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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Same. It's been rumored that there's been a Metal Gear Solid movie in the works forever now, but things have changed so much, I don't know if it'll ever happen. Plus I think with Konami owning the rights, I don't know if Kojima can have any say in a movie adaptation. I'm guessing Kojima wants to extend on the story, maybe to tie in before the events of the next game or after it. You can only do so much in one form of medium, maybe he wants to expand the universe to movies and even tv at some point? My guess is that is what Kojima is attempting to do here by first creating a movie.
  2. I still don't get that move. Tomb Raider may have been struggling, but it's still a hugely popular franchise that if done right, could be a huge franchise for them again. But now Amazon has their hands on it. I think Amazon will want something impressive from Crystal Dynamics, and I hope they finally deliver something good again. I liked the first Tomb Raider, but the rest just felt like the same old stuff with nothing impressive added. Same here honestly. I enjoyed the first game of the rebooted series, but the second and third game felt like they added nothing to it. They were fun for a while, but I didn't feel impressed by it. Also I don't think I paid any attention to most of the story to most of the games.
  3. Graphics do matter in some regards, but I don't think it's what makes a game. It's never a reason I decide to buy a game. I look at many more factors like gameplay, reviews, chatter among friends and social media, and so on. I take into account all of that and decide on getting the game off of that. And sometimes I still get a game even though it doesn't look interesting to me. Of course though, some graphics don't age well. A lot of the games during the PS1/N64/Dreamcast/Saturn generation don't look so great today. Early 3D graphics are the main problem. Back in the day they looked fine, but coming back to a lot of games, I found has been tough because of how rough the graphics were. Of course there are still good looking 3D games back then, but I think with it being still new to develop in, developers were just getting used to the idea of 3D gaming. So it took time to make it perfect, and in turn the graphics too. I think these past two generations have gone to a point where graphics look good enough, at least to me. I could go back to the 360 and look at a game and think how good it looks for a game from 2006 or something. HD gaming will look good for a long time to come. But retro 3D is a bit tougher to take in I think.
  4. I thought it was 16 as well, but maybe it is 18, or it depends on your location in the US. I'm 33, so I don't know what the age requirements are in order to get a bank account. I know with a guardian you can start a bank account at any time. I think parents can create a bank account for their kids. Loot boxes should automatically render a game with an M rating. Since it promotes gambling, it should be 18+, which would also require the game to be rated M due to it. I believe that's a rule that some are trying to enact. And I think that's fair. Especially if you can buy loot boxes in game. That in my view constitutes gambling and therefore should in turn result in a game being rated as such. Loot boxes should never be in a game that's rated below Mature. But, only if it's lootboxes you get via buying in game. If you get free loot boxes from the game and playing the game, then I don't see an issue with it and therefore I see no issue rating that an E or T. But, when it sells loot boxes for real money, then yes, it should be rated M. To answer your question, loot boxes should only be for legal adults 18+, or in some states 21+.
  5. I think last one was Call of Duty World at War, but I may be wrong. I think it came out for the Wii. I don't remember if they released anything for the Wii U or since. But I might be wrong. There may have been one or two on the Wii U. The most recent Mortal Kombat game came out on the Switch. Albeit it wasn't as good looking as the other versions, but it plays from what I hear.
  6. I want to say the first time I played Fortnite was probably in 2018 or 2019, or around that time. And then I got back into somewhat recently in 2020-2021 and still play it often with my work friend. I only played it for the battle royale mode for the most part.
  7. I had no clue that Five Nights at Freddy’s was getting its own movie. I'm honestly not surprised by this, as Five Nights at Freddy’s seems like a fan favorite and I can see it translating fine to a movie. Some scary spooky animatronics, could work. What's funny, is that there was a movie kinda similar to Five Nights at Freddy’s, called Willy's Wonderland, and it's about a guy who is tricked into cleaning up an old amusement center or something, and he is attacked by evil animatronics that are possessed by a group of killers. I don't remember it being any good, but it had some funny moments. Anyway, the Five Nights at Freddy's movie is said to be starring Matthew Lillard and Josh Hutcherson, with Blumhouse being involved. I can't say I'm all that interested, but I'm sure there are some fans here. https://deadline.com/2022/12/five-nights-at-freddys-sets-matthew-lillard-amp-josh-hutcherson-1235201233/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  8. Grand Theft Auto doesn't really count since they are still putting out content for GTA V and are working on a new game as we speak. This was mostly meant for games that have quit coming out, or haven't released a game in a long time. GTA is just taking its sweet old time to release a new game, because they're going to keep milking GTA V for as long as they can.
  9. I did sell my Xbox 360 and a lot of my games to get an Xbox 360 Slim one year. I regret doing it, but it allowed me to game further for a while longer. Other than that, I have never sold my games/consoles to in turn buy a new console. I have thought of doing it from time to time, but never pulled the trigger.
  10. It's worthless to those not in the hobby. That's really it. I wouldn't say it's worthless to me, because for me I enjoy gaming, it makes me happy, relaxes me, etc. So I wouldn't say it's wortless. If anything, it's another one of our hobbies that others may or may not enjoy. And that's okay. Not everyone is going to be a gamer, so to them, it could be worthless and a waste of time. If someone says your hobby is worthless, then just say their hobbies are too, simple as that. If you're having fun, that's all that matters.
  11. Also a big thing of worry, is that many sites can't verify how others got the codes. So some people could be stealing the codes, selling them and running with the cash. That has happened before. To the point that it even banned some users accounts for buying the games. If you ever do buy from a website, make sure it's something like GOG. You should take caution when buying from any online store, especially ones that allow users to buy/sell their own codes.
  12. They look cool, but are kinda small from what I hear. That's why they released a riser for them soon after they released. I wouldn't mind one or two myself, but I think owning a classic arcade machine would be a lot cooler. Always had interest in buying a classic one for my house, but I don't know if I could afford one of those. Maybe I'll get one of the 1uparcades that allow for multiple games. Do they make those? Or are all of them themed around certain games?
  13. My uncle had a bar where he had a pac-man machine. At the time I didn't know what pac-man was, but I have memories of playing Pac-man in that bar, how I don't know, I was a kid, but I guess my family went there often to visit my uncle, and Id be taken along. Kinda wish he still owned the arcades he had, because I wouldn't have minded buying one from him.
  14. I do not, I do not qualify for the extra vBucks when playing it like some of the original players get. A friend of mine still boots it up and gets vBucks for it. I don't, but I can still take advantage of the XP, so that helps me level up a tad bit faster for just sitting in a lobby. He keeps trying to get me to play the actual mode, but I can't be bothered. I'd rather play Battle Royale.
  15. I do from time to time. I just recently played some Donkey Kong Country on the SNES via emulation. Wanted to play some classics and I figured I'd play that. I would hook the Snes up, but my CRT TV is sitting in my closet and I don't want to hook it to my HD TV. So emulation is my next step.
  16. I'm a bit hesitant to buy a competitor to the steam deck. If I don't know the name, brand etc, I usually pass on it. I have never heard of the Aya Neo myself, but I'm sure there are a bunch of handhelds like the steam deck popping up these days. Some with similar specs, but I imagine most of them are people trying to scam, or you don't get a device that's barely comparable.
  17. The PS5 in the states, at least according to Amazon is $599. So $600 or so. That was the original price of the PS3 at release, which for me, was far too expensive. Honestly I think most consoles are expensive, becuase no matter what, you're dishing out usually $200-$300+. And for the big premiere consoles it could be double that. When I see a price tag of $500+ I just can't see myself putting that much money into a console anymore.
  18. Kane99

    The Wii U

    Nope, I never owned or even played a Wii U. I wanted one, but it wasn't a console I made much of a fuss over. I just remember it being kind of a let down among fans, and it's what pushed them to innovate even more with the Switch. If I ever find one at a thrift store or at a yard sale for cheap, I'll pick one up. :)
  19. Kane99

    Gamer Grub?

    Honestly no, but I remember when Doritos, Mountain Dew and a few other brands created gamer themed junk food. Mountain Dew promotes COD like yearly at this point, and I think Mountain Dew had their own drink called Game Fuel as well. Brands like to advertise to gamers more than ever these days. I don't know if they make stuff like Gamer grub anymore, but I am curious now.
  20. No game really pushed me to buy it. All of my friends had an Xbox One so I went that route. When I got the Xbox One, it was back in 2015, so two years out already at that point, and I ended up getting Fallout 4 with it. I don't recall if I purchased any other games with it at the time though. But yeah, no games really pushed me to buy it. If had COD and my friends played that, so that's what I mostly played early on.
  21. Back then I doubt wifi would have worked that well for online gaming. Like Shagger said it was still a bit fresh at the time, and I honestly don't think the connect would have been good. Plus, I don't think many routers existed back then supporting wifi connections. Though I'm sure some did, they weren't probably meant for online gaming. These days they make special routers that are geared towards gaming and streaming. The mod scene has probably created a wifi dongle for the original Xbox, just like someone has added HDMI support, and other such things. I think today it would be possible to get it set up on wifi than it was back when it originally released. And on the plus side, connections through ethernet were way better, I hate playing games over wifi, because you will drop a connection once in a while. Wired connections are always best.
  22. I wouldn't say it is. Just like I wouldn't' say Xbox Achievements are that important. Back in the day when they first started it, sure I was interested in getting all those achievements/trophies etc. But I don't think it's necessarily ever was important to me. I just like racking up a big score for all the games I played. :D
  23. You heard that right, Amazon is going to be taking over the publishing duties for Crystal Dynamics next Tomb Raider game. It will be multiplatform, and it'll be made under Unreal Engine 5. Previously it was Square Enix who was publisher, but it looks like they've decided to move on from them. And we all know how Amazon wants to get more involved in publishing games, so this could be a big deal for them. Source - https://www.gameinformer.com/2022/12/15/amazon-games-will-publish-crystal-dynamics-next-tomb-raider-game
  24. Looks like the Bloober Team is back as they are working on a new survival horror game to be published by Private Division. There are no details about the game aside from it being a survival horror game. They are also working on a Silent Hill game, which I believe was announced during that Konami press conference. But this looks to be a whole new project. What do you think it is they're working on?
  25. Source - https://www.sknr.net/2022/12/15/death-stranding-movie-announced/ It looks like Death Stranding is getting a movie adaptation as it was recently announced there is a movie in the works. The movie is said to be a continuation of the story featured in the game and upcoming sequel. Kojima Productions has teamed up with Barbarian executive producer Alex Lebovici’s Hammerstone Studios to make the movie. Kinda cool, but now I need to play the game to get an idea of what to expect. But I'm glad Kojima finally is getting into the movie game. He praises it a ton and it's cool to finally see it come full circle for him.
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