an ad for the game in a gaming magazine back in the day. But I doubt it was something that was of interest to me at the time.
  5. True, but as an ending, I didn't really expect it. When I first played it, I actually failed to wake up and the game ended. At first I thought it was intentional. But I thought, nah, that can't be how it ends, so replayed the last mission and figured out the true ending. But, I blame it on the fact I missed a portion of the game where Diana gives him the sedative to lower his heart rate. So that's why I completely skipped the part at the end originally. But yeah, Agent 47 can be OP for sure haha.
  6. Looks really fun. I like the exploration side of it myself. Whenever I play something like GTA for example, I like to explore the world first and see what I can find before tackling the story. I feel like this is exactly that type of game where you can go right into exploring the world. Kinda like what Minecraft was. I think if done right, it could be good. I think we've gotten too used to games showing us exactly where we need to go. I mean, RDR2 for example had waypoints, essentially a GPS, but if you wanted to, you could turn that off and use road signs and NPCs would sometimes tell you where to go. I thought that was cool, considering it made it feel more realistic. I have a feeling they will guide you in some way, like at the start, they might say "Find land" or "Find shelter" or something. As well, it looks like maps eventually get filled in, so maybe the character builds up the map as you play, marking important landmarks, sights, and treasures, similar to how Arthur does in RDR2 when he discovers a new area. That would be my guess anyway, since they show a waypoint pinned on the map. It might also work how Fortnite does, where when you land in an area that you have yet to go, it'll show up as blank & darkened on the map, and then once you go there, it reveals the location.
  7. When I first saw this, I thought it was an online arena mode where people could fight each other using the impressive combat system this game has. But this is pretty cool too. I have not yet played Sifu, I hear it's hard, but I may look into it soon. But now I want them to do an online arena mode where you can battle other players using this combat system.
  8. That whole company has to be waiting in fear from what could happen if MS is able to make that purchase of Activision and co. So many employees are wondering if they will have a job. On top of that, there is likely to be more firings on their side. It's going to be a mess all around.
  9. True that! I have a feeling if Microsoft does succeed in making the purchase, then I can see them keeping Bobby Kotick. Either that, they will put him into another job, maybe one away from most people. It's still sad that Activision has decided not to boot the guy. He's an awful person and I don't know how he's stayed in as CEO.
  10. Yeah the cardboard cases were never good. They made getting to the game easy, but I would rather have a nice case to store it in. Glad they adopted the plastic case after. :D Yeah they weren't great, but to be fair they did get the job done to some extent. We aside from when games would chip putting them in and out of the case, as some cases back then had really annoying holders too. I remember cracking a few games trying to get them out of those annoying cases. Not many people saved those cardboard cases. I wish I did, because knowing what I know now, I would have protected all of my games cases, from the NES, SNES, and N64. And any other games that came in cardboard boxes.
  11. And to be fair, it takes years and years of playing these games to master it enough to do speedrunning. I don't have the patience to do speedrunning the way some people do, because they have to learn how to break the game to get ahead in the game. I would speedrun it the way I know how, and that's playing the game the way you're supposed to. But people find ways of getting through levels faster by getting through glitches and other such things.
  12. Didn't catch this earlier, but they released a new trailer just about a week ago. Honestly am pretty psyched for the VR version of it. Wish I could afford to get PSVR, cause this would be a blast to play in VR I think.
  13. They just dropped an extended gameplay trailer. Is anyone here ready to finally get their hands on this game? I am worried that it's going to release a buggy mess for some reason. But maybe I'll be wrong and it actually turns out to be good. We shall see.
  14. Is this the video in question? I find it funny how mediocre it is and how it just reminds me of something like PubG and DayZ or something, but with nothing going on. I have a feeling they haven't populated this world with anything yet. And the footage of just walking, really?
  15. Wish I could play it. Kinda been craving a Metroid like game at the moment, or any Metroidvania style game. One of these days I'll get my hands on this and actually play it. Sadly no switch yet, but maybe one of these days I'll get one.
  16. Kane99

    Is E3 dead?

    Exactly. And if that doesn't work for them, they can repackage it into some other gaming event. I think they're free to have fun with it and experiment with ideas. Could help draw attention back to them.
  17. You are right, they are mostly the same, but the new gen version has a different presentation, character models, and features that aren't in the old gen version, like precision point passing, better physics based tackles, tackle battles, better physics when running (cutting is harder, players more weighty), game day momentum and home field advantage features and more. The PC version is the old gen version, missing those said features. I think most people would assume when buying Madden on PC, they'd get the best up to date version of the game. It's just lazy on EA's part to half ass the PC version of the game, when there are PCs out there that can easily run the new gen version. So I get his annoyance, if he's spending $50+ on the newest madden game, and it's on PC, I would expect to get the better version too. I mean come on, PS4 and Xbox One are dated consoles by this point, there's no excuse for EA not to release the best version on PC.
  18. Can't go wrong with bringing good old Mario into the real world. I just want to hear what this Italian plumber has to say about his escapades attempting to save the Princess, who ultimately ends up being in another castle. But yeah, I think characters like Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Kirby, Donkey Kong would all be interesting to see in real life scenarios. I'm sure I'll think of some other characters though.
  19. I don't remember if this was ever discussed here before, but I recently found out that the PC version of Madden NFL 23, the newest in the series, is actually the PS4/Xbox One version of the game. That's why people were roasting the graphics recently as the character models kind of looked overly fat for some reason. I didn't think much of it, but I did notice when I played the new game, the players looked blocky, kinda how they did back on the PS2 back in the day lol. I guess some fans have voiced their opinions about how the PC version should match the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles at the least. And the fact of it, on steam they're selling the game for $50+ and it's the PS4/Xbox One version of the game. Do you think this is false advertising? I think the PC version should actually be the main game. I also have it on Xbox game pass, so I assumed i'd get the better version, but I guess that isn't the case for PC gamers. The video below is from TikTok where I found out about this bit of news. Watch at your own volition as he swears a lot. I'm assuming that the Pc Game pass version is also the PS4/XBox one version.
  20. VR has been gaining popularity every year and continues to get popular. It's especially so as it's a lot more affordable these days than it was before. You got a few options on PC, and even standalone ones like the Meta Quest 2. But you also have the PS VR 1 and now 2 that just came out or is coming out soon. Which made me wonder as well, how often will we be needing to upgrade our headsets to meet new standards of VR gaming? I'm hearing Meta Quest 3 is on the horizon and when will we end up seeing another PS VR release? I know it's expected as tech gets better, but it sucks because I feel like I'm left behind if I adopt a device now rather than later. I want to get a Meta Quest 2, but by the time I do, I'm sure the Meta Quest 3 will be out and will be a vastly better device. Plus support for the Meta quest 1 is expected to end soon, so what happens then with those headsets? Will we still be able to play future games? Or are we kinda forced then to upgrade? But, I suppose it makes sense with the way consoles release. I imagine VR headsets get around 3-5 years of life out of them before they become kind of obsolete. But maybe VR headsets require upgrades sooner. One of these days I'll actually own one and can judge how long I get to use it before the next best headset drops.
  21. I think video games stand on their own, much like movies, tv, and other forms of media do as well. I don't like to consider one form of media better than the other, because that's subjective and comes down to your own personal preferences. I personally watch more movies than I play video games, but I don't consider gaming less than movies and vice versa. I enjoy each medium in my own way. I think each form of media has its pros and cons, and some do things better, but I don't know if I can pick one over the other.
  22. Kane99

    Is RGB important?

    I think people just like the bright colors. I have a thing where I like RGB lighting, mainly because of my love for Christmas and the holiday lights. I actually have a string of Christmas lights hanging in my room as I speak. I think to each their own. If you like it cool, if you don't, cool too. I just light the aesthetic of it, having the lights in my room. I don't care much for it on a PC, and other accessories. I don't need it on everything, but I will use a few things with RGB no problem. For me, sitting in a dark room with RGB lighting is kinda relaxing.
  23. I'll have to check that out when I can. Are there other PS2 emulators out there that you can download? Or was this going to be the one everyone went for? I'm going to have to do a search on PS2 emulators now and see if there are any alternatives worth checking out.
  24. That's fair, considering I'm sure I have played some games that required more of my attention, so adding a game to the mix will only confuse me more.
  25. I think everyone is confusing what OP is talking about. I think he means websites that have PC games you can play on site, like flash sites. Unless I'm confused myself. I checked each site OP mentioned and they seem to be like flash game sites where you can play some games on site and also download some. Not my thing really, but to each their own. :)
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