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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. These days yes, but back before the internet was a thing, wrestling tried to keep the inner workings a secret. It's why back in the 80s and 90s if I remember correctly, you'd see news programs attempting to expose wrestling as "fake". Wrestlers back in those days had to keep the story going, even out of the ring, they called it keeping Kayfabe alive. Heels couldn't be seen together with baby faces, and if they were, they had to get into character. When you see a documentary about the inner workings of wrestling, they call that breaking kayfabe. Most people knew it was an act, but there was a fair deal of fans who believed it all and took it seriously. Now days they don't try to keep it a secret. But back then is was a problem if anything got out. For example the curtain call back in 97 I think it was. It was a cage match during a house show. It was the final show for Razor Ramon (Scott Hall) & Diesel (Kevin Nash) before they jumped to the WCW. I forget who was facing who, but it involved Triple H, and Shawn Michaels as well. There may have been someone else, but I forget. Anyway, after the match, the guys hugged. It was recorded by a fan, and it allegedly ended Triple H's run, as he was the first one to go in for a hug. But they were heels against baby faces, and they weren't supposed to do that. These days it doesn't matter, wrestlers break kayfabe all the time. But yeah, I wouldn't call it fake. It's like calling tv shows you watch as fake. It's a scripted show is how I see it myself. I don't like to use the word fake myself. I tend to say act, scripted, etc. I liken it to a tv show, like Breaking Bad or something. Breaking Bad is technically fake, but it feels pointless to say as it's common sense. That's why I think at this point, most people know what they're getting from wrestling. Saying fake seems counterintuitive to me. And yeah, they banned slapping of the leg for a while in the WWE, because when they kick, they'd slap the side of their leg to get a louder pop sound. What's odd, is they have banned the piledriver from being used. I don't think any wrestlers, at least in the WWE are allowed to do it anymore, aside from Undertaker and some of the veteran wrestlers. Alright, sorry for hijacking the topic there, I'll get back on subject. :D _______________________________________ Have you guys checked over the comments of this guys video? I'm even more suspicious of him, as his comments have not been turned off, and he replied to a comment about the expansion bay being what makes the N64 run.
  2. I wanted to try out Nioh myself, but I feared I wouldn't be able to handle the difficulty of it, and if this is much of the same I assume I probably won't be touching this either. Not saying it's a bad game by any means, I'm sure both of these games are awesome, I just don't have the patience anymore for overly tough games. It's why I rarely touch stuff like Dark Souls, as I just don't have the patience for it.
  3. True for me as well. But I was also one of the fans that wanted COD to change after the series got stale. We got the change with all the futuristic shit, but fans turned on that pretty fast and we were back to wanting the original COD again.
  4. It is. I'm kind of afraid to continue, as I don't want to have to replay it all over again. I think if I played all the way, and then lose near the end, I will be devastated. I don't think I'd ever play the mode again honestly lol.
  5. That's fair. I don't have a clue how they plan to do it. They might have other studios working on these other games, that would be my guess at least, because they would be stretched pretty thin doing a game every year. They could also have had some work done on these reported games for years now. Would make more sense why they want to drop a game a year during that period.
  6. That's fair. Better to not take anything serious until we get a for sure confirmation from the team behind it. My guess is that it will happen, but it may be a ways off yet.
  7. I can't think of anything in gaming that has had an impact on society in the way it would change out cultural norms and values. I will say though that gaming has become a part of our culture and I think it helps create more inspired people to make their own video games and art. I think video games have as much impact as movies and tv do, but I don't think it impacts society, but is inspired by it and we continue to expand that into our media, much like in video games. Does that make sense?
  8. Was it fake? I thought they used their game engine, but just copied same scenes and scenarios that were in other games. But if they put out a completely fake trailer, than that's even crazier and proves to me at least, that this game is less likely real.
  9. I don't think even if it had released this console would have sold. It's a nostalgia bait console, for those who want to revisit their childhood but in a modern way. The sad truth is that they really didn't have anything going for them. Their controllers seemed more like a gimmick and an attempt to be different than actually useful, and the game selection looked awfully a lot like shovelware and flash style games. I think Earthworm Jim 4 will release on other platforms, so we should still see it I hope. Unless it can't come out until the Amico comes out, in which case, RIP I guess. :(
  10. The public outcry has been crazy as of late. I really didn't expect these YouTubers to blow it up as big as they did, but it's still going and more videos keep coming out about them and their shady practices. I steered clear of them due to their prices for the most part, but the addition of their lies on refurbished consoles pushed me even further away from ever purchasing from them. I wouldn't care about the prices so much if they had actually refurbished the consoles/devices they sell. But they are selling consoles as refurbished at a higher price. Because anyone would buy a refurbished console over just a used one. I wonder what their prices are for just standard used consoles that haven't been clean and refurbished, but happen to work. I imagine they charge less, or don't even sell them as used and just sell all consoles as refurbs.
  11. Kane99

    Is E3 dead?

    I'd like to see it become an open convention again. If they can't interest companies back, maybe change it to an event for gamers, maybe a place to meet developers, coders, etc. They could make it a celebration of the gamers too. Who knows what E3 will be in the next few years, they can try different things too.
  12. The problem was due to extended use of the console as it overheated very easily. And I gamed on my 360 A LOT! Like it was on constantly, and to be fair I probably didn't clean it very much, so that probably didn't help. Microsoft had to give everyone an extended 3 year warranty for those affected by RROD issues. So if the console had a RROD in that 3 year period, you were covered no mater what as long as it could be proven to be the RROD. Microsoft lost billions because of it. There were methods of fixing it, like wrapping your Xbox in a towel, or putting it in the freezer for a few minutes so it cools the processor and all that jazz down. Which probably got you an hour or two of game time before the next RROD, and that's if you're lucky.
  13. I don't think this is a case of the game being fake. I think it's real too. What I think the issue is, is that they don't have nearly enough finished, so they went the route of copying other games for their reveal trailer they did a while back. At least they were accused of copying various games like COD, Battlefield (I think) and a few other games. If it turns out to be real, I hope it's a success, but I'm not seeing anything that tells me this release is going to go good. But It'd be great to see it release and actually be a good game.
  14. Played like 5 minutes of Hi-Fi Rush, might give it a try again soon. Also played the original Doom on Gamepass on PC, and downloaded some of the other Doom games. I also played Road 96 for a bit, and that was interesting. Might revist it soon here. I also tried that As Dusk Falls, but couldn't get into it, but I was also in discord voice so I couldn't pay attention to anything going on. Started playing Madden NFL 23 as well. Game plays a bit better than the last year one, but it's about the same thing.
  15. I honestly don't know what I have on my Xbox One, but I imagine it's less than 100GB. I have the standard the console came with, I think 500GB, and then I got an external 1TB HDD that I used as a backup. Both are pretty much filled up at the moment. My PC on the other hand, has more storage. My SSD has around 60GB left, but I have a 1TB SDD I believe. Out of that I think I have like 600GBs left or so. Not bad I'd say.
  16. I have game pass ultimate, does that get me streaming as well? If so I may consider trying to stream games more often and see how it does. I think it's good, because I have a feeling game streaming will be coming to the Nintendo Switch as well. Nintendo has been working with them more and I know they were in talks about getting Xbox live and all that on the Switch. I don't remember whatever came of it, but I bet they could easily add Xbox streaming on the Switch, or even the PlayStation in the future if PlayStation allows it.
  17. I actually tried playing that the other day and honestly was a lot of fun. Didn't play for too long though, as I was worried the whole keep on rhythm thing was going to be a problem for me. But I recently heard you don't need to be on synch with the music to do good, but it does increase your multiplier and points hitting enemies on the beat.
  18. Oh I thought it was a fan remake/remaster, but yeah, I remember seeing screenshots of the work they done, and it looked way better. But sadly it didn't come to light. Maybe we'll see it now that Microsoft and Nintendo are more chill together.
  19. Yeah I can see that. Team Fortress 2 seems to have stuck around for quite a long time, and I think it's because of its dedicated fanbase. I liken it to a cult following kind of thing, where fans keep the game alive. Much like cult classic movies and how they became popular.
  20. Yeah everything I saw in that video shows me that it wasn't even an order from DKOldies. The biggest giveaway was the shipping label being inside of the box, he had re-taped an already opened box, but put the inner flap on top instead. You can see the old tape on the side of the box, which isn't the clear tape. I watched this guys video on it yesterday. I honestly think the guy who made the unboxing video is trolling all of us, and is.. 1.) trying to joke about it, saying this was actually a package from DKOldies, like haha, this is what you can expect from them and their fans typical reactions, or could be he hates DKOldies and just made a dumb video to make fun of the them, but over-exaggerated it. 2). He is a genuine fan of DKOldies and thought this would somehow help make them look good. But if that was the case, why not buy from them? I'm leaning towards 1 myself. Mainly because of how dirty the console was, how it was packaged. But then again, I could be totally wrong and this guy could be genuine in attempting to make them look good, but it backfiring on him completely.
  21. What sucks is that I don't particularly care for Game Informer magazine. It doesn't help that it's a Gamestop owned magazine, so they're only printing it to keep their user program going, or whatever the hell they're calling it now. Anyway, I'm going to have to be on the lookout for retro magazines now. If I can't find any new mags, may as well just look into finding old collections and collect those. :D
  22. Nice. I want to look into other games and see what options are out there for those. Like even further back like NES, SNES games. I doubt it's possible for those games, but I am wondering now if there is a scene on the internet that adds multiplayer and other mods to retro games from the 3D era (PS1,N64,Dreamcast,PS2,Xbox,etc) What did you do with the original games? I didn't play much of the original games, not until they went 3D with GTA III. But I suppose if you have the ROM/ISO and the technical knowhow to mod, it could be easy to patch changes.
  23. I've mentioned this a few times here, but I've actually had to send in my original Xbox 360 20GB Arcade console 5 separate times for repairs due to the RROD. It got to the point where I eventually sold off some games and upgraded to an Xbox 360 slim, which did not have the RROD issue once, thank god. But later on it ended up having a disc drive error, so I ended up buying a refurbished 360 later and that has worked fine for me ever since. I don't play it too much though, as my PC has taken over for my gaming needs.
  24. I think that's the route they're going to take. Just a new Switch model with better hardware to get close to modern hardware. They probably won't be able to match the hardware of the Series X or PS5, but they could come close. I'm sure Nintendo is hard at work on their next console, but I hope it's just a re-imagining of the Switch.
  25. It's hard to pin down what a dedicated fanbase is anymore too. Most fanbases have a bad subsection of fans that are often way too serious. I look at fans of The Last of Us for example. When the second game came out, fans threw a fit how it played out, the cast of characters, the people who died in the game (won't spoil, but you know who I'm talking about if you played.) and so on. Fans threw a fit and harassed the voice cast, the producers, creators etc because the game didn't go the direction they wanted it to. I think fanbases think they're more important than they really are. Like yeah sure, they need us fans to buy their games, and support them. But you can't please them all, and never will be able to. There will always be this side of a fandom that will be too serious about their fandom. That's why it's hard for me to pick a dedicated fanbase, because there seems to always been a small, or sometimes huge side of the fanbase that hates more than appreciates.
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