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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Well it's happening. Goldeneye 007 is coming to Xbox Game pass in just a couple days. You can see the reveal trailer below. I might download it to see how different it feels gameplay wise. But from the looks of it, it's exactly the same game from what I see. There will probably be some changes due to copyright and all that, so I wonder what else has been changed from the original base game to now.
  2. It's sad not seeing consoles or other devices like that again. But I guess the main thing about it was that it wasn't adult friendly if that makes sense. I think it's because it looks too kid friendly, or childish, that adults didn't have any interest in it back then, while us kids loved the hell out of those translucent consoles. I think it's the aesthetic of it, in that adults aren't interested in having a colorful console sitting next to their VHS player back in the day, or looking like some giant popsicle on ones entertainment center. Now days I think nostalgia has set in, and people are taking interest in these old style designs again. I wonder if one day we'll see a resurgence of translucent cases/devices.
  3. I thought there was a limit to how much you can charge for a game as well. My guess is that maybe he had to reach out to Steam about allowing that price point, or they do let you price as high as you want. I would have thought they would have some kind of vetting process for this sort of thing. But I do think in the future if they haven't already, they should set a pricing limit so that games like this don't get onto their marketplace.
  4. Surprised it wasn't publicized more. You'd think with it being such a big thing, that it would have graced the news a lot around the time. I don't remember hearing much about it back then. He sounds like one of those who probably hid his emotions well. A lot of the soldiers who went to war held their feelings in, or put on a proud face about their time in the war. Especially back then when most men thought it was weak to show emotion. I can't say for sure if your grandpa was suffering, or if he was proud of his service, you can never tell with them. We've come a long ways when it comes to inclusion in video games. And with RDR2, I think they tried to paint a more woke crew. I don't like using woke, but it explains how I feel with a lot of the cast of RDR2. They are a posse of many races and religions it seems, and for the most part they seem to be a family, until things blow up of course. I think characters like Arthur, are made to write the wrongs of the past. Arthur is a deeply flawed person and has done a lot of bad things, but the game is his journey to becoming a better person. These characters may be corrupt, but it shows that even bad people can be redeemed, especially someone like Arthur, who I'm pretty sure has done some messed up shit in his lifetime. He even states such, but throughout the game you see Arthur change from a bad guy, into someone you can root for. It's kind of the opposite of Breaking Bad. Instead Arthur breaks good haha.
  5. Yeah I can see that. I still think they'll try to do that, but I'm hoping not. I guess it wasn't an issue with PSVR 1, so maybe we'll get lucky and things will be fine for PSVR2 and its release. I don't know what it is, but it seems in recent years, scalpers are picking off everything new they can get. If it's gaming related or collectible, they're going to scalp it in the hopes of making some profit. idk why, but it feels like it's happening more than usual these last few years.
  6. The problem with Sega around that time is that they kept wanting to make new consoles. The Sega Saturn came out with little fanfare and they decided to move on to the Dreamcast soon after. And I'm pretty sure there was a point where Sega was in talks about making yet another console after the Dreamcast before they inevitably decided it was time to call it quits on making consoles. I may be wrong on that, but I swear that's what Sega did. They messed up by making too many new consoles too soon.
  7. Kane99

    Original Gamertag?

    I remember when I joined my first every video game forum, my username there was VideoGameKing or something along those lines. I know for a fact I used that name in Star Craft when I was a kid, but I don't think I ever used the name after that haha. I guess you could say I thought I was a pro at video games, when in reality I don't think I ever was lol.
  8. I wish video game consoles released translucent consoles & peripherals again. I miss the days of the see through consoles and handhelds. Now days I don't feel like they make an attempt to make consoles different like this anymore. The skins and styles I see for the most part don't really do anything fun with the design. idk, maybe it's just me, but I think most new consoles and devices get lazy with the creative design and look.
  9. There is a new game on steam that'll cost you $2000 if you want it, and guess what, it's not even 2 hours long. Source - https://gamerant.com/most-expensive-steam-games-hidden-and-unknown-price/ This new Steam game is titled The Hidden and Unknown and is developed by ProX and is currently the most expensive game on steam. The reason for charging so high, is that the developer feels he has every right to charge what he wants. And even goes on to say that if they don't like the game, they can complete it in less then 2 hours and still get the refund, and he even suggests people do that if they feel the cost isn't fair. So far two people have left a review on the game, one saying it was worth the buy and another saying would buy again. 10/10. Though one review is a pre-release review so I'm assuming they got a copy for free haha. While the other reviewer may have actually purchased it. Could you see many people buying this? I wonder if any lets players will pay the $2000 just to stream it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2193940/The_Hidden_and_Unknown/
  10. Yeah it's a problem when it comes to buying codes from third parties. You never know exactly what you're getting and it could take months or even years before a studio takes notice and removes the game or whatever. I heard someone got in trouble for selling their codes from a humble bundle. Even giving them away to people can cause issues I hear.
  11. Surprised to see that no one has really made a topic about this game. I'm sure it's been brought up, but I'm not seeing a dedicated topic just for it. And honestly this game looks pretty impressive. Though maybe not a game I'd be able to handle myself, I can see many people really enjoying this game. Anyway, it's an upcoming FPS with ARPG elements. To me it looks similar to Bioshock, mixed with that recent Prey game. Is it something you guys are looking forward to? It looks like a chaotic game, and one I probably won't be patient enough to play.
  12. Oh for sure. You'll see stuff like that all the time. I usually just ignore it for the most part and never open MS office. That is true. Do pre-builts have warranties that stop you from opening your PC? I figure it's totally fine to open a PC up and add/remove from it if needed. I hope that doesn't void any warranties in itself. That'd be crazy imo.
  13. That's a bummer, what was it called? I'm curious if you can still download the emulator or if the guy just outright scrapped it and peaced out? I thought there was already a PS2 emulator, I mean, I know there was a Wii one at some point, called the Dolphin Emulator, so I imagine we have a couple dedicated to just the PS2.
  14. Kane99

    Game & Watch

    I originally wanted it just because of its clock function, the SMB game it comes with was kind of an afterthought for me, because I too kinda wanted to put it up by my bed as a little clock. But couldn't see myself spending $50 for this.
  15. I wouldn't mind owning one of the European SNES's. I just like the look overall, how smoother it is compared to the American SNES. Also, I like the controller colors more on the European controller than the American one. Though I do have nostalgia for the SNES I grew up with, I think I would have loved owning one from Europe.
  16. Nah I doubt that. It's more to do with them just being lazy and not wanting to bother with it. Couch co-op is still a thing people like to do, maybe not as much as we used to, but it's still something people enjoy. It can't hurt to include a split screen mode in most games. It's just studios being lazy and not wanting to implement it.
  17. Facebook, twitter, reddit, you name it, people are complaining on it haha. It's all anyone does on social media these days. They're just as bad, but imo, I don't think they're as rampant as they used to be. Or I should say, I don't see them complain as much anymore, than again I don't seek out any COD/Battlefield comments. But I'm sure it's just as bad as anything else out there. :D
  18. I get that. For me it's more to do with the fact I doubt I'll be playing these games myself. I got lucky when I played the first TLOU game. I borrowed my sister's PS3, and I played the game during a weekend. But, didn't have a PS4 to play the sequel so I just watched a lets play. And I figure I doubt I'll ever play it myself, and I wanted to get to that story, so I went with streaming. I know some people want to play it and experience it themselves, but I'm okay with watching some games.
  19. I think it's more to do with studios not giving QA testers enough time with the games in the first place. So you got QA testers probably giving details about a bunch of bugs that will probably never be patched or will be patched after release. I think a lot of these games have known bugs at release, and QA testers let them know, but I can see studios releasing these games because they have the mentality that "oh, we'll just fix these bugs after release".
  20. Oh for sure, not all studios will allow their online games to continue. But there are studios that will let their fans go ahead and continue the game via servers and other means. Like I've said in the past, a lot of EA games have a second coming in a way, as fans have kept some of them alive. Like the earlier Battlefield games like Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1942 and so on, are still being played by fans, because they're setting up their own servers and even making their own mods to keep these old games fresh. And even some of those games that are shut down, may someday see the light of day because of fans bringing back online modes. Gamers are a wild bunch, and will find ways of keeping many games alive. The sad truth though, is that many games will be forgotten to time, some may never be brought back.
  21. It's because people still happily play it. I may not be one of those who still enjoys it, but you can't argue there is a big audience of gamers still enjoying GTA V, and Rockstar knows this and continues to pack it with content. But, when you've played the online mode as much as I have, you can only play so much until it starts to get boring and repetitive, and GTA V was that for me. I enjoyed it early on and for many years after, but I just lost interest in playing it online and I think it's time for a change and time for a new game. Plus, gamers still buy their shark cards. Rockstar is making a ton off of them.
  22. I am 50/50 on this. I don't want it to be a main point of the game, but maybe add a game mode, where people can utilize stuff like wall running and jet packs. Let the main multiplayer be the traditional COD you know, and let there be game modes where you can add fun stuff like this. You got stuff like Prop Hunt and I'm sure they could implement modes for just using a jetpack and wall running. I just don't want it to be a main focus of the game.
  23. Yeah I think it's fair to include a credit saying he helped with the original game, I don't think he deserves a writing credit for the show itself, as he technically had nothing to do with the show. I just want to see him credited for being one of the creators of the original game. I think that would be fair, considering they do credit Neil and Naughty dog for creating the game. It's not like it'll hurt them any to include one of the original creators. But yeah, no credit for writing on the show itself. I think the concern was him not being recognized as an original creator of this massive franchise. If I was in the same boat and I saw something I created blow up huge, I would want to be tied to it in some way at least.
  24. There are also people who contact publishers pretending to get free review copies and in turn sell the codes they got. Some studios catch this and if the code is used by another user, that account could be banned or they could lose access to the game completely. I've heard where people have lost games they legit paid for from key sites, because the codes came back stolen later on.
  25. Sadly they never will stop. Mobile apps will continue to come out, utilizing the same scheme and methods of draining your wallet. Either it be by buying coins to buy an item in the shop, or paying to remove ads, or whatever else. It's gotten to the point where I don't bother with most free to play games, I just look for games that cost money and check those out instead. At least then I'm not seeing the endless ads per mission or annoying popups and long loadtimes, etc.
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