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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Source - https://www.sknr.net/2022/12/15/death-stranding-movie-announced/ It looks like Death Stranding is getting a movie adaptation as it was recently announced there is a movie in the works. The movie is said to be a continuation of the story featured in the game and upcoming sequel. Kojima Productions has teamed up with Barbarian executive producer Alex Lebovici’s Hammerstone Studios to make the movie. Kinda cool, but now I need to play the game to get an idea of what to expect. But I'm glad Kojima finally is getting into the movie game. He praises it a ton and it's cool to finally see it come full circle for him.
  2. That's cool. So the Parallel Worlds and Goddess of Wisdom are fan remakes/rom hacks? Were many of these made for sale? Even though they're rom hacks, I imagine something like this would be worth a decent amount of money later on. I wish I had these types of fan creation/hacks in my collection. I don't own any, but if I see any out in the wild, I might have to start picking them up.
  3. Half Life 2 is a big one, since so many were expecting an episode 3 or an outright Half Life 3 to come out. Same with Left 4 Dead, because that too deserved to get a 3rd game. Aside from that, I wish they made more Simpsons themed games. The last good game I can think of was the Simpsons game, and ever since I feel like they focused on cheap and boring mobile games. Give us a hit and run remake, remaster and or a sequel.
  4. Sadly it's inevitable. I notice my PC loads up fortnite pretty fast, but if I were to boot it up on my Xbox One for example, it'll take a little longer. It's to be expected. It also comes down to how used to the new consoles you are, because if you're used to the faster load times, going back to an older console may not be easy. I found that going back to the 360, it felt like it took forever just to turn on. The main reason for that is due to the last dashboard they released. I wish they allowed us to go back to older dashboards, because the blade dashboard was fast and didn't nearly take as long as what the 360 has now. Sadly, this will continue on, as video games are going to keep getting better and better.
  5. Kane99

    Let's Sing

    I actually have. It was many years ago. I was out with a friend shopping and he decided to get a copy of Disney Lets Sing (I think it was), and it came with a mic and everything. We tried to play it, and it was kinda fun, but didn't play for too long. I did play Def Jam Rapstar as well. I don't think it was made by the same team, but it was a lot of fun from what I played. I couldn't follow most of the raps I did though.
  6. I think I only played one or two of the Just Dance games, and that was back when I used to babysit my nephew. They had an Xbox 360 and Kinect and I remember trying and failing miserably playing one of the games. It's not for me, as I would much rather play something like DDR, as it's not really focused on following moves, but just focused on matching arrows. That game I can somewhat handle, but Just Dance, nah, I suck at those games lol.
  7. I think there's been a few special edition releases of the Xbox Series X. I think most consoles come out with limited/special edition consoles, with differing designs. I think Halo Infinite had a special console, way before the game was even released. I believe there's a Forza themed one, and I don't recall, but maybe a Gears themed one. Not sure though, as I don't remember if we got a new Gears on the new Xbox yet. But yeah, most consoles release special edition consoles. I don't know if Microsoft will release one for all colors of the rainbow, but I'm sure we'll see some branded designs based off of their popular games.
  8. I think it depends on the person and how well they handle VR. I know it's suggested not to play in VR for long periods of time, but I've heard of people sleeping in VR. Now, I don't know how they handle that with a bulky ass vr headset on their head, but hey, if it works for them, cool. But, I think eventually I would get eye strain, maybe a sore neck, and face.
  9. Yeah the rate we progress with tech is pretty remarkable. Just to think, almost like 30 years ago we had the Virtual Boy from Nintendo, and now we are at a point where VR is getting even more realistic. It's just crazy how far we have come with tech from the 80s/90s and onward. I think we'll see more devices that you can wear to help immerse yourself in the game even more. There's already suits you can wear that provide feeling towards the game. And of course that Omni device you can buy that lets you walk freely in VR. Eventually they will make a suit that can do just about everything.
  10. I'm going to wait to play it until this weekend I think. Maybe play it so my brother can watch along. That would probably explain the big size. I know one of the movies is called Tammy and the T-Rex, but what are the other two movies added in? Actually scratch that, I don't want to know. I spoiled too much of the game for myself already. :D
  11. There is a new boxing game that is scheduled to come out soon. It is similar to what EA did with their Fight Night boxing games, and I think Steel City Interactive is trying to replicate that style and gameplay in some ways. Check out some gameplay below. Do you think boxing games are finally making a comeback?
  12. The game has finally come out, has anyone here tried it out yet? A friend of mine was screen sharing a bit of it last night on Discord, and from what I saw it looked like a lot of fun. Though I'm not so sure about the shooting, it looks odd, but I'll reserve my judgment for when I play. Also that Justin Roiland humor is there from the start.
  13. Not with smartphones being in everyone's pockets these days. I don't see how it could ever end, considering too that every smartphone has a playstore/app store with a bunch of mobile games. On top of that, the mobile market is one of, if not, the biggest money maker in terms of gaming/apps out there. We will probably have smartphones for years to come, which means mobile gaming will likely flourish along with it.
  14. It's just been a long time coming, since Nintendo hasn't had a COD since like the Wii or maybe Wii U. I forget. I just know that Activision and company didn't want to support Nintendo consoles because of the hardware limitations. But they had no trouble releasing COD4, WAW and others on the Wii and even the DS back in the day. I'm sure they could tone the graphics down to make it happen. Otherwise, a new Switch with better hardware could be coming, and in which case, COD could grace Nintendo consoles again.
  15. I think Cyberpunk 2077, mainly due to fact they promised so much and yet didn't really deliver on any of it. We were promised these living, breathing worlds, but all we got was a sparse world with not much going for it. I still haven't even finished the story mode, I just got bored with the game at some point and peaced out. I may eventually get back into it, but I don't know when that day will come. Other than that, maybe State of Decay 2. That game turned out to be a major letdown for me. Bugs killed the experience, and otherwise it was just a chore to play at times.
  16. Depends on the studio and who is working on it. Most big studios will ship remasters to smaller teams to tackle, which is what Rockstar has done in the past. I think most developers want to make their own original games, but some do get stuck working on remasters. I thinks studios would prefer to work on remakes, because at least then they're kinda making something fresh, albeit with the same story/characters etc. I can't imagine most developers want to work on remakes or remasters, but a lot I'm sure get stuck doing that. The beauty of game development though, is that people move on from studio to studio a lot, so if a dev feels stuck, he/she can usually put in their two weeks and find work elsewhere.
  17. Sometimes sure. I like to explore and see the world, so there are times where I'm in the middle of a mission and I go off to do something else. Whether it be GTA V, RDR2, or any other open world game, you'll usually find me mucking around in the world trying to find hidden things and to just explore. Also open the map for some games this way. But yeah, there are many games I've procrastinated in just because I felt like it. Sometimes I don't do a mission for days or weeks and I just mess around in the world. I do it a lot with open world games.
  18. Did you happen to watch Chappie and that show Upload recently? :D I was reminded of that movie show right when you mentioned uploading ones psyche into a robot, machine or computer. I think the idea of uploading your psyche to something to live in, is cool. But in reality, you're not living on technically, it's just another version of you, a copy essentially. I don't think it would ever be possible to move our current selves into some computer, or robot body. We may be able to copy our brains, but I don't think we'll ever get to a point where we could transfer our current selves into it. Because if it's essentially a copy, the person you are now, won't be experiencing any of this afterlife, instead your copied over psyche or subconscious would be. If it were possible to put my actual brain, in a machine to live on, that would be far more appealing to me, since I would technically live on. But otherwise, I'd just be creating another version of me. Sure it could be cool to leave behind for a family member or friend, but I'd much rather to live on than have a version of me live on. But if there is a way to put my brain in a virtual world, and mimic real life, that would be awesome.
  19. Wow, my current PC setup may not be able to handle some future games if this becomes the norm. According the Steam page for Returnal, it recommends 32GB of RAM. The minimum specs I should be able to match, but it's starting to look like I might need to update a little, maybe just RAM, but still, just shows how big games are going to get going forwards, and I fear I will have to update a PC in the next year or two if I really want to take advantage of the games dropping in the future. Read more about this here: https://wccftech.com/returnal-pc-requirements-detailed-no-crossplay-with-ps5/ Are you going to be able to get the PC version? Or will you just pick up the PS5 version?
  20. Of course. Parents are responsible for anything their child has access to, whether it be movies, tv, gaming, access to a PC, etc. Growing up, I always tried to watch R rated movies, play M rated games and so on. And for the most part, my parents allowed it. I don't think it had any affect on me mentally, or made me want to do bad things like the news outlets try to paint gamers as, or have in the past. But as I have gotten older, there are some games I played and movies I saw as a kid, that I probably wouldn't suggest kids play or watch.
  21. Depends on the game and how long it was before they got a remaster/remake. If it's an older game, I'm more accepting to a higher price, because I think it's fine to remake something that's 10+ years old. But when it was just released a couple years ago, and they're trying to get full price on a simple re-skin, then nah. I think most remasters should go for around $30. If it's just a re-skin especially. But if it's a remake of a game, I could say maybe $50-$60 or so. At this point we'll probably see it hit $70. But a remake makes sense to pay more since it's not the same game with a re-skin. They add more to it, update it, change the controls, character models, animations etc. That's when I can see reason to paying more than $30.
  22. Hmm, I'd say the story between Lee and Clementine in The Walking Dead. It's one of my favorite stories about friendship, the fact that it ends in such a depressing way really sells it even more. I think Niko and Roman Bellick as friends is great. Lets go bowling eh?
  23. I can't say I have ever really used video games to explain things in real life. Well scratch that, maybe with the Madden games. I think at one point I argued with a friend about how in the game when you kick a field goal on any down aside from 4th, that you get the ball back and lose a down. But I don't think that's the case in real football. Or maybe I'm thinking of another game, idk. But I swear there was something like this in earlier madden games.
  24. Sounds like Microsoft are opening up the COD franchise to more than just PlayStation, as they're not working on bringing COD back to the Nintendo brand. It's clear MS know what they're doing, and that's getting that money. Now with Nintendo on the boards to getting a COD of their own, maybe now we can see COD grace all consoles once again. Also, it's being said that they're also keeping their deal with Steam to keep COD on steam as well. I honestly didn't expect it, but it seems like Phil Spencer really wants to make right by supporting more than just Xbox.
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