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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. haha fair. When I read that on the list I first thought it'd be something gross. Though I do wonder how much these sheets are worth now. I'll have to keep an eye out for the game, maybe they're worth a some good money. :D
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/the-only-video-games-to-ever-include-scratch-and-sniff/ar-AA14GJa5 So I guess this was a thing for a few games in the past. I read an article (above) about how some games released with a scratch and sniff option. For example, the article discusses how the PAL version of Gran Turismo 2 has a disc called the "Pit-Stop Disc" which is said to smell like burnt rubber and gasoline. This article here discusses just that game - https://anihilistabroad.com/2020/04/i-just-discovered-the-scratch-and-sniff-ps1-disc-that-still-smells-good/ and in that article, the person discussed buying the game again, and finding out after 20 years the smell is still there. The main article discusses the other games to have it as well. Those games being: FIFA 2001 - Another with a scratch and sniff disc, this time with the smell of a soccer field Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail! - A bit different, this time the game came with a snatch and sniff sheet with 9 different colors called "Cybersniff 2000." The colors reflected perfume, chocolate, etc. The game would actually tell you when you scratch and sniff these colors. It's become a huge thing, that these sheets are collectible now and are hard to come by. That's all that the article discusses. But it does make me wonder if any games released in the past with scratch and sniff stickers or cards or something. But yeah, this was something I didn't know about, so it's kinda cool. It kinda reminded me of a time I got an album from an indie metal band that had incense & perfume put all over the cover art and booklet. Still smells to this day.
  3. James Gunn, the director behind the likes of The Guardians of the Galaxy and the recent The Suicide Squad, is saying that upcoming video games may tie-in to the cinematic universe they're trying to build. So instead of games being separate from the cinematic side of DC, we could be seeing video games, tv shows and movies all being connected together in their own universe. These days the DC movies and shows don't usually tie into the video games. Same with their animated shows and movies. Their live action shows and movies have kind of teamed up, I know the CW did a couple cameos from the DCEU and the tv shows like The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. So the idea isn't out of question. But now, we may see more games tie-ins again. So I wonder if they will do the game releases with movie thing studios did in the past. You can read more on this news here - https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/james-gunn-e2-80-98some-e2-80-99-standalone-dc-projects-will-still-exist-outside-of-a-dc-universe-that-connects-film-tv-animation-and-games/ar-AA14Fb1q
  4. I imagine this sort of thing happens often if they are repairing a ton of stuff under one banner. I think most companies these days use third party repair services. I think Microsoft did so when I had to send my 360 in for repair 5 separate times lol. I imagine they hire third party companies to handle repairs. But they're probably certified in repairing said devices too. He'll get his console back and probably a gift card for their blunder.
  5. Um, okay. Kinda reminds me of the topic I made a little while ago about apps for your cat. But this startup looks to be making video games targeted towards dogs. Yeah you heard that right. A studio called Joipaw, is making video games for dogs. They use a saliva-resistant touch screen so dogs can play, with the "controller" being the dogs nose. Hence why there's a saliva-resistant screen. :D They also said that these games can help the dogs by having a positive effect on them. Especially elderly dogs to help keep their brains sharp. So far all of this is in the prototype stages, but if they can make it a reality, I think it's pretty cool. And your doggo can get a treat for playing these games too, so double the happiness for them. :D Anyway, would you ever try having your dog play a game? Maybe they're making a tablet just for dogs haha, that'd be crazy. Read more on this story here: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/u-k-startup-making-video-152526447.html
  6. The most recent God of War game released on PS4 alongside the PS5, and I was wondering how much longer Sony will keep releasing their exclusives to the PS4. Do you think eventually they will stop and just focus on the PS5? I'm all for them releasing them on the PS4, because I'm sure a lot of their games could still play on the PS4 I imagine the best version is the PS5 one, but I imagine they did a good enough job getting the PS4 version to work. I think this graphical jump isn't as big as we thought either, so I think that's why the PS4 is still getting a lot of these games yet. But I think at some point, the PS4 will be left out of the mix for new releases. Though I imagine smaller games wills till release for the console. Anyway, what do you think about this? Will Sony continue to release games for the PS4?
  7. Loot boxes are just one of those things that to me, isn't worth the junk you get. You're gambling for digital items that will likely only be usable for a short period of time. Some games may let you keep them over multiple games, but who's to say that agreement will hold true for long. I'm fine with the way Fortnite and some other live service games do it, where it's not some loot box, but instead you can spend your points on items that are released every so often. Loot boxes are gambling, no matter which way you put it. Not everyone may pay for loot boxes, but there are many who do, and they're wasting so much money just to get a few rare items that most others probably already have. I hope soon, that games with loot boxes are forced to be rated A for adult or M rated, because of the gambling aspect of it. If they want to have loot boxes in their game, they have to rate the game accordingly, which in turn could hurt their sales, in turn hopefully stopping them from using loot boxes in the first place. The only time I accept the idea of loot boxes, is if they're given for free, or given to you based off of challenges and things you earn in the game. They should never be able to charge you real money for them.
  8. The Switch has had issues playing bigger games, and I think in order for the Switch to stay fully relevant, would be to release a new, and upgraded model. It's been rumored to happen for a while now, but all we got so far was a bigger OLED version that didn't really do anything hardware wise to make the Switch better. I think it's becoming time for a Switch 2.0, do you agree? A Switch with better hardware, and maybe a bit of a redesign to help with ergonomics. Maybe deal with the Joycon drift while you're at it. At this point, I do feel it's inevitable that we'll get a new Switch with better hardware, I just don't know when or how long it'll be. Nintendo of course probably doesn't need to make a new switch yet, but going on 5 years now, it may be time to consider an upgrade.
  9. We already have yearly releases of most sports games, from Madden, NBA 2K, FIFA etc. All of these games tend to come out yearly and don't usually change much of anything. All the while, each of these games have their own live service thing. Madden has Ultimate Team, which is kinda like a live service thing where you can pick up packs of cards to gain players, so on. I think NBA 2K has a system like this with their MyPlayer or MyCareer modes. With the news that Konami stopped doing a yearly release plan for their soccer games, it made me wonder why more sports games don't just do this. Release one singular game, and update that sucker every so often. All of these live service games live for years like this, and I don't imagine most sports games need yearly releases anyway. Patch those games every so often and make money off of adding team uniforms or random stadiums. Give gamers fun stuff to mess around with. I just think it's time for sports games to adapt and stop with the yearly release BS, because it's clear that there is no innovation when they keep doing these yearly releases.
  10. Sourcey source - https://www.ign.com/articles/the-witcher-remake-will-be-open-world-cd-projekt-red-confirms?utm_source=twitter It's being reported that CD Projekt Red are remaking The Witcher, but it will be open world this time. I have not had the chance to play the original game, nor did I play the second game, but I think this is a good move on their part, because it gives new fans (like myself) a chance to play the original game. Of course it won't be the same game, but I think that's okay as long as it keeps most of the game the same. But, I wonder if this is just going to be a whole new version of the original game. They might not even use the same code, and might just start from scratch. I could see them doing that. Do you think they'll remake the second one as well? I played maybe 10 minutes of the second one years back, and I figure that could do with an update.
  11. Well yeah, that's a given. As long as it's used on single player and you're not profiting you should be fine. But, there is always a risk they could ban you for using any kind of mods. VR is going strong these days. There is a new PS VR coming soon. I also see a lot of content around VR on YouTube and other streaming sites. As for RDR2, there are VR mods, but no official release from Rockstar for their own.
  12. Not too big with Final Fantasy myself. Not really feeling the song either. But I'll give it a 5/10. https://youtu.be/FNQu3O1C4Pw One of my favorite video games soundtracks. Far Cry 3s Blood Dragon. So good. Power Glove makes some great music.
  13. Don't own an original Xbox, but I will certainly keep this in mind if I ever pick one up. I know there is a bit scene online of people bringing old consoles and games back online. And I love that. Helps give a fresh bit of life to these old consoles and games.
  14. Tenchu series for sure. I think the last game in the series dropped in 2007 on the 360. Or from what I remember. I second syphon filter, mainly because I played the hell out of the first two games demos. Lol. Other than that, I'd like to see a new Einhander game. I really liked that game back in the day, but I think it was the only game in the series.
  15. With the inclusion of game pass and cloud gaming. Xbox could easily jump in with a handheld of their own. But I don't think they will. The reason I don't think they will is because of the xcloud. You could instead get a smartphone a controller connection for said ohooe and then play some Xbox games right there. I don't think they feel they need to get into it. But, they could easily do it if they wanted to. And it may be more of a reality with the success of the switch and the steam deck. Could push them into making one of their own.
  16. I love it. I think it's great as long as you're not profiting off of that fan game. Plus it's illegal to do, so there's that. But I think it's perfectly fine to make a fan game to pay your respects to a game you love. I hate when people get told to stop because a studio doesn't want them making a game based on theirs. But I think it's fair use as long as you're not selling it or profiting from it. Which is why I hate when Nintendo or Rockstar stop these developers from making these fan games. Let them have fun.
  17. I don't own one yet. But my nephew does and he has the mixed ones, with red and blue. I think he has other joycons, but I'm not sure what colors they are. I actually helped send one of his joycons in for repair a while back.
  18. I don't know what their service was like. But I don't get why they use the friend code system. They should do what the other consoles do. Or do what discord does with names. Xbox copied that idea and that's how gamertags work now. So you can be the 100th gamerking or something lol.
  19. I don't think a new PS handheld has to meet the same specs of a PS5. That's kinda tough to do. But i think as long as they make quality games, that's all that matters. I don't think you can get the same specs as a PS5 in such a small form factor either. I'm sure the steam deck had to cut some corners to make it work for them. I think if they can match what the switch and steam deck can do. It'll work out much better.
  20. I didn't own the original Xbox growing up. Was still on the Sony bandwagon, as I had a PS1 and a PS2. But jumped to 360 when that came out. But I was always hopeful they would make all original Xbox games backwards compatible. As there are games I would like to play. I know some work on the 360 and xbone. But I wish all of them were compatible.
  21. When I hear the word gimmick, I think of things that came and went. I think VR is only getting more popular as the devices keep getting better and better. As well, VR is becoming more affordable to get into. When I think of gimmick, I think of 3D TVs, or those shock collars you can get for VR where it lets you feel pain. VR in my opinion has staying power. Most gimmicks don't.
  22. The only issue I have with cloud gaming so far is the streaming aspect. It's not all that great yet. Some people won't even be able to play this based on how well their internet is. I think once internet is more available to the world and at higher speeds, is when cloud gaming is going to really take off.
  23. And another thing with retro, is I think retro can be used for dated tech that had been deemed obsolete. So old computers and other tech would probably qualify as retro too at some point. I'd say DVD players are retro now, not many people buy them anymore. And digital is taking over.
  24. YES!!!! Thank you. I knew there was another site. I must have confused it with this new backloggd site, because the name is very similar. But yeah I think I had an account on this years ago, but never used it. That's awesome. I know there is probably another I'm forgetting. But I think backloggery was the one most people used to track their games.
  25. The new Need for Speed Unbound game is dropping soon, and the team behind it, Criterion had an interview with the people at Eurogamer. And during the interview they discuss the possibility of a new Burnout game. But that there are no "immediate plans" at this time to make a new game in the series. But that means there is a chance of seeing a new Burnout game. But when do you think it'll happen? With EA out there, it could take a very long time. If you're a fan of Criterion and the games they make, I'd recommend reading the interview with the Creative Director of Unbound - Kieran Crimmins. Link below. https://www.eurogamer.net/criterion-has-hopes-for-a-burnout-return-but-there-are-no-immediate-plans
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