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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yes, I would love more personalized rivalries. Maybe ones that you can edit into other storylines, combine with other feuds and such. It happens in wrestling, so why not make it a reality in the game. The system they have now doesn't seem right when it comes to rivalries. Also, I wish they would optimize the created wrestlers side. The last game there was an issue, that if you downloaded too many created superstars and graphics, it caused my game to freeze up after loading past the menu. It's a glitch I guess in 2K22 where if you download too much, it bogs down your memory or something, idk. I had downloaded a ton of created wrestlers from the user showcase or whatever it was, and sadly couldn't use the majority of them. Had to go in and delete a ton of graphics/wrestlers just to play. I ended up sticking with my created wrestlers.
  2. I think I'd rather build one, just because you can get parts a bit cheaper than buying a pre-built of the same caliber. But I understand wanting to get a pre-built. It's more practical, easier, and you don't have to build a PC. I would consider a pre-built if it was set up by a company that doesn't add any bloatware or unnecessary programs.
  3. With all the talk about WWE games here lately, it got me thinking about the next WWE game, WWE 2K23. I assume 2K is still making the new WWE game, nothing has been said about the sequel yet, or who is working on it, at least I haven't heard anything. Anyway, I'm sure we'll be getting one this year. With that being said, what do you expect from the new game? I hope they expand on the general manager mode, along with allowing full customization of custom characters, music, custom arenas, belts, clothing, graphics, etc. Also the ability to add custom music again like you could on some of the older games on PS3/360. Aside from that, better crowd reactions would be nice, a much better story mode, and custom story mode options. Just give us the modes we had in games like Here Comes the Pain and and the Smackdown Vs Raw series. What would you like to see added in WWE 2K23?
  4. Unfortunately that's 2K for you. They will make the same game year in and year out. But that's normal for the WWE franchise at this point, as it's been done that way since probably 2012 or so. At least in terms of the games going downward in quality. There was rumors that EA were in talks to make a new WWE game. I'm kind of curious to see that, as I don't think they made a wrestling game since like WCW Backstage Assault. I think you mean WWE 2K22 though, as 2K23 hasn't been announced yet. But I get what you mean, it'll probably be the same game with some small changes here and there. I wanted to try the mobile games, but never saw any appeal in them. Actually I may have tried one of the WWE mobile games, but it was brief and didn't last too long.
  5. I don't even want NFTs tossed in. Why can't these studios just do what Fortnite does and release digital items for cash? Do we really need NFTs? The only plus with NFTs is that when you buy something it is said that you own it, but what happens if NFTs die out? Do we then lose those NFTs?
  6. Oh for sure. I can't imagine it's tough to do really. It's more so to do with whether you should or not. I know collectors probably don't want to buy a custom painted console, unless maybe it was a fancy custom made one, but a general paint job on a retro console will probably bug collectors more than anything. I was thinking about painting one of my old 360s. I would only paint one if I had more than one console available to me.
  7. What did Ubisoft do? And that's the sad truth. Piracy is probably what has kept retro games alive, at least when it comes to emulation and game preservation. I think some studios are okay with their games getting preserved and released online. I like what Archive does, as they preserve retro PC games, a lot from DOS and older PCs. A lot of those old PC games aren't going to see the time of day again, so preserving them to later play again, is what I hope most companies do.
  8. Well it looks like Square Enix is still interested in working with blockchain and NFTs. CEO Yosuke Matsuda does not seem to want to let NFTs go, as he is said to still be interested in NFTs and Blockchain tech, and thinks it's going to be the future of Square Enix. Honestly I think this is just going to blow up in their faces. I don't see NFTs ever working out in the long run. And I find it dumb that Matsuda still wants to support it after other studios have dropped the idea. What do you think of this? Do you think this will hurt Square Enix? Or will it somehow benefit them? You can read more about this here: https://www.thegamer.com/square-enix-president-new-year-letter-blockchain-nft/
  9. Hitman 3 will be changing to Hitman: World of Assassination that combines all three games into one box. Much like the third game already did, it's saying this new version will include the first two game sat no additional cost. My hope going forward, is that they keep making this system better by constantly updating and adding new missions. I may pick up Hitman again because of it. Also I really want to try it in VR one of these days. :D Source - https://www.ioi.dk/hitman-3-to-world-of-assassination/
  10. I've been waiting for it for a while now since it was first announced. It's going to be called AEW: Fight Forever. It's taking inspiration from games like WWF No Mercy and WCW vs nWo Revenge, which used the Akai engine I think it was. They're trying to replicate that control scheme with the new game, and I don't know how to feel about it. I never got the hang of those games, probably because I never tried to learn moves. But I'll check out the AEW game to see how it does.
  11. I think the cheapest headset on the market is probably the Meta Quest 2. The 128gb model for example is $399. But if you want anything better, it's going to cost even more I imagine.
  12. 100% agree. I think it would add so much to the game, especially if they have to do their yearly releases anyway. They could go down how tough it is to get into sports, the trials and tribulations and all that. You can show their personal lives, and their struggles. Could be a fun way to present a story in a sports game.
  13. And it's not like they have to do just 1 Vs 100, they could implement all kinds of game show ideas. I thought that was their initial plan with 1 vs 100, was a test to see how these types of gaming events can work.
  14. Just give me Smackdown Here Comes the Pain 2.0. Hell, remaster it, reboot it, remake it, I don't care. Just give me more of what Here Comes the pain was about. it had everything the series was popular for back then. And I can see many wanting a remake of it. Or even a new Here Comes the Pain game with updated controls and graphics. I'd like better presentation as well, with the cutscenes, story modes, and so on. Also the ability to create your character, outfits, theme music, and so much more.
  15. One of my older Samsung galaxy phones. I forget which one it was, but it came out in like 2017 or so and was a much smaller phone than the one I have now. It froze up a ton on me. My phone now is great, isn't super slow, and gets the job done. I can't complain. :)
  16. I just find it highly unrealistic and improbable. And I don't see how it would be "you" continuing that life. I don't think we'll ever get to a point where that will be a possibility. I think the likely chance is that we can copy our brains over, but it wouldn't be us living that life, we'd be dead with a virtual version of us. It'd be a new version of us, with our thoughts, memories, etc living our lives for us. I guess I just don't see how it'd be you continuing your life. I think once your real life brain is killed, that version of you dies with it. Any transfer is just a copy of you. That's how I see it anyway.
  17. Same, but I think it's our inevitable future. If they can promise an ecosystem that doesn't go away anytime soon, it could work, but I do hope they keep physical media around. I just don't know how long we have left with physical media when so many more devices are coming out trying to push for digital and streaming. I hope I'm wrong though and they keep physical media releases for years to come.
  18. I wouldn't be opposed to it, than again I think more games coming out on mobile would be pretty dope. Especially if you can get these big games to work on a mobile phone, than we can expect to see a lot more AAA games make it on mobile. And with streaming becoming more and more accessible, it may even be easier to play these big games on a mobile phone.
  19. After playing with my first VR headset over the holidays, I will say that it is far from a gimmick. Honestly I thought it was a blast. I didn't get dizzy or sick or anything. It was a sweaty experience, but that's my life in general lol. VR like I said before, has staying power and I don't see it going away anytime soon. Now that they're getting even better with each new release, I think VR will be a big part of gaming's future.
  20. Last game I played was Resident Evil 4 VR. I played the first main mission and called it quits. I was sweating up a storm so bad, that beads of sweat got onto my nephews VR headset, which he wasn't too happy with lol. Also, even though there wasn't ton of movement, I still sweated like a pig out there haha. Still though, I had a blast playing it and can't wait to get a VR headset of my own one of these days.
  21. Never used a stationary mouse myself, but I wouldn't mind giving it a try. Looks like it wouldn't be that bad. But yeah, I mostly use a traditional laser mouse, usually wireless as I can't stand using wired mice anymore. I still use a wired keyboard, but that's less of an issue for me. I wouldn't mind trying a stationary mouse though.
  22. Last time I took all the keys off, vacuumed it and cleaned it with some rubbing alcohol and that was it. I'm getting a electronic air duster, so I'll be using that to clean my keyboard and PC going forward. Which is due for a good cleaning as we speak.
  23. It would be cool, but Nintendo would never allow for it haha. The idea of them seeing Mario on Xbox or PlayStation would probably be too much for them to handle. Kratos is a purchasable skin and you can probably get him on the Xbox version of Fortnite. I know they added Street Fighter Characters before, so more of that, and maybe some Tekken characters would be cool too.
  24. I have not, but I have tried to speed through some games in the past as fast as I could, but it was never to the point of how some of these speed runners do their thing. They utilize glitches and exploits to break through the game at a faster rate. Which is cool in some ways I guess. But I like the idea of beating a game legit from start to finish without any exploits. I'm sure many gamers do that too though. But yeah, it's not really my thing. I don't have the patience to do what big time speed runners do.
  25. I hope not, with the way people are scamming the crypto market these days, I don't want it touching video games period. Same with NFTs at this point, because it's just going to result in more scamming and problems. Crypto is volatile, we don't know if your earnings right now, will be worth anything tomorrow. So having that in video games, would spell a disaster to me, because what if a gamer buys, lets say $20 in some crypto that a game uses. But, he waits for a new item to drop into the store, but wait, his crypto's worth has gone down by $15 and they now have $5 in crypto, while the item they originally wanted was $20. I just don't see it working, especially with how risky crypto is. I think it'd be fine to allow gamers the option to buy things with crypto, but I don't want to see a crypto introduced for a game or something.
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