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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah live service games are a huge risk for devs and publishers. I wish they didn't do them as often these days, but it seems these studios have to find ways of expanding their profits. The only game to do it well is probably Fortnite. But when that game inevitably shuts down, that means all the skins and other stuff you bought goes away. That's a lot of money wasted.
  2. It's sadly going to be a huge part of our future. Expect more of these massive tech companies getting hacked. I don't see it ever stopping, if anything I can see it getting worse. I have considered using 2FA for everything, but it becomes a chore having to enter a password and sometimes another code on your phone or something. It's annoying.
  3. I used to play a lot of the original Saints Row games, especially the first game. I remember when I played it on the 360 for the first time, thinking it was such a good looking game at the time lol. But looking back it hasn't aged well graphically. But that's not the point. Anyway, I may revisit the first 4 games and see if they're worth my time again. I don't want to check out the new game anytime soon.
  4. There are also books out there that delve into the past of the book series, so there is a ton of lore and backstory to create unique games. Oh it'd have to have a ton of depth in many regards, including the characters and their stories.
  5. That's why I hold onto a lot of my retro consoles, because backwards compatibility doesn't always happen. It's a nice option and I think it helps sell consoles somewhat, but I think it comes down to what gamers want. They are focussed on getting those new titles and that's their main reasoning for getting a new console. Backwards compatibility is nice, and I welcome it with newer consoles because in reality it should be a lot easier to make these digital games work on newer consoles without much work. Or they could take the route of emulation and just let people load their older disc based games that way. Or if they already own the digital games on the Xbox marketplace for example, it should be playable on all future consoles under that brand. I think Xbox is trying to make that a reality. So any new games you buy from the Xbox 360 and up, will probably be playable on the newer xboxes, well anything that's digital at least.
  6. Physical is more ideal for sure, but not as practical anymore because of game sizes. If I could have it my way, I'd ask for studios to release the bigger games on multiple discs, but I think they are done with doing that, and would rather put a portion of a game on disc and require you to download the rest from a marketplace. Sadly that's our future when it comes to gaming. We'll still get physical games, but they won't be physical in the sense that it's all there. Just a case and maybe an insert with details and a code or something.
  7. Yeah it's pretty pricey, not very fond of that price point, but VR headsets and devices are pretty pricey to begin with. I figured it would go for like $400 and $500 anyway, so it fits into that price point. You still need the PS5 in order to play it, so not really. It's not one of those headsets that can be played by itself, it will need a PS5 in order to work, so that's going to cost people well over $1000 if they don't have a PS5 yet.
  8. If it's more of a linear game, it would benefit having a much smaller world. Especially if a games world doesn't have anything else to do, then there's really no point. Otherwise it depends on the game. If it's open world, it should have more to do otherwise it will feel empty. So doing what Rockstar does with GTA and rdr to make it feel more alive and real. And it makes sense to then have a bigger world. Bigger games need exploration and characters scattered everywhere. Smaller games can benefit skipping the world or putting it in a small town or city.
  9. I have an andaseat gaming chair and I love it. It's the only chair that doesn't hurt my butt for sitting extended periods of time. I sit a lot so it needs to be comfortable for that time. The andaseat chair I own hasn't caused me much issue. But my previous chair was a simple office chair. It hurt if I sat for long hours, but andaseat is different. Also I'm a big guy l, so that plays into why I get hurt easier when sitting too long. And I didn't expect the andaseat chair to hold my weight so well.
  10. Can't go wrong with the likes of Left 4 Dead. I play that with friends from time to time. I also hear the new Outlast game is coop, but I don't know when it comes out. I think they're doing an open beta right now, so that may be a good thing to check out.
  11. Not yet, but I would like to with my next gaming PC. Currently my gaming PC is fine and gets the job done, but I know down the line I will need to upgrade and will probably build it from scratch this time around. I will probably use a site to guide me through the build process, but I know there are sites out there that will give you a list of compatible parts for your build, so I think I'll use that to my advantage. But yeah, one of these days.
  12. They found out the hacker was a kid, just 17 years old. You can read more about it here: https://gamerant.com/gta-6-hacker-arrested/ The thing with this stuff, is that it's easy to track the people who do this. I don't know what will become of the kid. He's a minor, so they could go easy on him. My guess is that they're going to request a ton of money from him, and there's going to be no way for him to pay it. I think the hype is still there though. If anything this leak renewed peoples interest, at least for some. But I think an the reveal, when it does come, will be awesome. What we saw in this leak was not near completion, so there's still a lot to do I imagine.
  13. I hear it's to stop hackers/cheaters. Of course it won't stop all of them, but it should slow them down some. My main concern is that I don't have service on my mobile phone, I have a house phone, but they don't accept that. Not like they can't send me an automated message with a code, but I guess they gotta go with mobile. They might have back peddled or they made it work for those on pay as you go plans. Because if I ever do get phone service, I will be using the pay as you go services. And I know a lot of people use these services, so that cuts out a lot of people.
  14. You don't need to play the first game to get into the second. I don't think there's a connecting story or anything. It's pretty much the same game, but I think it has co-op multiplayer, but I forget, it's been so long since I last played it. I remember playing the second game and encountering a glitch that got some of my people killed. And that turned me off from playing it any further. From what I played it was fun, but it's really repetitive. I don't think I can ever go back to it. Maybe if they finally made a third game I'd give it a go, but idk if I would.
  15. I'd like to mention Batman Arkham Origins. In that game the Joker is voiced by Troy Baker, who did the voice of Joel in the Last of Us. He did a spot on version of how Mark Hamill's voice. Honestly he did an awesome job replicating Hamill's joker voice, because it almost sounds identical. If anything they could get Troy Baker to reprise his role as the Joker going forward, if they want to that is. Hamill will probably still get the job, unless he actually sticks with retiring from voicing the Joker, which he always says he will, but then comes back and still does voice over work lol.
  16. Yeah it's true that the Switch doesn't have the hardware to handle most new COD titles, but I still think they could make a COD just for the Switch. They already have three studios making COD titles, they could have one focus on a new COD just for the Switch. I think it'd be cool to get a COD switch version. It's not like it has to match what the Xbox, PS, PC versions can do. They could get away making a smaller COD title. Or hell, even remaster/re-release some of the classic COD titles, I'm sure the switch can handle some of those.
  17. Kane99

    Xbox Controller issues

    Yeah the 360, XBox one and new Xbox controllers all have the same issue, in that prolonged use can result in the analog sticks to drift. This has happened to me for most of my Xbox 360 and Xbox one controllers, and it's quite annoying. I blame it mostly on the fact that I played a lot of COD and that can have a bad effect on the analog sticks, it was always the left analog stick for me. But yeah, ever since I got the PowerA Fusion pro controller a while back, I haven't had these issues. Of course I also haven't played much COD in recent years, so that may explain it a bit.
  18. I can't say I've actually heard of this person to begin with, but it sucks that they are stopping their coverage on video games. Is it because people weren't tuning into his gaming content and so he decided to just scrap it? I figure it being financially viable was the key thing. If it wasn't providing any value, I can understand dropping it.
  19. Surprisingly they're not that expensive, currently going for a little under $100 on ebay right now. But it's also a small fridge, one of those can hold six cans, so not much room for anything really. What's funny though, is I've been considering getting a small fridge for my room, so I can pack it with water and some other beverages so I can work and not have to get up to get water in the other room lol. It's lazy, but I'm a lazy person, so it works out for me. 😄
  20. Yeah music and copyright while streaming is a sticky situation. You can stream with the music, but once that vod is done, they will probably claim the music. And I hear that on some sites, they completely remove the sound, which means they'll remove the voices as well I imagine. There can be some good free to use songs out there. For me if I stream, I don't know if I'd play music too much. I think I'd want my audience to pay more attention to me than the music, but I suppose it also depends on what you're playing.
  21. The console probably overheated, that's essentially what the RROD was. If the console got too hot, it would give you the RROD after shutting itself down. THe tricks we used on the original 360 was to open the console up and wrap a towel around it. I think that was what some people did. Supposedly it helped with re-heating the sauder or something on part of the board. But I got a 360 slim later on and I didn't deal with the RROD at all. Though my first slim the disc drive died on me, so I got a used 360 a while after. But for the most part, the Slim was a real game changer in that you rarely had to deal with the RROD. Unless you somehow overheat your console.
  22. I just wish they would allow you to add photos or other custom made graphics. They allow you to change the color of pretty much everything, which is awesome, but I wish they offered more options for consumers. Like an option to add your own graphics, or the ability to fully customize the colors, including the buttons any color you want. As well, I feel like you could get a standard controller for much cheaper. Also I wish they had more font options for the gamertag option. idk, I just wish they'd add more customization options. Allow us to add our own button designs and all that jazz. 😄
  23. I'd say a 7/10. Not too into the music myself, but it gets the job done for sure. Here's my choice. It's the theme for Robocop on the Gameboy. I heard it recently and it's kinda relaxing. I was going to list the Batman theme from the NES game, though I may list that later instead.
  24. I get Gamepass ultimate, as it include gamepass and a month of XBL gold. I think Gamepass is going to outright replace Xbl gold, and we'll see Gamepass as its replacement soon enough. It makes sense though, since Ultimate gets you gold I see no point in calling it gold anymore. Just call it Gamepass and you can include the online component there as well. I usually just purchase a $15 card for Gamepass ultimate whenever I want a month or so.
  25. On top of that, a lot of the time they want you to rate the game with 5 stars. Which imo just lies to the consumers, and I'm pretty sure it's against any marketplaces TOS and rules. You can kinda tell when the reviews are paid for, they will be almost too glowing or too kind, and they will often be from people who haven't played anything else, or put out any other reviews. I was asked to write a good review for a long mouse pad with LED lights in the past, and I'd get the mousepad for free. But I chose not to, because the intent was to lie and I'm not about lying when it comes to reviews. Now if they paid me to review it legit, that's another story. But I think it's wrong to pay people money or the actual product in order to get good reviews.
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