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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. It's a lot of money and many are worried that Microsoft are creating a monopoly. Which was something many other companies were worried about with Microsoft in the past. So it's kinda MS repeating that. I think this sale will go through, so long as MS doesn't make the games in this deal exclusive to xbox, because if so, Sony will probably keep fighting this.
  2. I didn't like the redesign for the newer Devil May Cry game that came out years ago, the main character. I forget his name, I haven't played the series much and wasn't a fan growing up. Oh, Dante, but I remember Dante looked way cooler in the original games, but the new game they made him look like some boy band reject or something. But I think fans really enjoyed that reskin, so idk. But I also saw they brought the original Dante back in the DMC 5 right?
  3. I tried the Xbox Cloud gaming, and didn't mess with it for too long. I figured it was going to use up my internet too much, and I didn't want my ISP to throw a fit at me lol. But I have the Xbox app on my phone and want to take advantage of it soon. But I need to get a decent controller peripheral for my phone, or try to get it to work with bluetooth somehow. More services are joining the cloud gaming future.
  4. Wow that's a tough one to answer honestly. To be fair, you can play Minecraft without having to face any bosses. I just build and don't worry about any of the bosses. I'm sure there is something else we're forgetting, but nothing is coming up in my head. You can skip bosses in Deus Ex: Human Revolution I believe, or you can go all the way through using stealth, at least that's what I recall hearing. Other than that, no other came is coming to mind, that also has no bosses.
  5. For example, you're playing a game, and you encounter a moment where you have to fly through space debris or something, and have to maneuver through it. All the while you're playing, you're catching yourself move with the action. I still do this for some games. Do you? As in move your hands/body in the direction you're moving in the game. It's a subtle thing, but I think a lot of people do it. It's a natural thing too if anything. I usually do it a lot in racing games, games where I'm flying something, and other games where there's a lot of movement.
  6. Also, another idea I think could work, is for AI to learn your attacks and counter accordingly. I think that would make gameplay unique each time you play, because you may have to change up your tactics if things aren't working anymore. Of course I imagine that'd be tough to develop into a game, as the AI would need to be smart enough to figure out your moves. And we as humans, don't always follow the same pattern. But, I think something like that can be worked out where it's tougher as you go along because the AI are learning your moves and tactics. Do some games do that now? I know back in the day in COD games, if you stayed in one location for too long, the enemies will smoke you out by tossing a grenade at you. So kinda like that, but at a higher level, where the AI continues to learn as you play.
  7. Not one either, but if I had the time and money to devote to it, I think I'd try my hand at starting an esports team and getting into that. I don't think I could do it alone, so going in with a group would be the ideal route for me. To be able to game with friends and possibly win money in the process, would be pretty dope.
  8. I think near the end of RDR2 when you decide to go for the money and not help John. I feel like that isn't Arthur and he wouldn't do that, so there's clear guilt when this happens. I much prefer the Arthur who saves the day and we know how that goes if we played the game. Other than that, maybe some of the characters I killed in the RDR2. Like in the beginning you have a choice of saving a guy from a cliff, you can let him fall, or save him. I let him fall, and felt guilt because of that. And I had more guilt later on, after I hear that saving this person will end up helping you in the game at some point. I know helping some others you'll get free items from them later, so I wonder if that was the case. As for other games, I can't think of anything else.
  9. I don't think popularity is an issue for the Game of Thrones franchise. It's one of the biggest franchises out there today, and continues to gain popularity due to its current show. HBO knows they have money with GOT and could easily make more media around it if they wanted to. They already license the characters to other companies like Funko for the Funko pop figures, and other companies I'm sure. I wouldn't doubt they are greenlighting ideas for future GOT games as we speak.
  10. I was unable to get any deals myself, but I hear my nephew was a lucky one and he's getting a VR headset for Christmas. An Oculus. I'm guessing the quest, but I'm not sure. Either way, I'm going to get to finally try VR in some compacity this Christmas lol. I should have taken advantage of some of the digital game deals on Xbox and PC, but eh, I don't feel like spending any money as of late.
  11. Right, it's so good. As for your song, not a huge fan of Megaman myself, but this is a great jam. I'm going to see if this is available on spotify. I'd say an 8/10 for me. I have to go with the theme of Snake Eater for my next pick. I really get that 007 vibe from it. It also fits with the timeframe of the game too.
  12. I have had The Witcher 3 for like 5 years now, and I only played a small portion of it. I couldn't get used to the amount of menus and options I had. Was overwhelming so I never stuck with it. I may jump back into it one of these days, but I have to really invest into it if I want to take it seriously I think.
  13. This is cool, A fan project titled Half-Life: Levitation was given the greenlight by Valve themselves to release on Steam today. It is a free unofficial add-on for Half-Life: Alyx, which has four hour campaign, with voice acting, and more. It also includes characters like Alyx Vance and G-Man. You can find more details on the game at the link below: https://www.pcgamesn.com/half-life-alyx/sequel-steam-levitation and via the Steam Workshop below: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2881604879
  14. Pretty epic diddy right there. :D I'd say a 7/10 for me. Not something I really get into, but I get why it's liked, it's a good track. And one of my all time favorite tracks from one of my favorite tracks. Mmm, so damn good! Once it sets in, I'm brought back to playing that classic. Honestly surprised it hasn't been posted here yet. It's also really relaxing.
  15. The Witcher 3 will be coming out with a Next Gen Update that will boast better visuals, new content, photo mode and more. This is for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X. I still have yet to play The Witcher 3 on current gen consoles. But if I had the money, I think I'd go for this version for sure. Check out the trailer with more details below. And tell us, is this a purchase for you? Also, I see it mentions free update, so I wonder if you own the game on last gen consoles if you can get this version for free. That would be quite cool.
  16. I couldn't find a topic on whether or not VGR has their own Steam group. I did a search on Steam and couldn't find any groups titled VGR. It might be that VGR is too short to search, but I couldn't find anything. With that being said, I think it would be really cool if we had a group just for VGR on Steam. Maybe we can work out something for Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo as well so all bases are covered.
  17. Black Friday 2022 is upon us, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving by the way! :) And the day after is Black Friday, the time of year everyone goes crazy for sales, but now you don't have to go into the store to buy what you want anymore, as each store is doing online sales along with their in store stuff. Anyway, this is a topic about what games you guys are looking to pick up this Black Friday, or peripherals, consoles, and other gaming stuffs. I'm kinda broke as of late, but I may pick up some games on sale, either through the online marketplace, or I might go brave the lines for some gaming stuff. What about you?
  18. Or purchase as they call it. The FTC might file an antitrust lawsuit to stop the $69 billion takeover of Activision/Blizzard. From what I see, the FTC is worried that Microsoft would get an unfair boost in the video game market. You can read more on this story here: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/23/exclusive-feds-likely-to-challenge-microsofts-69-billion-activision-takeover-00070787 Sony is opposed to this deal as they are worried it will result in the exclusivity of these games going to Xbox. But, if Xbox is telling the truth that they will support Sony by releasing COD and other games on their platforms yet. I hope they aren't lying about that. In turn, Sony is worried they will create a monopoly, which I totally understand. And Xbox is like, nah we won't do that, but have the power to do it at any time if they desire. So I think Sony is worried the deal will go through and Microsoft will go back on their statement and will keep the games exclusive to Xbox.
  19. Yeah it's a nice feature. Though it is a bit weird in how to get it to work, because you have to sign in on their PC in order to give them access. But once you do, and turn on family sharing, it allows you to share all of your games with that person. But... You won't be able to access any games they are playing at the same time, so you need to tell the person you're sharing with that to let you know if you play something.
  20. Honestly, wireless is preferable, but wired is probably more reliable and lasts longer. I've had many issues with wireless controllers in the past, and it usually was due to the way you charge them. All of my 360 controllers stopped charging at some point. It got bad that I had to keep my plug n charge cable connected at all times anyway. At that point, I'm okay with wired, because I don't usually take my controller too far anyway. I keep it by my xbox and I sit close to that when I use it anyway.
  21. It just proves it can be done too. Mods are nice, but I think an actual version for VR from Rockstar would be vastly better. But I suppose a mod is better than no VR. And yeah, with the inclusion of first person view, it would make perfect sense to include VR controls. And I think it would make deadeye more fun.
  22. Which is why I wish they would go the route of making Madden into a game that is constantly updated. With their ultimate team, I'm not surprised they don't make the game free to play to capitalize on that. Would I think solve so much with Madden, because then you can focus on continually improving the game to make it the best football experience you can. That's what a Madden game should become. But EA wants that cash and they gotta keep re-releasing the same game, that still has animations from back nearly 10 years ago. It's just become a lazy rehash each year. I want a good football game, but each new release is as underwhelming as the last.
  23. Exactly, there's no point in adding everyone to the mix when not everyone will agree to it in the first place. I can see some players asking not to be added in, or requesting money to be added in, which I doubt EA would do either. I'm pretty sure they did it for past college football games they did, so it is odd to me.
  24. Well yeah. They would need to license any pro wrestlers they go after, much like how Fortnite does with their character skins, emotes and so on. It's not like they can just toss them into their game without first getting the right to do so. It's why Fortnite is such a success, because they get all of these characters, popular brands and more together into one game. It's like how Funko pops license pretty much every property under the sun. From Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Star Trek, sports, music stars, and more.
  25. Nope, still 2022. It drops December 2nd, so just a couple weeks away or so. Not much time left. But with how games are released these days, a delay could happen any time yet.
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