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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah it's a new version of the game that solely takes place in VR. It's been out for a little while now, I'm assuming in a beta state, but it's been out. I saw some meme videos where a guy was chasing around what sounded like a kid. Just looked like it would be so fun to play as the impostor while in VR. Cause it's tougher to see as you only have sight in front of you and not at the top down angle like the original game.
  2. What I also like about it, is that it looks like it may be easier to play in VR. With the way the AI works, it doesn't seem to recognize you as easy. Also, it looks like using your hands will be a lot easier to dispatch enemies than knocking them out the traditional way. I just want to go in, judo chop everyone. I think that would be so fun to do haha.
  3. That is no longer true, as of 2015 women now have the right to work any military job they want, including being on the frontlines and in battle. I don't know if women are still having issues with that aspect of the military, but it seems to be going better these days in terms of women getting more options in the military. https://time.com/4134976/pentagon-combat-women/ Thanks go out to your grandfather for his service. I can't imagine what it would have been like seeing the horrors of war like that, especially liberating Auschwitz. I can imagine it being scary to be around him after all that. Did he have any PTSD from the war? And yeah, the language makes sense for the time. As long as a game/movie doesn't use offensive language excessively to the point that it's overkill, or even unrealistic, then I can totally understand why people would be mad at it. But I think games these days, take the safer approach. The bad guys usually are the ones saying the offensive things for the most part. At least from most games/movies I watch these days. While the good guys you rarely hear bad things come out of their mouth.
  4. Damn games are getting bigger. I don't even think I can run this game under minimum specs. And yeah, not too fond of Square Enix as of late. I'm also getting Recore vibes from this game for some reason. A game that got okay reviews but was forgotten in a couple weeks. I have a feeling this game will end up going that route.
  5. More over to TV if anything. I know Uncharted had a movie, but the movie wasn't really that good imo. And I think it's because you don't get to experience time with these characters like you did in a video game. Movies it's not so easy, but with a tv show it gives you more time with these characters. I think a tv show would work a lot better for Uncharted than a movie did. Main reason why, is because you can flesh out these characters through a tv show a lot easier, so you can grow characters, see them mature etc. But the movie, doesn't give you that option, you're either expected to know the games, or just hope you can tag along as best you can otherwise. Uncharted would work great as its own tv show, because there is 4+ games already. They can also expand upon the story in the games, depending how long the show runs for that is.
  6. That actually sounds cool. I kind of want to play WWE 2K22 or maybe one of the older games like Here comes the pain on stream, and I want to see if chat can control the game itself. I think it'd be cool. Or I may play that GM mode in the new game and let chat take control of that. I think that'd be fun.
  7. Honestly I'd wait to get a new Nintendo console. I imagine we're due for a new Nintendo console, either a new Switch pro with better hardware, or a completely new console altogether. I think Nintendo will release a new Switch model with better hardware, and a better screen and maybe even an updated controller. I don't think they need to produce a new console outright. It's time for an upgrade, and I would just wait for a new switch model to come out instead of buying what's out now. Unless you really want a switch, in which case, just get the newest model they have now. I'm just going to wait until they release a new console, whether it be a new switch or something else.
  8. With the way the PS5 has been hard to get as of late, due to scalpers still trying to get money out of it. I was curious if the PSVR2 will end up dealing with the same problem. The price at release for the PSVR2 is I believe going to be going for the same price as a PS5, so I think $499.99. If scalpers get their hands on it though, I can see it reaching upwards of $1000 or more. With that being said, do you have your pre-order in for one? Or are you going to wait a while before picking up Sony's new vr headset? And do you hope that scalpers don't inflate the price?
  9. That's something I eventually want to get myself. It's more practical and probably works with most phones. Logitech should've just made a controller attachment like this, probably would have sold good.
  10. I'm at the point where I don't game enough to warrant a purchase of a new console anyway. I game mostly on PC and even then I only really play Madden, Fortnite and a couple other games here or there. I don't game like I used to sadly.
  11. Honestly Resident Evil 4. I normally never touched the RE series growing up. I tried RE4 many years ago, but never stuck with it. But when I tried it in VR, I actually wanted to play the game. It's fun having to pull out a clip to reload your gun as zombies shamble towards you. Or having to switch to a grenade mid fight while trying to get used to the VR controls. I have played a quarter of the way through the game, and I think it's thanks to VR. Otherwise I wouldn't have played it.
  12. The Last of Us has aired its first two episodes these past two weeks, and the show is gaining popularity. With how well fans are taking to the show, it made me wonder, what other video games from Naughty Dog, including the Uncharted series, should be made into a tv show? I think Uncharted would make for a perfect show, the adventure, the characters, etc would fit perfectly in a tv show format. But what other Naughty dog works should try for their own tv show? And what other video games do you want to see make the jump to tv? We got Halo, what could be next?
  13. I heard a while back that there were channels where the gamers took control of the action via voting choices. Like Twitch plays Pokemon or something like that. I never really looked deep into it, so I never knew how they did it. I'm guessing they had some kind of voting tool on Twitch where when a choice comes up, chat can type in chat for a certain choice, button press, direction, etc. Are there any Twitch channels that still do this?
  14. NFTs would be less of a problem than crypto, at least with NFTs you have something you can use in a game or whatever. But with crypto, the worth can drop to next to nothing, and you're left with nothing. I'm not saying NFTs should be in video games either, but I think the worst option would be crypto.
  15. Well looks like this game is getting mediocre reviews as of late. Most reviews seem to praise the controls, including the parkour elements and combat, but the story and RPG elements I hear are lacking. I've been seeing mostly 6's/7's/ and 8's here and there. Here's what IGN had to say:
  16. Pretty much the tech support, security updates and I think support for new games. I hear you may be able to install new games, but they may not be supported 100%. And the downside of all this, is that the Meta Quest 3 is said to be coming soon, and that means the MQ2 might be on its way out too. It sucks, but I think a lot of the apps and programs are getting too strong for the older devices. Meta Quest 2 will probably see a similar fate when MQ3 drops.
  17. I feel like we're at a point where VR is highly adoptable for most gamers. You can get an Meta Quest 2 for around $400-$500. You don't need a PC for it either, it has its own marketplace and games. It's not as good as a Valve VR or whatever other VR headsets are out there. I tried my nephews on my PC and it didn't work so great. You either need a really good PC to play it in VR on PC or it just doesn't work. It's more affordable than ever, and I think it's here to stay. I think soon enough Xbox will put one out, or they will let gamers use any VR headset on the market, which would be huge for them I think. It would be nice to see more VR games, and really good ones. Like the Half Life Alyx game, and a few others.
  18. Yup, COD and that Omni device you can get to run in real time. I can imagine how crazy that'd feel in VR. But yeah I second COD as well, it'd be crazy hard to play in VR with how much easier I imagine it is playing via a keyboard & mouse or gamepad.
  19. This shouldn't be happening when they're out there attempting to buy another company. If you have all of these studios and money, why not wait on the whole acquisition of Activision and company, and instead focus on growing the studios you got now. Microsoft should be putting their money into the studios they have now, to make exclusive titles. Which they should have been doing for forever now. It doesn't seem right that 10,000+ employees are let go, when they are tossing up this much money for companies left and right.
  20. And they now know why this live service model for a game that had little to no replayability, was a bad idea, hopefully they won't make the same mistake again. The Avengers was one of those games people were hoping would turn out to be something special, but it turned out to be a failed attempt to cash in on the live service gaming. People realized there wasn't a future for this game and probably peaced out. And now they are closing up shop. I was hoping for a single player or co-op story driven game where I could play as any Avenger I wanted to. I wanted what they did with the recent Guardians of the Galaxy game Square Enix and them did. Maybe one day they'll actually make a good Avengers game.
  21. If anything I think vulgarity and offensive content is starting to fall away from video games, tv and movies. I think studios are starting to change the language a bit to not offend anyone. RDR2 isn't a good example since it is based on a time where the language was constantly offensive in nature. We still have offensive language today, but I feel like more games and tv/movies are starting to stray away from using that language. Back in the 90s and early 2000s you'd hear homophobic slurs in movies/tv all the time. And it went untouched for a long time, but now days you rarely hear it in anything, unless it's based in the early 2000s,90s or earlier where that language was used a lot in public. Also with RDR2, I don't recall it getting too offensive with its language. I know the N word and other racial slurs are said in the game, but to my knowledge, I don't remember hearing it used too much. I'm sure there was other racial and homophobic slurs tossed in to the mix as well, but I don't recall the dialog saying too much offensive. I'd imagine RDR1 was a bit more offensive and even that I don't recall things getting overly racist. This isn't Django Unchained where the N word is probably tossed around every few minutes. And the cool thing with RDR2, is that it shows a posse that is mostly against racism, except for maybe a few of them like Micah, but fuck Micah. Media has changed a lot in the past 20 years I'd say. I remember when movies said dumb shit all the time, and now days it's relatively tame in terms of the language they use. I think the worry comes more from the gamers who throw around offensive language in multiplayer games. Lets be honest, that's where things get bad. Game lobbies are the same way they were back in the early days of Call of Duty. I remember hearing everything under the sun when I played COD back in the day, and from what I hear, public COD lobbies for example, are much of the same. Constant arguing, racism, homophobia etc. I think games are striving to get away from that language for the most part, it's just that gamers are keeping that language alive. I blame it on the gamers for the most part, they're the ones saying most of the hateful things.
  22. I think if they can implement cloud gaming more, much like what Xbox is doing, we'll start to see more people playing on mobile. That or they make more controller connections that make gaming on mobile more fun, in turn drawing more quality games to hopefully come out.
  23. Well to be fair, EA has Apex Legends which is free to play and has a similar battle pass system to Fortnite. But I know games like Battlefield often have their own battle passes, and that is often a $60-$70 game as well.
  24. Depends on what your gaming preferences are. I think if you have a gaming PC, a good mouse and keyboard is a must. I use a HyperX keyboard. Not one of their expensive ones, was just like $40 or so. I forget. And I had a better mouse, but am currently using an Amazon Basics mouse. Nothing special. Probably not good for gaming. Which is why I use a gamepad. The gamepad I currently use is the Power A Fusion controller. I got it originally for Xbox, but it works for the PC as well, and aside from the analog sticks falling apart, it's a decent controller. Lasted me longer than most Xbox 360/One controllers have. Also if you're looking for a cheap budget mic for streaming maybe, I have a FIFINE Studio Condenser USB Mic, that came with an arm and everything, only spent $80 I think at the time, but it's currently going for $49.99 on Amazon right now. Works great in discord, but you may need to fiddle with audio settings in OBS or whatever streaming program you're using.
  25. Gamers take things way too seriously sometimes when it comes to their opinions on video games/consoles etc on social media as well. It's either Sony fanboys vs Xbox fanboys, or Nintendo fanboys too, but they're not as crazy I'd say. Social media has made it easier to complain about ones favorite video games, and it's gotten to a point that people will get heated about their thoughts. Twitter alone is a cesspool of arguments on just about everything. Facebook is about the same, arguing back and forth. I never bother commenting on social media because it's pointless, you can't win an argument.
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