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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. That's fair. I would honestly use that KFC themed controller that was given away during a contest a few years ago. As long as it's a controller and it works as intended, I don't care how it looks. It's nice having a controller you like aesthetically, but it's not a requirement for me.
  2. Yeah I feel like new gen consoles aren't really all that needed. Now days it's just about getting graphics to look even more fancier, but I feel like we're already to a point where I am fine with how graphics look. I don't need photo realism or fancy graphics to enjoy a game. And I think most games that are coming out today, could easily release for last gen consoles with just a graphical downgrade. It's why I like PC so much, because I can play most games, I just have to turn things down if it's an intensive game.
  3. Oh god, when is it going to end. More bad news as the gaming industry just can't leave NFTs and Blockchain technology behind. It looks like Sony is the next ones to decide on making their own NFTs and blockchain tech. Their purpose is to make it to track digital asset purchases. Which means they're going to utilize NFTs as a way to sell digital assets. So probably clothing, avatars, games, maybe even special release skins. The possibilities are endless, at least when it comes to digital stuff. My worries is that this is going to just result in more ways for studios to take more money out of us for things that probably should be free to begin with. You can read about this here: https://wccftech.com/sony-patent-reveals-that-the-company-has-been-working-on-nft-and-blockchain-technology/
  4. Yeah I think that's what I'll do. I might even make a custom case for it just to make it look different. Maybe save some space too, since I can get rid of the DVD drive in it. Thing is, I don't remember if I have a bit HD in that 360 or not. Which means I will have to find a solution for that. I might be able to add a HDD to it.
  5. Kane99

    New Console

    idk, I feel like they'd be able to jump in pretty fast. And if they make the games playable on mac books and other apple devices, even better. I don't see how it would be tough for them to do it. They have the technical knowhow to make a console. They already made one back in the 90s, so it's not like they can't. They would probably have it easy when it comes to setting up a new gaming brand.
  6. Oh yeah I'm aware. It's how I remember playing the demo. Since I don't own any Nintendo consoles from that time until now. Yeah she accused the studio of paying her only $4,000 for the role. But it was later reported she lied as that is just for one voice session and they tried to book her for like 4 or 5. So she was still getting paid pretty good in my opinion. This article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/10/24/bayonetta-voice-actress-admits-she-was-not-offered-only-4000-for-the-new-game/?sh=39b3963952ef tells it a bit differently, in that she was originally offered $10,000, but she wasn't happy about the pay and they offered her $5,000 more for a total of $15,000. And then later they offered her a cameo role for $4,000, which I think is where her complaints came up from. So idk what is right at this point lol.
  7. Yeah for sure, I don't want to risk a ban. So before I do anything I will factory reset the console I think and go from there. I think I might do it. I have an Xbox 360 slim with a dead DVD drive. I may have already factory reset it, so I could probably just mod that one instead. And save the newer one I have and keep it for gaming and using on xbox live if I want to send my achievements over to my account. 🙂
  8. Haven't looked too far into the future yet. I know there are some bangers on the way in 2023. I'm mostly looking forward to that new AEW wrestling game. I think it comes out in 2023.
  9. Oof, that's honestly tough for me to answer. Most of the games I played are 3rd party games. My favorite would probably be Sunset Overdrive honestly. It's the one I keep thinking of when I picture the xbones best games. But I'm sure there are a few other games that would win the best of the generation.
  10. Congrats on the game. I wouldn't say it's my type of game, but it's something I can see my mom getting into. She usually plays cooking games, but I can see her getting into this too.
  11. Kane99


    Clans are awesome. You can get a group of your friends together as a team, a unit. It's quite fun. I was part of a clan with friends back in the day. We used GEEK as our clan tag on Xbox 360
  12. Kane99

    New Console

    Oh lol, didn't understand your question at first. I could see Amazon making their own console. Maybe even Apple attempting to again. Or we could see a new Sega console one day. That'd be cool. Google I think could be possible, but after Stadia, I doubt it.
  13. That's the thing, Fortnite is the one live service game I see that kinda does it right. For the most part, they're pretty good about releasing updates, fixes, and changing the game up. It's to my knowledge, the best live service game out there for what it offers. Because technically you can play Fortnite all the way through without getting the battle pass. Of course you don't open emotes, character skins and all that, but the option is there if you want it. And to be fair, when they do update, it isn't that big of a deal, at least to me. It makes sense to take the game offline for a bit to put out a new season, especially how much they change with the map, the controls, weapons and all that. It's a lot of work. But it's not easy to replicate what Epic Games does with Fortnite. Not many games can achieve it all the while appeasing the fans. COD on the other hand has been trying to do it for years, and I feel they always fail. Main reason is because you have to pay $60 (or $70 now) for the main game, and now you have to pay extra for gun skins, character skins etc. I believe it has its own battle pass, but should we be paying $60/$70, plus the battle pass fee? If COD reverted to 100% free to play for their standard multiplayer, I think it'd draw a lot of people in, and then a battle pass would kinda be reasonable since the game is free. But, you also have warzone, which has been CODs attempt at making a free to play experience. I'm sure that has a battle pass of its own, but I can't comment how well received that side of COD is.
  14. Best sales I ever had were probably services like Humble bundle where you get a ton of games for a small price. Yeah some of the games may be cheap already, but there are some nice discounted games in the mix sometimes. As well, they also give you addition things like coupons, or codes to free trials and all that. The best deal aside from that, was probably getting a game for like $1 during one of the sales. I can't say I've gotten a better deal than that yet.
  15. Depends on the game. I know in GTA V and RDR2 for example, if you die, you lose some money. It's not a lot though for either game, but can be annoying if you're dying a lot and end up using up all of your money. As long as it's not much, I don't mind it. But if it's a game that bleeds you dry of everything each time you die, that's a different story. I think games like Dark Souls do it the best. Because you lose pretty much everything when you die in that game.
  16. In RDR2 NPCs will freak out when you enter their homes, at least if you're within eyesight of them. I know if you enter some homes while people are in them, they'll jump up as if you scared them and react accordingly. As well, if there are a couple people in the house and you kill one and leave. Then, come back to the same location the living person will comment about what you did. I remember in Skyrim if you stole an item in front of someone while in their house, they'll freak out on you. But if you walk around and do nothing, I don't think they comment about you being there. Though I may be wrong since it's been a long time since I played Skyrim.
  17. It's COD, it will continue to make billions in sales because the fandom grows with new fans every year. I may have dropped off as a player in recent years, but I know that there will always be this devoted fan base for it. Usually it starts with 12 year old kids discovering it for the first time and then jumps to the serious players who are adults and haven't lost interest in playing it just yet.
  18. It's played during the last mission I believe. I think the beginning portion is from a RDR1 song, but I am not 100% sure. I may be wrong, but I thought it was to tie RDR2 into RDR1, to move on to John as the playable character.
  19. I can't think of anything from 2022 that I was able to play that I thought would be considered worst of the year. I've mostly played older games for the most part. Saints Row might be considered one of the worst, but from what I hear, it's more mediocre than bad. The worst game I played was lawnmower simulator. I couldn't get into it, it was more complex than the other sims I played. Maybe not the worst of 2022, but the worst I played personally.
  20. It's essentially the same game with improved graphics, animations, and some gameplay mechanics, but I think that's about it. You're probably not missing out on anything compared to the first game and the first remaster. It's just a better looking version of a game we already got. Yeah I think a lot of people are eagerly awaiting a 3rd entry. The remasters are nice and all, but I think it's time to focus on making 3 instead of making more versions of the original game. And just because a new console drops, doesn't mean we need to be getting re-releases of the same game with some improvements. Put that time and money on future installments or whole new IPs.
  21. Hmm good question. I'd say the recent Battlefield game may have ended the franchise for how awful it turned out. If they make a sequel, which I'm sure they will, it cannot be as much of a failure. Otherwise I think Battlefield is done as a franchise. EA is probably the reason as to why the new Battlefield sucks, probably some bs that Dice have to finish the game in a short period of time or something. But I'd say that for sure, as it feels like it could be the end for them. Other than that, I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, though I'm sure more games will come to mind later.
  22. Yup, which is why I'd recommend Dead by Daylight or Friday The 13th's spiritual successor in the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game (it's made by the same team behind Friday the 13th), and shares a lot of similarities with Friday the 13th. As well, I'd recommend the new Evil Dead game, as I hear that too is pretty damn good. 🙂
  23. Kane99


    I've only played the first, but have downloaded Dishonored 2 a few times and have yet to play it. I always end up deleting it to make room for other games. But with Dishonored, I really had a lot of fun with it. So much that I was going to do the whole playthrough without killing anyone. But I played it the usual way of killing whoever was in my way. One of these days I'll replay it, and maybe even get into the sequel and some of the DLC stuff.
  24. But it looks a bit different compared to most PlayStation controllers, in fact the new Razer Wolverine V2 Pro for the PS5 has more of a Xbox controller layout. Instead of the analog sticks matching on each end, they're instead moved in the position the Xbox controllers are in. The dpad even reminds me of the original 360 controller. It's a sexy looking controller no doubt. Sadly this bad boy is going to put you back a lot more than most pro controllers do, it'll cost $250, which to me is way too pricey. Too rich for my blood, but I'm sure there are people willing to pay that premium cost. Oh, and it's exclusive to GameStop and the Razer store. You can read more about this controller, including specs and other details below. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/razer-unveils-pro-style-ps5-controller-and-it-has-offset-sticks/1100-6509032/
  25. Unfortunately Japan is known for their censorship. They block any content that has gore, otherwise it gets blurred out. I've watched a few Japanese shows a while back that were crime related and showed bodies, but anything too gory they would just outright blur. And with video games it's no different. COD and most horror games are toned down a lot in Japan compared to the US. As for this developer not releasing it in Japan, good on them. Yeah it means a big loss of sales, but it's the principle of it. The whole point of a ratings system is to rate a game/movie etc properly. So that if it's highly gory, people know and skip it if it's not their thing. People are smart, they know their limits and if it's something they find offensive, they have every right to not play the game or watch that movie or show. I doubt Japan would ever change their rules.
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