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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. It's pretty much a small form PC that you can buy by the board. This is what it looks before you put it in a case (left). Mine looked similar but was an earlier model. The image on the right is when you put it in a case. You can buy many different cases, or even make your own if you know how. It can be used for many things, like building robots, coding, using it as a PC etc. All you need to do is install an OS on an micro sd card and that's really it. There are guides online how to set it up with emulation station, which works with raspberry pi os. You can connect USB controllers and map the controller depending on game/console etc. I'm probably not making much sense, but the guide I used was pretty easy to follow, just tedious if anything. I couldn't find the guide I used years ago, but I was able to find this guide that looks to go step by step - https://www.instructables.com/Raspberry-Pi-Emulation-Station-1/ Reading that, they mention an OS called RetroPie, which is needed for Emulation station. - https://retropie.org.uk/ Another thing I used my raspberry pi was for a cheap PC I used for streaming some content on my bigscreen tv. Sadly it died on me a couple months ago, I think it shorted out somehow. And now it won't turn on. :( But the good thing is that they're pretty cheap. The newest one right now, I believe goes for like $60 for just the board, but based on the amount of RAM you want, and you can find kits online for the case/charger/SD card for a decent price as well. I just checked the site, and one retailer is selling the Raspberry Pi 4 for $75 with 8gb, which is probably what I would go with for RAM. And then for the actual emulation, I used https://emulationstation.org/ which pretty much combines all emulators into one package, so all you'd then need to do is find your roms and that's it. Some of the newer models will work with PS1 and N64. Not sure if it can do later stuff like PS2 and up, but I could be wrong. My Raspberry pi was older, so it didn't work so well with N64 games and later. And the link to the Raspberry pi site here - https://www.raspberrypi.com/ they will list retailers that sell them. They may be tough to come by lately due to the recent shortage of boards and other PC parts lately. They make other boards for tech projects, but I only ever used the raspberry pi boards they sell.
  2. Man I wish I had a collection like this, or even a quarter of the collection he has. Antonio Romero Monteiro owns the biggest gaming collection known so far. Worth at least $2.1 million, that price could eventually change depending on the market. Anyway, he amassed this collection starting all the way back when he was a kid in 1987, at just the age of 10. He says he has a collection of around 24,268 games. Now only does he have the largest collection of video games in general, he also holds the record for the largest collection of Xbox items, the largest collection of Sega items, the largest collection of Nintendo items, and the largest collection of PlayStation items. He also protects his collection by using climate control in his home, so that the inevitable erosion of some retro games won't happen as quickly. Read more about his collection and see pictures here: https://wonderfulengineering.com/this-texas-gamer-has-the-largest-video-game-collection-in-the-world-worth-2-1-million/
  3. Yeah that's one option. I figure with a raspberry pi you have a lot more space to utilize. They are essentially a small box that work like a small PC. I have one that I used as an emulation station, all I would need is a good arcade controller, or maybe standard 360 controllers or something. Hacking an older console is a viable option too. I'm just thinking about how much space I can utilize and space I can maybe save for adding other things. If you want modern games, I say installing a good PC would be a great idea if you could afford it. But for me, I think the raspberry pi is more practical for building a cheap arcade. And you'll have more options for controllers and other peripherals you can install.
  4. I wouldn't mind building my own cabinet, could easily be done with a standard monitor, a raspberry pi and emulation. Or you could make a spot for consoles to connect to if that's the route you'd prefer to go. Sadly I'm not good at making things, so I'd have to have someone else make a cabinet. If I do it, it's going to have every console/game I can get.
  5. I used to play the hell out of Driver 1 and 2 growing up. Even though the first game had that notoriously hard tutorial that you had to beat to get started, I really enjoyed the driver games. Even with the time limits and all that, idk what it was. Maybe it was the car physics and the graphics at the time, but I really liked the Driver series. I even like Driver 3.
  6. Yeah I remember they sold collectibles. Was going to buy some RDR swag there years ago, but wasn't good with the prices. I'm going to have to start saving up some cash just to be able to buy some collectibles. :D
  7. It's not just Sony and some others who want Microsoft to not purchase Activision, now a group of gamers are opposing the purchase. The group of gamers suing stated this: To be fair, I agree that Microsoft gains too much from this acquisition, but if they open up their games to other platforms like they said they would, I see no issue with it. At least with the games from Activision, or at the very least COD being multiplatform. This case probably won't change anything, but it might slow Microsoft down a bit. Do you think these gamers can stop MS from this acquisition? Source: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/antitrust/microsoft-sued-by-gamers-challenging-69-billion-activision-deal
  8. A lot of online only games can still work. People all over the world set up their own servers to keep their favorite online games alive. A while back I played Battlefield 1942 I think it was, on PC, with a bunch of people online. If there was a dedicated community of gamers who enjoy a game, they will find other ways of keeping it alive. The same people I played with in Battlefield 1942, also kept this Star Wars mod alive and we ended up playing that for an event with a bunch of other people. It was pretty fun. But, it depends on the community to keep these old online games alive. The sad truth though, is that many online games will be lost to time, and there's not much we can do about it. But for the games that can still survive with private servers, those games may live on for many years to come.
  9. Kane99


    32 inch I feel is the perfect size for a bedroom, and at 4K it should look pretty impressive. I don't know how good the Switch looks on a 4K TV, but I imagine it looks pretty decent.
  10. I want to say I loved MW2 back when it originally came out, and the first few months I did. But then at some point the game became overun by hackers and modders. It was like COD 4 all over again. It got to a point where I stopped playing MW2 because of it, the dev team wasn't fixing or addressing the issues and so I peaced out. It kinda soured my interest in COD for a while, but that didn't last long as Black Ops reassured me, with it becoming one of my favorites in the whole series. Oh and I even enjoyed MW3 a lot. I honestly prefer the MP of MW3 over MW2, but that campaign for 2 is far better.
  11. For me I like to get some story about the quests you play. Maybe an idea of what to expect, or a clue of what you need to do or who you need to see, etc. Just pointing me to a waypoint to do this isn't enough, you gotta butter me up a bit and give me a reason to want to go on these mini quests or side quests. But, I don't mind finding a quest on my way through the game. Just so long as I'm not given quests out of nowhere without any context to go with them.
  12. I wouldn't say I feel claustorphobic with water levels, but I do hate a lot of them. Some of the water levels in games are poorly done, to the point where they become a chore to play and a burden at that. Look at TMNT and the level where you have to swim through a bunch of electric plants or eels. It was always a level I had my sister play, and she actually did pretty decent at it. But there can be good water levels, like with Super Mario Bros games, Donkey Kong Country, and some of the newer games that have come out. There's probably a bunch of aquatic games with good water physics, like that Ecco The Dolphin or something. Oh, Into the Hunt comes to mind. For me, I'm 50/50 on water levels. As long as they control well and aren't painful to play I'll probably enjoy the level. :)
  13. Xbox 360 blade dashboard will forever be my favorite. But I will say that the PS2 menus were nice to look at too. But then again most of the early CD based consoles had a decent little dashboard/menu when you booted it up. These days it all just looks commercialized, like ads everywhere and sometimes it just feels way too crowded with junk.
  14. And this is why you don't add your CC to any games/accounts your children use, because sadly there are still games/services that haven't learned to make it a requirement to enter CC info before a purchase. For those sites that save your CC info, Epic Games essentially had this option. So when you go in to buy vbucks, you only need to do is select your saved card and make the purchase. That's how these kids are easily able to make these purchases. It's why I don't list my CC number on most of my accounts, because if one account is hacked, they could have full access to my info, or the ability to purchase things as long as they have my bank address. So yeah, scary stuff here, especially if you have kids who don't know what the hell they're doing.
  15. That's exactly the kinda stuff I'm talking about. Cool and fun collectibles you can get based on your favorite games. I'm going to have to check that place out to see if they have any RDR2 themed stuff, or maybe some Metal Gear Themed stuff too. I want to set up a collection of figures and collectibles whenever I get to making my own gaming/entertainment room. I'd love light up stuff like this.
  16. What are some of your favorite video game gadgets, figures, collectibles, posters, and more? I have one of those light up Mario's that came out a few years ago. They are small LED lights that light up, they are of pixelated characters. So the one I have is Mario in a Tanooki Suit. I have a couple keychains hanging up. I also have a Mario 30th anniversary amiibo. I want to eventually add a ton more gaming collectibles in my room and around my house. Do you guys have any cool collectibles from your gaming collection? Maybe some oddities or random stuff you collected growing up? I'd love to know what you have. :)
  17. The upcoming mobile Assassin's Creed game has leaked some gameplay footage on reddit recently. It was also shown on facebook, but it looks like it was taken down from there. The footage on reddit is still up, so take a look at it if you'd like. I watched a little bit of it, and honestly it looks really good for a mobile game. I'm actually kinda interested in checking this out, wonder if my cheap budget phone could play it when it releases. Also, more news on this leak can be found here: https://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-jade-mobile-gameplay-leaked-on-reddit/
  18. I played it a few years ago after a friend suggested it to me. I don't recall being able to download all the songs from Guitar Hero and other such games, my guess is that it's not authorized or provided by the team who makes Clone Hero. As I remember the catalog of songs being very limited, though you could download packs like you said. But there may be some legalities there. When I played it, I don't recall them having a difficulty option. I can't play past the standard difficulty. Easy and Standard is all I can muster, so I remember Clone Hero didn't have that option, so I ended up quitting pretty fast haha.
  19. I didn't even bother with the event. I know for a fact I wouldn't have been able to reach near the top. Hell I only play in bot lobbies because I can't stand dealing with real players while I do the weekly challenges. I know some may say that's lame, but hey, hanging with friends, it doesn't matter. Was this only happening yesterday? Or is it going on all week? I feel like having it all in one day is going to result in some shenanigans and cheaters.
  20. I think I got the Metallica emote in Fortnite recently, but I had vbucks saved up. I haven't purchased anything from the game in a while otherwise. I did pay for the battle pass, but it was like 2 seasons ago or chapters. idk I don't get how it works haha. But I was able to get battle pass the last two times via the vbucks I had saved up.
  21. Only game I can think of is Fortnite. I'm sure they have something planned for the holiday season and new years. They usually have something planned out for the year like that. I doubt they'll do something like a concert, but maybe a fun event you can go to with friends. Maybe something that extends the Battle royale story or something.
  22. I haven't used VR yet, but may be finally getting the chance this Christmas as my nephew is getting a VR headset. Don't recall what kind, but I'll try it out for the first time to see how it feels. I imagine I will have some motion sickness or dizziness from it. I doubt we're meant to be looking at bright screens for long hours though, so inevitably you will be dealing with strain. Hell, looking at my monitor for too long causes my eyes to strain sometime. Any tech you stare at for too long will do it to ya.
  23. If anyone is to make an Evil Within 3, I think I'd rather Tango Gameworks still develop that series. But maybe a spin-off series or something. I think their intention was to focus on the best in the series. Maybe later on after they see how popular the SH2 Remake does, they'll release remakes for SH1, 3 and maybe even SH4 The Room. But that's only if SH2 remake does good sales wise. Why test with the first game when the second game is wildly considered the favorite among fans.
  24. lol I actually mentioned it in my original post. It's called Willy's Wonderland. I didn't think it was that good, honestly kinda forgettable. I don't get why it's so popular myself. I think it looks like it'd be boring to play. I never understood the popularity for it because of that. It's a game I could never get into. But I think the main reason it was so popular is due to the backstories the game put out and the theories fans had. Which is why I think it'd translate well to a movie.
  25. Same. It's been rumored that there's been a Metal Gear Solid movie in the works forever now, but things have changed so much, I don't know if it'll ever happen. Plus I think with Konami owning the rights, I don't know if Kojima can have any say in a movie adaptation. I'm guessing Kojima wants to extend on the story, maybe to tie in before the events of the next game or after it. You can only do so much in one form of medium, maybe he wants to expand the universe to movies and even tv at some point? My guess is that is what Kojima is attempting to do here by first creating a movie.
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