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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah it seems to be happening that way. Especially since even some third party titles are releasing day one on Gamepass. Call of Duty will likely be day one on gamepass going forward. I should check, but I'm going to guess that COD is already available on gamepass, but I could be wrong. Would be dope if they re-released all COD titles on gamepass, cause I wouldn't mind revisiting some of the classics like Black Ops, and even MW3 (one of my personal faves).
  2. There is always that chance that it could happen. Things change, and I too can see MS taking a stab at a mobile Xbox handheld. I think their focus will first go onto perfecting streaming and gamepass, but once they have that all figured out, I could see a handheld being a viable option for gamers. Until then, I think they're going to focus on building the streaming up, to make sure it works. And then go from there.
  3. Yeah I've been hearing good things about it since release. They've really come far. Kinda reminds me of the mess that No Man's Sky was in when it released. Now that game too is hugely popular and has since received glowing reviews. I'm glad both games have gotten to a point that works for them. But I hope this trend stops, because I hope they hold the games back until they're fully ready before release. Because who wants to wait years for a game to finally get to a point the devs originally wanted it to be at?
  4. To my knowledge they did cut that out for future consoles. But it is a nice feature for the Xbox one because it means I could have an extra hookup to my TV if I'm out of HDMI spots. I haven't done it in a while, but if I put my Xbox One out in the living room soon, I will probably connect it to another console or something.
  5. I don't think it's going to be their last. What I think the outcome will be, is a combination of streaming and gamepass. There will be a new Xbox one day, but I think they will focus on supporting Gamepass even more and will also try to get streaming out of the box. This way, they wouldn't have to make powerful devices to play games. Which I think is the direction they're going. They will still make devices, but they will be smaller and more compact than current Xbox consoles, and will probably be all digital and streaming. I think they'll make two types of console, one that can handle the bigger games, and one that would be meant just for streaming. I think that's the future Xbox will go in.
  6. I have changed my gamertag a few times, last time I'd say was probably back in early 2011 or so. I had changed it before that, a couple other times, but the new name I chose stuck and I've been using the name ever since. I don't like sharing my GT though, and honestly I don't game on my Xbox all too much anymore anyway. I mostly play PC games anyway. My Xbox One is mostly just used for YouTube and apps.
  7. Kane99

    Radio Stations

    Wow, haven't played GTA in quite a while, so can't comment on my favorite radio stations. I will say anything that was comedic is up there, but also classic rock and maybe any station that features classic hip-hop etc. I felt like that feature has been around for a couple years now. Fortnite has had a radio option for a while, but maybe I'm wrong. I just got back into the series maybe last year or so. Or maybe it's been two years, idk I forget. But I think the radio option was there for a while now. And they might actually do Halloween themed stuff today. Not sure though as I haven't touched the game since the weekend.
  8. Most of my friends kept track too, but so did I for a lot of the games. Back then I knew guys who would just camp and build up their K/D. One guy I gamed with, who was actually pretty good, often camped, but he had a KD of like 3 point something, I forget. But all he did was camp, and I guess that worked for him. I liked to rush the enemy players, which can be good for your KD or just outright awful lol.
  9. I always found it crazy to brick the console itself. I understand the user being banned, but the console is another story. Those consoles cost a lot, and when banned, they are essentially paper weights. I think you can factory reset them and put a different account on them, but if you used any hacking tools on said xbox, than I could also understand why it would also ban/brick the console.
  10. Kane99

    Anthem on Xbox One

    It's safe to say Anthem is dead at this point. I don't think anyone plays it anymore, if they do it's probably a very small group of people still playing it. I never played it, but after the stuff I saw on it, I never really want to play it. All I hear it's got going for it, is the flying mechanic and combat, but there's nothing else around it to entice players to continue. Plus since the dev team dropped this game, there won't be future fixes or updates. Anthem could have been a good game, but crunch ruined it to the point they finished the game as quickly as possible so they could ship it out.
  11. I have not been banned on Xbox, but a friend of mine was banned once and I tried to help him get unbanned, but sadly they don't usually ever overturn a ban. Usually if it's made, they made it for a reason. It doesn't take too much. If you're caught hacking/cheating for example, your account may be banned. The console may even be banned, but I think signing into another account will be fine. But I heard of sometimes banning the console for life. I always get a kick out of the people who were banned for like hundreds of years. MS would issue a ban timeframe, and some people would get dates hundreds of years into the future lol.
  12. Yeah for the most part, Xbox live does stay up quite a bit. It's kind rare that they deal with any outages, and if they do, it's either someone hacking them or doing a ddos attack or whatever it is. The other times it's probably due to more attacks. Yeah when mistakes like that come down, it'll usually get sorted by support. But if it was an accidental purchase that went through, they probably won't refund that. And yeah, you can see some of the popular games on that link, I see now it shows some games are having issues, so it's cool to have this available to people.
  13. Watching someone else play is not an issue. I can handle horror movies and can handle watching others play horror games. When it comes to playing horror games it's a bit different. I can watch someone play Outlast for example, but playing it myself I can't do it. I think for me, it's because I can'd defend myself, and I hate games where you have to play hide and seek essentially. But if it has combat that's easy to get into, like with Alan Wake, I won't have a problem with it.
  14. Isn't that just information about what you and your friends did differently? I think telltale had something similar where it would tell you how many people did this versus this, and so on. Can you explain it a bit more? When I heard it I thought the shared story part is similar to what I said about telltale, in that it tracks what you and others do. I've been meaning to check it out. Maybe when this drops, I'll pick up the others and play them one by one finally. Plus I like that they have real actors, so it kinda feels like a game/movie mixture. Also, this DPA is the first season, so I wonder what they will have up their sleeves for the next set of games. I got it from the trailer cover art, but not as much from the trailer itself. It reminds me more of an escape room game mixed with outlast maybe.
  15. Storage has gotten a lot better over the years. With Switch cards, they hold a lot more storage, and are probably more reliable. If anything I would be down for studios to adopt what Switch has done with their games, as I imagine it's cheaper than disc based, and also is easier to produce I imagine. I have an external HDD for that very reason lol. I bought a 1TB one for my xbone years back, just because COD and a couple other games were taking up space. It helped a bit, but even so, I didn't have much left for other games. I think they could still figure out a way to at least add the campaign for COD on the disc, or multiple discs if needed. The multiplayer mode can be a downloaded anyway, since it makes a lot more sense to just have them download that when they get the game. They need internet anyway, so I think that would work. But yeah, COD is a massive game. On top of that, they sometimes make you download graphical stuff like textures and so on. I don't think they're required, so you could maybe save some storage by skipping that portion.
  16. I'm just lazy so I usually opt to get the digital versions these days. And half the time you do get a physical game, they don't include a manual or any other goodies in the mix, some don't even include the full game like with the recent MW2 and a lot of the newer Switch games that drop with just a slip with a code to download the game. I would rather collect retro games physically, but most new games I feel are going to outright drop physical media and will focus on selling digital media going forward. I think it's the inevitable future. If games came out with something more, I'd buy the physical version. At least include a manual, maybe a poster and some stickers. I'm sure that would entice more digital buyers to jump at that. Hell include a funko figure, people love those dumb things lol. Or include some kind of figure or collectible. Nothing too costly though, because then we're getting into collectors edition territory.
  17. Kane99


    I have a TCL Roku TV in my room, I'd say about a 32 inch, I don't remember. Currently it gets the job done for me, so I don't see the need to get a bigger tv. I also have a TCL Roku 65 inch tv in my living room, but I don't usually game on it. Though I wouldn't mind doing so, but I think I'd rather find a way to connect my PC to my TV instead. Maybe I'll buy a big HDMI cable to make it happen.
  18. For sure horizontal for me. I never liked standing my consoles up, even if they were made with it in mind. Like the 360, I always sat that beast down, because I was always paranoid someone would knock it over if I had it standing up. I felt safer doing it this way anyway, standing it also caused issues with the disc if I remember correctly. I know it grinded a disc or two of mine in the past.
  19. Anyone going to pick this one up? It just came out today, and to me it feels like it kinda came out of nowhere. I know it was announced a while ago, but I haven't seen anything about it otherwise. I feel like they just released this without much fanfare because maybe they have another stinker on their hands. I hear it's getting mediocre reviews as well. From the likes of: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/resident-evil-reverse-review-e2-80-93-a-massive-miss-for-capcom/ar-AA13nnbz and https://www.dexerto.com/reviews/resident-evil-reverse-review-1967192/ It kinda reminds me of the various attempts they've tried to make co-op shooters/pvp games. It never seems to go right when they spin-off the series a bit. Has anyone checked it out yet? Is it worth checking out? It has 6 player pvp, so that in a way sounds fun. I want to hear what you guys think though. Or are you guys going to pass on this one?
  20. Yeah I was wondering about the dates of the games too. I think the newest one on there was from 2021. My guess is maybe they took a break during Covid, but even then why not include more games from 2021 and 2022? And I don't think this was live or televised so it's not like they had to worry about Covid to give away these awards. I think I might actually check out Cloudpunk, and maybe the Solas game.
  21. Nintendo hasn't been given many COD titles over the recent years. I remember they made some games for the Wii and I think maybe one or two on the Wii U, but I may be wrong on the latter there. Either way, COD hasn't been on a Nintendo console in a long time. But, I feel like they could do something for Switch owners. You already have a catalog of older COD titles, why not re-release some of them somewhat remastered but just enough for the Switch?
  22. Nier Automata recently came out for the Nintendo Switch, and from what I see it's getting decent reviews. It's not the same situation as the recently released Alan Wake Remastered for the Switch. That looks to be a mess currently graphically and performance wise. From all the reviews I've looked at, they all seem to be good to great ratings. It's always weird seeing big games working on the switch, but it's good to see one that actually does. Has anyone here played it? How does it compare to the original released?
  23. I just realized this is dropping next month, November 8th. So like a couple weeks away. Who's going to be picking it up? I hope it turns out to be a great game. To see a good game in the series again would be a nice breath of fresh air. We need Sonic to finally succeed. Has anyone pre-ordered it? Or are you waiting for reviews to come out before taking the chance on it? I wouldn't blame ya, I'm going to wait until I hear reviews on it before I consider buying it.
  24. Watch Dogs 2 for me. I really enjoyed every minute I played the game. That is until I encountered a glitch at one point that resulted in a lot of progress to be lost. I thankfully didn't lose too much, but it was quite annoying to say the least. But yeah, I could see Watch Dogs and AC mixing well together. I wish they'd try it out.
  25. Have things gotten better since release? I heard the big reason they were having problems at first, was due to a ddos attack or something, but I think it was also partly to do with so many people jumping on at once. Either way, have things kinda cleared up since the release? I haven't heard much fuss about the wait times or the problems anymore. There are many games that deal with rocky launches. Overwatch 2 seemed to get through it mostly.
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