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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Well I can't say for PS3 & PS4, since I don't own either console. I only played a few games on PS3, so can't judge that either. But I did own a PS1 and PS2 growing up, so a lot of my favorites go from Crash Bandicoot, WWF Smackdown series, Gran Turismo, Spyro for PS1 and for PS2; Metal Gear Solid 3, Smackdown Here comes the pain, Def Jam Fight for NY, God of War, and a bunch of other games I'm sure I'm forgetting.
  2. What new things can you really do in the simulator genre? We got pretty much everything there is. We just got Powerwash sim, and a lawn mowing sim. I liked powerwash sim though, it was relaxing lol. Aside from that, I think we're going to keep getting them, because it seems people enjoy them. I only enjoy the ones that are easy to follow and don't require me to pretty much simulate a real job as real as possible.
  3. Yeah you can add mods to the PC version of GTA IV. It's been updated a lot over the years via mods. I still think the base game alone holds up today. It may not look as good graphically by today's standards, but it gets the job done fine enough I think.
  4. Another one that just came to mind, is Sunset Overdrive. I think it'd be fun if I knew how to blade like these guys do lol. I don't have the skills in real life to do it, so maybe in game life I could. 😄
  5. Still rocking out with RDR2 as of late. Been trying to finish all the camp upgrades. I only have to upgrade Arthurs last bit. I need to perfect cougar pelts and it's proving to be easier said than done. I found and area that spawns one out every so often, but I can't for the life of me get a clean kill, or the bastard knocks me off my horse before I can get a good enough shot. I wish they spawned more often, I'm so close to finishing these upgrades.
  6. I think it also depends on the price. Because if I'm paying $60, sometimes now $70 for a brand new game, I would like to have a game that lasts me a while. As long as it's not super short. I don't mind a short 6-8 hour game, but idk if it's worth $60+ if there's nothing else to do.
  7. Kane99

    Xbox Museum

    Yeah that is pretty cool. I'm really liking the presentation with it so far. Kinda takes a while to load for me, but I guess that is intended for what it is. Still though, I think it would be even cooler if they made a real museum you could go to in person. I'd be really into that.
  8. Yeah DnD counts, technically it's a tabletop game, so it counts. As well, it has other video games out there if I'm not mistaken, so it's not just the tabletop style I believe. I believe they have a dungeon crawler game as well. tabletop can also mean boardgames, so essentially your favorite board games. I know Tabletop Simulator on Steam for example, has mods for popular board games and many other strategy, puzzle, etc. They even have Among Us style board games.
  9. I played the demo for the second game I think, or it may have been a version of the first game. I forget. But I remember it being quite fun for what I got to play. I wouldn't mind picking up each game and giving them a playthrough. But didn't Bayonetta 2 come out for the Wii U only? I don't know if I want to get a Wii U, I hear they're pretty expensive these days.
  10. Yeah I agree. Or games that haven't aged well in terms of controls and graphics. The original FF7 hasn't aged super well, but I still have a fondness for the graphics. I played a quarter of the way through the game, and I remember liking the graphics. I have yet to play the remake. I hear they're making multiple parts now. Why so many parts?
  11. I can't say I've heard of that, can you explain what it's about? Maybe that'll clear it up a bit for me. That would be an interesting future, but I don't see AI getting to a point of feeling real enough. Maybe via a text chat or something like that, but I can't see AI landing realistic human connection, conversation, emotions etc. I think AI can learn things, but I don't think AI will learn to feel or anything like that. But, maybe I'm wrong.
  12. Sadly can't read article, requires I buy a subscription. I can see many people using VR to meditate. But I feel you'd get the same effect as wearing headphones, listening to music and wearing glasses. Don't you usually close your eyes while meditating anyway? So idk if VR is really that practical unless you keep your eyes open. idk, that's just me, maybe they find a way to make it work.
  13. I've never ruined a screen before, they've only ever just died on me from using them. I've used a magnet on a crt screen a long time ago, but I believe it takes a lot of magnetic use to really do damage. One of my first monitors was going bad, and I think I used a magnet on it a few times because I liked how cool it looked when you did it. Yeah I was dumb. Anyway, I remember it didn't cause any damage, but when I would shut down it would show a bleeding effect on the screen. I've gone through a couple mice recently. One being a wireless mouse that I've grown used to. Clicking on things wasn't working, so I got a cheap amazon basics mouse recently. So far it's okay, but a bit small. I eventually want to upgrade to something bigger.
  14. I remember my sister renting a game genie from a video rental store in my hometown. I've never really used one myself. I've been wanting to buy one and add it to my collection, and try it out and see what fun stuff you can do with it. That part where he puts the cart in the game genie hurt me. Take care of it please! 😄
  15. EA just revealed the new Need for Speed Unbound. Criterion Games are back, and it's their first NFS in nearly 10 years or so. This time around they're changing it up a bit, instead of photorealistic graphics, they decided to do an animated art style instead. Check out the trailer below and discuss your thoughts on it. Is this going to be a buy? This does give me the vibe of past NFS games, like NFS underground.
  16. I disagree. I'd argue that GTA IV does things better than a lot of new games today. There are even aspects of the game that exceed what GTA V does, and even newer titles. I shared a video a while ago about how GTA IV is better than GTA V, or what it does better than GTA V. You can view that video below. I'd say it still holds up quite well today.
  17. I think it depends on the game. Obviously the longer the better, or unlimited like Empire said above. I think as long as it has more than a 10hr story, it should be good enough for me. I look at games like GTA V, RDR2, Skyrim and a few others as having the appropriate length. As long as there is enough to keep me invested, I'll be happy.
  18. I don't usually bother with walkthroughs all too much. I will use them if I need to find certain items, like in RDR2, but I don't use it for any story based portions. I don't like missions to be spoiled, but I don't mind spoiling the locations of where certain items and animals are. The majority of the time I'm too lazy to bother searching them up, and then having them side by side when I game.
  19. That's a good question. Obviously RDR2 would be one of my first picks to go in and spend a day in. But knowing myself, I doubt I would be able to survive in that world for very long. Another game/series would probably be Super Mario Bros. 3 or World. I imagine those would be fun to enter and hang out in for a while.
  20. I wouldn't even go that far. NFTs outside of gaming were kinda popular, but once it got into the gaming side, it kinda slowed down to a crawl. And now with all of these companies jumping on board and then realizing there's no money there, so they back track and act like it was all a test. I'm sure it was a test, but it's a failed test and I hope NFTs stay out of gaming altogether. We don't need NFTs to buy digital items.
  21. I'm willing to bet you have more than enough time to complete GTA V. GTA VI won't be coming out for a while yet, likely another 2 years. The game looks to be getting close to completion, but it's clear there is still a lot of work to do before it officially releases. I think you have more than enough time. 🙂
  22. Yeah it's always been an Xbox exclusive franchise. I think it originally was built in house and the moved on to another dev team. I may be wrong, never really played much Forza in my day. But it is considered to be one of the best racing franchises out there. And hey, maybe one day we'll see Forza pop on PlayStation. With how some games are showing up on each others consoles, it's a possibility I think.
  23. It's already becoming a good way for some to make money. With more organizations coming up, and new tournaments and events happening, I expect it to only keep getting better. As it gains popularity, I can see the profits for winners going up.
  24. RDR2 for sure. It's one of those games where you can encounter something new every so often. I'm still on my second playthrough, and I'm still taking it slow, trying to collect/open everything. I want to do it before the end of the game. I won't spoil anything though. GTA V and GTA IV as well are impressive in details. GTA IV, even though it's been 14 years since it released. It still holds up in terms of the presentation and the little things. As well, The Last of Us was really impressive, even the original PS3 version, which is the one I played. It still looks great today. Just Cause 3 & 4 are dope in the graphic departments, and it's so fun using the grapple hook and the flight suit.
  25. Yeah it's a nice little feature, but I tend to just use the catalog so I can mass buy stuff. It's a lot faster. But if you're wanting to immerse yourself more in the game, buying it that way is an option. I believe you can do it in any shop, including the doctors office. I don't think you can do it for clothes though, that'd be kinda cool if you could.
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