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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Mario would be pretty cool, but I don't know how they'd work that out into a skin. Most skins have to meet the same height requirement, so I wonder if they'd have to just make him to size. Aside from him, maybe some WWE collabs. I think it'd be great to see some pro wrestlers make it in there. I know there's the Luchador skins, but I want someone like Undertaker, Stone Cold, The Rock, etc. They already got John Cena in there, so it's a possibility. Those probably don't count, as you're looking for Gaming legends. While we're at it, why not add Sonic, Tails. Also maybe some Mortal Kombat characters like Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden etc. Street Fighter characters, Tekken, etc. There's so much they can do.
  2. I wouldn't say I prefer gaming to watching tv. I'd say they both are interests of mine. I'm big into movies and tv, so it's a big thing in my life. And gaming will always be a part of my life. I love doing both. If I had to choose my favorite, I don't know if I can. Movies and tv are something I like a lot too, and I don't know if I'd want to lose out on that either.
  3. Depends. Most nights I'm on my PC hanging out with friends on Discord. We'll sometimes play our own games, and or watch a movie. I'd say most nights I get an hour or two in. But sometimes I'll quit to watch a movie or YouTube. I don't game much during the day these days, mostly night is when I game.
  4. Haha nah. At least not since 2K took the franchise on. Actually scratch that, I'd say even back when they were still with THQ. I think after a point the series just started to take the easy route by releasing the same game with updated things here and there. I don't know how many times I play a newer WWE game and it has the same exact animations the same exact moves, character models for some and so on. The new WWE game was fine, but it still wasn't great. It wasn't Here Comes the Pain or WWF No Mercy by any means. I don't touch any of their mobile games, I just don't have any interest in them. But I have considered looking into wrestling management sims outside of WWE stuff.
  5. I actually haven't. Back when it originally released, the graphics and gameplay style wasn't of interest to me. But I've been kinda on the lookout for the game for a while now. If I see it cheap, I'll pick it up, because I hear it's actually a good fighting game, and is highly underrated. I still preferred stuff like WWE Smackdown Vs Raw or Here Comes the Pain, but I think it's good to change up the style of gameplay to something more arcadey.
  6. I honestly don't. I remember you could mess with the chickens, but I was imagining picking them up and throwing them. But maybe I got Fortnite on the brain haha. I probably had a little laugh about it, but I doubt I bothered with it too long. Actually wasn't it a mission where you had to bring a few chickens back to a farmer? But you could kick them to be evil or something. I forget.
  7. The NES for me as well. My parents owned an NES when I was growing up, I don't remember when we got it, if it was before I was born, I don't know. But it was the first ever console I played on. As a kid, I thought it was magic, it was so cool. I still think it's cool, but as a kid, you just have this sense of wonder about gaming. Now days I lose that wonder with gaming, but as a kid, that's when it was the best. I wish I could go back and relive the time I played my first video game. I think that'd be cool.
  8. The era's I mostly missed were before the NES. I had a NES growing up, but I know that the SNES and stuff were out by the time I first played the NES. Other than that, I'd say I have missed the new generation so far. I don't own any of the new consoles, but I do have a PC that can play most new games, so I can't complain.
  9. I am all for this. It looks like video game employees are filing for unionization from Activision/Blizzard. According to the article (link below), the group for unionization includes designers, animators, engineers, producers, and quality assurance workers. I sure hope they make it happen, because I think the gaming industry needs unions to make sure that developers and anyone else working for the big companies gets a fair deal for the work they do and they aren't force to crunch to make a release date. This can be the first step to making it safer for workers going forward. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/video-game-employees-file-for-unionization/ar-AA15HZ87 So far this is just Activision/Blizzard, but we could see this push other teams to try and unionize as well.
  10. Kane99


    I remember Farmville, though I never actually played it. I just remember when people talked about it nonstop in the early Facebook days. I never understood the popularity of it, but looking back I guess I can see some reasons as to why.
  11. I've been playing a bit of Madden NFL 22 now. I ended up finishing the season mode for Madden 21, and I guess the season mode only lasts for 30 years. I was expecting it to go on until you quit, but I guess not. There's another reason why ESPN NFL 2K5 is better. I don't think they ever had a limit to the amount of years you can play the season mode. I also have been meaning to play High on Life, but haven't touched it yet. Maybe this holiday weekend I'll get to it.
  12. Kane99


    I wish arcades existed more. I have one in my town, that I have yet to actually go to. But I don't even know if it's still open and active. It's a place anyone can go in, and there's like no one there to watch over people. It's kinda weird from what I hear. But maybe it's time I actually go to it. I mean, better to support it than let another arcade die out.
  13. I think it was because everything was the same, extended over from the previous game. Which is fine, cause the Batman Arkham series did it. But I think where Tomb Raiders sequels failed, they just didn't draw me in to the story or characters. I probably skipped cutscenes with how boring the story was. I may have tried to pay attention to some of it, but there were time I just tuned out too. Amazon would just be a publisher. I think Amazon is the type of company that wouldn't push a developer to finish in a certain timeframe. I think if Crystal Dynamics have the freedom to work on their game, without any risk of being forced to change something or go back and re-write something. I like when studios can make their art in a time they feel comfortable with, so that when it is released, it's the best possible game it can be. It comes down to Crystal Dynamics too to make something fun and unique. I don't recall if Square Enix ever made them crunch to get the game completed. I always felt like the Tomb Raider games came out after a good while, so I don't think there are any horror stories about crunch or any bad work practices for having to meet a street date or something. So we'll see how things go.
  14. I like how Xbox kinda changed the online gaming scene. I think they were a huge part of why online gaming got so big. Especially with the likes of Halo 2 and playing online with XBL back then. Sony had online too with PS2, but I feel like XBL was where people flocked when it came to gaming online, especially if they didn't own a fancy gaming PC for the time. Of course not to say that XBL did it before anyone, I just think they perfected online gaming in the console side. PC had online gaming locked down for years, but Xbox I think was the first big console to make online gaming so much more accessible and they made a good system with xbl.
  15. What does it lack exactly? It has all the same features as a new Xbox Series X and S controller from what I see. It's not exactly the same as the 360 controller. It's just using the design and same buttons, but also includes the Xbox Series X/S buttons that aren't included in the original 360 controller. Also I don't think the controller is out yet, as I can't find it on Amazon or Hyperkin's site yet. So price hasn't been announced either.
  16. I never owned one myself, but my sister had one and I would play with my nephew when I would babysit him. I liked it for its workout possibilities, but for gaming otherwise, I didn't feel like it did a whole lot for us. Sure there was some good games that utilized the kinect voice options, but I felt that's all it had going for it. Also I kinda wanted to mess around with one on PC to see if I can do anything fun with it. I hear that's where it shined the most.
  17. I wouldn't say it was important to me, I just liked getting achievements. Early on I was about them, trying to find easy games to get them, but as I got to a point, I kinda chilled out on it. Now days I don't really try to get achievements unless it's for a game I'm really into and want to open everything. But most games I just like to play until I finish and maybe play the multiplayer mode. I currently have 130,681 gamerscore on Xbox, and I do try for some achievements in most games I play, but I don't try to go 100% for everything. I also don't ever bother with multiplayer achievements unless it's a game I can see myself playing for a long time.
  18. For the 360, that's a tough one. I could say one of the usuals, like RDR1, GTA V, IV, etc. But I don't like to pick a multiplatform game for the 360. So that leaves out COD for me as well. If I had to choose an exclusive, I would probably say something like Alan Wake, of course before it got released on PlayStation and other consoles later on. RDR1 would probably be high on the list, but it being on PS3 as well, I don't think I should pick it. So yeah, Alan Wake I'll go with. I didn't care much for most of Xbox's exclusives for the most part.
  19. Kane99

    Gaming mouse?

    I have a cheap Amazon Basics wireless mouse that I use right now. Used to have a better, bigger mouse, but it started to run into issues. Didn't have cash for a fancy one, so I went with a cheap amazon one and so far it's working fine. I don't really much gaming with mouse and keyboard anyway, so it wasn't an issue. It works fine enough. I think I paid like $10 or so for it.
  20. That is another issue with digital only games and the platforms we use them on. Look at older consoles like the 360 and PS3. Though they are still kind of supported, in that you should be able to download every game you have purchased over your accounts life. But the problem is that at some point these services may one day die. If PlayStation stopped their services, who's to say we'll be able to download those games again, or to even play them. Some games may require you to be online or use the consoles service like PSN or XBL.
  21. The game that comes to mind, is one I never even played, but it was a game I watched a full playthrough of. That game being Deadly Premonition. That game was wild, from the odd story to the odd characters and boss fights. I couldn't believe what I was watching as it unfolded. It by far fits the subject at hand, it was bizarre and really unexpected. Other games out there, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting. Deadly Premonition is the main one that comes to mind for me though.
  22. I remember hearing about the Sega Nomad, and of course those emulation consoles like the Retron. I believe there was a SNES and NES handheld by a third party, I thought it was Retron, but I may be wrong. And I know there was third party Gameboy players you could buy as well. I think it's really cool. But the majority of them out there seem to be third party ones not made or supported by the original company.
  23. Definitely games like RDR2 and GTA, the big reason why is so much to do. From missions, side quests, strangers, and random encounters, etc. Also the many mini games, and other games you can play in the realistic world. Tennis, Golf, Basketball, etc. Games like The Sims, Skyrim, also help me pass the time. Oh and the Madden games. I know I say I hate them a lot, but I often play them. That passes the time a lot, and it's a good time to listen to music as well.
  24. This is not to be confused with cameos or crossovers, this is more to do with combining one aspect of a video game with another video game. So lets say The Sims, but combined with Skyrim like controls and graphics. That's just a random example, but you can combine just about anything. What are some mash ups you'd like to see? Maybe a WWE Pro Wrestling game and Twisted Metal game combined, oh wait, that actually happened, it's called WWE Crush Hour lol. So there's another example.
  25. Kane99


    I've played Gex 2 maybe, but it wasn't for too long. I think it was the PS1 version, but I also remember playing a version of Gex for the N64. I never got too into the series. I was more into Crash Bandicoot or Soni to get into Gex.
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