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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Kane99

    E3 2023?

    I don't see a handheld being announced, but with the way the market is going and how more companies are getting into handheld hardware, it's always a possibility Xbox and others may jump into the handheld market too. I've said it before, the popularity of the Switch and the Steam Deck has to be giving Sony and Microsoft ideas about the possibility. I don't know if Sony would try their hands at making a new handheld, but maybe Microsoft. I think if it were to happen, it'd be another generation off, maybe after this generation of consoles.
  2. Kane99

    Candy Crush

    Candy Crush is so old, it's one of those mobile apps that has been around forever, probably around the time smartphones started, though I may be wrong on that. It's just been around for a long time. I remember when it became popular with the kids, old people started to like it and I think that turned kids off from it haha. I remember playing it a little bit, but I didn't think it was that impressive. It's a fine game, just don't think I'll ever play it again.
  3. Kane99

    Achievement hunting

    Yeah the novelty of it started to ware off for me. Back when the 360 came out, there was a few games with some easy achievements. I remember a NBA 2k6 or something that dropped that gave you an easy 1000G just from playing one game. Each achievement was huge too, like 100 for some, 200 for others and I think a big one for like 500G. Then games started to add tons more small achievements. I used to grab as many as I could when I played, but these days you have to do so much for some achievements, that I sometimes just pass on some of them lol. Also, some games you can't even get 100% since some were online only achievements. I remember achievements hunters throwing fits about that. :D
  4. Yeah I heard some of the voice actors are guest starring as other characters. I'm really glad they did that. Kinda wonder who else they will have hidden in the cast who were a part of the games. Wonder if any devs/producers were part of the background cast.
  5. It's just sad that studios still do it, and will continue to do it for years to come probably forever. I hate that almost every big release now suffers from some major problems at release. And they always promise to fix the issues. Well shit, it shouldn't have released in that state. Why is it that these studios have all these QA testers and yet we have some games come out broken beyond repair? Every time I see a new release flop because of technical issues, bugs etc, I always think it's going to be the last one, and studios will start to shape up again, and then another game comes out a broken mess, and then another, and we get used to it. Another thing is, studios know we'll wait for them to fix the problems, so I think they know they can release pretty much an early access game as finished, with the hopes that they can fix the errors later. That's the now, where we're going to keep getting early access games, hardly finished and then we're expected to wait for said games to be fixed & improved over the years. That's how it's starting to look to me.
  6. Because you're an adult who is being smart with your money. I wait a long time before I get a new console, mainly because I can't afford most of them, and secondly because I don't feel I need a new console right away. And right now, things are in a nosedive, with inflation being an issue, it's kinda hard to push the button on buying expensive toys essentially. And I'm good with my PC and what it offers.
  7. Source - https://gamerant.com/xbox-controller-lcd-display-microsoft-patent/?utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=GR-FB-P&utm_campaign=GR-FB-P Image: It looks like Xbox may be getting a new controller with an LCD display, and I'm all for that. This will only be a standard LCD screen to tell you if the controller is paired to a device. Not sure that would really be needed, but if they have other options with it, that'd be cool. Like a health bar, or something similar to what the 3DS/Wii U did. Or they could use it like how the Dreamcast controller used those VMUs. They told you details about the game, so I could see that being a reality for a new Xbox controller. What do you guys think?
  8. Yeah I enjoyed the destructiveness of the game. Surprising ahead of its time imo. But that boss battle I stopped at made me mad haha. I'm pretty sure I still have a save file, but it's that boss battle and idk I if I can put myself through that again lol. Same here. I haven't played Sekiro, but it did remind me of the rooftop moments of Tenchu. I remember playing the original Tenchu on PS1 back in the day, and having a blast jumping onto roofs and jumping on enemies. But I always sucked at these games lol.
  9. With the recent release of The Callisto Protocol being marred by poor performance and other issues, it made me wonder about all the other games that have been coming out broken messes. If feels like we get more and more broken games at release and at this point it feels never-ending. It's like games like God of War come out pristine with minimal issues, but then you get games that are released in clearly unfinished states, and it seems to be happening more and more these days. What can we do as gamers to stop this? I am all for studios taking as much time as they need to make a game. But I don't want devs to rush a game, release it and then say "oh we'll get these problems fixed and to a point where we want it". But it should never get to that point. Studios should be striving to make their games as playable and unbroken as possible. It's tiring to hear that yet another game has arrived to mixed reviews because of the poor quality of game at release. I know voicing our opinions has done nothing at this point, people are clearly fed up, and studios keep doing it. Do you think this will ever change? Or will we be stuck in this new routine?
  10. Kane99

    Achievement hunting

    Back when I got my 360, I tried to get every achievement possible. Now days I still kinda hunt for achievements, but I don't go full force and try to get all of them. I play a game, beat it and if there are any easy achievements, I'll maybe try for them, otherwise I just quit and move on to the next game. I don't need to get every achievement in a game. My current Xbox gamescore is 130,206. At this point I don't really care if I get most achievements. I just focus on having fun and finishing a game.
  11. Kane99

    Fall Guys?

    I got Fall Guys when it came out because I thought it'd be fun to get a group of friends together to play, but instead I ended up hating it. I sucked at the game as well, so there was that. Whenever I got close to the end, I'd mess up. I think all the games I played, I only won one game total. It's not easy to win, that's for sure. And I just get more frustrated playing it than I do having fun.
  12. I don't currently own any of the current PS consoles, at least not any that had the trophy system. If I did own a PS3, PS4 or PS5, I like to think I'd hunt for some of those trophies. Plus, me having to start from scratch, is going to be weird. But hey, that's life. I got way more achievements on Xbox than anywhere else.
  13. I remember getting the greatest hits version of the first game on PS2. I couldn't get into it back then. I think it was the setting, the control style and a few other things that turned me off to it. I haven't played the series since sadly. I remember a friend coming over and nearly beating it for me because I didn't want to play it lol.
  14. I mostly played the first one, don't recall if I ever played the sequels. I remember playing the first one with my brother, sister and friends quite a bit, but I wasn't very good at them. Then again I'm not very good at most beat'm'ups like that.
  15. Can I has??? lol just kidding. I always wanted to get a PSvita and a PSP growing up. I still wouldn't mind getting a vita as you can probably do a lot of stuff on them. But yeah, that's awesome you found them. They're all in good shape and no damage?
  16. Best 3D sonic game maybe, but I think the original 3 games are the best of the bunch. Once Sonic hit 3D, is when the series started to take a nosedive. I know people love Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, but the games to follow didn't do so hot. Especially when you get to Sonic 06 and some of the other games. But yeah, I'd say best 3D sonic game.
  17. Good question, growing up I mostly had the NES, Genesis, PS1, and PS2. I didn't get to own an N64 until I was an adult. I always wanted to get a dreamcast, xbox, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii and a few others I'm forgetting. I always wanted a gameboy color growing up. I won a Gameboy advance from something when I was a kid, and that was the only handheld console I had growing up. Oh also wanted the Sega Game Gear. A neighbor owned one and I remember how cool it was at the time.
  18. Yeah I was hoping for a lot of games to make the cut, but licensing was a big hurdle that some just didn't want to deal with. I wish they'd finally make a new Tenchu. I remember enjoying Tenchu Z a bit, but wanted them to continue the franchise. I guess the recent Sekiro was conceived originally as a new Tenchu, so in a way it's still around. :) I remember Stranglehold, got near the end, but couldn't beat one of the bosses so quit lol.
  19. I don't usually. I have purchased a few Humble Bundles, but never really bought any keys in bulk. I don't know if I'd count Humble Bundle, because when I hear "in bulk" I think of multiples of the same digital game rather than a bundle of games. And in that sense, I have never bought any games in bulk, though I would if I can guarantee the games are legit and not redeemed. I have never used Fanatical though.
  20. I usually find a spot in my house to store them. I have enough room at the moment for more games, but I usually just get digital these days. I still am on the lookout for older and retro games though, so eventually I'll need more room. What I want to do is build a shelving unit in a spot in my room, and just build a nice set of shelves so that I can store all of my games, with room to spare. I want to make the shelf extend the whole wall, so that I have enough storage. I have a small bookcase where all my games are right now, with a small DVD tower on my dresser with some games. But other than that, I don't have much room for more games, but I think with more shelving and storage, I will have more than enough space to store my games, movies and whatever else I own.
  21. Also, I don't know if you guys heard about this or not, just found out about it myself. If you tune into the game awards through Steam, you could win a Steamdeck. They will be giving away a steamdeck every minute during the stream, but you need to be watching it through Steams streaming side. More details here - https://store.steampowered.com/sale/thegameawardssteamdeckdrop2022
  22. Original hardware is what I would rather play my games on. But emulation has become so useful in that I can play any console I want on a PC if I so desired. It makes it easier since I don't own every console, so emulation is the only way I can play some games. But, if I had the original hardware, I'd be playing on that the most.
  23. I have a bookcase that holds most of them right now. It's not in order at all, and it could use some cleaning too. I want to get a different bookcase, or shelf since the one I have now the back is coming off and is probably older than I am lol.
  24. I had a subscription to Gameinformer for a while, but it was more recent and I didn't keep them. I wish I did, but wasn't a huge fan of the Gameinformer mags with it being owned by Gamestop. Haha, I actually remember finding an old Electronic Gaming Monthly mag with Donkey Kong country at a local dentists office when I was a kid. I ended up taking it home lol. Yeah I wish I took care of my collection and kept most of them. I've looked at Ebay, haha, they are very pricey. Maybe one of these days I'll try Ebay and buy a cheap bundle or something. Or I'll keep an eye out at thrift stores and other such places.
  25. Did you end up trying the demo? I was going to download it, but have yet to do so. I hear it's only a short demo introducing you to a moment in the movie kinda. If you did play it, how long was the demo? Pretty short? How did it control?
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