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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah they can. I think they helped inspire the rise of games like Fortnite. Especially after TF2 went free to play after a while. I think the popularity of TF2 will go on for years to come. You know, I gotta admit, Sonic fans are dedicated. I lost my fandom a bit after the series went 3D. I preferred the side-scrolling side of Sonic over the 3D. So I never got into the newer titles myself. But, Sonic fans have stuck by the series, even after they delivered a few stinkers, and mediocre titles. I think Sonic is in the right direction finally, but it can still do better and improve. And I hope they do get better and the next Sonic game is even better than Frontiers.
  2. I usually like to play all the side quests before finishing the main game. I know that then leaves you nothing else to do aside from side activities and so on. I'm speaking of RDR2. I mostly focused on a mix of side missions and doing a couple main story missions. But games like Skyrim are a bit different, because sometimes I get the feeling that the side quests are just as good as some of the main story. So I think it's 50/50 there, where I do side quests, main story, side quest, main story, etc. And I think Skyrim is the game I would finish the story and still have so many side quests left for me to do. Making it feel like you have unlimited stuff to do.
  3. It's so cool seeing one of the little ones get their first win in a video game. It was fun getting my nephew into games, because I think he started with Roblox himself, but we got him on NES, SNES games, stuff like that. I hope to one day become a father and steer my kids into gaming too. :D I think you're confusing the topic. The topic is about seeing people you personally know, playing video games for the first time. So in person, together. Not watching a lets play of it. Though I'm sure a recording of it counts. But it's more of the experience seeing someone you know, play video games for the first time.
  4. Kinda looks like a PS5 lol. But seriously, I'm guessing this is some kind of mod/custom build someone did. Or just your typical promotion with a big company. I highly doubt they have any intention of mass selling this. I'm willing to bet it's more of a novelty thing for a partnership. Kinda like what KFC did with that Xbox One themed controller that never released and was only given away during a giveaway, it could result in a giveaway for the console maybe.
  5. I think the intention in exploring is to find missions and things to do. I assume it opens the map up every time you go somewhere, like how it is when you have a map in Minecraft and it fills in whenever you move. This of course is all based on assumptions, but I think that's what the game is going for. A way to explore and find the missions, or find the next thing to do. I think it sounds like fun. I assume you'll have enemies to fight off or battle. Or some kind of challenge to keep you going or interested.
  6. The Outer World's: Spacer's Choice Edition released recently and I guess it's suffering some problems for all versions, but especially the PS5 version of the game. It's gotten to a point where gamers are asking for refunds. It seems to be worse for the PS5 versions, almost at times being unplayable. But there are performance issues with all versions. Obsidian Entertainment has been apologizing to fans on social media all day about the issues, expressing they are passing the issues to the dev team to sort out. Do you think they will sort it out? Or will Sony force them to issue refunds? Story below: https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2023/03/09/the-outer-worlds-ps5-spacers-choice-edition-busted-refunds/
  7. So I read an article recently about someone who got a Switch OLED model, had it for a while and then his account got banned for "Fraudulent Activities". But, the reason for the ban was for something that happened before he owned the console. He spoke with Nintendo about it and showed proof that he purchased it used from a company that is a certified reseller. So it seems this guy got a console that was a ticking time bomb. The console was then banned from being used online. The kicker though, is that he transferred all of his safe files to said console and in order to get the files back, he needs to be connected to the web. Sadly, this is something we all need to consider when buying a used console. Because a ban could take affect at any moment after the fact. This is why I tend not to buy refurbished consoles too much, because there is always a risk it was used to cheat, hack, or they broke other TOS. This is the article I read: https://gamerant.com/nintendo-switch-buying-used-risk/?newsletter_popup=1 But yeah, this is nothing new. Just wanted to spread a bit more awareness about the risks with buying used, especially from Ebay and other sites. There's always that risk.
  8. Manhunt and Manhunt 2 released back in the early 2000s and at the time, were regarded as offensive and disturbing games. In my opinion, I liked the first game, but I understood why some people were throwing a fuss about the franchise and how violent it is. Now days though, could a game like Manhunt release without fuss? Part of me thinks it'll be 50/50. I mean we had that Hatred game, and that was probably more offensive in terms of what it portrayed. I know some had a fit about that game and its violence, but I think most people just were like "meh" it's a game with violence, and probably wasn't that good anyway. But I can see some up in arms about this type of game getting out there. I think today it'll be split. What do you think? I think majority of gamers won't care, but parents and non-gamers will see it differently.
  9. Yeah I'm sure there are places or people out there who can fix it. But it seems to be a very precise problem that needs to be fixed fast. Supposedly you need to flash the chip with a previous flash data or whatever, idk how to explain it, but the article goes more into details why this is a hard thing to fix. The only people that are capable are people who worked for Nintendo repairing said consoles, or you'll need to go to someone else who knows how to fix the Wii U. I wonder how hard it would be to find someone who can fix this exact problem.
  10. I've mostly watched videos of the NPCs messing things up for the player. Was having fun watching those, because it's clear the AI needs a bit of work for the NPC companions. It's been popular with streamers as of late, I can see it being popular for a bit and then people moving on to the next best thing soon.
  11. I played one of two of the DBZ fighting games growing up, but haven't touched a DBZ game since. I liked one of them, I think it was the first Tenkaichi game, and maybe the second. These days I don't get into fighting games all that much, but this is giving me some nostalgia, so I may have to check it out.
  12. Oh I just talked about Starfield too. But yeah, this game has been delayed forever now. Feels almost like it's never going to get released at this point. I do worry, that when it releases, we'll have another Cyberpunk 2077 on our hands, a game that is good, but not up to the standards fans were expecting.
  13. I think the problem with this game, is that they didn't push it like Fortnite or any other big live service game. They started out good, but then people lost interest. It probably doesn't help that the game wasn't that good to begin with and I suppose gamers notice when a game is half baked, and from what I saw, this game was kinda half baked. Like it wasn't near as good as something like Smash Bros. Maybe if they added more to it, better gameplay, more modes, etc, it could have survived.
  14. Square Enix needs to stop focussing on money making schemes like NFTs and live service BS, because it's not making them money. Avengers was a massive flop, and it was because they tried to push the live service system on us. And I think NFTs are going to go in that same direction, where it'll be about buying junk in game with your NFT money or something. Here's an idea Square Enix and any other company making games, stop with the NFTs and pushing live service games where the game doesn't have anything going for it to begin with. Or it's a chore or grind to get anything done. That's not fun. But, it's a good start firing CEOs and others in power who push dumb ideas like this.
  15. I think it's different enough that it won't cause any problems sales wise for both games. I think peoples focus will mostly be on Starfield, considering it's been in the making forever now and has been teased just as much. Starfield seems to be more about space travel and battles I think, I don't know much on Starfield. I just know it's not a horror themed space game like Fort Solis is.
  16. Never played it myself, but watched a friend playing a portion of it, or was it a lets play, I forget. But what I saw looked interesting, but I doubt it'd be something I'd play for too long myself. The sequel looks pretty dope too though. Maybe one of these days I'll play both.
  17. Genesis has a place in my heart forever. I didn't have a gensis for too long, as I had a SNES and NES I played a lot back in those days, but the Genesis is probably one of my all time favorites just because of nostalgia. It doesn't pass the NES or SNES for me, but it's up there for sure.
  18. So it's a remake/remaster with some of the games combined in a set? That's what I was getting from the trailer, that it was a retread of previous games, combined together in one package. If the problem that the remastered bits aren't changed that much, I can understand that. I know when you buy something that's remastered, you expect it to look and play better than the original at least. But if this is just a combined set of games, I don't see a problem with it. It's not my cup of tea, but I don't see what the fuss is about it.
  19. It doesn't look groundbreaking at all. I mean, the trailer does try to sell it, but once you see nothing but stretches of them running, and doing absolutely nothing until encountering a few undead here and there. To me it just looks like an empty game, or that they haven't even started populating it with enemies. The video didn't show many encounters with enemies. What I am getting from this, is that they needed to show something, but only have this world made with nothing in it. So they had to show it off the best they could, and that's why there is so much filler content in that video. Most studios would cut to the next section where something is happening. I'm calling it, but I think this game is going to be an underwhelming flop at release.
  20. Yeah it was a game I was hyped for too, but when I played the first 20 minutes or so I wasn't sold. It didn't help that the copy I got kept freezing up, but once I got a replacement copy it worked fine. I played it for as long as I could, which was longer than I expected. But it didn't give me much to play for. I don't think it had a story mode, or championship mode. But it's been so long since I played, I may be wrong on that. Backstage Assault was the worst of them though, because it was pretty much the same exact game with its controls, graphics, etc, but just being backstage.
  21. It's great. I've been using it for work to help produce content, took some getting used to, but I'm not much of an editor haha. But once you figure it out, it's a very useful program. There is a free version you can get, where they will let you make 1 video without their watermark. Though it's also only 720p under free, it's a good way to test it out and get a feel for it before you put any money into it. I've used davinci for cutting videos and this just streamlines everything. You could make a clip within minutes if you know what you want to do. Canva would be another option, but it's more for making/editing graphics. But you can also product videos on there, though not as user-friendly as Descript, it's pretty good in its own right. There is a new live stream service called Spikes.gg that we tested out the other day. It lets you take clips by typing "Spike" in your chat. It also has a okay looking video editor for the clips you make. But this is more for after you stream and want a quick tool to take and make clips.
  22. Exactly. It's almost like saying video games is better than Football. It doesn't really make sense to compare the two. Gaming is its own thing, much like tv is. Sure gaming may make a lot more money than movies and tv, but each of the mediums have their place. It just comes down to what you like more or less. Someone might hate gaming and prefer to watch movies, and vice versa. And yeah, everything has pros and cons attached to it, one thing can be better than the other in different aspects, but I don't think it ever overpowers one or the other. If anything, gaming can help television, look at The Last of Us show right now, it's blowing up and now more people are taking notice of the idea of video game adaptations in tv form. It may have kinda failed with Halo, but the Last of Us is enough to show that gaming can be turned into tv. And I can see more games being turned into tv. I hear someone mentioned wanting a RDR tv show next. I would take that for sure. :D
  23. I would probably make the screen expand the whole phone, like phones are trying to do now, but instead of the camera hole being visible, the screen covering it, but the camera opens up when needed. As for the other side of it, just a better layout for the phone, apps, etc. Also no filler junk would be nice. I just want the standard needed apps to work and the rest should be for me to decide.
  24. We all know what went through our minds when we all were introduced to video games, but has there ever been a time where you got to experience someone elses first experience with a video game? Maybe it's your child, or someone you're dating, or maybe a family member who was never into video games finally taking their first stab at it. Anyway, what was it like to experience video games through someone else? For me, seeing my nephew get into video games has been a joy. Mainly because we can game together, but to see from his side how he got into gaming, was cool, because it kinda brings me back to my childhood when I first started gaming. What about you?
  25. Not necessarily, some games get made without anyone finding out. They all could have been code name games as well. Studios do that all the time to make sure their game doesn't get out there.
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