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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I can answer the question about RDR2. The NPCs will make comments about Arthur's looks/appearance based on many factors. They will comment about how dirty you are if you don't bathe in the game often, to the point where one of them will force Arthur to clean up in camp. I think it was Mrs. Grimshaw, I forget. Other times they will comment on your hair/beard growth. Will comment if your clothes are dirty. Also I think depending on your honor, they will comment differently.
  2. I usually try to play the good guy and keep my honor for example high. Like in RDR2. I tried to play the game recently as a bad Arthur, but I soon started to care about his character again and I couldn't take him down the path of dishonor, so I started to do good things to bring my honor up again so I can get the best ending. Otherwise I tend to go the good guy route. Even when I try to do an evil playthrough, I find myself changing my mind and becoming good. Idk, maybe it's the redemption arc, maybe that's why I did it with RDR2.
  3. I think it would be interesting to play as a squirrel maybe, or one of those flying squirrels. I imagine it'd be fun to control an animal like that. Also, maybe a bit of bacteria that has to grow from the smallest of specs to a sickness or something. Maybe a spin-off of those games where you have to infect the whole world. You should check out Grounded. It's kinda like that but like Honey I Shrunk The Kids. So you're out there defending yourself against spiders, lady bugs, ants and other insects from what I recall playing.
  4. I don't currently use a controller with batteries. I have one of those off brand third party controllers by Power A. It's their pro controller, so it's a wired controller. I just keep it plugged into my PC and one plugged into my xbone. I have't had to buy a new controller in a while, so I can't complain.
  5. Kane99

    Theif series

    I've only played the newest Thief game, but I hear the original games are better. I think there's more than one, but I am not sure. I remember getting Thief on the 360 right around the time before I got an Xbone, so I kinda remember because of that. I enjoyed it for a while, but it became too repetitive.
  6. There was recent reports that Russian tanks were struck by US-supplied missiles in Ukraine, but it turns out the footage was just clips stolen from the military game ARMA 3. This isn't the first time this has happend, as a while back, even I remember seeing some clips on tiktok that were trying to be footage of the Russian/Ukraine conflict that turned out to be using ARMA 3 clips. It's similar to that time when a news outlet shared footage of a plane crashing on a runway, which turned out to be footage from GTA V. And another time someone sent in photos taken in RDR2 as real nature photography and the news aired it. And I can see this happening more and more to spread fake news, especially with how realistic games have become over the years. Story here - https://news.yahoo.com/video-game-clip-falsely-shared-070732048.html Moderator Edit: I'm adding a new link to another article from Reuters.com on this story as it appears the Yahoo article linked in this OP has removed. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-arma-3-ukraine-idUSL1N31J1L5
  7. I found this article from Dual shockers here: https://www.dualshockers.com/sega-saturn-mini-console/ discussing why they think Sega's next classic console should be a Sega Saturn classic. I think that would be a great idea. The main reason for me, is that there is a lot of great games on the Sega Saturn that were overlooked because of the low sales of the Saturn. I am aware that the Saturn was more popular in Japan, but in the US it didn't do so well. Which is why I think it would be awesome for them to do a classic console for the Saturn. And while we're at it, one for the dreamcast would be cool too.
  8. Dead Island 2 has been delayed again, as it will be taking up to 12 short weeks as they say, and development is on the final straight now. I'm guessing final stretch of development. Anyway, I'm sure this is news people don't want to hear, but maybe it's good news they're taking a little extra time on this. 12 weeks isn't a lot of time, so at least it's not a year or two out. Does this worry you about the quality of the game? Also, they have announced a showcase for Dead Island 2 that will reveal a new trailer and gameplay. Which is Dec 6th this year on their Twitch/YouTube and website. News below.
  9. I don't recall ever hearing about this one, but it looks pretty good. Though I do worry that it may be too heavy on jump scares, which I can't stand in most games and media. Does it have a lot of jumpscares? If so I'll pass. Also, is it one of those games you have to run away from trouble and can't fight or defend yourself?
  10. I've been playing House Flipper a lot lately. Kinda took a break from it as it takes a while to fix up a house and sell it for good profit. My next house I sell I'm going to try just making a simple house that's fully furnished, but won't add stuff like accessories. I'll just make a house that's furnished and nothing else. Simple. I'm going to get back into RDR2 eventually, but I'll be fine taking a little break from it for a while.
  11. Kane99


    It's not so much the starting of one, rather the acquiring members is the bigger issue. I started my clan by myself, so really you only need one person to start it, and then you can go on recruiting members to your clan. That's fair. I can't stand that with some clans and communities. Especially if they start to fight among members. it's just not fun. For me I like to have a small group in my clan, just because I don't like too many people in anyway. So it's just my friends and family for the most part.
  12. Yeah I enjoyed that new Power Rangers movie they did. Sad that it looks like they kinda abandoned it. Or it feels that way at least. Yeah it's the beat em up that graced the Sega Genesis back in the day. And fair, most video game based movies have been bad, but these days it seems to have calmed down a bit. It feels like studios are at least trying to make competent movies based on games. But we'll see, it could be a stinker for all we know. I doubt it'll be animated. If you got the guy behind John Wick, my guess is it'll be a live action take, and will involve a lot of fighting and action. If you have yet to watch the John Wick franchise, please do. That may give you a clue what the streets of rage movie could be like. If they hire the stunt team and choreographers from those movies, then I'm in for checking it out. But yeah, I don't see this director going the animated route.
  13. Um, yes please! And it's said that the creator of John Wick, Derek Kolstad will be leading the script. I hope he also brings in the team behind John Wicks choreography, because a Streets of Rage movie has to have some decent fighting right? But yeah, with him involved, I have some high hopes for this one. Do you think they can make a quality film based on Streets of Rage? I think they could. Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/streets-of-rage-lionsgate-picks-up-feature-take-of-sega-videogame-from-john-wick-s-derek-kolstad/ar-AA14bJlA
  14. Of course. There is probably a small portion of those 4+ million suspended who did nothing wrong, but the point was that it's a small amount and very rare compared to the amount of legit bans/suspensions out there. That was my point. They don't ban an account just for anything, they investigate each account and decide on the appropriate action. And even so, some of those saying they did nothing wrong, also find later that they did do something, but it was something they did years ago. So it's possible some forget what they did originally to receive the ban. Which happens all the time. I know, I looked at the Xbox forums back in the day. I know Xbox users can go to the xbox forums and air their displeasure with being banned, and the Xbox team would answer what that user did wrong. I don't know if they still do that anymore though.
  15. That's fair. But there are some games where I can play just for the gameplay itself, while the story isn't all that appealing. I think I had that feeling with the two Prototype games, same with the Just Cause games. I just liked playing them for the most part and the story I often skipped. If the game at least has good gameplay and is fun to play, I don't necessarily even need a story.
  16. I can see a lot of suspensions being for those very reasons. Sadly public lobbies from what I hear are pretty much the same. Thankfully it makes life easier having mute and block features. Life savers right there. I also make sure to report anyone using slurs and hateful speech if I catch it happening in a lobby I am in. Now I'm curious to know how many accounts they banned. Most do. It's kinda rare that any users are banned by mistake. It has happened, but usually they ban you after having definite proof of wrongdoing. I used to report a lot of people on Xbox 360 back in the day, so much that Xbox sent a thank you note to me on Xbox live a couple times lol. If you have an offensive name, profile, say anything offensive, it's easy to file a report against someone. And I imagine Xbox has a way to see exactly what a user does on Xbox live and in games. Like I said in my point above, most bans/suspensions are investigated before they are finalized. It's very rare that anyone banned or suspended, was by accident or mistake. Most bans/suspensions are thoroughly investigated I hear. Some mistakes do happen, but most are legit and warranted from what I hear. You can fight the case with Xbox when a ban/suspension happens, but for the most part, they never lift them.
  17. I think Nintendo will continue to support the hybrid console. The fact we haven't seen a new 3DS or DS handheld is probably more than enough to confirm that line of handhelds are done. But the hybrid console approach is a good idea imo, because it kills two birds with one stone. You don't need to then make a new handheld system if you just focus on making a new switch. I think that's what Nintendo will focus on doing, hybrid consoles that just keep getting upgraded. Probably the same way the Steam deck is doing things now. It'd be weird to go back now, to making traditional consoles I mean. Plus, it allows Nintendo to focus on one platform at a time, which makes it easier to develop games and means more games focussed on one platform. I think the days of gameboys/DS/3DS is over. The Switch will be Nintendo's future going forward. They'll just continue to make suped up handheld hybrids, and honestly I'm fine with that.
  18. Eh, honestly you probably won't get the game most of the time these days anyway. With how games are coming out with just the license on disc, or no disc at all and just a code in box. The whole idea of physical media is kinda being thrown out the door, and it's being done by the studios themselves. Physical media is dying sadly, not much we can really do to stop it.
  19. Very possible it could happen since both Bethesda and Obsidian are under the same roof and owned by Xbox. So that dream may come true sooner than you'd think. They would do awesome making games based on popular IPs, but I don't think they ever would. They tend to focus on their own, fresh and unique IPs. L.A. Noire was probably their last game that wasn't really developed by them anyway. Nowdays they kinda keep things in house.
  20. This is just a bad case of moderation. I think the metaverse and other virtual worlds need to give children their own little area while adults their own. Or better yet, only friends and family can be a part of your metaverse. And to be honest, I don't think kids should be on these virtual worlds, at least not too often.
  21. Well if I'm handing the games down, I wouldn't have them include the games when I am cremated, instead I'd have it in my will who gets what. Even all of the awful ones? For me if I could take all of my favorites I would, but I'd also include all of the classics and highly rated games and leave the bad games out.
  22. Yeah, it's because even though they lose a lot of fans, they eventually gain more each year. It's a never ending shift for COD in general. One group decides to peace out, more players jump in. Usually the annoying 12 year old kids who just got their Xboxes on Christmas. I remember playing COD every year, and right around Christmas, you'd see a jump in players joining. It's because all of those kids asked for it on Christmas, and here we are. COD may lose a decent amount of players, but it's a very small amount considering how many still play the game, and will continue to do so year in and year out.
  23. In just six months, Xbox has suspended up to 4.78 million accounts on Xbox live. It looks like their suspensions have gone up in recent years, the article below shows a big change in those suspended than the past few years. A lot of the suspensions are due to sexual content being shared, fraud, harassment or bullying, and so on. Makes you wonder if there are any accidental suspensions mixed in. Now I'm curious to know how many accounts were outright banned. More details here: https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/14/23457595/xbox-transparency-report-player-account-suspension
  24. Kane99


    That's a cool clan name! 🙂 No, he's referring to clans as in groups of players who game together on a team or together in person. It's not the game Clans. Think of clans as a team of gamers. I'm not one to join clans. I prefer to start one, or only join my close friends in one. Or my work buddies, but other than that, I don't touch most clans, as I don't like venturing into a new group of people.
  25. I got my first Xbox 360 in 2007. I remember because that's the year Call of Duty 4 came out. I then got a new Xbox 360 slim after dealing with 5 separate RROD's on my original arcade Xbox 360. I think I got the Xbox 360 slim around 2011, and then a new one around 2013 or so. And I think 2015 is when I purchased my Xbox One. So from 2007 to now, I had an Xbox console.
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