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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I call BS on that considering split screen has been a thing since forever now. I think it's more to do with studios just not wanting to bother with it anymore. Like Killamch89 said below, it's the fact that most people don't utilize the feature anymore and that's most likely why studios don't support the feature as much anymore. True, it's not a feature that is used all that often anymore, but there are people who still like split screen gaming. I'm sure developers can figure out a solution to keep it in some games.
  2. The Guardians of the Galaxy game is not a live service game, it's a linear single player game. I don't think the game even has a multiplayer mode or microtransactions. Then again I only played about a couple hours into the game, so I don't know if they have microtransactions or not. But yeah, not a live service game.
  3. I remember when Payday 2 came out. I remember how it had this popularity spike when it first came out, and then it kinda went dark after a while. Do people still play Payday 2? Or is the game no longer that active? I feel like it's probably time for them to finally make a sequel. Do you agree? Or would you rather they keep focussing their time on Payday 2?
  4. Not much news to share on the Intellivision Amico, aside from the fact that it looks like the project has been abandoned or isn't going to happen. There was a whole lot of crazy stuff going on with the production, from the team allegedly lying about the consoles abilities, how the controllers worked and so on. Do you guys think this console could still release? And even if it did, would it even succeed with what we already have on the market? This article below discusses what's been going on. Doesn't seem like much is happening, especially since one of the leaders behind it, Tommy Tallarico peaced out from the project back in 2021, and that's where it mostly stopped. You can read more about this here - https://thegamebutler.com/2023/01/25/so-is-the-intellivision-amico-dead-or-what/ Do you think it's safe to say this console is never going to be on store shelves?
  5. I know there are some movies, tv, music and even games that utilize AI to help with production and to help in other ways. But what if a game was made solely from AI, from the coding aspect to the story, everything. I know at this point and time it's probably not very likely AI can create its own game. I mean, I'm sure it could, but it'll probably turn out to be a jumbled mess. But I am curious to see what AI does with coding. I don't think something made with AI on its own will be good, but I can see more people utilizing AI to help perfect their creations in some ways. Anyway, do you think we'll ever see a game that's all made by AI? Do you think it would work as a game? Would it take coding from other games to make its own game? There's so much AI can do and so little we know it's capable of. AI is weird.
  6. Looks like the game is getting favorable to great reviews across the board. Seems to be a mostly faithful recreation of the original game. The lowest I've seen so far is a 7/10, most reviews I see are 8s and 9s, or 4 out of 5 rating. I never got very far in the original game, maybe I'll pick the remake up and see how different and better it is.
  7. Watch Dogs: Legion was the most recent game in the franchise, but sadly it didn't live up to the hype brought on from Watch Dogs 2, which I still am a big fan of and may revisit one of these days. Anyway, I have yet to play Legion, but I hear fans weren't too pleased about it and it kinda just got forgotten, at least that's how I feel. You don't really ever hear anything about it, it's almost like fans have lost interest in it. I thought the idea behind the game was cool, to be able to play any person in the world, recruit them etc. And the permadeath option was a cool idea as well. Legion from what I can see, looks to have been a letdown for fans and the studio as well. I don't think it sold well either. Anyway, what do you think they'll do for a sequel? Will they fix the mistakes they made with Legion? Or will they go deeper into that idea and maybe expand on it with new ideas? If they went back to the way Watch Dogs 2 was, I think it'll turn out fine. What do you think?
  8. I'm assuming the big reason why is because Disney now owns it, I wonder if Activision and High Moon Studios still have a claim to it anymore. I know they made a remastered version of the video game back in 2016 I think, and that's been it ever since. Would you like to see another Deadpool game? I'm for sure welcoming to the idea, especially with the increased popularity Deadpool has received in recent years due to the movies and the game too. Who even has the rights to make a Deadpool game anymore? Is it High Moon Studios and Activision? Or is it reverted back to Disney?
  9. Yup, today. Also dropping for the Switch tool. Sadly, it looks like the Xbox version doesn't come with online multiplayer, but the switch version does. If that is true, then I think the best version you could get would be on the Switch. https://www.theloadout.com/goldeneye-007/xbox-no-online-multiplayer
  10. So I didn't even know this already happened. I booted up my Xbox One the other day and was greeted with a screen directing me to this show, but I didn't know it aired soon after. I thought they had planned to air it in the next week, but I guess not. Anyway, this new Xbox Developer Direct can be viewed below. It's a 39min video, but there is another hour long stream from gamestop as well, but I wasn't sure if I should post that one or the shortened one. The one I'm posting is of the full conference according to the description. I'll list the other video too just in case. I haven't watched it yet myself, but hope to check it out later today when I have some free time. And the hour+ stream also features the ESO Global Reveal.
  11. You could build a raspberry pi and add RetroPie and emulation station. The raspberry pi and the rest of what you need should go for less than $100. If you want more space or ram, I believe you can pay more for a better board. But it's the cheapest way to build and emulation box or device. A raspberry pi is essentially a compact PC, that you can buy. You can use it like a real PC if you want as well. Usually it's sold as just a board. You will need to buy or build your own case, and buy a power chord, mouse, keyboard etc. It's really fun to build but is great to use as a PC. I had two SD cards, one with an OS, to surf the web and such. And I also had another SD card with the emulators on it. I just switched them out whenever I wanted to play or surf the web.
  12. Doesn't the PS5 open up kinda easily so that people can clean it easier? Or am I thinking of another console? Wish consoles made it easy to clean, but they make it so hard to do so because you can't open consoles without breaking the warranty seal. So you are stuck with the can of air option, but even so, you're just blowing dust further into the device too. I should dust my Xbox one for example, but I should open it up to clean it. But I don't know if I'd dare open up my Xbox one. I don't want to end up breaking it.
  13. Yeah I would never buy from a scalper. I hate how they think they're smart in what they do. They just hurt the market and waste people's time. If I was rich, I still wouldn't bother paying a scalper. I'd just keep looking for a store that might have it. Otherwise I'll wait.
  14. A lot of people play just a handful of games over and over. I used to do it a lot with retro gaming. But lately haven't as much. I rarely play most of the games in my steam library. I have many that I haven't even played yet.
  15. Looks like my original link had a typo. Because everywhere else states he plead not guilty to the charges. I'm assuming a typo or they forgot to add 'not' in the quote. CBS and Time both say he plead not guilty. I must've grabbed the wrong link after I saw it reported on Facebook. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/justin-roiland-rick-and-morty-adult-swim-cuts-ties-following-domestic-violence-charges/ https://time.com/6248022/justin-roiland-rick-and-morty-charges/ Still though, doesn't mean he didn't do it, just that he's denying the allegations. I wonder if the full story will ever come out. I don't think they said exactly what he did aside from just saying false imprisonment by menace or something along those lines . Did he keep a woman there against her will? That's what I'm seeing with the charges he got. Also heard he liked to text underage girls a lot. But haven't looked much into those allegations yet.
  16. Yeah, let it end at a good point and let it rest. I think one day we could see Uncharted come back, but maybe after a 10-20 year break. I can see that being an acceptable time to revisit it. Or maybe a spin-off of sorts. But yeah, I think it's best to let something end in a good or even perfect manner instead of letting it run for too long either. Sometimes things stick around too long and it hurts the overall popularity of it.
  17. Yup, that's the one I was thinking of. I think the next game that studio made was eventually taken down by Sony, and I think they're starting to take these types of games off, or they're not going to promote them anymore without first looking into it. Crazy that it even got a trailer on Sony's channel. This was literally a nothing game. I still don't get how Sony was dumb enough to promote it.
  18. Yeah I'm reserving my judgement until I get the full story too. Roiland has please not guilty to the charges, so maybe there's something he has that will prove his side correct. If all the allegations are false, he could come back to Rick and Morty and his game studio I imagine. But I think he's for now, moving away from his projects to distance himself, and to not hurt the franchises he worked on. But if all of what happened is proven true, his career is probably over. Unless he makes some comeback on another platform later. I don't see him ever coming back from this if proven true.
  19. Yeah I just remember reading from a magazine that Kojima wanted out of MGS and wanted his team to take over at some point. Well it seems that never happened haha. At least not willingly. Yeah I don't think he has any interest to go back to MGS, especially after Death Stranding and the sequel coming, plus the unknown game he is working on for Microsoft. I'm excited to see what else he does outside of MGS.
  20. Yeah true, that makes sense. I suppose to get around that, we can utilize their arena builder. I've seen some fan creations that are nearly identical to the real stadiums/arenas they're based on. And from I have seen in there, they rarely take action against any arenas or custom wrestlers. Unless they're offensive in nature of course.
  21. Maybe it was Sony I was thinking of, because I remember some marketplace, blocked sale of a new game that was poorly made. It was a game where you played as an animal I think, like a Lion. I don't remember, but Sony was getting heat for allowing this dev to sell games, and at some point they flat out removed their games from their marketplace. That's fair. I thought Steam used to monitor the games that were released on their platform. Did they recently change it to where they can allow just about any game to be listed?
  22. I didn't take that into consideration, but I'm sure they could name the stadiums and locations another name to get through that. Or at the least, design arenas that are close to the real deal, but change enough to where you don't get into any legal trouble.
  23. True. Studios and developers need to see that sometimes it's okay to end a franchise when its at the height of its glory. Uncharted is one of the best franchises around, and I think it's because they haven't run the well dry on ideas with it. It's the same way I feel about certain tv shows and movies overstaying their welcome. Breaking Bad for example is imo, a show people should take note of for when to end a show. Another show that I think should have ended ages ago, was The Blacklist. I hear that show is on it's 11th or 12th season by now, and I think that's too much. Things get stale when you keep repeating the same thing over and over, and I think Naughty Dog saw that it was time to end the series. Didn't Kojima want to quit the series after MGS 3? I imagine Konami kept badgering him about a new game.
  24. I just hope they don't change that menu theme song, because that song is fire no lie. As long as most of the soundtrack is intact, I think I'll be good. But yeah, there's got to be some licensing stuff going on with it. Otherwise this probably would have been released months or years ago. I don't know how the copyright works there. I assume that Microsoft owns the game itself, but had to license the Goldeneye/007 name/characters side of it all over again. I think the big reason why this took so long, is because of the 007 aspect of it. Maybe they had to go through some hoops to workout the licensing again.
  25. I wish they would include all the iconic arenas, every WrestleMania, and other important PPVs of the past. I think most WWE games do it, but I feel like if they added as many of the famous arenas as possible, it would go over well. After 2K22, I'm just hoping it changes some things. Like a more expansive general manager mode. I actually liked Cena when he first joined the WWE, but as they kept having him go over and winning title after title, I soon stopped liking him. It's why I always wanted him to go back to his heel cena gimmick which we kinda got a taste of when he first started his thuganomics gimmick. But once he went on his lifetime babyface run, I slowly lost interest in him. But now days that he isn't clouding the WWE's roster anymore, I like him more. Especially what he has done as of late in TV and movies. Honestly think he's more versatile than The Rock is when it comes to acting.
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