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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Modern Warfare II comes out on the 28th. I've been seeing reviews on it as of late and it seems to be getting its usual reviews, but also some painting it as a mediocre game. At least when it comes to the campaign. Not sure what reviewers are saying about the MP, but I'm sure it holds up today. These days I can't get into the series anymore. I'm not expecting much from it honestly. But, videogamedunkey made a good video on it. 😄
  2. Thing is, Xbox is having a great time with how well received game pass is. That's why I feel like they're pulling ahead of Sony these days. They have a decent exclusives list, it's just that a lot of their exclusives are smaller titles it seems. But gamepass is the main selling point for Xbox consoles.
  3. I think the GTA games on Xbox are compatible on the 360. Would be nice if Rockstar made it possible to make all of their games backwards compatible on Xbox consoles. Also, this is a topic about Xbox backwards compatibility. Maybe consider making a topic in the Nintendo area about games you guys would like to see made backwards compatible on Nintendo consoles.
  4. Xbox P Series? I sure hope not lol. The kids will have a field day with a name like that. and with series at the end, I could see people saying "haha Xbox Ps." Like Xbox has to pee. Just like xbone all over again. 😄 I really think they should just call it Xbox and the version type or something. Or go out and call it Xbox 5 or something.
  5. There's not many options when it comes to making money on video games. It's either you work on them, stream them, review them, join an eSports league, etc. It's kinda hard to make money from gaming. You could be a game tester, but I hear that job is notoriously bad, you literally play the same areas over and over attempting to break the game. Game developers also don't make a ton either. It's hard to make money from gaming.
  6. I'm worried about the Silent Hill 2 remake because of how they changed the camera angles. I don't think the game will feature the same unique camera angles the original game did. Like that top down view you get in some areas. I hope that's somewhat part of it with updated controls. I just hope Bloober team will do it justice.
  7. I'm assuming video games will just continue to progress. It could potentially evolve into something bigger down the road. Kinda like what we're seeing with VR. Maybe we'll have machines that will let you live in any virtual worlds. We can only go up from here after all. Now, how long will gaming be around, no idea. I could see it going for 100+ years like movies have already achieved. I figure people still like movies, so gaming will be around for a very long time. It's hard to predict too far out, because the future isn't certain. Anything can happen going forward. We could go through an apocalypse or something in the future, global warming etc. A lot could stop our progress.
  8. Yeah if the prices were a bit lower it may be worth it. Whenever I get a steam deck, I'll probably skip out on buying the dock until I can find a good cheap one. I don't want to pay nearly $100 for one. I'll be fine playing it handheld.
  9. Yeah some monitors are crazy expensive. For my PC, some parts were given to me for free, so I probably saved some money there. Also got one monitor for free from another boss around the same time. But yeah, I would love to upgrade to bigger monitors eventually. As well, build a new, upgraded PC.
  10. I've used a mix. Most of the PCs I've owned had windows. But I also installed Linux on some old PCs in the past and also have a laptop/tablet combo that has Ubuntu on it. (Linux)
  11. Oh so you mean trading games in for store credit? I rarely did that, because the payout i got for most games wasn't worth it. I sold off a lot of my games to a game store and I didn't get a whole lot for it. Which I regret doing. I never saw a time where stores would give you 50% cash back, but like I said I rarely sold games back to stores.
  12. It's crazy to me how some rare games end up being worth lots of money. The problem with this is that there's always a chance of more copies of this game being found in a warehouse somewhere. It's happened before with other rare games. Either way, I don't get why some are so expensive. And on top of it all, most of the time, rare games aren't even that good. Sure there are some good games that are rare, but most to my knowledge we're either bad or mediocre games that had limited quantities at release and no one really bought them. Now I can't comment on Kuon, as I never played it, so it could be good or it could be mediocre or awful.
  13. Kane99

    Need game ideas

    Can't go wrong with angry birds and a lot of kid friendly games. Apple has a ton of options in games for children. I would suggest looking for education apps as well. Can't learn too early after all. 🙂
  14. I think most newer phones from the android and apple side would work fine. Maybe even a few phone generations back. You might be able to play it on a budget phone as well. How much of a budget do you have? I think most new phones, even budget ones should be able to play it fine. I know razer and a few other PC peripheral companies are releasing their own phones, so you may want to look into those. Those will be a lot more expensive though.
  15. That probably happens when you get used to a new controller and decide to jump back to something old. It might cause issues for a while, but you'll eventually get used to that controller again. For me I tend to get used to most controllers pretty fast. Also, my favorite controllers are the 360/Xbox one and the new ones. I'm happy they kept the design mostly the same since the 360. I also like the dualshock 2 for the PS2, and for PS3 and I'm sure I'd like the PS4 and PS5 controller too. I still can't get used to he switch controllers/joycons though. But I also don't own a switch and haven't played it much otherwise. I feel like the buttons are to small.
  16. Kane99

    Xbox Museum

    It might be available on the Xbox, or it could have been on the Xbox dashboard at some point, but might not longer be. I could see them listing this as an ad for people to mess around in. They've done similar things in the past with dashboard ads. Can't imagine it'd be hard to add it on Xbox either.
  17. Thanks for your review. It's very in depth. I'm planning on getting it through gamepass soon. Haven't been gaming much as of late, but it's next on my radar for sure. And this review pushes me closer to getting it.
  18. In recent memory Cyberpunk 2077. I know it's cliche at this point, but it's more than just that. They promised things that they have yet to deliver on. Still, it's not the worst of the worst. The one that comes to mind is probably the Silent Hill HD remaster, mosly for the 360 version. I imagine it's playable, but i hear it's got graphical and performance issues and Konami has never patched it. They did for the PlayStation version.
  19. I've never been too into the series. I played a demo for the first game I think and though I thought it was interesting, I never saw myself playing the full game or checking out the sequel.
  20. I'm tempted to check it out when it drops. I liked the first game, but felt it was way too short. I finished the main story too fast. It also felt like fallout in a good way, but I wanted it to be longer like most fallout games. If this game turns out to have more going for it, I'll eventually get it.
  21. Honestly I would probably say sunset overdrive because it was one of my favorite exclusives for the xbone. I played some halo in the past but never got too invested in the series. As for other Xbox titles, I dont know. Maybe the original Fable and Fable 2. I did like Halo 2 as well, but I only played that at a LAN party for a weekend.
  22. For me it's mostly PC, Xbox one and Xbox 360. I haven't touched my 360 in probably a year or two. I don't game much on my Xbox one either. Mostly use it for streaming stuff and YouTube. But my PC is where I game the most now days.
  23. So the dock is essentially what Nintendo has with the switch correct? It sounds like there are alternatives on the market, maybe other ones are better suited for now. I don't own a steam deck so can't really comment on the dock, but I'm curious if there are cheaper alternatives that do just as good.
  24. I have not dropped coffee or any other beverages on my keyboard. I have spilled on my desk before, and that was kinda close to my keyboard. I'm usually safe when it comes to beverages. I don't keep them close to my electronics.
  25. Kane99


    I used to go in the Xbox forums back in the day and read the many topics of people trying to get their bans revoked. Rarely did I ever see it happen. I remember they would ask why and a Xbox team member would respond. Or one of the forum mods will answer it, I forget. They just give the ban reason and that's it. I don't know if anyone got their bans overturned.
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