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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Essentially services where you can keep track of all of the games you own and play, along with being able to review the games you own on the same platform. Links can be found below for the ones I am aware of, or discussed in my previous post. Backloggd - https://www.backloggd.com/ Letterboxd - https://letterboxd.com/ (for movies only) I thought there was others like Backloggd, but am not sure what ones are worth checking out. I'll check out GOG Galaxy though. I think Backloggd is free to use as well, all of them are for the most part. But I know you can pay for special features at Letterboxd.
  2. Logitech has jumped into the handheld fray by making their own Steam Deck competitor. Well kinda. It's more for cloud gaming, but is also usable as an android device, so you may be able to use it as an emulator or something. It's also pretty cheap right now, going for $299.99 on Amazon. So if this is something you see yourself buying, it's on sale now. Keep in mind though, this device is more geared towards streaming. Linus Tech Tips did a video on it comparing it to the Steam Deck. Check it out below:
  3. I know there are sites/services out there that let you track the games you own and play. Kinda like what Letterboxd does with movies, but instead one for games that allows you to track your collection, and show what you're currently playing. I know there's one that allows you to somewhat do this, and it's called Backloggd. I checked it out earlier today and I wasn't sure if it was something I'd use. I thought there was another video game tracking site out there that allowed you to list everything, including what you're playing, your ratings, reviews, etc. Any suggestions for others out there?
  4. The future of the Switch is just a more upgraded one. I think Nintendo found a niche that they fit perfectly in. They have a handheld and a console in one, it defeats the purpose of having to make a secondary handheld for the market at this point (like a Gameboy/DS/3DS for example). Nintendo could easily make new versions of the Switch, and just upgrade the hardware. That's what I see them doing going forward. There's no point to go back to making handhelds and consoles separate. They can have all of their games grace one console, and don't have to waste money running multiple devices on their system. Nintendo will continue to make the switch going forward with just upgraded hardware.
  5. Does Nintendo even produce Amiibos anymore? I feel like they've kinda forgotten about it. As well, does the Switch even support Amiibos these days? I think when it first came out it was a big thing, but now days I don't hear much talk about Amiibos.
  6. Honestly not sure. I have a couple Xbox One controllers from Microsoft, a couple Xbox One controllers from PowerA and a slew of other controllers for other consoles. I can't be bothered to count them all, but I got some for the N64, PS1, PS2, 360, PC, NES, SNES, Saturn, etc.
  7. I can see that being the result. But with there already being VR mods out there, I don't see it being that big of a burden for them to implement it. But I doubt Rockstar cares. They'll just let the people make their own VR mods. If they ever do VR for GTA, then there's no excuse to not do it for RDR2.
  8. The game is essentially a resource management game with zombies. For me, it got really repetitive an I hated how glitchy it was for me at times. Also you walk and run far too slow imo, at least from what I remember playing it. I imagine Days Gone is more comfortable to control, but I don't know if it really compares to Days Gone. With State of Decay and its sequel, you pretty much deal with the same zombies. You have to scavenge houses for supplies, constantly be on your feet because of zombies. You also have to clear out houses from zombie infestations and so on. You can meet survivors on your travels etc. The co-op isn't all that great imo. It just allows you team up with another player. It just makes the person you're playing with, much better than the crappy AI partners.
  9. Did you guys take advantage of any Black Friday sales this year? It's Cyber Monday right now, and I'm willing to bet that each gaming service has deals yet. But come Tuesday, I think these sales will be ended. I was going to buy a couple games, but had to spend money elsewhere recently and decided not to get anything. What games/gaming stuff did you end up picking up?
  10. Oh I totally understand the weirdness in it. But when it comes to cats, they will play with just about anything. So I figured it would be cute to download some games on my old tablet so my cat can mess around with it. I just remember when there was a bunch of memes and videos of cats on the internet playing on phones and tablets. I think my fat cat would get a kick out of it. Dogs on the other hand are harder to get to play something, they don't react the same to phones/tablets from what I see.
  11. I use my PC for gaming, movies, tv, music, and work. I also used to use Canva a lot for work stuff, and that was used on my PC quite a bit, still kinda is. Other than that. I have a tablet/laptop combo I used to use, but accidently broke it and now I have to send it in for repair. That tablet combo I used exclusively for work, so now I'm back at my main PC for work related stuff until I get it fixed.
  12. Jumped back into some Madden as of late. Not sure why I keep coming back, it's nothing new. Aside from that, still flipping houses in House Flipper somewhat. but it has become a bit tedious as of late. I wish there was more to do in it.
  13. True Crime/Sleeping Dogs - This series needs a new game badly. I really enjoyed the original True Crime: Streets of LA back when it released. And then Sleeping Dogs came out and then nothing. I think Sleeping Dogs came out 10 years ago now, so we're due for a sequel. Also, I would love to see Sunset Overdrive make a comeback. Other franchises I'd like to see comeback are: Driver Metal Gear Solid (with Kojima) Splinter Cell - Might be getting a game soon I hope. Conker - I mean come on, we only got remasters, lets get a full on new game please. Socom - One of Sony's best shooters, forgotten SSX - But the cartoony/unrealistic style (not the reboot SSX they released last) Banjo-Kazooie - What's taking so long? And more I'm sure.
  14. I'd say a lot of the early 3D games that came out. This includes PS1, N64, Saturn and maybe Dreamcast games as well. 3D graphics back then are tough to look back on now. I tried to play a few N64 games a while back and it was a burden on my eyes lol. Just everything often looked so grainy and rough. idk if House Flipper or Power Was Sim really need impressive graphics. When it comes to House Flipper, I feel like the inside of houses look fairly decent. It's the outside of houses that are lacking imo. But I think we're meant to focus more on the insides of houses than outside. But yeah, they aren't glamorous graphics, but passable with me.
  15. I think it mainly happens for me when it's a chaotic moment. Or if it involves something on a track. I think the train track levels in Donkey Kong Country caused me to move with it sometimes. I think I even lifted my legs a couple time with the movement of the cart lol.
  16. The only games I can think of where you date is the Sims games. I'm sure there are other games out there, that involves dating of some sort, but I don't usually play those games. There might be adult games out there that offer this though too. I know the past GTA games had dating options, but I don't think the newer one did from what I recall.
  17. A lot of video games can be used to teach us. And I have learned a lot because of video games, not the video game itself, but maybe dialog in the game teaching me things, or learning about some history. Like with Assassin's Creed, the whole series works on history, albeit they do change a lot, but there are aspects of our histories in all of these games. Even though a lot of it is made up for story purposes, it seems that there is a lot to learn from games.
  18. Looks like Starship Troopers is getting a new game from the team at Offworld Industries, and this time it may turn out to be good. I think there's only one Starship Troopers game, that came out back in 2005, and fans weren't really all that into it. This game is being made by the studio behind a game called Squad, which is like a tactical first person shooter. So fans seem to be excited about this, as they can see them making a quality game. I can't say as I never played Squad, but the reviews paint it as a really good game from what I can see on steam. Anyway, this should be great news to fans and anyone else who is into the Starship Troopers world. And or first person shooters. Read more about this here: https://www.polygon.com/23481844/starship-troopers-fps-extermination-release-date-offworld-industries And there's a trailer:
  19. Yeah you definitely don't have to pay that much to play San Andreas. San Andreas to my knowledge, should play on most mobile phones. But, that depends on what version it is. If it's the version we've had for the past 10+ years, then yeah it should work on pretty much all phones. But if it's the remastered version, it might not work so good on an older smartphone. But, I don't recall if they made a remastered version of it available for mobile anyway, so it should be fine. Now, if you want to play higher intense stuff like a FPS in Fortnite, COD, etc. you may want to upgrade somewhat. But even my cheap phone allows me to play most games.
  20. Kane99


    I think I only played it once growing up. I remember playing Wolfenstein before playing the likes of Doom and others too, but I think I only played Quake a brief time at a friends house. I didn't have a good enough PC to play it, and I think it came out before I was into computer gaming anyway. I hear it's a classic of a game though.
  21. Thanks for sharing. I'll put this on my watch later on YouTube. I'd watch it now, but I can't pay attention to something else. I thought the first video game was made back in the early 70s, but in reality the first video game was closer back to the 1940s, at least according to this article below: https://www.museumofplay.org/blog/what-was-the-first-video-game/ The article talks about world fairs where some a game was showed off, one being in the 1940s and another in the 1950s. The same article goes on how to discuss how things were started even further back in the late 1800s, when they mention computers, and a game TIT-TAT-TO. It's not close to what we have today, but it's pretty interesting to see how far we've come.
  22. Yeah it is odd for a game like RDR2 to do this. I can maybe understand the profanity filter in the multiplayer modes, at least there it makes more sense, but in the single player mode, why should it matter? Let us choose our names freely, as long as they aren't racial or overly offensive. But even so, it's single player and you shouldn't be blocked by a filter. Especially when the game has racism, hate, sexism, hateful words and so on. It doesn't make much sense.
  23. Yeah I'm glad I'm not a gambler. I will buy a couple scratch offs on rare occasions, and maybe toss a few bucks towards an easy pick or mega millions, but I have yet to actually go to a casino, or gamble in other ways. I'm very frugal with my money. It mostly goes towards food & supplies we need. You're not to blame though, a gambling addict will find ways of gambling no matter what anyway. My guess is they would have found those apps eventually. And it's not like we have to share any that have to do with gambling. There are apps out there that offer you credits to use on free stuff, albeit, not very good stuff, but it's not gambling in that case. But the payout for most apps, aren't very good and imo, are just a waste of time anyway.
  24. Well it's still a few months away with the delay, so technically there's still a little ways to go. But we're closer than we've been. I hope so too. Because as of late, a lot of triple A games have been releasing broken or not up to the standards fans expect. With Dead Island 2, a lot of people expect something great to come from it, so it has to be a banger otherwise I don't think people will care. Especially with other zombie games out there like the Dying Light series.
  25. I wish for most open world games to be never ending. I feel like a lot of open world games would benefit from having constant missions/quests. Kinda like the amount you see in Skyrim for example. If you can give me that much time in an open world, I'll be happy.
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