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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. That's fair. I figured it was due to them not being nearly as popular as Mario & Luigi, or their other IPs. But still, I think they could easily utilize these two for more games. There's probably a lot they could do, and they could even experiment with ideas to see what works and doesn't. Yeah true. But I think if they got their own adventure game, similar to most Mario games today, it could sell. Especially with Nintendo's name backing it, I think it could do alright. It's not like we ever really got a dedicated game focusing on just those two. And it could be a completely different thing to Mario. Maybe they could use Wario and Waluigi as more adult versions and make the games more serious in nature, or something haha. Idk. I just want to see Wario involved more. :D
  2. I always saw the animus as a tool for the bad guys to find the apple of Eden and other artifacts with special abilities. I played the second, Brotherhood, and Black Flag, and from all of those games, the Animus is utilized, but in different capacities. Well, the first three games focus a lot on the animus, including the past and present settings, but I think by AC3 and Black Flag, they kinda drop the animus storyline and just focus all the time on the past. I think in Black Flag you could walk around some gaming company you work for, that utilizes the Animus (I forgot their name, I think it's to do with the Templars), and so on. I don't even remember if the Animus was a part of AC Syndicate, and that was the last one I officially played. I do remember the story branching off to this whole crazy thing about some gods or something. I forget, but to be fair I couldn't get into that story so much, so I kind of forgotten most of it.
  3. Alternative covers are one thing, but to go in this direction is weird to me haha. It's cool to have alternative covers, but I don't think most want what this ebay seller is offering lol. But there seems to be a clear target audience for them and if it's working, more power to them I guess. Not hurting anyone, as long as they're not stealing any copyrighted artwork/assets.
  4. Yeah that is a reason. Especially if it's a timed thing, where you have to get something done in a time limit. So with that, and the possibility of poor gameplay added on top, it just makes it worse. But yeah, it can be used well, or done badly. Just depends on how good the developer is with water levels.
  5. Nick Offerman recently starred as Bill in the Last of Us show, and when asked about his gaming habits, he mentioned that he doesn't game these days. In fact, his worry is that he would get too sucked into the game and would find himself focusing too much time on that. The last game he said he played, was actually Banjo-Kazooie. He mentioned that he played the game for around two weeks, and didn't know what to do with himself after he was done. Even mentioning that he thought it was a waste of time. :( But yeah, interesting to hear someone decided to call it quits on gaming because they felt it was too addicting. I think he has a point with addiction, because there has been times where I am stuck in one game for weeks on end. But he views them differently in that they waste time, but the same could be said about his movies and tv shows. I know, I watched Parks and Rec through a couple times, and watching tv and movies are kinda the same as playing a video game for hours on end. Anyway, thought it was interesting. Wonder if he'll ever attempt to play The Last of Us game now. Source - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/why-the-last-of-us-star-nick-offerman-will-never-play-video-games-again/1100-6511098/]/
  6. Damn, I had no idea. Doesn't show a whole lot, so I'm assuming it's still being worked on as we speak. Still though, good to know we're actually getting a sequel.
  7. I imagined so. But with AI training it self over the next few years, I could see the idea of them producing a game with AI being more possible. But it'll take more time while AI learns to code that aspect. I'm doubtful it'll even be 3-4 years. It might take a lot longer if it wants to be as good as possible.
  8. The only issue with those older games, was that I never mastered the controls. When I was a kid all I ever did was play the Royal Rumble mode lol. So I never really put time into learning it's crazy controls. I just remember it being hard to figure out how to do certain things, and having to do button combos bugged me at the time. But, I'm willing to learn this time around. :D
  9. It still has split screen options, so couch gaming is still possible with friends. It's just that online MP doesn't work. I do agree with you though, it doesn't make sense not to include online mp when the Switch has it. And sure, we got the upscaled version, but I'm sure they could have still added online mp to the game. Unless there's some deal with Nintendo that doesn't allow them to have online. I don't know if Goldeneye the franchise is owned by Nintendo or not, if it is, then I can see that being a cause.
  10. And of course Microsoft makes yet another dumb move, this time in Japan by raising the prices of the Xbox Series X|S. Everyone knows that Xbox hasn't been able to get anywhere in Japan when it comes to sales. I believe sales have increased somewhat thanks to their service like Game Pass, but I still don't think that Japan cares much about the Xbox. They've never been able to sell good over there. Could this mean we'll see an increase in the US and other countries to follow? Source - https://news-microsoft-com.translate.goog/ja-jp/2023/01/31/230131-xbox-series-xs-price-revision-of-the-main-unit-in-japan/?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  11. AI will only improve as they keep going. It's already in a state where I think it's improving. From writing dialog to answering questions and even using it to talk with people. Eventually it will learn enough to understand. Or at least understand enough.
  12. If anything I feel like they're going to attempt to recapture that feeling you had with the WWF No Mercy and WCW vs nWo Revenge games by thq. They're using similar gameplay to those two and any others thq did for the N64.
  13. Oh yeah, if it's original art by the artist, I see no issue. It's just when these sellers decide to use copyrighted material. I'm sure there are some nsfw art work being used on these cover arts. With the way people are on eBay, I'm willing to bet a few of them are going to use art from around the web for the covers. They might edit to look different.
  14. I've never actually played any of the roller coaster tycoons. Don't they still make the series today? Or is it that it's not nearly the same as it used to? It's still crazy to me that Sony hasn't done anything with SOCOM in forever now. You'd think they'd reboot the franchise by now.
  15. I'm with Shagger on this. I too don't see how the two connect, considering they're both different mediums. TLOU is already owned by Sony. How does that then translate to Xbox should be able to aquire another company? Doesn't make sense to me.
  16. To be fair though, it is still in progress and will be releasing in early access. So things can change from here until the final release. But yeah, there is much work to be done, but I like where they're going so far. And at $29.99, it's not that bad. I'd rather pay that than $60+ for most new games. :D
  17. I have no issues with it, just find it weird lol. I think they could have issues with copyright, but that's really about it. Yeah this seems to be relatively tame compared to what NSFW usually refers to. But, I'm sure there are some really weird ones. I'm too scared to look through what they have though lol. I don't want to end up seeing ads pointing me to these cover art designs. 🤣
  18. We've had a few games featuring Wario as the main character and I don't know if Waluigi had the same treatment. I feel like Wario is often the one most people talk about out of the two. Anyway, why is it that Nintendo hasn't pushed for more games featuring these two? I feel like Mario has gotten enough games as it is, and would like to see them experiment with ideas for Wario and Waluigi games. I think it'd be funny to call it Super Wario Bros or something. What do you think though? Would you like to see these two featured in more of their own games?
  19. Whether it be the likes of Mario, Sonic, Spyro, Master Chief, Kratos, Link and more, there is a mascot for just about every console made. Out of every console mascot, which one would you say is the top dog? Like the one who you'd say is the most popular of them all, the ones that are household names that most people know. For me, I think Mario is right at the top, and I think it's safe to say he's probably the most important console mascot around. Sonic may be in second, since to be fair, he is pretty iconic and he's been around nearly as long as Mario. But, out of all the mascots and faces of the companies, which mascot or character is the most recognizable as the greatest of all time?
  20. I'm not one for Baseball games, but I will play them if some friends are around. Anyway, MLB The Show 23 will be dropping March 28th. It will be releasing for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and the Switch. Still weird to me that a PlayStation published game is being released on the XBox and Switch. A weird time to be alive. :D Source - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/mlb-the-show-23-coming-to-game-pass-day-one-jazz-chisholm-revealed-as-cover-star/1100-6510994/
  21. News to share on the game, supposedly it's coming out early access soon, tomorrow to be exact. You can get the early access version on steam for $29.99. That is PC pricing. We don't know the price of the console versions yet, but I'm going to assume it'll cost the same. I hope. Aside from that, they detailed some changes and included details about the included fighters and more. You can read more on the updates here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/when-is-the-undisputed-boxing-video-game-release-date-cost-boxers-modes-everything-else-to-know-for-2023-game/ar-AA16Tiiq
  22. Source - https://www.gamesradar.com/theres-an-industry-of-nsfw-video-game-box-art-on-ebay-and-youll-regret-learning-any-more-than-that/ Games Radar posted an article about a slew of eBay sellers who are offering custom cover art for popular games that happen to be in a NSFW theme. One cover art featured in the article above, mentioned a custom cover for Resident Evil Village. I think this cover art is relatively tame, but I hear there are ones not as safe as this one. Check it out below. The article goes on to say that there is far more of these "alternative" cover arts, but probably not going to be able to share any of them haha. Feel free to search around eBay on your own time. I don't have anything against this so much, as long as the art being used isn't stolen. I would much rather get cool designs done instead of half nude women. Kinda like how they do it with steelbooks and special editions. This is just weird and creepy lol. What do you guys think?
  23. Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. So they'd essentially need to find a partner over in China in order to sell over there again. I could see them going Tencent next, but who's to say they will agree to a deal. Tencent to me, looks and sounds corrupt, but I think they have to work with them or some other place in China.
  24. I feel like Gotham Knights came out and then kind of fizzled out after that. From what I hear, the game isn't nearly as good or fun as the Batman Arkham series, in fact some of the combat I hear is mediocre compared to what the Arkham series did. And I know the Arkham games are kinda simple when it comes to the controls, but they still felt smooth and worked. I I hear Gotham Knights doesn't even have a reversal option. Lame. Anyway, do you think they will attempt to make a sequel to this game? Or will they move back to Batman again? I still need to play Gotham Knights, so I won't judge it myself. But I'll play it one of these days and see how my views are on it. Do you want a sequel to it? Or would you want them to go into a different direction?
  25. Check out this new ad that was shown on ESPN. I didn't catch this commercial myself, but someone posted it to reddit and you can see that below. It doesn't show much, and from I can tell doesn't mention a release date. Though I think it was confirmed a while back that the game was coming out in spring 2023. Anyway, check the short clip below. Do you think we're going to start seeing more ads like this for Spider-Man 2 pop up on tv? Spring isn't far off, so I can see these teases popping up more. Are you psyched for the new Spider-Man game? I still need to play the first and the Miles Morales game. But soon I'll probably grab em on PC.
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