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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I think they're letting just about anything go up live. I've seen people streaming movies, shows, others live streams even. I streamers from all over the place doing different things. I think tiktok will eventually ban certain content. It feels like the wild west right now.
  2. Yeah true. He did have to do it a lot to survive, but I thought at one point he even mentioned he killed people for no reason. Maybe it was when he was talking with one of the women in camp about murdering too many people in game for no reason (by the players actions). But I thought there was some monologue about how he did bad things in the past that he probably didn't need to do. But yeah, I still think he is the most rational of the whole bunch. You should play it. It's like a tame version of GTA, but more linear. Why didn't you enjoy it? Just curious.
  3. One other thing about social media, is that people love to spoil things. So when it comes to new games, movies, and tv, I kinda steer clear of social media for the most part. Friends, news outlets and others have spoiled games and other media for me in the past.
  4. Not sure if you could use Kinect with VR. But I think it would be cool. Could have been another way to control the game if you want your hands to be free. I'm sure some modders could figure out a way to utilize Kinect for VR.
  5. I mean I would because I don't care. I would love for translucent consoles to make a comeback. Even if it's just for collectors or a special edition. As long as it doesn't cost extra lol. But yeah, I think most adults want to stay in line with something simple. But a gamer might go for it. 🙂
  6. I imagine the reason he didn't have legs in the original game is probably due to limitations. And it probably would have looked weird if he had legs anyway. In a cartoon show you can easily add legs and hands. But in video games, back then you were very limited with sprites and graphics in general. Also, I may be wrong, but I think he had legs on the arcade cabinet itself. Just not in the original arcade game.
  7. Hmm, I'll have to start keeping an eye out for that warning. I don't usually bother to see if it's in most games, but I'm sure they pop up a warning that's visible somewhere. Or do you mean the warning is usually too small? Like fine print small?
  8. Oh yeah they would have to go into a different direction. Though I'm sure it could still be a traditional platformer. I know Warioware is a thing, but I'd want more of an adventure game. I'm sure Nintendo could cook something good up.
  9. There's an audience for it I guess. Whoever it is selling this stuff found a niche that works for them. I find it weird, because I'd rather some cool custom design that fits the game. But there are probably a small group of people into this. I'm sure there are others creating their own cover art in a more respectful manner.
  10. I think Jimmy Hopkins from Bully is the most changed. I mean, look at how he comes in, and then how it ends. He comes in as a lone wolf and then kind of becomes a popular person among the students. I feel he changed a lot over the game. And as well, he's probably the most progressive since he is open to any relationship in the game. I mean if you want to, you could kiss just about anyone in the game if I remember correctly. Can't forget about Arthur Morgan from RDR2 as well. I feel like he came from a ruthless lawman to being someone respected and forgiven in a way. I feel like he broke from bad to good.
  11. For those who don't know, DKOldies is a retro video game shop. They've been getting a lot of heat as of late, first off for their overly high prices on retro games and consoles, prices you wouldn't even see on Ebay and Amazon. On top of that, they've been getting hate for their refurbished consoles, to the point that some people are saying they're not even refurbishing consoles, just getting a working console in, saying it's refurbished and calling it a day. But, it seems some YouTubers tested out their service to see if they do refurbish their consoles, and so far every video I've watched, the console either doesn't work, or is extremely dirty. So what they must be doing, is testing out these consoles they buy, if they work, they'll slap their warranty sticker on it and say it's refurbished. Do you trust DKOldies? I have never purchased from them myself, and after how things are going, I don't think I ever will. Here are some videos of YouTubers dealing with DKOldies. Do you guys have any history with DKOldies? Have you ever purchased from them? I don't think I ever will, mainly because their prices are a bit crazy. But to be fair, their one year warranty on all games/consoles is nice, seems as if you don't have to pay to have anything sent back and can get your money in full back. Just sucks because these companies shouldn't lie about DKOldies did make a video denying these allegations, saying they do refurbish and clean all of their consoles. What's funny is they use a magic eraser to remove gunk on consoles, in the video they clean sticker residue from a Wii console. I guess those magic erasers can remove the base paint, and in turn a glossy finish becomes more matte. Anyway, what do you guys think of all of this? Is DKOldies a scam company? Or just lazy when it comes to refurbished consoles? I don't care if they overprice their products, whatever, I just won't buy from them. But to lie about refurbished consoles doesn't look good on their part.
  12. It would be easy for them to do too. All they need is good enough hardware to match the Steamdeck and they can have a handheld console that has so much to offer with gamepass. Plus if they include streaming, it will be another bonus on top of it. I'm sure it could easily be done and would sell like crazy.
  13. That's a good question. I think it's them just testing the waters to see what works. I think the majority of people on tiktok view a video and move on, and don't really stick around for long form content as much. So I don't know why game streams work. Tiktok live is random. One minute you'll see a woman teasing her viewers, another minute you'll see someone doing a scratch off lottery ticket and chatting with viewers, another you'll see random duet conversations and so on. It's a weird mix. I don't go to the live section much, but they will sometimes mix a live stream amongst your for you page. A lot of game streams that are popular are the role play ones, like people roleplaying as police in GTA V for example.
  14. It also doesn't even have to be 1 vs 100. They could try other game show style formats, and maybe expand to other styles like You don't know Jack games. They could do Who wants to be a Millionaire, wheel of fortune, jeopardy and more. Even with real cash prizes and other prizes for participating. They would of course need to license it, but I'm sure they could work something out with these game shows and others.
  15. I don't mind having a breath meter. For me it's more about the control. Some games featuring swimming are stiff and awkward. I had issues with Black Flags swimming feature, and it got me killed a couple times. The controls felt too weighty (probably the point), but it was annoying and not fun to navigate the waters imo. If they made the movement smooth, then I wouldn't have an issue with it. I also hated how Mario 64 worked under water, the controls imo weren't great. Most water levels in 3D games around that time were probably bad anyway though.
  16. That is a good argument for Sonic. He has stood the test of time and has suffered many bad games over the years. I'd argue that Mario has had a bad game or two. Mario is Missing is considered a failure if I'm not mistaken. And I think there was one other Mario game that failed. Yeah not nearly as much as Sonic, but I feel like Mario could afford to have a bad game once in a while too. Not saying they should of course though lol. Pac-Man is a good pick, but I feel like he's not a household name like Mario or Sonic is. At least not these days, kids don't really know him all too well and I feel like this generation doesn't know them.
  17. More games are allowing for certain settings to be turned off or down, especially accessibility features. So maybe they will add more options for those dealing with such things as seizures. Back in the day all games did was warn you that it could cause issues for those dealing with such conditions. But maybe now we can simply turn those settings off, or certain lighting affects.
  18. Kane99


    Only first person is supported. I hear that they do have a character model for the person you play as, but you're essentially just two floating hands when playing in first person. So if in third person, you'd just see disembodied hands. Found this topic on steam discussing it: https://steamcommunity.com/app/205100/discussions/0/451848855001711165/
  19. I think a randomly generated world is cool. A lot of games already do this, with Minecraft as an example. Procedurally generated worlds. But yeah, I agree it would be tough for AI to do the whole game itself. I imagine we'd have to do the story, characters, acting, and all the other important coding etc. While the AI could generate the world you play in, and maybe even the weapons, items etc. It could also generate random location drops and so on. Yeah there's a lot it still can't do. I think one day it will progress to a point where we can create stories and ideas from AI, but I don't think we'll see a point anytime soon with an AI program coding a full length game including the story, characters, setting, plot, etc.
  20. True. I have a few DVD drives sitting in my closet for a PC and I haven't installed them in years. I have a PC I could install one in, but haven't bothered to do it, as I don't ever use physical media on my PC anyway. We'll still see physical media the next gen or two, but I think we're going to see more digital only consoles coming, which will spell the end of physical media. Plus, I think the digital consoles sell better overall, especially since majority of the time they're cheaper.
  21. Been playing the usual Madden NFL 22 and Fortnite. But I also picked Hitman back up recently since they released the new Freelancer mode. Honestly really enjoy it, makes playing Hitman all that more scary and enjoyable. The way they make it, is that you have complete a whole campaign of missions without dying once. If you're caught in a previous mission, the next mission is easier for enemies to witness you. I played two missions so far, beat them and haven't touched it since. But I will revisit it sometime this week. I want to see if I can get through a whole campaign. I haven't played RDR2 in quite a while either. I think it's been a couple months now. I'm almost done with the game. I plan to come back to it, and complete all the side stuff and then finish the game again. But, that won't be for a while yet.
  22. Sega was too ambitious, and wanted to stay ahead of everyone I think. The Dreamcast was a great console for the time, but after the Saturn, I think people had soured on Sega because of it. The Dreamcast could have sold well, but I think it came out too late. Especially since the PS2 was just two years away, and had better hardware and graphics. So Sega either had to get started on yet another console, or just move on. I think they made the right choice, because if they went up against the PS2, I don't think we'd be hearing Sega in talks as much these days.
  23. Yeah that's really what matters. I will say, that I have played some games longer than I should've, because I was trying to collect every achievement, even the mundane and boring ones. I don't tend to do that anymore for games. If it's something that's tedious and takes too long, and isn't worth much, I probably won't even bother attempting to get it. These days I play games to have fun, not to collect every achievement. I used to try doing that, but life is short and I ain't got time to try and find everything, and do everything in a game. If I finish the base game, than that's all I need to do.
  24. Not sure, but I am aware of party games that utilize smartphones to play along. So not everyone needs to have a console or PC in order to play, just a compatible smartphone. I think there are phone games where you can challenge people for prizes. There was a game show I saw on mobile a couple years ago, where you could join a gameshow live and if you're smart enough and answer all the questions you might land in the game and could win prizes. I only played once, but gave up pretty fast.
  25. Same. I want to try it out, because I think you can connect it with some apps, and I'm curious to see what crazy things you can do with it. I doubt it's a lot, but maybe there's some fun graphical work you can use it for, or creating fun things out of it at least. Also I think you can use it as a webcam. If I ever see a Kinect in the wild for cheap, I'll pick one up and see about finding some PC apps and software to mess around with.
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