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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I love collecting video game controllers. I have a bunch of them in a bin for various consoles. But what I most like to collect are the exclusive/special edition controllers. I have a bunch on the 360, Xbox One, PS2, PS4 and so on. I also have a bunch of N64 controllers lying about as well as third party controllers. Do you guys like to collect controllers? What's your most prized possession?
  2. I don't usually watch Esports, but I know it's increasing popularity and I know many of the teams out there are quite famous. I sadly don't know many of the teams out there. I'm aware of teams like the FaZe clan and maybe a few others, but my knowledge on it is limited. With that being said, what are your favorite Esports teams? Do you have just one favorite? Maybe it's a player? Or, is there a team you can't stand? I know some Esports teams can be cocky and think they're the best in the world. Do you dislike some Esports teams? If so, which ones?
  3. This looks like a ton of fun. Kind of reminds me of overwatch in a way. I think a lot of devs are trying to go for that feel I think. It's free to play. 🙂
  4. I think you can go into private lobbies in COD, but I don't know if you can play with bots in any of the new ones. I remember Black Ops had a training mode type thing where you could play against bots and stuff. As for couch co-op or split screen, most games no longer do it due to online multiplayer. But, I thought the newer cods still supported that. Unless I'm completely wrong.
  5. That's a lot of games. I'm going to have to make a list of all the games I've yet to play in my backlog. I'm just too lazy lol.
  6. I've utilized craigslist in the past. Not a fan of meeting people to buy something though, it always weirds me out lol. But, if I see something I really want, I'll go for it. It's the same with Facebook marketplace, that's also an option and on there some people ship.
  7. There was many rumors of Xbox trying their hand at handhelds around the time the PSP and again when the PS vita came out, but Xbox never jumped into the fray. Do you think that Microsoft will ever produce a handheld gaming console? I remember hearing in the past that they weren't interested, but times change. Do you think they will ever make a handheld console? Or will their focus be on PC and console?
  8. Does anyone here frequent any game trading sites? I've only known of a few myself, one that comes to mind is gametz. Another is Leaptrade and I know there was a few others, but I think they've all since closed shop. The only two that I am aware of still being active is the ones I mentioned. If you guys know of any others worth checking out, please do let me know. I'm considering trying facebook and other type of sites for their marketplaces.
  9. I'm sure most of us have a pretty decent collection of video games lying around, either it be physically in your collection, or a digital collection. How many games would you say are still awaiting you to play them? How many are in your backlog? I have a fair amount on Steam, well over hundreds of games that I never played, or never plan to even. I have less physical games, but I do have a lot that I've yet to play. I'd say I have well over 50 games I have yet to play, if not more. What about you? What's your backlog of games like?
  10. This is cool. According to Uproxx, The Last of Us show that will be coming out on HBO, is planned to go more into detail about what happens after the first game. This means we'll get to see more Joel and Elle. I know some people hated the second game because of its story, and I can see why some hated it. But this should hopefully make up for some of it. What do you guys think? Will you watch the show? Article here: Uproxx
  11. Well, people make money for weirder things. Eports has been an ever growing medium, and I suspect it will only continue to grow. Just look at the amount of people who watch esports. Even ESPN airs esports these days. Back 10 years ago, I wouldn't have even believed it possible, but here we are.
  12. I see your guy's points on 2K, and I agree. The NBA 2K franchise has been an utter mess of micro-transactions, loot crates and so on. I just wonder if visual concepts are making it. If so, it might be good. But who knows if the same people that were there in 2004 are still there. But, I am still hopeful they will release something good. But, I'm also not getting my hopes up either.
  13. I would like to see the first three 3D GTA games remade and or remastered. So III, Vice City and San Andreas. I think those in a package together would be awesome. But not just a remastered version, but all of them revamped with new controls and maybe even new voice acting and missions. Maybe even through in IV, but I can see Rockstar releasing that one separate.
  14. I think I'd have to second the Super Nintendo, mainly because it approved upon the NES in many ways and had better games overall imo. NES was great, but it wasn't perfect. That or the PS2 for how many games it has.
  15. What games are you currently playing? At the moment I am playing Hitman 2 on Xbox One. Been slowly going through the missions, finding all the useful items. I then plan to re-play each mission and get 100% in them all. Should be fun. I am also playing Jackbox this weekened with some friends and maybe Table top simulator. What are you playing right now?
  16. I would love to try my hand at tournaments and gaming championships. I don't think I have the skill to win any events, but I would still love to partake. With that being said, what are the easiest games to get into for esports? I was thinking Star Craft 2 maybe, but I can see League of Legends being an option as well. What do you guys think? Any suggestions?
  17. You probably could have said that with the Wii U, but the Switch officially brought Nintendo back to the front lines. Right now I think the switch is even leading in sales against the PS4 and Xbox One.
  18. The Switch has been a beast since its release all the way back in 2017 and continues to sell like crazy. It's been 3 years since its release and there's already been a Switch Lite. Do you suspect we'll be seeing another switch at some point? Maybe a switch 2 that's suped up with better hardware. I have a feeling that is what will happen once people have time with the new PS5 and Xbox. The Switch will survive for a while though, but maybe the next two years, we'll see a Switch 2.
  19. The PS5 and Xbox Series X are expected to drop this holiday, with a slew of games to follow. But what are you leaning towards buying day one? Or, will you be getting all consoles on opening day? Currently we're only aware of the PS5 and the new Xbox, but Nintendo may be dropping in a new version of a switch and we also got smaller consoles on the horizon, like the Atari VCS, but I'm not betting on that one doing good. Anyways, vote and discuss what console(s) you plan to buy day one. I would like to buy both the Xbox Series X and PS5 on release, but I don't know if I could afford to do that.
  20. YES! I love the NFL 2K series back when they were allowed to make NFL themed games. They made the popular ESPN NFL 2K5, which I still own on Xbox. I used to play it mostly on PS2 back in the day, and I like to think I became somewhat of a pro at it. Well, if you remember back all the way in 2004, ESPN NFL 2K5 came out for a measily $19.99. Which was far off from EA's Madden which was going for $49.99 if I remember correctly. Anyway, this caused EA to buy the NFL license until 2020. Which brings us to today, where 2K may be getting to make new NFL themed games again. The only downside, is that EA still has the license to the NFL, as I'm pretty sure they renewed it. The good news, is that they're allowing 2K to do different types of NFL games. So EA would still produce their Madden, while 2K will probably be making a more party themed game. Maybe compared to NFL street, NBA Jam, stuff like that maybe. 2K is being allowed to feature actual NFL players in their games as well. And you can read more about that below. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2k-nflpa-strike-deal-to-feature-current-nfl-players-in-multiple-football-video-games/
  21. I don't like gaming on tablets or phones that much. I can handle the usual puzzle games, but anything that involves the need for multiple controls, it doesn't work so well with mobile. I am considering getting one of those controllers that can be connected to a tablet, at least I should be able to play easier that way.
  22. Currently I play on Xbox One, but just got a mid tier gaming PC that can play some modern games, so I might pick it up for PC and play it that way instead. I'm used to playing with a controller, so it's going to be weird playing on PC. But, it'll be worth it I think. 🙂
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