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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Microsoft has been working on a VR headset for a while now, yet nothing new has come of it in recent memory. Do you think that Xbox players will ever get their own VR headset to enjoy? Or maybe even support for current VR headsets at the very least? I don't see why they couldn't add support for current gen VR headsets to work on the Series X/S at least. If the PS4/PS5 can do VR with their own headsets, I'm sure the new Xbox consoles can work with current VR headsets like the Oculus Quest 2, Vive, and whatever other ones out there. At this point, they should really try to jump into the VR game, or support other VR headsets if they don't plan on doing it themselves anytime soon.
  2. Oh man, I couldn't tell you what I have off the top of my head, but I know I have a lot of the stuff listed. A while back I was using tiktok videos to help me find certain items on the map, like the masks, trinkets and all that. I'm sure there's a lot more I need to find. I have a lot of the melee weapons, hats, as well. I know you open some items from hunting and delivering furs/animals to the trapper and the fences. I haven't played RDR2 in a month or so now. Still have to get back to it to finish the final bits of the game. I want to collect as much as I can before the end though.
  3. Not sure, but I'm going to guess around $80-$100 or so. I know the Xbox adaptive controller was around $100 if I remember correctly, so I hope it's not too much more. I wonder if this could be classified as a medical aid or aid device, and maybe it can be covered by some health insurance. I'm doubful on that, but it can't hurt to look into. As well, maybe there are services out there that rent these out to those in need or even provide them at a discount price.
  4. Anyone picking this MMO when it comes out? I haven't heard a whole lot about it, but I guess it's been split when it comes to this game and its future release. I hear they've been having issues completing the game and got some hate for asking for volunteers to help finish development. This new trailer shows off RTX in action. It looks pretty decent, but fans seem to still be worried about whether this game can deliver on the promises the devs have dished out. You can read more about this news here - https://www.gamesradar.com/latest-trailer-for-controversial-mmo-the-day-before-continues-to-leave-hundreds-of-thousands-of-fans-skeptical/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_content=gamesradar&utm_campaign=socialflow
  5. Some new details on AEW Fight Forever can be found via the link below: https://thegamebutler.com/2023/01/05/aew-fight-forever-preview/ Includes new screenshots and a video you can see below. Honestly this game is shaping up to be something special. I hope it brings me back to my childhood of playing WWF No Mercy. I miss those days.
  6. That's kinda cool, does look very similar to PS1 graphics. I'm actually kinda tempted to play it this way. But idk how long my eyes can handle those old style of graphics. My eyes don't do so well with graphics from the PS1/N64 era.
  7. A little update to this news, looks like there's more to the story. Yuji Naka, has since been charged with insider trading for Illegally Trading Over $1 Million In Final Fantasy Stock. Link below with more details: https://kotaku.com/sonic-square-enix-final-fantasy-dragon-quest-stock-1849935301 The total comes out close to around $1,080,000.
  8. Source- https://www.wired.com/story/sony-releases-first-accessible-controller-project-leonardo/ It's good to see more accessible controllers made, especially since there are many gamers with disabilities, and they make due with what they have now. Now imagine the options they will have with a controller like this. I hope we see more of these controllers made. Gaming is for everyone. It's said to be a fully customizable controller, and is called Project Leonardo. Here's what it looks taken apart with all the different options available. I imagine something like this would cost upwards of $100+. Much like Xbox's accessible controller they released a few years back.
  9. I had no idea Sony was making a Gran Turismo game based on the popular franchise of video games with the same name. The movie is going to star David Harbour (of Stranger Things fame) and Orlando Bloom, who was in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and a few others. I'm willing to check this out, but I'm not sure if we're going to get a good movie out of this. But, we'll see. Source - https://people.com/movies/orlando-bloom-and-david-harbour-preview-every-thrill-in-first-look-at-gran-turismo-movie/ Video:
  10. lol now Microsoft is saying they didn't know when COD started, or first came out. And they also said they don't know why COD is such a special franchise. You can read that here - https://tech.hindustantimes.com/tech/news/microsoft-claims-to-have-no-idea-why-call-of-duty-franchise-is-special-71672767803456.html I think the sale is going to happen eventually. This is just a temporary stop to keep them from creating a monopoly. But I think at some point, Microsoft deep pockets will get them their win.
  11. I think my PC could handle playing a couple games at a single time but I wouldn't dare try it. Has anyone here ever played two games on their PC at a time? And if so, did it work fine? I assume smaller games would play fine, but any games that take up a lot of your card, will probably not allow for much of anything else to be played. If you have a powerful PC, have you ever tried to play two games at once? Maybe even by mistake, like maybe you forgot to close out of fortnite and booted up another game. A friend of mine has done that a few times haha.
  12. Wait, the TLOU2 has an 8-bit graphic mode? I knew they had accessibility options built in, but I had no idea they offered an 8-bit mode, that's actually pretty cool. Is there any videos of it in action? I saw some of the accessibility options for blind and those who have bad eyesight. Does it make it look like a PS1 game? If so I kinda want to try that out.
  13. I downloaded it from Gamepass a while back, played maybe 30 minutes to an hour and then never touched it again. It's a fun game, I just didn't feel invested in it like I had hoped. Eventually I will come back to it and give it another go, but for now I just don't have any interest in playing it.
  14. Never owned a Vita or PSP, but wanted to have both of them so bad. If I could own both, I would. I see they're fairly cheap on ebay these days, so maybe I'll bite. If I get one, I'll probably get the newest models they made, for both handheld respectively. I wouldn't mind modding it to play emulators as well. I hear a lot of people do that with the PSP and Vita.
  15. Can't go wrong with a classic. San Andreas tv spot with Gun's N' Roses Welcome to the Jungle playing, Iconic! :) I remember watching this trailer as a kid in preparation for the game to drop.
  16. Growing up I had the bright idea of becoming a game tester. It was one of the jobs I had wanted to go for back when I was in like middle school. After a while though, and learning how game testing usually goes, I changed my mind on that job idea pretty fast. The idea of testing games sounds good at first, but it's not as glamorous as we'd think. I hear testers are stuck testing the same thing over and over, and are usually tasked with trying to break the game at that section. I think game testing or QA testing as they call it (I think), has been dying out. Main reason I think of this, is because of how many games come out broken messes. Mass Effect Andromeda, or Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind. It's a job that is definitely important to making sure a game gets fixed. But it's one I don't think I could do. But could you? Has anyone here worked as a QA tester?
  17. That's fair. You could get the current PS4 VR and play Hitman 3 VR that way. But I understand wanting to wait for the new VR headset to drop, as it'd probably be worth it to just wait for the new one anyway. Would be nice if the new VR headset worked with the PS4 or even PC. That'd be cool.
  18. With the popularity of both the Switch and Steam Deck, it made me wonder if we'll be seeing more of these hybrid handhelds in the near future. I think we are going to see more handheld consoles, that can be utilized as consoles as well. Nintendo will probably release another Switch with better hardware. Maybe the Switch 2. The Steam Deck is likely going to get a new version soon, and there are many competitors to what Steam Deck is doing already. I think Asus made a handheld recently, I forget. Anyway, that being said, I think this is going to draw Sony and Microsoft into making their own handheld/console hybrid. But as side projects to their main consoles. Or they could move to hybrid consoles outright. That would be a bit tough to do since the Xbox Series X/S & PS5 wouldn't fit in a handheld. Maybe streaming, but we're not there yet for putting out graphics like that. What do you think though? Could Sony and Microsoft attempt their hand at a hybrid console like the Switch, Or maybe go the direction of the Steam Deck? Or will both stick to just making consoles? And, will we be seeing more hybrid consoles from other companies going forward?
  19. You would think with the big screen tvs we have today, that split screen gaming would be even more popular than it is today. It's sad to say, but I think split screen is being forgotten. We may still see it in some games, but it's starting to look like it's going away. Especially since Halo Infinite decided to backtrack on split screen, even though fans found a workaround that worked. But I feel like more games will skip out of split screen. Do you see a future where split screen is no longer an option? I can't see it being hard to implement in most games, so I don't know why it's being removed.
  20. Source - https://www.pcgamer.com/russian-officials-are-considering-a-russian-electronic-arts-to-save-the-countrys-crumbling-games-industry/ Never would have expected Russian officials to discuss making their own gaming publisher, like a Russian EA as the article puts it. This is a plan officials are trying to make, so that they can revitalize the gaming industry in Russia and help it grow to something as big as some of the best. Honestly I'm all for countries supporting video games, but when I hear officials and people of government in an article about gaming, I automatically assume there's some nefarious shit going down. I can see Russia using gaming to draw their youth. Idk, I don't want to get into politics, but I suspect that Russia has some ulterior motives I'm sure. But if it produces fun games that aren't propaganda filled, than hey, I'm for it. :D
  21. It's a pretty good deal. Especially since I think the new version is going to cost around $70. That's what I saw on the post they announced the game. So this may be the best time to get this before it goes up to $70. Honestly I'm not sure I agree with that price point, especially considering the three games have been out for a while already. Should be $30-$40 tops imo.
  22. THQ Nordic is actually publishing it with Yuke's developing. It's funny, because THQ was the original publisher of WWF No Mercy and the other WWF/WCW games on the 64. This is a new THQ, but it's still cool to see how times have come full circle in a way. To see THQ and Yukes on a wrestling game again, is kinda exciting. :)
  23. Oh for sure, I get why they want to do it. There is money there if they can make it work. There was a service that was going to come out allowing even the consumer to buy/sell/trade digital items. If they can make it where even the consumer can profit from selling products, than I may be okay with the NFT side of it. But, the next problem is how much your items will be worth in the long run. Will they stay at the same price? Can you price them however you want? There's a lot that I'm sure will go into it, but will our items be worth the investment for the long run? That's my main thing. If it can hold its worth through the whole time, than it could work.
  24. Has anyone tried the weird gimmick mice? Like these weird mice below: I can't imagine either being comfortable to use. The one on the right though I remember seeing on cheap sites like dealextreme, where I was close to buying one, but never did. I heard it doesn't work that great lol.
  25. Source - https://www.gamesradar.com/the-last-of-us-multiplayer-spin-off-gets-tantalizing-new-artwork/ Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann put up a blog post recently showing a tease for the upcoming Last of Us Multiplayer game that fans have been waiting for, for a while now. The new artwork shows off a cruise ship on land, looking like it's been there for quite a long time. You can find his blog post here - https://www.naughtydog.com/blog/the_last_of_us_10th_anniversary_kickoff?sf174194040=1 It's not much, just one image, but if this is one map for example, with the boat being a playable area, this level is going to be huge. I hope this turns out to be something special. I am starting to get excited about it. Hope it comes out for PC. :D
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