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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I have not, but I hear it's very similar to over watch and some said it's too similar. It's free to play so I may check it out. But I never was into overwatch so idk if it would even like this one. But can't hurt to give it a try soon.
  2. Hmm, not sure. Maybe Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption 2. But I'm probably forgetting about an even longer game. But I feel like Skyrim is the one game I played with nearly endless amount of stuff to do.
  3. I can only think of mobile games. But most of them required you to do repetitive tasks and I think the addiction aspect wained pretty fast when I got bored of the games. One was this football game that became too easy to play. And I just got bored of winning lol.
  4. Seems like it is. And I think for a free to play game, a battle pass system makes sense. But when it's a $60/$70 game, I don't think we should be paying for a battle pass on top of it. If we do, we should ateast get the first battle pass when purchasing the game at no additional cost and maybe charge us when the next season comes. That imo would be fair to me.
  5. I think so. With the way Fortnite and Warzone have become hugely popular, I can see more multiplayer games coming that feature free to play options. They will probably just copy the method Fortnite does with their battle pass every new season or chapter. I think that is the way to go. You don't need to pay in order to play either, and can still level up. But won't get the other unlocks you would with a battle pass. That's the only way I see things working. But there are often free games from companies and more. I can see free games being a thing for years to come.
  6. I have seen people streaming on there for a while now. Didn't know they made it possible to do it from your PC. If so I may actually consider doing some streaming on there to see how it goes.
  7. Depends. I use cloud saves and such kinda often, but as for cloud gaming, not so much. I don't like the lag, I feel it's not 100% there yet anyway so will be a while before I can take advantage of cloud gaming.
  8. I feel like Siege can go on for a long time. The team behind it to be fair have kept the game alive for a long time already. And it's still a popular game from what I see. Eventually they will need to make a sequel or do something fresh. But I think it has a long time ahead of it.
  9. I don't play anything that's pay to win. It's one to have micro transactions and all that, but when you intentionally have a play to win game, it's really not fun or worth the time. Most pay to win games fail usually due to fans hating on the idea. As long as micro transactions and other such things don't give you an edge against others, I see no issue with it. But when it gives better items to those who have the money, then it just becomes pointless to play. Especially if it's a free to play game in the first place.
  10. Played a little bit of it a while back, but it's not something I played religiously or much of. It's a run game for sure though and it's something I'd like to check out again at some point.
  11. I've only played it once and mostly watched streams of it otherwise. It looks like something is get into though. Isn't it free to play now days or am I confusing it with another game?
  12. I'm all played out on GTA V myself. Can't get into it anymore and if I do I probably play it for a few hours and then eventually get bored of it after a while. I am ready for GTA VI
  13. There has been news of some game developers and studios wanting to enact a gaming union so that developers and studios are better protected from the abuse they've been receiving over the years, from forced crunch, to unreasonable due dates and so on. And of course other more harmful abuses like sexual assault and other such offenses. I think it's a great move to implement a union for people who work in the gaming industry, especially those don't have much power in the industry. Do you see more studios unionizing going forward? Do you think we'll see just one big union? Or will we see a few pop up here and there?
  14. This is really cool. A games archivist nicknamed VGDensetsu has released 11GB of content that shows data on cancelled games, like screenshots, video previews, articles, cancelled games, and so on. He's been collecting this info for over 10 years now. Users have found details about Half-Life 2: Episode 3 and a Streets of Rage remake. Like in development images of Half-Life 2: EP3. If you'd like to comb through the info yourself, you can download a RAR/Torrent of it on the Internet Archive here - https://archive.org/details/archive_202301 As well, read more about this story here - https://exputer.com/news/industry/games-archivist-canceled-games-arts/
  15. Looks like some members are leaving Playground Games, the makers of Forza Horizon and the Forza series in general. This new studio is called Maverick Games, and will allow their team to take creative risks. The studio head and creative director is Mike Brown who was the previous creative director for the Forza Horizon series. Along with him, comes executive producer Tom Butcher, CTO Matt Craven, content director Gareth Harwood and audio director Fraser Strachan. Ben Penrose also joins the fray, though previously working with Sharkmob, but has worked on Forza in the past. As well, Elly Marshall, has been named UX/UI Director. And finally, the COO is Harinder Sangha who helped form Sega Hardlight and Sumo Leamington. What do you think their first project could be? Maybe they'll do a racing game themselves? Read more about this news here - https://www.gamesindustry.biz/playground-games-leaders-form-new-aaa-studio-maverick-games
  16. 2019 was the year of the first Quest VR headset release and unfortunately it looks like Meta is deciding to cut support for the device soon. It will still get security updates and all that up until 2024, but the device will no longer get compatibility updates and all that. You also wont be able to take advantage of the Meta Horizon home any longer. So really you can play games you already own, but any future ones may not work properly. As well, it's rumored the Quest 3 is coming sometime this year, so there's that too. https://www.destructoid.com/meta-ending-support-quest-1-vr-headset/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=meta-ending-support-quest-1-vr-headset
  17. Super Mario Bros. WWE Smackdown games (around here comes the pain/SD Vs Raw) Metal Gear Solid Red Dead Redemption Call of Duty Grand Theft Auto Batman (Arkham Series/Original NES game) and more I'm probably forgetting about.
  18. Probably Silent Hill 2. Even though I think I could finish it, the atmosphere and the tank controls really make it a tough sell for me. I don't like tight controls that can get you into trouble, so most horror games back in the day I didn't even touch. But Silent Hill 2 was just so cool, so I had to try it. I got somewhat far, but didn't play it too long haha. I knew once I hit a boss I'd get annoyed and give up.
  19. It's going to increase in popularity in the coming years. It's already blown up as of late because of how popular competitive gaming has gotten over the years. People like to watch others game, especially gamers who are good, because lets face it, a lot of us are not nearly as good as some of the pro gamers out there, and it's kinda fun seeing them wreck teams with ease sometimes. But yeah, expect it to grow even more in popularity, especially when more multiplayer games come out that are probably made specifically to be played competitively.
  20. Game mods bring new life to long dormant games. Like old multiplayer games like Battlefield 2, or Battlefield 1942, which has a small community of gamers with their own servers and game nights. They also make mods for the games and make new mods to keep the game fresh for a new generation. And of course, they make popular games more fun, and add loads more to do, depending on the game and if they allow it of course. But yeah, modding is huge, and if we didn't have people modding games, we wouldn't see some of the biggest games, because I'm sure a lot of the developers who work on your favorite games, got started in modding games and other such things, so that's a cool thing to keep in mind. :)
  21. Social media has made it so much more easier to reach friends and make new ones, especially for gaming. It's easy to connect with people while online gaming. Much easier than it was in the past. You can find online groups all over the place, from Facebook to twitter, discord and more. Social media has opened up the world to each other when it comes to gaming. And on top of streamers coming in and increasing its popularity even more.
  22. Not really no. I rarely have headaches, and when I do it's usually out of the blue. It could be from me looking at a PC screen most of the day, or not doing much that day. Or not eating properly, drinking enough water, etc. For the most part, it's rare that I ever have one, and usually it's not unbearable, just a maybe 1-2 out of 10 on the pain scale.
  23. A remake is likely what we'll end up getting, and I'm kinda okay with that. I don't trust them enough to continue the story without Kojima, but if they can remaster/remake the full series, that'd be dope. Be even cooler if they start from the very beginning with the NES game and then moved on to MGS1, MGS2, 3 and 4 and I think end it there. Probably no need to remake 5. I wouldn't trust Konami to make a new MGS without Kojima, it just wouldn't feel right. It'd feel like Season 4 of Community when Dan Harmon was kicked off the show for a season, it will be okay-ish, but won't feel the same at all.
  24. What I want to see with AI is how we're using it as of late. If AI is getting so advanced these days, I'd like to see the AI we're using now, implemented in video games in some way. We already have AI in gaming, but I feel like with the advancements that we've made recently with AI, it could add some interesting scenarios to our video games. But, I could also see it making games harder, or challenging in other ways.
  25. The Xbox still would have come out whether Sega released a new console or not. I feel they would have jumped in at some point. Anyway, I don't think Sega could compete at the time. They had two failed consoles in a row on their hand, and things weren't getting better. I doubt them shipping out a third console would have saved them. If anything it probably could have killed them outright. Three failures wouldn't look good. So I think it was right of Sega to move their work to publishing/developing games instead of making consoles. If anything, I think they should have put more time into making handhelds. Their handhelds were popular and I am willing to bet if they shifted to a more mobile market, they could have at least stuck somewhat in the hardware market. And hey, they are kinda back with their classic consoles. So maybe that will interest them in making a new console one of these days.
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