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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. The cheapest way would be to download emulators and roms to your PC. But, if you want a device itself dedicated for that, the cheapest alternative is to build one via a raspberry pi. I know some people can make emulators out of old consoles. You could probably make one with an Xbox 360 or even an original Xbox. Xbox 360 would probably be better because of the hardware. But if you don't want to go the route of having to mod any of those old consoles, a raspberry pi would be good. There are also guides all over the web on how to set it all up too.
  2. I have this exact same issue, but in a game called Shadow Complex. It's a metroidvania style game, and I had collected every hidden item, and unlock but one gun I am still missing to this day. Or it could be a suit upgrade or something idk. I have tried everything to find this area. It leads me to an elevator that is blocked off. I try using all of my special guns and nothing worked. I ran through the whole map multiple times trying to find a way in, but it's the only locked part of the map I can't get to. Has anyone here played Shadow Complex and got everything?
  3. I saw some things about the voice acting, and another video on facebook I think showcasing that you can swim around in this world. It drops February 10th for current gen consoles and PC, April 4th for Xbox One and PS4. Switch version drops on July 25th. I'm probably not going to play it, but from the videos I've watched, fans of Harry Potter are really going to love this game.
  4. Yeah doesn't make any sense to me. The Xbox got a 4K upscaled version I guess, and that's why it didn't come with any online features. Which seems dumb to me, because why not just add it on? Is it that only one can be included or something? But yeah, Xbox fans were complaining about it, and I can understand. Many of us want to play it online, so doesn't make sense to not have MP included.
  5. No problem. I played it for a few hours a while back. I didn't stick with it, but from what I did play, it played good an was fun for a bit. Also the voice acting and story from the beginning was pretty decent too. I eventually want to play through it, but I guess at the time I just wasn't feeling the game enough to continue it. But yeah, not a live service game thank goodness.
  6. What's funny about this, is that China has to be one of their biggest markets, and now they're going to lose a TON of money because of this. I bet Blizzard is scrambling to figure out a way to remedy this situation as fast as possible. Maybe work something out with NetEase, but I doubt they'll make things work. How much do you think they stand to lose if they can't get their games back into China markets?
  7. SSX Tricky is arguably the best game of the SSX franchise. If anything I think both series died out because EA didn't want to do anything with them, especially after they shut down EA Sports Big. SSX 2012 didn't have the same feel as the original series. I don't even count it towards the original games because it's so different in terms of presentation and gameplay. I don't even know if you can compare the two franchises, considering EA Sports did the Fight Night series while Big did the more cartoony/arcade style sports games. Anyway, I think we're kinda going off topic. ________ Back on topic now. I think the reason they are done making Uncharted games, will be to put some focus on making tv shows going forward. I think Naughty Dog knows what they have, and will leverage that into making more tv. After the clear success of the last of us on HBO, and it already being renewed for a second season, it made me realize that Naughty Dog isn't really done with Uncharted. If anything I think we'll see them try a show for Uncharted. Maybe even skip making the Uncharted movies as I don't think the Uncharted movie sold well or was popular enough. A tv show could redeem that failure.
  8. Just the other day a friend of mine showed me a twitch stream where you can literally play one of the new Pokemon games by entering commands in the chat. I wish I took down the twitch name, because I think the stream is still up and anyone can jump in to play. This could be a fun way to play games.
  9. After the way the Last of Us is going on TV, I think an Uncharted series works even better, especially if HBO is involved, because they don't usually produce bad content. Yeah they do sometimes, but for the most part they put out pretty good programming for the most part. Uncharted also has 4+ games of content that can easily be explored in a tv show. Which is why I hope instead of making more Uncharted movies, they instead focus on making a tv series instead. And yeah, not every studio would do justice to the source material. Which is why I think what HBO and crew did is impressive. Makes you wonder what Netflix and other studios had their chance to make a Last of Us show. Would it be as good as what HBO is doing?
  10. Yeah a new IP would be great. I'm sure they have some ideas for new games in the pipeline. Naughty Dog isn't going to take a break anytime soon. I think we'll eventually get a TLOU 3, but that may be a while off yet. I think Neil Druckman is working on a new IP if I remember correctly. So maybe we'll hear more about that soon.
  11. I do remember hearing when the game originally came out that it got mediocre to okay reviews, nothing special. But I think the Deadpool movies kinda brought the game back from the dead, and if anything helped bring out the remastered version. I have yet to play it myself, but have been considering buying it to see how it plays. I think the main selling point for this game is the humor though, and from what I saw of the game, it is full of Deadpool style humor.
  12. Please play Watch Dogs 2. I prefer it over the first game, mainly because I enjoyed the story, the characters and the setting. Also the parkour style movement was awesome, and helped make the game more enjoyable for me. Lets just say, it was fast paced and I liked that aspect about it. Plus the hacking aspects were even better than the first game. Legion I can't comment on yet, but I think it just came down to being an underwhelming sequel. I hope they figure things out for a future sequel.
  13. Seems to be so, especially with all of these AI services popping up. I know people have attempted to make stories with AI, and even create game code with AI, so the future for AI is pretty bright. Only issue is how much AI will be used and if any of what is used for the AI is copyrighted or not. That's one big thing I worry about with AI is if it steals peoples content to create more content. And yeah, I don't see AI being that good to make something like a triple A game, but maybe one day we'll get close.
  14. Last I remember hearing anything about it, was back when H3H3 and his wife got character models added to the game as DLC. I think that was back in like 2016, so it's been a hell of a long time since I heard PayDay 2 anything. Yeah I think they dropped support for the game a few years ago. I don't know how much of a following the game still has, but I imagine there are people still rocking it to this day.
  15. Fox News has always said dumb shit about video games and how they cause violence or that it's a waste of time. I never take what Fox News says seriously, because they can't be bothered to do any research into the BS they spew about video games. I've seen many reports on Fox news about how video games are bad for our youth or bad in general. If they can't take the time to do any research, then I say ignore them. What I hate the most, is how they try to pair video games with these school shootings and other shootings in general. It's just a joke at this point with how the media likes to point fingers at video games as being these things that teach kids to be violent.
  16. True, but with EA, there's a lot of franchises that they kinda forgot about. From the SSX games coming to mind right away. Fight Night is a franchise I thought would stick around for a long time. It is due for a new game for sure, but I don't think it'll ever happen.
  17. I call BS on that considering split screen has been a thing since forever now. I think it's more to do with studios just not wanting to bother with it anymore. Like Killamch89 said below, it's the fact that most people don't utilize the feature anymore and that's most likely why studios don't support the feature as much anymore. True, it's not a feature that is used all that often anymore, but there are people who still like split screen gaming. I'm sure developers can figure out a solution to keep it in some games.
  18. The Guardians of the Galaxy game is not a live service game, it's a linear single player game. I don't think the game even has a multiplayer mode or microtransactions. Then again I only played about a couple hours into the game, so I don't know if they have microtransactions or not. But yeah, not a live service game.
  19. I remember when Payday 2 came out. I remember how it had this popularity spike when it first came out, and then it kinda went dark after a while. Do people still play Payday 2? Or is the game no longer that active? I feel like it's probably time for them to finally make a sequel. Do you agree? Or would you rather they keep focussing their time on Payday 2?
  20. Not much news to share on the Intellivision Amico, aside from the fact that it looks like the project has been abandoned or isn't going to happen. There was a whole lot of crazy stuff going on with the production, from the team allegedly lying about the consoles abilities, how the controllers worked and so on. Do you guys think this console could still release? And even if it did, would it even succeed with what we already have on the market? This article below discusses what's been going on. Doesn't seem like much is happening, especially since one of the leaders behind it, Tommy Tallarico peaced out from the project back in 2021, and that's where it mostly stopped. You can read more about this here - https://thegamebutler.com/2023/01/25/so-is-the-intellivision-amico-dead-or-what/ Do you think it's safe to say this console is never going to be on store shelves?
  21. I know there are some movies, tv, music and even games that utilize AI to help with production and to help in other ways. But what if a game was made solely from AI, from the coding aspect to the story, everything. I know at this point and time it's probably not very likely AI can create its own game. I mean, I'm sure it could, but it'll probably turn out to be a jumbled mess. But I am curious to see what AI does with coding. I don't think something made with AI on its own will be good, but I can see more people utilizing AI to help perfect their creations in some ways. Anyway, do you think we'll ever see a game that's all made by AI? Do you think it would work as a game? Would it take coding from other games to make its own game? There's so much AI can do and so little we know it's capable of. AI is weird.
  22. Looks like the game is getting favorable to great reviews across the board. Seems to be a mostly faithful recreation of the original game. The lowest I've seen so far is a 7/10, most reviews I see are 8s and 9s, or 4 out of 5 rating. I never got very far in the original game, maybe I'll pick the remake up and see how different and better it is.
  23. Watch Dogs: Legion was the most recent game in the franchise, but sadly it didn't live up to the hype brought on from Watch Dogs 2, which I still am a big fan of and may revisit one of these days. Anyway, I have yet to play Legion, but I hear fans weren't too pleased about it and it kinda just got forgotten, at least that's how I feel. You don't really ever hear anything about it, it's almost like fans have lost interest in it. I thought the idea behind the game was cool, to be able to play any person in the world, recruit them etc. And the permadeath option was a cool idea as well. Legion from what I can see, looks to have been a letdown for fans and the studio as well. I don't think it sold well either. Anyway, what do you think they'll do for a sequel? Will they fix the mistakes they made with Legion? Or will they go deeper into that idea and maybe expand on it with new ideas? If they went back to the way Watch Dogs 2 was, I think it'll turn out fine. What do you think?
  24. I'm assuming the big reason why is because Disney now owns it, I wonder if Activision and High Moon Studios still have a claim to it anymore. I know they made a remastered version of the video game back in 2016 I think, and that's been it ever since. Would you like to see another Deadpool game? I'm for sure welcoming to the idea, especially with the increased popularity Deadpool has received in recent years due to the movies and the game too. Who even has the rights to make a Deadpool game anymore? Is it High Moon Studios and Activision? Or is it reverted back to Disney?
  25. Yup, today. Also dropping for the Switch tool. Sadly, it looks like the Xbox version doesn't come with online multiplayer, but the switch version does. If that is true, then I think the best version you could get would be on the Switch. https://www.theloadout.com/goldeneye-007/xbox-no-online-multiplayer
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