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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. There isn't a whole lot I'm psyched for, aside from the Silent Hill 2 Remake and the other Silent Hill projects Konami and company has in store for us. The upcoming AEW wrestling game, maybe the next WWE 2K game, but I'm hoping it's not 2K who produces it. Aside from all of that, nothing has really hit my radar all that much. Though I'm sure I'm probably forgetting some games.
  2. PC for sure. It's what I was on the majority of the time, and to be honest, I don't think I played any Xbox One games this year. I mostly played them on my PC through Gamepass ultimate instead. PC for sure, and then Xbox One second, but it's a far second I'd say.
  3. I have done it and would do it again. I had a Raspberry Pi PC that I had installed Emulation Station and other things to make a little emulation box, but it died on me a couple months back. I think there was a short somewhere and poof, it died. But yeah, it's a popular thing to do these days. You can buy even handheld consoles where you can add emulators. Or ones that already come pre-installed with them. And there are people selling kits with pre-made emulation boxes. Of course there's some legality there with how some sell the roms with the devices, which is a no-no for the most part, but it's usually a product from China, so Nintendo or other companies probably won't be able to do much against them to stop it.
  4. Kane99

    Original Gamertag?

    Oh god no. I think on my Xbox 360 my gamertag was something like devast8in Dave or something along those lines. But the original Xbox I never really played online through Xbox live. I only ever played an Xbox via ethernet with others friends at a LAN party. But yeah, what I mentioned above was my first actual gamertag. But other than that, I don't remember what I chose as my name for other online games. Wish I could remember what my name was on games like Runescape when I actually played the game. But I was like 13 when I last played it, so I couldn't tell you the name.
  5. I wouldn't say that gamers in general are lonely. I mean, who's to say they are or aren't. I think if anything if you game online a lot, I don't think that constitutes loneliness. When I think of lonely people, I think of those who aren't gaming online much, or those who are at home all the time, not conversing with others often. But I could be wrong on that as people are different. Someone can be lonely and still game online often. Anyway, I think it depends on the person, because I can see many people being happy with the interactions i have with them online. But, people also like to mask their feelings.
  6. I've considered painting some of my consoles, but have never done it. The closest I ever got to something like this, was doing some graphics on the front cover of the original 360s that came out. You could remove the front face. I remember taking a permanent market and drawing a design, it wasn't particularly any good though lol. Anyway, I think it'd be cool to modify some classic consoles with a nice paint job. Has anyone here done paint jobs on their consoles? Did it work fine? I've seen some great paint jobs and mods. Some people would add in LED lighting to the consoles as an added bonus. Would you paint any of your consoles? Or would you rather they be as they were out of the factory?
  7. I watched a video recently about how it's time for Nintendo to make a new Switch, and not a new one with a fancier screen, but one with updated hardware so that it can better compete against the Sony and Microsoft. The interesting thing I heard from the video, is that Nintendo doesn't have to create a brand new console with brand new gimmicks and ideas. They already have something perfect with the Switch, in that they can make a new one with better hardware and fans would still buy it up. I think it was ReviewTechUSA, video below. He mentions that they could just make a new Switch with better hardware. No need to make something fresh and innovative when you already have something that works. As well, if they are worried about a name, he mentioned naming it Super Switch to coincide with Super Nintendo. Or they could name it Switch 2 or something like that. What do you guys think? Time for a Switch 2/ Super Switch? :)
  8. I'm seeing it more and more these days. From the likes of digital consoles and online platforms. I really think we're nearing a console generation that won't used discs or physical media at all. I think it's inevitable that games will outright stop releasing on physical media, and in turn only be accessible digitally or via special releases like Limited Run Games. With the way physical media is starting to dissipate, with more games dropping digitally and skipping physical releases, I think maybe after the coming generation, the one after probably won't use physical media at all. But, I hope that doesn't happen. It's just a direction I see gaming and even movies/tv/music going. I don't think people buy physical albums/movies, etc as much as they used to. Now days you can stream everything online. With that ease of use, I think things will start to move into an all digital future. What do you think though? Do you think we'll see a future where there's no longer physical media.
  9. My nephew just got a Meta Quest 2 VR headset for Christmas, and I am one jealous dude. I got to play it a bit over the holiday weekend and I gotta say, it was a blast. Playing RE4 VR was a ton of fun. I also played some of the Meta Rec Room games, like paintball. Even tried boxing, but I didn't enjoy that. I'd rather play a real game made for boxing than some game made for rec room. For those wondering, Rec Room is an option with the Meta Quest 2 where you can play all kinds of games, some of which I think are made by gamers. I want to say it's similar to what Roblox does with the many fan creations. Anyway, now I want to get myself a VR headset. I'm leaning on getting the Meta Quest 2, as it doesn't require a PC (unless you want to play steam and other games on PC), and it's fairly cheap at around $400 for like the 128GB model and $500 for the 200 some GB model. But, I was eyeing the Valve Index or whatever it was, and that was well over $1500. Should I save to get a suped up headset or should I get the Meta Quest 2? Honestly I'm leaning towards Meta, as it'd be a lot easier to save for. But Better headsets will probably cost me a hell of a lot more. What would you do? Get the Meta Quest 2 or something else?
  10. Honestly I'd say VGR. That should count right? I view VGR as a gaming community for the most part. Aside from VGR, like with certain games, I don't know. I feel like each game has its share of good and bad with the community. But yeah, I'm sticking with VGR as my answer. :)
  11. Hitman is one of the games I want to try in VR, just because it looks like it'd be so much more fun to play in. Standard Hitman is fun stuff too, but in VR it's gotta be a blast. Hitman is the type of game you'd expect VR to one day be supported too, so I'm glad it happened. More Hitman VR please. :)
  12. I think it was Resident Evil 4 VR. My nephew was lucky and ended up getting a Meta Quest 2 VR headset. I had a blast playing RE4 VR. Took some getting used to, but once done I felt like I could go pretty far. But, I could only play for so long until I got tired. But yeah, that was the first game of 2023 I'd say.
  13. Remember when they tried to make a similar looking game called WWE 2K Battlegrounds? I was interested in getting it when it was first announced, but after reviews came out showing how bad it was, I decided not to pick it up. The fact that the wrestles pretty much have the same moves, didn't help either.
  14. The problem with the yearly releases is that they don't innovate on anything, often releasing the same exact game with minimal changes. And sure you're right, the sport rarely changes. But for games like Madden, that have gotten worse because of the yearly releases, it's tiring to see the same things over and over. The problem with the story modes is because they're tacked on modes where the devs half ass it. For Madden for example, their focus is more on their ultimate team mode, while franchise and other modes often get neglected. And I disagree with the "realism" side. Madden for example may look pretty graphically, but there's not much realism to it. From the glitches that result in fumbles being unrecoverable by either team, or the ball magically appearing elsewhere on the field. I wouldn't call Madden realistic in any way. Hell they removed refs from the field. When games back on the PS1 had refs. The problem is the yearly releases. They aught to drop that and make one single game, and update it constantly. That way they can focus more on fixing problems, improving presentation, gameplay, and so on. And it wouldn't end up being the same exact game every year, because it'll be constantly updated and changed. That's a future I want for sports games.
  15. Even though I'm not a fan of Gears of War, but I really liked the TV spot with the mad world song. It's just so iconic I think, and I think they re-used the same song in Gears 2 trailer.
  16. Are you sure you're not confusing Agents of Mayhem with the new Saints Row? Agents of Mayhem came out 5 years ago same with The Long Dark. I think the topic is mainly meant for 2022 releases that were underrated. But if that's all you played I suppose that works. One game from 2022 that I played for a bit and enjoyed, was Shredders. I felt like there was a lot going with this game, and I eventually want to check back into it. The controls were great, gameplay was great, graphics look great etc. Sadly I haven't played too many games from 2022 itself.
  17. I don't like when games give you a 50/50 pick. Pick this or that. Maybe give us more options instead of two that will decide the story for you. I think having more options to choose from, expands the story and gives you more to explore each playthrough too. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'll say I probably made stupid choices in games in the past, and regretted it because I probably should have done it a different way instead.
  18. I thought of this after I remembered something to do with ESPN NFL 2K5. A game that came out on the PS2 and Xbox back in 2004. It was and is by far one of my favorite sports games, and favorite NFL game. It did so much better than modern Madden games do today. It has better presentation, controls, and everything else. It also has a robust season mode that lasts for pretty much forever. But I found out recently that Madden only allow you to play for like 30 years in season mode. Which sure, is fine, but in ESPN NFL 2K5 it was unlimited from what I recall. Anyway, that's not the point of this topic. After I had played for a few years in season mode, you could encounter career ending injuries. For example, I remember a player that had an broken neck as an injury, and the injury length said for the rest of his career. I know that's grim, but it provided realism to the game that I never saw before or after. Madden wouldn't dare add something like that to the game. But I think it would add a sense of realism. That's why I wish Madden and any other sports games would push the idea of realism more. As well, better story modes that focus on beefs with other players, realistic drama and so on. Also better presentation where they air game shows every week or even after every game like ESPN NFL 2K5 did, and many other sports games do aside from Madden, who kinda half-ass it in terms of presentation. I know some sports games like NBA 2K, MLB The Show and other sports games have more realistic stories and better presentation to boot. I would like to see more story driven content in sports games. They are trying to do it already with Madden, NBA 2K and others, but I feel it can be done more. What do you guys think? Would you like more realistic stories with your sports games? Or do you want them to keep it the way it is now?
  19. I'm not against this, as many games have done a TV show like structure. I want to say Quantum Break is something I'm thinking of, a game mixed with a show/game kind of thing. But my guess it'll be something episodic like The Walking Dead game. So we'll probably get seasons, and episodes to coincide with said seasons. I think it can work if done right. And Naughty Dog are usually good for making quality games. What do you think he has cooking? Source - https://exputer.com/news/neil-druckmann-next-game-tv-show/
  20. Yes the SSX tricky and SSX 3 would be awesome to see rebooted or remastered. As for my picks, I would like to see WWE Smackdown - Here Comes The Pain. Hands down one of the best pro wrestling games around. I would also like to see a remaster/remake of most of the Metal Gear Solid games, Simpsons games, Silent Hill 2 (happening), and lots more I'm sure.
  21. That's a tough one to answer. When I got a PS1, my dad got it from someone who had a small collection of games. I remember opening game after game that day, it was awesome! Anyway, I can't say for a certain what the first game I played was. It could have been Tunnel B1, In the Hunt, Tekken, and a few others. I can't remember the exact game I played first.
  22. Just playing longer. It really comes down to practice, practice and more practice. And practice can be playing the game like you normally would. I think the best thing you can do to learn a game, is to play it. Really no better way. :D If you're practicing for something like an esports league, than that's a different story I think. That takes a lot more time and dedication, usually to just one game.
  23. Thanks, I'm doing well. Hope you're doing well too. :) My point is that you as you are now, will not be experiencing this new digital life you speak of. So really the practical effect of this would be more for people who have lost a loved one, and want to bring them back in a digital form, to talk to them and hang out with them again. But it's not the same as the living, breathing person, even if VR and graphics get to a point of realism. I just don't see it ever being possible to sort of teleport your mind into a digital thing. I get copying, but I don't think it's possible to move you over to a new host is what I mean. Does that make more sense? I hope I made my point clear. The idea sounds cool, but I think this would be best for people to see their deceased loved ones again, even if it's in a digital format.
  24. 1 vs 100 was great. It was one of those new things they were trying at the time, and it gave many people a chance to win real prizes. The cool thing about it, was that 1 person would randomly be chosen to be the 1 who versus the 100. I never got picked, but it was still a fun trivia game to play. I wish they would have brought it back already. There was rumors they were bringing it back at some point, but so far it's hasn't come to fruition yet. It would be nice if Xbox tried to replicate this by doing more live game events. Could be a fun way to drum up activity on your platforms.
  25. I haven't picked up anything this year. Money is tight for me at the moment, so I've been living a bit cheap as of late haha. But, I hear there was a fair deal of good sales. Are they all still live as we speak? I may have to check it out, if there's something for like a couple bucks, I may be able to spare some lol.
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