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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Ah cool, I saw a couple of the posters the other day, but didn't see all of them. Saw the Joel, Ellie, Sam, & Henry posters. Didn't know Anna Torv was playing Tess, really cool. I liked her in Fringe and Mindhunter. That's really cool, I had no idea she voiced the same character. I wonder if there are any of the other voice actors in the game that make an appearance as their original character.
  2. Yeah I can see some people taking it seriously. And, I'm not sure whether it's meant to be serious or to be funny or a mix of both. To me it looks too cheesy to be taken seriously, but I don't know if this dev is religious or if he's just making a dumb fun game. And if it ends up being too dumb, and funny, then that in turn could make some people mad. I think it's meant to be a meme, but I'd have to research the developer more and see if they're serious.
  3. Kane99

    Game Pass Wishlist

    That's a good question. For me, I think I'd want more PC releases added on gamepass. I get Gamepass ultimate whenever I do subscribe, and I've been trying to find more games for PC. I'd like to see that new Sonic Frontiers or whatever it's called added to gamepass, mainly because I do want to play it, but don't want to spend any money on it. Aside from gamepass of course. Other than that, The Callisto Protocol (I hear it's tough), and that Ready or Not game, though I don't think it's out on Xbox gamepass, just PC right now. Other than that, I think Stray would be cool, but I don't think it's coming out for Xbox. It's hard to say too, because so many games are releasing on gamepass now. Exclusives already release day one, so that's awesome in itself. But even some third party devs are releasing through gamepass day one, and I really love that.
  4. There's not much you can really do with a sequel if you intend to follow the same group of people. You could either expand on Jacks story and see his life after RDR1, which would spell further end of the western setting as RDR1 was starting to move from the west setting, as the industrial revolution is about to start, which involves cars, etc. So, a prequel would work in the sense that you go back further, maybe the founding of Dutch's gang. You could play as a completely different character, much like how we played as Arthur in RDR2, as we never hear about him in RDR1. So, the idea could be that you get to control a new character who inevitably dies before what takes place in RDR2. Or gets out of the outlaw life somehow, maybe the third will have a happy ending haha. AThey could go into another direction and take a supporting character and make a game around them. I know I'd like to see Charles get his own game. He would I think be a great character to explore. Could be cool if we got to play as a younger Hosea when the Dutch Van Linde gang was just starting up as well. Or, they could explore some supporting characters from RDR1, like Landon Ricketts who is an old gunslinger you meet in the game that's now retired from the outlaw life. They could choose him as a main protagonist for a prequel-sequel, maybe how he became one of the best gunslingers around. There's a lot Rockstar can do. They can do a sequel any way they want, and we'd be there to buy it day one. At least I will. :D
  5. A lot about GTA VI leaked recently, along with who you'll be playing as, and all this. But do you think there is any chance that GTA VI will tie in to previous titles? I mean it's a given that these games take place in the same world. But, the series doesn't really tie in all that much. Yeah Lazlo is in pretty much most of the games, and even shows up in person in GTA V. So the idea of characters coming back has been a thing on my mind. Part of me wishes they would do some fan service like this and add old CJ in a new game. Hell even Tommy Vercetti, even though Ray Liotta has passed away, he could make a brief cameo. Hell I'd welcome past characters from San Andreas, GTA III to show up. I'd love to see Niko Bellic make a comeback. Johnny from the Lost and Damned was in GTA V, so it's not out of the realm of possibility. I know Rockstar probably won't do it. They will probably put in easter eggs like they've done with all the games. But I want some of the big hitters to show up and have some kind of speaking line. What I think would be even cooler, is if they made story DLC for the past characters, to see what they're up to. Could be fun. Also Luis Lopez could make a comeback too. Especially since Gay Tony was featured in online missions for GTA V. What do you guys think?
  6. Has anyone gotten refunds yet for their purchases of a Google Stadia and the hardware? It sounds like Google is making things right and they've started to refund some customers for their Stadia hardware purchases. But, they will only refund you if you purchased hardware from the Google Store. Those who purchased the controller through Best Buy will not be refunded. I imagine you'll have to take that up with Best Buy, who probably won't issue a refund. The good thing is, that if you did purchase through the Google store, you should receive a refund before or by January 18th, which is when the service officially ends. More here - https://knowtechie.com/google-issues-stadia-refunds/
  7. Kane99

    Warzone Mobile?

    Eh probably not. Was never a big fan of the warzone side of COD. Always felt anxiety trying to play those battle royale games. I'd rather play the standard multiplayer modes in COD games if I do play. idk, I can play games like Fortnite, but Warzone, isn't for me. Plus, the people who play warzone take it way too seriously.
  8. I downloaded it on one of my old phones, but didn't play it for too long. I couldn't get used to the controls. If I ever do play, I'll have to get a bluetooth controller or one of those controller peripherals for phones. I know there are a few on the market.
  9. With the popularity of the Steam Deck and the Switch, the idea may not be far from reality. Companies change their minds all the time. I didn't expect Sony to originally make a VR headset for the PS4, but they did. And the same goes for their original handhelds, I didn't expect them to do that either. I hear they have no plans, but plans change. Microsoft has said they have no plans either, but they're Microsoft, and if there's money to be made, they'll jump at it.
  10. You're better off connecting it via ethernet anyway. Wifi is notoriously bad when it comes to gaming online. I have to have a wired connection with all of my consoles and even with my gaming PC. I don't want to end up dropping my connection mid match after all. :D I'm sure there are some modders who figured out a way to make a wifi device for it. Kinda like how they made an HDMI mod for the OG xbox.
  11. A bit of a late reply on my part, but here we are. :) RDR1 starts off in 1911, where we see John disembarking a train. The back of the case also mentions it's 1911 and the west is dying. The date has kinda been ingrained in my head since I played the hell out of it. :D RDR1 has some beautiful looking graphics, yeah they aren't nearly as good as RDR2's graphics, but they still hold up quite well today imo. I just remember playing the game for the first time, on an HDTV and thinking how beautiful it was. But yeah, RDR2 is way more stunning graphically. Retro games age better I think. Most of them look great today. Haha I remember Ghosts. I remember when they were going crazy about this game, and then it turned out to be one of the worst in the series. I always figured they'd do a sequel like with their other games, but maybe it was best to go back to Modern Warfare instead.
  12. Gaming fatigue is a real thing. It's probably why I don't play COD anymore. I used to play the hell out of it yearly, but the last game I put money down on was probably WWII maybe. I forget which one I had last honestly. I know I did get Cold War at some point, but may have gotten it free. But yeah, I think it's gaming fatigue, in that these games aren't the same anymore. They don't provide that same feeling you used to get. That's how I feel anyway. Plus, most of my friends have also moved on from COD, so I never feel like I need to play it. But, it's a game I feel like I could jump in at any point, and do fairly decent at. My muscle memory for the game is still quite active whenever I do play a COD. I just can't find myself willing to stick with it for too long anymore.
  13. There is a new game, well prologue to the upcoming I Am Jesus Christ video game, that you can play right now for free. It's more of a demo of what the game is expected to be. You can be Jesus with powers like walking on water, deflecting fireballs from Satan and so on haha. Honestly have no idea how to feel about this game. The devs seem serious about it, but it feels like a troll by them too. The reviews are positive for the prologue, but if you read them, most of the users are memeing it up. Has anyone downloaded the prologue yet and given it a try? I'm tempted to see how bad it is, as one article I read (below), mentions it doesn't control well. And the main game is supposed to come out in 2023 sometime. https://www.axios.com/2022/12/01/jesus-christ-video-game Also the steam page for the game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1509650/I_Am_Jesus_Christ_Prologue/
  14. Weird to see that the PS4 has been out that long. 2023/2024 sounds like a real possibility. I can't see their focus sticking to the PS4 for long. I think Xbox has dropped the Xbox One when it comes to games. Though I think there are some indie and smaller titles still releasing for both consoles. Maybe I can finally afford to get myself a cheap PS4. :D
  15. Yeah I can see most PS3/PS4 games being fine. These days we have tech that can do wonders, so I can see that being a reality. I hope they utilize the same control scheme of the PS4/5 controllers. Streaming is a must, as that is our inevitable future when it comes to gaming and pretty much everything else.
  16. Seems to be that many really like it, as is has really good reviews on Steam. But to each your own I say. I figure it's not everyone's cup of tea. For me I like the simple games with resource management. It's why I get into House Flipper. If this game allows me to edit anything inside the store, than I'll be happy. I doubt the work portions are too much, from what I hear it's fairly focused on building the arcade, with some work in the laundry mat side to gain profits to go into said arcade. I imagine once you get going, the work aspects become super fast. But, there seems to be a downside, as some of the arcade games are DLC and you have to pay for some of them. Reviews are also saying that the game is very nostalgic and reminds them of the time when arcades were popular.
  17. Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2022/12/01/todays-google-doodle-lets-you-design-your-own-video-game-levels/ Go to google.com right now, and click on the doodle. You'll be able to play up to 5 games, and you're also free to edit the games as you see fit. This doodle was done to pay respects to Jerry Lawson, who is considered the father of modern gaming for helping with the production of the first video game console that took cartridge's. That console was the Fairchild Channel F video game console. Does anyone here remember it? I am aware of Jerry Lawson though, as he was the reason carts became so popular back in the day. He would have been 82 today.
  18. Wired is messy, but more reliable, while wireless is less reliable, but doesn't create a mess like wired devices do. I like wired more, because you don't usually get lag with wired, but wireless can have connection issues and lag depending on the device.
  19. Probably Madden NFL 21 or House Flipper. Been playing both as of late. I still intend to jump back into RDR2 sometime soon, as I have yet to finish my second playthrough. Other than that. I have downloaded a bunch of games on gamepass, so I may eventually get to some of those soon.
  20. Just one game the whole time? Or are we allowed to play any games in our personal time? :D But seriously, I don't think I could stick to one game forever if that's the case. I prefer a mix of games. But if it's in terms of playing in Esports. Maybe. I played a lot of COD back in the day, so maybe I could see myself playing COD for a living if I ever jumped back into it. Also, if it paid really good money and I was able to win a lot, I'd do it.
  21. I think it starts that way and then turns into you building and running your own arcade. Kinda like an work simulator game where you run an Arcade. It kinda reminds me of House Flipper after playing that recently. I wonder if they have a mode for just the arcade games, that'd be cool.
  22. They could solve it by releasing something like a battle pass, that way they can be appeased. The only issue I'd see there, is finding content to include in each battle pass or lets say season pass. I can't imagine you can do much with a sports game, but maybe I'm wrong. I figure cool uniforms, custom teams, stadiums, and rosters could be a start. But no clue what else they could do. Maybe new game modes as well. I just think that having it be one release with a season pass every year, or every few months will help. And if it's just one game over years, they can make proper changes and improve upon the game instead of releasing the same game every year. On top of it, I bet they'd make even more money this way. So it's kinda a win-win for them.
  23. I know there are other sites like this that are geared towards books (good reads I think it was) and I think there are a few movie sites like Letterboxd. I know IMDB has similar options to Letterboxd. I think I'll sign up for each of these game tracking sites and see which one has the best features. Figure it could be time I take down my collection anyway.
  24. Exactly, which is why I don't get when Nintendo and some others decide to squash the work they put in. I get if they were to profit from the games, sure. But most of these were free and available to people to mess around with. I bet they would have been fine if they didn't use any of their characters likenesses. Maybe then Nintendo would be lax about it. I think their excuse is that they don't want anything to take eyes off of their games, so they ban these fan made projects because they feel it could undercut their profits or something. But I doubt that it'd even be much at all. Because they're Nintendo and people will never stop buying their games.
  25. Kane99

    Is RGB important?

    I wouldn't really say it's important, but if it's your thing go for it. I like RGB lighting to some extent, mainly because it always reminds me of Christmas and seeing all the fancy lights. I got a HyperX keyboard that lights up, a mousepad that lights up and under my desk I have a strip, but rarely use it. I just like the aesthetic at night, sitting in a room with LED lighting. I know it's not for everyone, but I like it. I used to use LED lights on the back of my TV, because it kinda helped with viewing the tv in the dark. But stopped using them when my TV died, though it was a sceptre tv, so surprised it lasted as long as it did.
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