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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yes, 100% yes! Plus there isn't really any other baseball game on the market that provides what MLB the Show does. I may even have to give it a go one of these days. Might just play on the easiest difficulty though. :D
  2. Yeah that's another issue with modern magazines. The ads are essentially behind every damn page, and articles tend to be shorter, and the magazine as a whole tends to be much shorter. It's annoying. I do know there are some independent magazines still out there. I think there's a retro gaming magazine that still releases, but I don't think they do a monthly thing. Maybe bi-monthly or even less.
  3. Kane99

    Is E3 dead?

    They may have to go back to doing that. Being a show for the general public that is. I don't think they allowed the general public to attend E3 for like the past 10 years now. They might have to change that in order to keep it alive. They could always go to just a show where they have demos and maybe some reveals if they can get them. But E3 as the show we once knew, I don't think it'll ever be the same.
  4. Yup. I played the one on Oculus too, for the RE4 Remaster. This may be weird, but I find it less scary in VR than I did playing on a regular controller. I think it's because the controls are more simplified compared to the original game, but either way, I had a blast playing it in VR so far. Now with the remake, I don't know. I can imagine that being a hell of a lot more chaotic and scary.
  5. Hmm, I didn't know that. I always thought if you owned the game you could still stream it through xcloud. Unless it's been changed recently? I get wanting to charge something for streaming, especially since it takes so much to do it. I imagine it costs these companies a lot of server power and costs to handle.
  6. Honestly, working out. I know there are workout games and apps, but I mean the whole idea of working out in video game form where I don't have to actually do the workout myself, but playing the game does it. :D I know it's lame, but working out is so boring, and if we had more video game themed ways of working out, I'd do it so much more often.
  7. I have used video games to help with stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Video games is one of my escapes from reality and life in general. It has helped me through many hard times. From the stresses of work, running a festival, seeing horrible things, and so on. Video games though, can trigger certain things, so it also depends on what I'm playing. Like if you're a veteran of war for example and have PTSD, some video games may trigger you more than help. But yeah, I use video games as therapy all the time. To help me relax, to help me unwind, to help me socialize, etc.
  8. I think people would be okay if they actually honored cleaning products they ship out as refurbished. If something is refurbished, I expect it to also be cleaned in the process. They could as easily sell an item "as is" if it's never been opened up. The prices they set is kind of an afterthought. The focus is more on the idea that they sell items as refurbished, but never refurbished them. I think what's happening is that they get a used item into their store, test it, and if it works, slap that warranty sticker on it and sell it as refurbished. So they can in turn also set a higher price. If they were actually refurbishing these consoles, I wouldn't care. The prices are one thing, but lying to your customers about what they're getting, is not a good look. They thought no one would be wise enough to open these consoles either, but YouTubers did exactly that and outed their scam. And they can't come out and say they're sorry for these problems, because it would show they knew about these consoles not being cleaned or even refurbished. So they have to play along and keep denying they did anything wrong. I hear it could also open them up to a class action lawsuit if they were to come out apologizing. Hopefully they correct these mistakes and sell actually refurbished & cleaned consoles going forward. The prices could use some work, but there's not much you can do about that. It's their choice and they have a right to price their own way.
  9. Yup. Most of the Sega Saturn games I owned in the big jewel case, were often broken or falling apart. They had the right idea, but I think the best case you could get was the the cases Sega used for the genesis. The hard plastic, was probably the best case you could get. I know they skimmed on cases going forward since they wanted to stop using plastics so much. Look at the 360/PS3 cases when they started getting rid of manuals, they also cheeped out on the cases.
  10. Kane99

    Gamepads for PC

    I would suggest PowerA even though they do use MicroUSB for their controllers. If you're worried about Micro USB, they figured out a solution for that, as the USB cord sort of goes into a pocket on the controller so it's better protected from damage. Never had issues with it myself and I have dropped my controller multiple times over its lifetime. Their controllers are not wireless though, they just have a detachable USB cord. I have two PowerA Fashion Pro Controllers for Xbox One. Never had any issues with them aside from the sticks falling apart after extended use (rubber on analog falling off, though seems easily replaceable). The build quality too rivals that of the original Xbox one controller imo, and has lasted me longer than most OEM Xbox controllers have. The controller is my usual daily driver for PC and Xbox. Even purchased my nephew one for Christmas last year. Here is their site if you want to take a look - https://www.powera.com/ They do have a light up controller on Amazon here too that I couldn't find on their site - https://www.amazon.com/Infinity-Enhanced-Controller-Officially-Licensed-x/dp/B095JNZGC4/ I'm surprised they still work. Most of my Xbox controllers, from 360 to Xbox One have always encountered analog issues. But maybe that's because I haven't played COD religiously like I did on those past controllers. But yeah, as you can see, I'm a PowerA fan and honestly prefer them over most everyone else. Plus their prices aren't too bad either. I wish I knew other options. I have a Logitech controller, but it's stiff as hell and I hate it, otherwise I'd suggest that too lol.
  11. One thing to consider, is how much he had to insure his collection for. Being $2.1 million, he'd be crazy not to insure it from potential damages. A single fire could destroy everything he owns too and he'd be out of everything. Kinda makes me wonder if more gamers insure their collection from damages. I have a small collection, but I doubt it'll hurt to insure what I do have.
  12. Kane99

    Is E3 dead?

    This time around it wasn't Covid related, but it was more to do with all these companies not wanting to do these shows anymore. And now each of them have their own showcase events that they just air for cheaper on youtube. It probably saves them money in the process too. E3 kind of seems useless at this point, unless they go back to being a CES style show where guests can come in and see new games, devices etc. But I don't know if they will ever get back to the point where companies actually wanted to show up on their show.
  13. I don't even see gaming mags in my local store. Sad because I miss those days of seeing mags available for purchase. I'm sure wal-mart and bigger stores have a selection, but the stores near me have next to nothing available. I think I mainly want to collect retro mags, but it still would be nice to see some gaming mags in physical form again. Honestly same here. But I blame it on the fact that they don't produce them as much anymore. Of course we can blame that partly on people losing interest in magazines. But idk, maybe I should just collect the old magazines instead and skip out on any new ones.
  14. E3 used to be one of the premier events to see new upcoming games, devices and tech. But now days it's been dealing with cancelled events (mostly due to covid), but they are making a slight comeback. Sadly, with the recent news that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo were outright skipping out of E3, it made me wonder if E3 is even able to survive. Is E3 dead? Will E3 recover and just focus on showing video games and other such things? These days also, these companies are hosting their own reveal events, skipping E3 and other events outright. What can E3 do from here? Will they change into something different? Or will they try to keep showcasing gaming?
  15. Has anyone here played the new freelancer mode since the game changed? I played a couple missions a couple weeks back when it first came out, and it's kinda fun. Changes the game up by extending the life of the game. I want to get back to it soon, but I have anxiety playing it, as if you die once in a mission, you have to start the whole thing over again, this includes doing the original missions over from the start. Let me explain it a bit more though. So you start in your own little place, where you can store your weapons, equipment, etc. You can pick a set of missions, where you have to complete hits across like 10 missions, all without dying or getting caught. It starts with three missions and then I think each segment is three missions. If you die during any mission, you're sent back to the very first mission to start over. And, if you get noticed in one mission, the enemies will know who you are in the next and be keeping an eye out for you. Anyway, who here has played the new Freelancer mode?
  16. I still see Game Informer magazine whenever I go to a gamestop. Hell I used to be subscribed to GI for a while. I saw my nephew was subscribed to them a while back and they're still releasing physical magazines, but I think they changed it to every three months they send out a magazine. I haven't subbed to them since the mid 2010's or so. Anyway, is game informer the only gaming magazine in print today? As in gets released physically rather than digitally like many magazines release today. If there are other gaming mags still in print today, what are they? I don't even know what gaming mags still exist these days. I imagine Gamepro and Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) are dead or doing only digital releases now. I miss physical gaming mags. Wish I took care of the ones I had growing up.
  17. Kane99

    Atomic Heart

    Game recently released and it's been getting kinda mixed reviews. I guess most people are praising the controls, some of the combat, upgrades and all that, but say the story is lacking as is mundane, and they stretch the game out too far in the hopes of extending the game. That's what I heard from one review. So just sounds like it may have too much filler. It's on gamepass if I'm not mistaken, so if anyone wants to give it a go, it's there. Has anyone here played the game yet?
  18. This is awesome news. RE 4: Remake will include free DLC for the RE: 4 VR mode coming to the PlayStation VR 2. This looks to be only for PSVR2 and PS5, so no mention of other VR headsets at this time. But I could see other VR headsets getting the game too in the future, I hope. Tweet below is in Japanese, but translated reads:
  19. Looks like Microsoft and NVIDIA are teaming up to get Xbox PC games to work through NVIDIA's cloud service GeForce Now, similar to what Xbox has with their game streaming options. Now you can play these games through NVIDIA. My guess is that they did this because not everyone is into Xbox and probably don't want to download the Xbox app. Now they can play these games through GeForce Now.
  20. I sure hope so, because I'd like to get my hands on this game sooner rather than later. They said 2023, and I heard they are nearly done with the game, so maybe it'll be out sooner, like a month or so after 2K23.
  21. I don't own any iphones, but I have kept most of my previous android phones. I'm thinking about making a couple of them into second webcams, and use them for streaming means in the future. Idk what exactly I'll do yet, but I want to see if I can do anything fun with them.
  22. It's hard to say what the most dedicated ones are, versus the ones that are too overbearing as fans. I think the majority of COD fans for example are probably 12 year old kids for the most part, with some dedicated fans in the mix. I think most fan bases get too big, and in turn the fans get too annoying after a while. I look at the Rick and Morty fanbase after it really took off. People were acting like idiots going to McDoanlds for sauces and all that dumb shit and acting like children when it came to praising their favorite show. Sometimes fans can be a bit too much imo. As for the most dedicated, I think Nintendo fans would be the most dedicated, as they seem to bat for Nintendo whenever they can, and don't seem to go super overboard on Nintendo as fans.
  23. I'd have to say L.A. Noire, because it actually made me have to think when I interrogated people, investigated crimes and all that. It also gives you a look of LA in the 30,40s, and I think 50s. I forget the time setting. Anyway, you had to think in order to get the cases right. And you could end up arresting the wrong people. Aside from that, RDR2 always makes you think with the subject matter. I think The Blackangel put it pretty nicely. There's just so much going for RDR2 in terms of its story, setting, characters, etc. It also gives you an idea of that time, the hate, the fear, the way of life and all that.
  24. I wouldn't call it a hilarious one, but one that is fresh on my mind is how Super Mario Bros 3 re-used graphics. Like the clouds being re-used as grass. I'm sure a lot of games back then did the same thing, as it was easier to repurpose graphics for other needs. And it probably helped save space on the game.
  25. Most unexpected? Hmm, I'm honestly not sure. OPs mention of Spec-Ops the Line would probably be my answer, because playing the first time, you don't really take notice to the idea that the main character is dealing with a lot. Like severe PTSD and delusions and so on. I can't think of any other game, off the top of my head, that ended unexpectedly. Maybe Hitman: Blood Money, I think the way it ended was kinda unexpected. The ending shows Agent 47s funeral, but, there's a little twist, as you can wake up and take out the people at your funeral. It's a cool way to end a game and has always been one of my favorite endings to a game.
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