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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Source with list: https://www.cbr.com/things-you-didnt-know-about-the-90s-console-war/ Do you guys remember anything mentioned in the above article? I feel like I've already known most of it, aside from maybe not knowing there was a few M rated games on the SNES, and don't recall hearing about Argonaut Software and what they did for the SNES. But the rest of the list I'm mostly aware of. I know Sega of America and Sega of Japan didn't always see eye to eye, that Blast Processing was buzz words (I think the gaming historian did a video on this), There is one thing about the list that bugs me. #5. The PlayStation Was Almost A Nintendo And Sega Platform - I don't recall Sega ever being in the equation, and the article only mentions Sony and Nintendo. So is the Sega part true? I know of Sony working with Nintendo originally and then peacing out to make the PS1, but I don't recall them having anything to do with Sega.
  2. Oh that's right, this is on Gamepass. I just renewed gamepass a couple days ago, so I think I'm finally going to check it out. Been wanting to for a while now and you posting reminded me of it. I wasted my last gamepass subscription, not this month. Going to check what it has later tonight and play some games, will include this as well.
  3. I like that idea too. He wasn't featured at all in RDR2, but I don't think that matters much, as he was heavily featured in the first game. As well, he's a fun side character that I would love to explore more of history for. Plus wasn't he like some pro with his gun? That can be implemented in the game too. But yeah, so much can be done. Hell they could do a prequel and include the cast of the original Red Dead Revolver too.
  4. Hey guys, has anyone here been playing Hitman as of late? If so, you're in luck, as some stuff is coming for Hitman very soon. IO Interactive recently released their November roadmap for Hitman 3, and you can view it below. I gotta admit, the fact they are still working on this game, makes me happy. I really should get back into it soon. Been meaning to get back into Hitman lately, but RDR2 and Fortnite has been taking up most of my time these days.
  5. I hooked my 360 up about a year ago I'd say, and my goodness was it slow. It took forever just to load the dashboard up, but then took more time to bring up the dashboard menus. I have a lot of games on my 360's hard drive too, and loading the view all games section takes forever. I bet if they allowed us to go back to the first dashboard, it would be a much faster experience. Yeah it's kinda dated now, but if it works, that's all that matters.
  6. Oh cool. I can't say I've heard of them, but I'm going to guess you're in the UK? So that'd make sense. Anyway, what kind of specs does your PC have if you don't mind me asking? If you're still able to play most new games, it probably still has a lot of life left.
  7. For me it's the only way I really like to play. But I do sometimes camp depending on the mode. But otherwise I like to rush, especially with melee weapons. I remember the tack knife from some of the older CODs and I used to rush around the map knifing people, pissing them off and everything. So much fun when you can get a chain of kills in a row. And in MW3 was my favorite time doing that, because there was an option you could do where you just had perks and no equipment (grenades/flashbangs) I think, and I would just run around knifing people. I think I had the Ninja perk, unlimited sprint or something. idk. it's been so long since I played MW3, but I bet all of my classes are still set up. I might have to get back into that game one of these days.
  8. So then you're paying well into $1000 if you currently don't have a PS5 on hand. That's insane, but to be expected. I think the original PSVR released for around $400+, so it's not too much of a difference. I've never used VR so I can't fully judge whether the price point is fair. I can see it being fair to some, but this is definitely made for the hardcore gamers out there anyway.
  9. Not sure how true this is because the site I saw it at doesn't look familiar, but I'm not against the idea of Charles being the main protagonist in a future RDR game. It's bound to be that we'll see another prequel whenever Rockstar decides on a RDR3. Which will probably be many years to come, but I would welcome Charles as the main character in a future game. Would you be into that? Or would you rather a whole new story in the RDR world? I think you kinda have to stick with this crew we've grown to love. We got John from RDR1 and 2, and now Charles could be that person that bridges the gap between a prequel game. You can read more into this story here - https://www.fortressofsolitude.co.za/fans-want-charles-smith-as-the-protagonist-of-red-dead-redemption-3/
  10. Did you have it pre built or custom made? Or was it a PC already set up and ready for you? I used to have a PC that we bought from a store. It sadly didn't last long and I couldn't do much gaming on it. But my current PC, one of my past bosses custom built it for me for $400. It gets the job done for me and then some. But I eventually want to build my own PC in the future and have it a bit more suped up.
  11. I agree. I think it could work. The only thing is, it depends on what kind of content you get for those tiers. Maybe music streaming? Maybe a catalog of movies/tv shows that you can stream through your Xbox? They could make their own little netflix side where you can stream movies and tv. I think it's going to be a part of future plans.
  12. I'm so nostalgic for it too. The current 360 dashboard is a slog on the hardware. I don't get how they saw it as a reasonable thing to do. It slows the console down even more. No way Microsoft will add past dashboards as options. I think it'd help with speeding things up if they put the old dashboard back. I think the only way to do it is modding, and I ain't doing that as it could probably still result in people getting banned for modding.
  13. Yeah, there's so many games I have downloaded that I would never have bothered with otherwise. Paying $15 a month to get a ton of games, is not bad to me, plus I have found great games because of it. And I'm cheap, and can't afford most games anyway, so tossing up $15 every once in a while to get a months worth of games to check out, I can't complain.
  14. That's another reason I like Game pass. It allows me to try games I probably would have never played otherwise. So if anything we're probably helping many of these smaller games become more popular just because of it being available on game pass. Because, who's to say that some of these games would be a success without game pass? They could be forgotten to time, but game pass I think helps keep some games alive.
  15. I'm the same way. I am afraid to try and build one on my own because parts are expensive and I don't want to end up doing something wrong to where I end up breaking something in the process. But I know there are some sites that will get you a list of parts suitable for what you want and you can go from there. Still though, the build process is something I would want a tech friendly person around for to make sure I don't mess anything up with my build. 😄
  16. Yeah it's the peace and quiet of the night that really does it for me. I feel like I'm the only one up when I stay up late. My anxiety drops a ton at night too. But yeah, no distractions for the most part, so it's quite nice. Daytime gaming doesn't work so much for me since I tend to have a tough time waking up early lol. So I tend to take a while to get started on the work in the early hours, but that also means I just relax with YouTube before I start work stuff. But I like to get it all done during the day so I can relax at night, maybe do some gaming, watch a movie, etc. It's just so much more relaxing.
  17. I think it's being in control of the game that really does it. Because to be honest, I have outright stopped playing games because of how some of them control. Like for Silent Hill 2. A game I really like, but never beat because of how annoying the controls are, which in turn makes it difficult. But the atmosphere in that game is so damn epic, I love it. And now the remaster is coming with probably better controls, so I'm not too worried about playing that one. Also, when you're in control of a horror game, it's almost like you're in it. That's kinda how it feels.
  18. I don't remember any characters myself, but I think you could open up new survivors to play as. Are you going to stick with the game? I tried but it just wasn't for me. I also remember having to go out for resources and food was a chore at times and I got bored of that quick. But that's just me. I hope you find fun in it.
  19. See, that's kinda cool. That's for sure a start. If anything doing DLC like this wouldn't be bad. Mixing the stories would go far in worldbuilding I think. And it's not like Watchdogs can't exist in the same world. I'm pretty sure they do, as I think there's easter eggs for AC in the Watchdogs games anyway. I think it's a direction they could go in, combining the games together into one crazy game, would be epic imo.
  20. Yeah I second RDR2, mainly for how awful you can be in it. Plus their history implies that Arthur and company were killers before the game even. Spec Ops The Line is a big one, because it was kind of a big twist to find out that the main character was essentially gone at the start of the game. And gradually gets worse and worse until it culminates at the end. Such a powerful game. I really should replay it soon.
  21. I haven't heard a whole lot on the new Bioshock movie recently, but it sounds like it's still in the works. Not much is really go on with the production it seems. They just bought the rights to make it back in like February of this year, so I can't imagine too much has been done yet. Netflix is also doing a Borderlands movie too I think. Or maybe that's another studio, I forget. This looks like the most up to date news on the Bioshock movie though - https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/bioshock-netflix-movie-everything-we-know-so-far-09-2022/
  22. It's a good game, but I think it's really underwhelming. Maybe it's that cut content you speak of, because I really felt like there was going to be a bigger world in Mafia 2, but that's not what we got. I still need to play Mafia 3, but have been putting it off forever now.
  23. I've heard of AverMedia, will have to check out their capture cards/devices then. I wouldn't mind getting an Elgato one, mainly because I imagine they're easier to use. But I suppose it's time I move to an alternative and see what AverMedia has to offer. That's fair. I've seen a few on my searches, but I don't know if I want to pick up some random chinese capture card or device, because there's a big risk that it messes up my consoles or PC.
  24. Ah cool, I just recently renewed my game pass subscription. Just for the month, but I'm going to game some this weekend and see what new stuff they have added. I also am close to getting enough points on Bing rewards, so I'll have another month of game pass coming my way very soon. 😄
  25. Makes more sense why Alan Wake had Energizer batteries scattered all over the game. I think it advertised Xbox in the original version too. But yeah, I'm kinda glad they kept it with a battery compartment. Even though I've pretty much moved on rechargeable batteries and battery packs instead. I feel you get more out of the lithium ones for example. They seem to last a long time.
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