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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Can't say I've seen it. I know you can get Gwen Stacy through the current battle pass, but I haven't seen this new Spider-man you're speaking of. Then again I haven't played the game in the last few days, so maybe the shop reset had that skin. I got a bunch of the other Spider-Man skins, I'm good with those. I don't like spending much in Fortnite anyway.
  2. I know I can't take advantage of VR myself, but I can dream about certain games getting the VR treatment. I think it would be awesome if they made RDR2 into a VR game, hell even the first game. I hear there is a mod for RDR2 that lets you play in VR, but that's probably not stable compared to one if Rockstar did it. With the PSVR 2 coming as well, the subject came back into my head. Do you think RDR2 could be made into VR for the PSVR console? Or is Rockstar not going to bother with that?
  3. I'm actually debating if I should finally give Sea of Thieves a try. I have heard good things since it has been updated over the years, and it seems to be a stable and fun game. SO maybe it's time I jump in. I can always try to steer some friends to play it soon. :D
  4. Probably depends on the game. I don't like parts to be locked off because you picked a certain faction or group in a game. I'm fine with there being other factions, who have different views and ways of doing things, but I don't think segregated is a cool way of putting it. I think some factions will dislike you, and I think that adds to the game. You also need conflict with the factions I'm sure.
  5. I think to bring me back to most any game it would require new content. Sometimes it's just replayability that keeps me coming back to some games. Like Super Mario Bros. 3. I always come back to that one, even after I spent a long time away. I know that isn't an MMO, but I think it works for most games too, in that you can stop playing an MMO and come back to it later. Replayability is a big thing for any game, even MMOs. I think if it gives me new content, free or paid for, that will help get me to come back. I think most gamers would feel somewhat the same.
  6. I'm sure they still have some kind of creator program for anyone to make games, it's just now you probably won't make money off of them or they won't have achievements and all that. I think Xbox mostly has it covered, they still have some shady games on their program, but for the most part it seems like they don't allow tons of garbage to get released.
  7. Yeah I don't trust most of what EA is about. Madden has been a shell of what it used to be. It used to be an actual fun and competitive sports game, but it's a paint by numbers version of what it once was. The yearly releases have ruined it and took innovation right out the door. So EA would have to get the legal rights to add every player they want. I'm willing to bet they don't even get every player who wants in, and instead just makes up players and names. I'm pretty sure they did the same with older NCAA games, but I may be wrong. But yeah, licensing with college sports has gotten big since players can capitalize on licensing deals now. But if EA can't get through that, they'll just make up players to put into the game.
  8. I read something about the new Hogwarts game, and I guess you can change the pitch of your voice. If that's the case, I hope they allow us to do something like that in future games. As long as I can mess with sound of my voice, to make it as close to mine, or to someone else, that would honestly be cool to me. Most games that have voice options, don't usually have the greatest sounding voices imo. But this would give me more options.
  9. It may have won a ton of awards and fans may be happy with the campaign and portions of the multiplayer, but the free to play aspect ruined it. I haven't played the game myself, but I'm not much of a Halo fan. But, I know how important the franchise is to fans and how well received it has been over the years. But, the free to play aspect has left fans wanting more. I hear they don't have modes they should have had at release, and I hear their battle pass or road ahead is not very good. The Act Man did a good video about it, and he expresses all the problems better than I can. Basically he doesn't paint a good picture for the future of Infinite, because the game is already losing players left and right. Maybe one day Infinite can catch up and get good, but not the free to play method it seems.
  10. It's also hyperkin, so they might charge a bit extra as well. But to be fair, I think their release of the Duke controller was kinda fairly priced, but I think it's gone up recently in price, so maybe I'm wrong on that now. As long as it's priced around the same, or hell, even lower, I'll be happy. Controllers these days are so expensive, and it seems like the third party ones tend to be a bit cheaper in price. Hyperkin not always the case, but they aren't too expensive, so I have hope this too isn't too expensive. As for retro-gouging, I believe ya on that. I can see some collectors buying this because of the retro look of it. Saying retro for the 360, feels so weird lol. I know people who collect controllers, and they'll be after this for sure.
  11. Ah man, I was really looking forward to this. I used to play the EA college football games back when they released them, but they haven't released a new game in the series since 2014, but they're back with a deal from 2023 to 2027 I think. But they had to push it back to delay the new College Football game. But knowing EA, we're probably going to end up seeing much like Madden in controls, which means very minimal innovation in the genre of football games. I wish the people behind NFL 2K5 made these college football games, at least then we'd have something good to look forward to for football games lol. Read more about this delay here - https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/ea-sports-college-football-delayed-to-2024 Do you think it'll help in the long run?
  12. If you want to go back in time a bit and use an Xbox 360 controller, you can, because Xbox 360 controllers still work, but... they don't work for the current Xbox consoles, just PC and the 360. Well Hyperkin has changed that and re-released an Xbox 360 controller that looks like the classic white arcade controller we all know from the early Xbox 360 days. This controller has pretty much the same design as the original aside from the Xbox One/Series X/S controls being present. Check it out below if you want. I still really like the 360 controller, so I may pick this up if there are other colors. Only concern I have is the price, I don't know it. I hope it's fairly priced around the $60 price tag at most. Otherwise lower if possible would be nice. :) https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/hyperkin-reveals-official-xbox-360-replica-controller-for-xbox-and-pc
  13. Good, this should have happened a long time ago, especially with how easy it was for developers to get their crap games on there. I mean, it should be easy for developers to submit games, but they should at least be looked over by a person or a panel to decide if the game is competent enough to add to the marketplace or not. Hell, leave it to the users to test it before releasing it. I'm sure you can get gamers to volunteer their time to try new games before they release to the marketplace, whether they be good or bad. Good start on Sony for actually changing this. Maybe those devs releasing crap will actually step up their development. I doubt that though.
  14. I'm sure there are apps for dogs. But I doubt it's the same as what they have for cats. Cats are weird and will play with everything. So it makes sense that there are apps for cats. Dogs on the otherhand will probably just break your tablet in the process. They probably have more apps for dogs that are about training and all that.
  15. This is an odd request, but I'm curious if there are any games available on mobile, preferably android, either for phones or tablets that are made for cats. I remember seeing videos of cats playing games like Fruit Ninja. And I was curious if there are any games made just for your cat? I kinda want to try having my cat play something, mainly because why not, and aw how cute! :D This article made me think of this: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/distract-cat-video-game-apps-160000183.html Any others you know of? I don't even know if my cat would play a game. He has a thing about phones, but he usually likes to lay on it instead.
  16. Sad to see a veteran developer doing something shady, but I'm sure many people in power at these game companies have done some shady stuff. I'm pretty sure some people who worked at Activision, Ubisoft and EA have done far worse. This is alleged to have taken place in Japan. Yuji Naka is also the developer of Phantasy Star, and ChuChu Rocket. Anyway, it is alleged that he and two other Square Enix employees invested in Square Enix stock in preperation for the game Dragon Quest Tact. From the article: You can read more on this story here - https://uproxx.com/edge/yuji-naka-arrested-insider-trading-square-enix/
  17. $250, which was mentioned in my first post. So it's pretty much $100 more than some of the other pro controllers out there. I can't see myself spending that much money on a controller. I don't need a pro controller like this to game. It's probably really nice and comfy, but not for $250.
  18. Kane99

    Xbox Museum

    It could also have something to do you your web browser. What kind of browser are you using? I was using chrome when I tried it, and it worked fine for me, no lag or problems. It doesn't seem like it would be a resource hog for most computers. Do you have any ad blockers or any extensions that could slow it down? Something like that could be causing issues.
  19. The thing is, these headsets are costly to make I imagine, on top of that, the PS4 VR was about the same or more than some PS4 consoles at release. So it's kinda to be expected. Just sucks for us consumers who can't afford it, as we may never get the chance to play it because of the high price. Why not? The state of VR seems to be pretty good at the moment. Expensive for sure, but I imagine VR is a ton of fun if you had the money for it. I doubt VR will get that low. If it does it will probably happen when these consoles are obsolete and we're already a few generations ahead.
  20. Really is weird saying it's been 20 years since Sly Cooper released. I didn't play it growing up, but I remember wanting to get it. I actually just got a couple of the games from a thrift store a couple years ago and added them to my collection. I was happy about that. But yeah, it's weird seeing some of the games you played turning 20.
  21. I looked it up, and the prices for a Switch Dock are pretty high themselves, costing around $150 for a new one, and a refurbished one is like $80-$100 or so. So I guess this isn't as badly priced compared to the Switches dock.
  22. House Flipper sounds like it would fit well into what you're looking for. I've been playing it as of late, and it's one of those games you can chill out and just build. You buy a house, clean it up, paint it, fix it up, furnish it, and then you put it up for auction. While you're flipping houses, there will be interested parties on the left of the screen saying exactly what they like and hate. So you kinda want to match what they want. But the best thing to do is just build, make rooms, and furnish it and then auction. I get stuck in adding the miscellaneous stuff, like towels in the bathroom, or a desk and PC in a bedroom. But, it's a fun game to play while you listen to music and relax. Also, when I started, I was already flush with cash, like $30,000 plus in cash, so you don't really need to grind in order to get going in this.
  23. That's a good point, because now they can also put in a mix of Japanese only games that released on the Saturn. That's another thing I like about these consoles, because it allows me to play some of these highly rare and expensive games.
  24. So not so much a remake, but I will say retro game emulation, on the switch and everything else. When I played Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Switch with my nephew a few years back. With emulation he was able to rewind the game and keep attempting a spot he was unable to get past. We definitely didn't have that option in the original game. If I failed at a certain part enough, I'd have to start over. And emulation I believe allows us to increase the speed of the games, so that's another option available that we didn't have before.
  25. I'm honestly not sure. Most of the open world games I have played, always utilize the waypoint system or have markers on the map for important locations. I'm not saying there isn't any games like that, but I'm having a hard time of thinking of them, because most open world games try to guide you to many interests along with the main story.
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