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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I've never actually played WoW before. I always put it off because my friends made fun of it, or I always thought it would make me look bad if I played it. Blame it on the dumb crowd I hung out with. Either way, I think I never bothered to play it, because I knew it would be too much for me. Much like other games in the genre, I'm not good with it. Plus I felt like I would need to ask for a lot of help online, and I don't like asking other gamers for help haha. Weird I know.
  2. I played only a small portion of it, but I realized this game was going to be packed to the brim with content. I got overwhelmed by the amount of menus and things you had to do, that I gave up. I may revisit it one of these days, but I really need to be devoted to actually learning it, because I need the patience first.
  3. Yeah mobile games do it all the time. I'll say that there are some that balance things fine, but then there are some mobile games that throw so many ads at you, and take forever to play, that it kinda pushes you to pay for things to get ahead. It's why I don't play many mobile games, because if you want to get anything real done, you do need to pay to get anywhere. Unless you want to grind your ass off to get somewhere, and even then that just becomes a chore.
  4. With Siege, I can see it surviving for many years to come, even after it eventually loses support. The reason why I say this, is because I feel there is a dedicated group of people keeping the game alive. If Siege eventually loses support from the developers, I'm sure the fans will set up their own private servers to keep things alive. A lot of old multiplayer games see new life. Also, if they haven't already, they could open it free to play to bring in more people.
  5. You kinda got it mixed. This topic is for movies you'd like to see made into video games. But Metal Gear Solid is a movie I've wanted to see made for a very long time now. But I won't accept a Metal gear movie until Kojima is allowed to be involved. There's actually two Saw games already, came out on the 360 and PS3 I believe. They were not good by any means, the first one at least was okay from what I hear, but the sequel is worse I guess.
  6. I doubt it. From what I hear, is that they only have concept images and such, I don't think they have any graphical builds in the mix. If they did I imagine this whole file would have been a bit bigger than 11gigs. Check it out though, maybe there's some stuff in there that hasn't been posted about yet.
  7. Source - https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2023/01/bruce-straley-wasnt-credited-in-hbos-the-last-of-us-calls-for-unionization Bruce Straley, who was the co-director of the first Last of Us game, wasn't credited in the new show adaptation for the story. It only mentions Neil Druckmann and Craig Maizin as writers. I hear that Straley is responsible for a lot of the story and ideas in the original game. On top of that, he was with Naughty Dog for 18 years, working on even the Uncharted series in a big capacity as well. Due to this exclusion from the credits, Straley thinks its more obvious we need unionization in gaming, and I agree. Do you think Bruce Straley should be credited in the show going forward? I think he just wants to be recognized for helping create this universe. And it's the least they can do. Even if he's not involved with the show itself. What do you think?
  8. I have watched a couple games on YouTube from start to finish. Sometimes I watch with commentary, but I also watch without it depending on the game. If it's story driven, I don't want commentary. But if it's some dumb game they play to kill time, I don't mind commentary, if anything it's better that way with commentary, well depending on the person making the video. Anyway, I watched The Last of Us Part 2 completed, no commentary. I played the first game myself, but didn't have a PS4 or PS5 to play 2. So I watched a youtuber who puts out playthroughs without commentary.
  9. It'd be cool. Maybe they can include a referee mode where you can play as a ref. Another mode they could do something fun with, is maybe hell In a cell, cage matches and the elimination chamber modes.
  10. I think the main selling point for the S is due to it's price. I believe it's going for around $300 right now, and to my knowledge all games on the series x work on the series s, just at a lower framerate/resolution. And with how digital is becoming more prevelant these days, it kinda makes sense to buy it if you're on a budget and still want to experience what Xbox has to offer.
  11. Most games I play solo. Like Madden, Red Dead Redemption 2, and a few others. I do play games like cod sometimes (rarely these days), and when I do it's with friends. Same with games like Fortnite.
  12. Yeah ads in video games have been increasing as of late, even in paid for games. I don't mind it in free to play games, because it makes sense. But they have no place in these triple A games.
  13. I'm on TikTok a lot. If you give it timez it will figure out the stuff you like and will share content for you. Same with Instagram and probably YouTube shorts. I see a lot of gaming videos on there, some streaming. But I think they mostly mirror their streams from twitch and YouTube to TikTok instead.
  14. Haha I knew Driver would be the first one the list. I remember that first level not fondly that's for sure. It was a torture. Had to have my brother in law help finish the first tutorial. So glad we got through it. Because Driver is actually a fun game for the time. I kinda want to revisit it and see if I can do the tutorial. Actually I think I might do that. Could probably play through emulation and stream it. 😄
  15. Give it a try. I think there are many versions of RPG Maker out there. I never really used it myself but heard many people who have and they have fun with it. I hear it's not perfect, but to start out, I hear it can teach a lot. And there are prob graphic engines you can download and mess around with as well.
  16. I played infinite with my nephew around the time it came out. Maybe played a max hour or so before I lost interest. To be fair I'm not a big halo fan so I couldn't get into the gameplay so much. I hear it's kinda fallen in popularity as of late due to the devs not doing much of anything new to entice players to keep playing. Is it even worth it to play infinite in the state it is in now?
  17. The maps were okay, but I couldn't get into the jet packs and wall running aspect of it all. It just made the game feel less and less call of duty for me. But I'll admit I did like how fast it all was.
  18. It's always been bad in GTA online. From GTA IV to GTA V, you'll always encounter these trolls and annoying gamers. It just comes down to ignoring them, fighting back against them, or putting on passive mode so they can't bother you anymore. I usually do the latter.
  19. Let us know how it goes. I think it depends on the game. I believe some Famicom games have english, but of course majority will probably be in Japanese. Also when you bought the ROM hack did it say it would be in English? I don't think the console decides the language but the cart itself does. That would be my guess anyway.
  20. Oh for sure. I have paid to remove ads from some mobile games in the even bought stuff in some games. But it's a rarity that I do. I'm considering paying to remove ads from a mobile game I started playing, but I already kind of stopped playing it for a bit.
  21. They could do that with a switch 2.0. if the steam deck can get most games playing from your steam library, I'm sure they could produce a more super up switch, in the same form factor even. A redesign may be needed, but I could see them matching what the steam deck or the new steam deck does. I think if it matches what the steam decks can do, it doesn't need to necessarily match the same hardware as other current consoles.
  22. Ace Combat VR sounds like it'd be a joy to play. I never thought I'd play resident evil 4 in Vr as I was never a big fan of the original game via controller. But something about playing it in VR works so well and I want to keep playing. I can see myself really enjoying something like Ace Combat in VR.
  23. Kane99

    Game & Watch

    Never owned one myself but I think a neighbor had one that I messed around with. It was the one with the monkeys. I wanted to get the Super Mario Bros play n watch handheld that came out a while back. It had Super Mario Bros 1 that you could play and one of the original play and watch games. It also could be used as a cool clock. But I didn't want to spend $50 for something like that. Maybe if it see it on sale somewhere I'll buy it.
  24. Yeah I think they are done with handheld gaming for the time being. The PSP and psvita were never really that profitable for Sony, at least if I remember correctly. I don't think they made a ton on either handheld, but please correct me if I'm wrong. I always felt like the DS, and 3DS were always ahead of the PSP and Vita in terms of sales. It's sad too, because both consoles were pretty decent devices that could do a lot. I didn't get why it didn't sell as well as it should sell. Both the PSP and Vita I mean. If Sony ever revisits handhelds, I think they could go the hybrid route too. Like with Nintendo Switch. But it probably won't be for a long time.
  25. On Xbox one I have the usual Netflix, Hulu, spectrum, YouTube, edge browser, and a bunch of other typical apps. A lot of streaming services.
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