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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. True, but I still would have liked to see them start from the first game. Technically you don't have to since both games don't connect. So maybe they will instead do SH2, then do the SH1 and SH3 since those two are sequels to one another. Anyway, I know Capcom did it with RE, they started from the first game onward. So idk, kinda weird to me, but we'll see how it goes.
  2. I don't even remember the last wrc game I played. I know I played one of the games, but there's so many now I've lost count. As for the switch issue, maybe it's not the games but the switch itself. Have you considered reaching out to Nintendo support or maybe reaching out to he team behind wrc to see if they can figure it out?
  3. Oh wow I have no clue what we're looking at here. Is this some kind of racing game? Would help if you gave us more details about what you're looking for. Was it an older game for on DOS? 95,98? Did it involve you racing small cars like hot wheels or something? Idk I'm drawing a blank.
  4. I wonder if it will try to recapture the glory of Need For Speed underground. If so, I think going back to that style, will help it make a comeback. I know my brother was pretty excited about this new one, because it looked so similar. So hopefully they make something good here.
  5. Sadly haven't been doing much gaming lately. Played a game of fortnite this weekend and a little bit of rdr2, but that was it. Been kinda sick and dealing with other health issues as of late so haven't been gaming much.
  6. I do the same with rdr2, but instead of YouTube I'll listen to Spotify or something. I'll sometimes watch a movie at the same time, but I find that it's a bit too hard to pay attention to a movie when I'm gaming.
  7. Exactly. It's about making the game accessible to play. No one wants to get stuck in a dark room they can't find a door too. It's fine to make games dark, but give the gamer a source of light so that we can see enough. Or a good enough flashlight like in Silent Hill 2 for example.
  8. I wouldn't really count What Remains of Edith Finch. Nothing really happens in it aside from puzzles and a story via notes and narration. It's atmospheric, but I wouldn't put it on a list horror games or games for Halloween. But that's just me. I don't view it as a scary game, if anything it's more depressing and sad than scary.
  9. To be fair, most assassin Creed games look good. I always thought the depth of the world was pretty big. Really made you feel like a master when you climb the tallest building and see the massive world from atop.
  10. I'd also add call of duty games. I usually focus mostly on the multiplayer. I do play the single player, but once done I rarely go back. But there have been times where I'll play cod multiplayer for 2 years or more at depending on the game. I did so for Cod 4 back in the day. Got over 100,000 kills. Fun times.
  11. Anyone think Silent Hills will happen with these new Silent Hill announcements? I think it would be so cool to see that happen. Also, I wonder why they didn't start with a remake of silent hill 1. Either way I'm excited. Wonder it Konami will work with Kojima and company again.
  12. There was also two other games revealed those being: Silent Hill F And Silent Hill Townfall https://youtu.be/_ccYsjz_EtQ
  13. Also, in the past video games weren't taken seriously. That's probably why we got so many crap movies around the time video games were just popping off. We have movies on street fighter, double dragon, super Mario Bros etc. With the super Mario Bros movie for example, the original one I mean, I never understood why they didn't just make an animated movie, just like the show. Or to grasp what smb is all about. Love action can be done, I just don't see a reason to make it live action. Which is why I'm glad they went the animated route for the new movie, because it makes more sense and you can do so much more with animation than a live action take.
  14. Honestly, not sure I'd want bad or mediocre movies to be made into video games. Some things don't always translate well from one medium to the other. There is one movie that comes to mind though, and I wouldn't say it's a bad movie, it's one I enjoy, but I think Little Monsters from 1989 would make for a fun video game. Maybe it can delve deeper into the underworld or whatever it was when they went through the portal under the bed. I think it could work as a fun side scroller or something. There is actually a game for the movie The Room, the one from 2001 made by and starring Tommy Wiseau. It kinda got a 2D style game years later, that I think was released on Newgrounds. Oh I found it, it's called The Room Tribute: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/547307
  15. I've been seeing things on social media about how some video games can be bad for kids, but I didn't know it was about arrhythmic heart conditions. But, I can totally see that being an issue for some children and even adults. I'd argue though that it can happen with tv shows and movies. I imagine more so with stuff like horror movies or anything with a lot of surprise.
  16. Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are some of the biggest that come to mind. I'd also add that some of the Assassin's Creed games has decent horse mechanics. I know Skyrim has a horse, but I didn't like how it controlled from what I remember. I'm sure there are a lot of other games with horses that have realistic motion. Oh, The Last of Us 1 and 2 I think both had horses at points.
  17. It's also why I tend to increase the brightness when playing some horror games, because there are some that are far too dark, even with a flashlight or other sources of light. I want to at least be able to see where I am going. There was a horror game I played years ago, I forget what it was called, but I went into a dark room, and literally got lost because I couldn't see anything. I don't remember if turning up the brightness helped, but it was annoying.
  18. I'm pretty sure they have a dedicated team that was put on Stadia, but that was probably all the support they got. If anything Stadia deserved a lot more support in order for it to succeed. The idea of it is pretty cool, being able to stream games. The thing is, Stadia isn't the only one. Microsoft has Xcloud I think it is, and you can stream certain gamepass games. Amazon Luna is Amazon's answer to Stadia, and it seems to be doing quite well to this day. And I think Nvidia and others have their own streaming platforms. So there are many options available to you.
  19. I have no issues with nighttime in games. Maybe RDR2 because it can be tough to sometimes see your surroundings, but you kinda get used to it. Also, you don't want the nighttime scenes to be too dark, because you'll still want to be able to play at night. I think most games do night fine. RDR2 and GTA do them best I'd say. But most open world games I'd say do night time pretty good.
  20. GTA and RDR series are pretty good when it comes to random NPC encounters. I'd also include Skyrim, The Yakuza Series, Sleeping Dogs, and more. I like when games allow you to speak and interact with just about every character in a game. It makes the world feel that more real. And it gives NPCs something to do and be a part of.
  21. I think any system/mechanic in game should be easy to do for everyone. Or at least easy to utilize at first. If it's a complex system to get to work, I probably won't bother to use that portion of the game. I think the mechanics of a game, or how one controls it, should be easy for the gamer. Or at least accessible enough to work.
  22. I get that, but in reality you don't need to use those mods. I can enjoy GTA IV still to this day, even without the upgraded stuff added in. Because having the options to mod it is nice, but sometimes the original release is what I prefer. Same with GTA V. I know you can mod it to make it look even better. But even the base game holds up today. More power to you if you want to mod it, I see no issues with that. If it makes the game more enjoyable, awesome! 🙂
  23. I can only think of Dark Souls, but you kinda level up your health and all that. I don't think enemies get easier to kill, you just get better weapons and stats that help you defeat enemies faster. I can't think of any other games off the top of my head though, but I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
  24. I've only played a bit of New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. I have Fallout 3, but never played it. I am aware the older games are mostly top down, but I have never played those games myself. I wouldn't mind, as I hear they're quite good. Isn't it weird that the series has been around for 25 years? Crazy to think how time has flown by.
  25. Left 4 dead 1 and 2 come to mind, mainly because both games are meant to be played with people. You can play alone and with bots as your partners, but I would rather not, since it's no fun to play with the bots. It's not enjoyable to play with the bots, even though they will heal you first over the computer players, but it's not nearly as fun as jumping into a game with the buds.
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