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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. To be fair, it's also on the PS1, so you're not going to get a great 3D experience that way. And the reason is may look a tad bit better on the PS2, is because the PS2 spruces the graphics up a bit, more clean, but doesn't change much at all. It was also one of the first true 3D horror games. Aside from that, most horror games at the time had poor voice acting, that's kinda to be expected lol.
  2. Do we even know if we're getting a sequel to Bloodborne? I really think this team is going to keep making one off games in interesting places. We got Sekiro (was it same creator, I forget), and I think another game I'm forgetting. But I feel like they want to focus on one off games going forward, but with souls like controls and difficulty. But, who knows, Bloodborne might get a sequel one day. My guess is that it won't happen, and we'll see another game like Bloodborne, but with a completely different name, setting, characters etc.
  3. Not sure what you're on about, as this is just the DC side of things. Marvel isn't part of it, so no crossovers with them, at least not in the foreseeable future. Well this is more to do with DC and their universe. Marvel pretty much does the same anyway, as they are tying characters in from their shows into their movies more now. But DC normally doesn't mix their stories from other media into their main storylines.
  4. The Game Awards 2022 is nearly upon us, as they will be airing a live stream December 8th. Are your favorite games up for awards? Or are there some games that are missing from the mix? I figured God of War: Ragnarok would make the cut this year, even though it came out so close to the end of 2022. Anyway, what are your predictions on winners? What reveals do you think they will show? You can find more on those nominated, along with start time and where to watch here - https://thegameawards.com/
  5. Their creative director Tom French recently stepped down. He was with the team for 11 years, so it's going to be interesting how this affects Halo Infinite going forward. It's clear Infinite isn't doing good right now, and they need all the help they can get right now. Halo shouldn't be having this many problems. I don't get why Microsoft isn't supporting their biggest franchise more. You can read more on this news here: https://dotesports.com/halo/news/halo-infinites-multiplayer-creative-director-leaves-343-industries-as-games-future-gets-murkier
  6. Kojima tweeted on Dec 1st the image you see below, with a text saying "Start a new journey." You can view more of the tweets/photos via the article link below. https://www.metalgearinformer.com/?p=39176 He also shows that actress Shioli Kutsuna is involved with the project, who was previously in Deadpool 2. What do you think his next game will be? Could this be a tease for a new game for Sony? Or is it their new Xbox title?
  7. Yeah not a bad rating, and I'm starting to see more high scores coming out. But it seems that there are performance issues with the PC and Xbox versions of the game, while the PS5 version is said to be playing fine, at least according to the article below: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-the-callisto-protocol-pc-xbox-series-x-series-s There are still some reviews coming out where they're giving it a 5 or 6 out of 10. Also, a friend of mine told me that there may be a setting you have to turn on to help with the combat/performance or something. I couldn't find anything on it myself though.
  8. It sucks, especially if you had done a lot of work on the games you played. I was really mad when I saw my file gone. I had no idea what happened. I probably searched online about my save file and I think I found news about it. And then kinda recently my save file for nba 2k on PC disappeared. I had cloud saves as well, but I couldn't access it. Contacted epic games and they were literally no help. So I stopped playing the game at that point and uninstalled it. Also contacted 2k support but they too were no help. It really sucks when it happens. Kinda feels like you're defeated or something.
  9. I never owned the master system, just the genesis and Saturn. What is the difference exactly? Is the genesis the competition for the SNES while the master system is the competition for the NES? Or was it a pal system?
  10. I started to save scum. Or so that's what they call it when you make a new save each time you save, or you rotate your saves. I started to do it, because if I need to go a bit, I many options I can choose. Also I keep cloud saves on whenever I play a game. Never hurts to have that as a backup.
  11. Idk I can't do touch controls for fps games. Just not my thing I guess. I tried both cod mobile and pubg mobile, and I couldn't get into it. I tried too. Both games worked fine on my old phone, which I was surprised by.
  12. I was disappointed when I heard the news they weren't supporting it anymore. Which sucks, because I would have liked to play and maybe even stream some of the old classics. And it would have made it easy to do if they released them on Xbox one and series x/s. Maybe they will revisit it. What would be awesome is if they allowed use of an emulator that would let us play the discs on current consoles. I bet they could make it work. It would be so cool if they made it work somehow.
  13. Well, they could make sequels that they can later remaster like they're doing now. 😄 They will remake the second game next, and then we'll probably get some announcement about a third on the way.
  14. Source: https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/us-army-continues-to-pour-millions-into-esports-and-gaming The US military has been attempting to connect to gamers to in turn recruit them. The US military has been sponsoring more gaming events, tournaments, and so on, with plans to sponsor more events. They've spent millions on sponsoring video games. They are sponsor through the likes of Cod and Halo, through the halo tv show that recently dropped. I imagine this has been a thing forever. There are more gamers than ever who are of age for joining the military. And it's hard to connect with a young adult, especially to get them away from their games to go into the military. Do you think this is messed up? Or do you support it? I know the military promotes a lot to teens, because it's not always a bad thing to go into. It helps with college and helps in other avenues. But to go to war is a whole other story. I don't think most teens are into that. But maybe I'm wrong. I just think it's weird to promote signing up for the military through any video games, movies, tv, etc.
  15. If it takes place in Liberty City and Vice City like it was rumored to, I could honestly see some cameos. I just want to see old CJ make an appearance. That and Niko at the least. Just hearing Roman ask us to go bowling would bring me back lol.
  16. I received a demo disc from PlayStation underground one year, and there was a demo of Viewtiful Joe 1 or 2, and if you play that demo, it actually overwrites your save data on any memory cards inserted into your PS2. I had nearly completed GTA San Andreas when my save file was deleted because of this damn demo disc. I ended up replaying the game and used cheats because of how mad I was. Later on, I found out that Sony was offering a free game because of it, but I had missed the window for calling in about it. But yeah, I hate when save data gets deleted. Had issues with NBA 2K20, where my save got deleted and the cloud save was not accessible. Yes it's turned on for the Epic game store. Stopped playing the game because of it.
  17. That's actually a good idea. I'd prefer more of a system where I can search a game and say if i own it, am playing it etc. I suppose you could do the same with Excel. And, it's a good way to make a list of everything. I found I had that issue where I forget a movie I watched and end up re-watching it, so it's a big reason why I joined letterboxd. I'm going to check out backlogery to track the games I own.
  18. Back in the day I was a huge fan of the Genesis console growing up. Sadly I didn't have a big collection, and my parents ended up regifting it to my nephew (with my agreed go ahead). I later ended up getting my nephews SNES and just ended up keeping it lol. I also got a used Saturn one year and that was cool, but I didn't have a big collection of games for it. I actually got two Saturns for like $37 or so. Not going to complain about that. I ended up selling one off in box, which I kinda regret doing, but oh well. But yeah, I'm a fan of the Genesis, and maybe the Sega GameGear, as I remember playing that at a friends house many years ago and thinking it was the coolest thing ever.
  19. I like when games have at least a simple text chat feature, something that makes it easy to converse with people where you don't have to use voice chat lol. Other than that, I also like when you have a dedicated button for taking clips, and one that will upload to your desired social media platform, or YouTube maybe. Also, party chat features are a must for most games if I play with a group of friends. Private parties to be exact, as I don't like to sit in public lobbies these days.
  20. There is a lot of talented people who have started out making fan games. It's why I wish Nintendo should hire all of these devs who made their own fan games based on their characters. I hope fan made games are still a thing into the future, because it can be a fun way of finding new talent.
  21. I think Google did a doodle for him in the past too. I swear I remember finding out about him from a past doodle, or maybe I heard about him when he passed away. But either way, he made history and is one of the big reasons we have video games. Lets say he's one of the founding fathers of video games, much like this woman is one of the founders of Wi-Fi. With Jerry Lawson, I believe he was the person who invented carts, so in that way he's the father of cart based media. :D
  22. I heard the event is going to be like 45 minutes long and players will be able to join mid-event if they want. My friend wants me to join in on it, but I've always felt the events were kinda boring and underwhelming. I liked the concerts, but wish they lasted longer. And these events, I wish they'd last longer, so I'm kinda happy about the news of it being 45 minutes or so. I also heard that the next map is going to feature space, maybe. Idk, I hear they teased space in some way. Ah okikdoki, I didn't know there was a comic book out there for that. I didn't see it in the shop recently, so that's why I was confused.
  23. Oh for sure. It all comes down to licensing and it's not like WWE and AEW haven't licensed out their stuff. They have video games, toys and collectibles from third party companies, so the idea that they could license their characters is a real possibility. John Cena has a skin in Fortnite, and he has a WWE title belt backbling, so they had to get WWE's go ahead for that. And yeah, the game is built around wrestling moves, and even has emotes and other things that are inspired by pro wrestling. I hope they work together with these wrestling companies, because I may actually jump back into playing it. Exactly, they will license pretty much anything that's popular. Which is why it could be easy for Rumbleverse to work with these pro wrestling organizations to add more pro wrestling stuff, characters, etc.
  24. It came out today, and had been shipped to reviewers recently as I've seen reviews and videos from gamers streaming it already. So far reviews aren't painting the best picture of it. I'm seeing ratings of 6's, 7's across the board. IGN gave it a 7/10, Gameinformer and VGC both gave it a 6/10, and has a 76 on metacritic. I mean, it's not bad, but not what fans were expecting I guess. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/12/02/the-callisto-protocol-reviews-are-in-and-they-are-concerning/
  25. I wish my dog would do that. All she does now is sleep, but to be fair she is getting old. I wonder if something like this dog game can actually cheer her up. If it does, I'd try it with my dog and see if she enjoys it or not. My cat will react to stuff on my phone though, he also likes to lay on phones for some reason.
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