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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. To some extent sure, but I think video games are a lot easier to control than say back in the 90s, maybe during the N64/PS1 era. They were just getting started on 3d graphics, so it make sense that they were still getting the hang of things. Now days I'd say controls are a lot better and smoother. I think it's due to the controls being weighty, like for example. When you move around, sometimes it takes a little bit for the character to move when you push. I find that sometimes when I am moving around, I can't stop myself sometimes, and have to move at a certain angle to use a prompt. It's quite annoying, but I've gotten used to it. It really does take a bit to get used to. Even RDR1 had weighty controls at times, same with most newer GTA titles.
  2. That's a good question, one I'm not 100% sure I can answer. I can't stand when they use lens flares in games. It's a small thing, but makes no sense. Because lens flair is just what happens when recording something on a camera. So it doesn't really make sense to then include it in, say, Call of Duty or something. The same goes for movies, but it makes more sense if it's actually from a lens flare, but, It's weird when they add them to movies on purpose.
  3. Do you guys track the movies you watch? Maybe it's at a website where you can mark the movies you have watched and even leave a review and a rating. I know of Letterboxd, which allows you to rate/review movies and some tv shows. I use it from time to time to review the movies I watch. I don't do any in depth reviews, just leave my rating and a short opinion on the movies. Do you guys use this service? Do you know of any other services to track movies? I imagine imdb is a good one as well, but I personally prefer letterboxd.
  4. Nah, I think there's a devoted fanbase for Raiden out there, it's just that they kinda did a bait and switch. When they promoted the game, they made it look like it'd feature Snake, as they didn't want to reveal Raiden, as it'd be a spoiler. It's probably good they didn't, because I think the reason they didn't reveal Raiden as the main character, is because fans would end up changing their mind about getting it. But yeah, I liked Raiden in that Metal Gear Rising game, at least from the brief time I played it. But before it took me a while to get into him as a character.
  5. I would need to buy a controller attachment to make it work. I can't do mobile controls, or touch screen controls very well. But if this works with a controller attachment, I may have to check it out. The only other issue is the file size of PS2 games. It's going to take up a lot of storage grabbing iso's of the games you want to play.
  6. The most frightening moment in gaming, for me, would have to be playing Silent Hill 2. I don't play many horror games these days, but when I played Silent Hill 2, I couldn't stick with it. I wouldn't say I was scared, I couldn't get into the controls mostly. The mix of having to run from enemies, and deal with the tank controls, was quite tough. And I think that highetend the fear factor. If the controls were better, I think I would have played it all the way through.
  7. Nope, I have no intentions of buying the new COD MW2. I may pick it up later on, maybe, but I doubt I will play it much. COD for me hasn't interested me in quite a while, and I don't see myself jumping back into it anytime soon unfortunately.
  8. True, they have every right to take the content down, but I feel it's petty at this point, considering it's old and dated content that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I doubt TakeTwo/Rockstar cares what this old content shows. They just want to use their power on people because they can.
  9. The tattoos of pro wrestler Randy Orton probably won't be added in future games. The tattoo artist who did the tattoos, has sued 2K and WWE for the use of her art, and she actually won. The artist has been in contact with the WWE since 2009 about merchandise using her designs. The WWE originally offered $450 to buy the rights, but she turned it down. And in 2018, she decided to sue as many past games featured the said tattoos. 2K thought it was fair use, but not the jury, they believe she was entitled to damages. Sadly those damages weren't much, as she only received $3,750 in damages. They found that since no one was buying the games for her art, she wasn't entitled to anything else. Even so, this case could set a precedent for artists and their use of tattoos in games. Imagine the many games that feature real tattoos. It could in turn require developers/publishers to licence the tattoos, which I don't think would happen. If anything they would have to get creative and make up their own tattoos going forward. As I doubt studios will want to pay to license real tattoo art. Or they could pay a simple fee to use the tattoos, I'm sure she would gladly allow them to use the art if paid well. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/tattoo-artist-successfully-sues-2k-for-replicating-their-designs-on-a-wwe-2k-wrestler/
  10. Pretty cool news for those who are a fan of the Creepshow show, as they are going to be making a video game based off of it. You may know the dev team from DreadXP who worked on The Mortuary Assistant. So they are familiar with horror. Anyway, is anyone here interested in a Creepshow video game? I think it'd be cool if you could play small episodes. That would tie it into the series, as each episode to my knowledge, is a different story. You can read more on this news here - https://www.noobfeed.com/news/13370/creepshow-video-game-announced-by-dreadxp
  11. Well, CDPR has announced that they are starting work on their next cyberpunk & witcher games. A new Cyberpunk with the codename Orion. And a new Witcher codenamed Polaris. But that's not all, as there is not one, but two other Witcher games coming, one called Canis Majoris which is a full fledged game that is separate from the new Witcher game. Another game codenamed Sirius in the Witcher universe is being developed by MolassesFlood and will have features like multiplayer. Aside from Cyberpunk and Witcher, CDPR also has a completely new IP codenamed Hadar that is currently in the works. Full details can be viewed through the twitter chain below.
  12. I didn't notice a dedicated topic to the new Dead Space, beside an old topic about the possible new game coming. I figured we could make a new discussion about the new game itself. Anyway, they released a new trailer and it looks pretty good.
  13. From the games I did play, mostly MGS 2 & 3, I will have to go with 3 being my favorite, simply because of its grand scale. Also MGS 2 loses some points for trying to push Raiden on me. Yeah he got a bit cooler later on, but I wanted to play as Snake, and we didn't get much of that. Which is why I prefer MG3, because It's Big Boss all the way through, and I don't have to play as some unknown character out of the blue. Oh and that story, and the villains, top tier imo. I still need to play the original game all the way through one of these days.
  14. That's cool. But I don't know if it counts towards Sony's new tournament system. That'll probably focus on PS games only. I hope they allow people to create their own tournaments, or host their own. I think that would add a lot of fun to the whole thing.
  15. Yup, most companies would have silently shut down and would have moved on. Especially considering that they seem to be honoring purchases from the start of the service, so 2 years or so. I can't imagine Microsoft, Sony or others honoring refunds from purchases 2 years ago. But, I think it's a bit different. Since there is no console/device that you can play said games on, it kinda makes more sense to refund people. Because I'm willing to bet that users would have thrown a fit if there was no way to play anything they purchased once the service ended. I would call it a joke myself. It wasn't about the service, it was more about Google not supporting the service. As in, not providing their own exclusive titles (they did, but it was wasn't much), as well as better priced games, and more options. Google didn't support the service like they promised, so we got a service that turned into a joke, because it wasn't offering anything worth ones time, especially since you can get most of the games for cheaper elsewhere. I wouldn't say the service itself is the joke, it's Google that is the joke here. They needed a ton of games, and they failed to bring enough in. If they had a good deal of exclusives and had more games to offer, I think Stadia could have succeeded, but they failed to deliver on the games and in turn failed.
  16. New versions of Skyrim shouldn't be going for $70. I'd say $30 max is the price I see being fair, considering this game is on everything at this point, I don't see why they would charge $70 for it. I see the anniversary edition going for $70, while the standard digital and physical versions are going for $60. Still, too expensive imo, when we already have remastered versions going for cheap. On top of that, I imagine Skyrim on Switch doesn't play the greatest, at least compared to PC and other consoles.
  17. Yeah it's one of those types of games, similar to Dark Souls where you die you have to go back. From what I played, I died a lot, having to start over and over. But there are times where you get decent builds that get you far, but I never got too far in it. I wouldn't mind revisiting it one of these days though. Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. 🙂
  18. Most of the time these games close up the online mode, I probably haven't played them for many years anyway, so never really see a point in going back to some games. But I get why some do go back to classic games they enjoyed playing online. It makes me wonder if the original COD 4 still has active servers, because that's one game I could see myself going back to play if the service is ending anytime soon.
  19. I think games like Skyrim and Fallout have done factions/groups quite well. When I played Skyrim for example, I remember joining some factions, but forget what. I wanted to be a vampire at one point, but stopped playing the game after a while. Anyway, I'd say those two games, but I'm sure there are a bunch of other games I am forgetting about.
  20. I'm honestly not too into tabletop games. I've tried, but never had the patience for most complex board games and or tabletop games. If you want the best of the best for tabletop games, I suggest checking out Tabletop Simulator, which lets you play many different type of tabletop/board games. They even allow you to mod it and make your own games, or even make your own version of popular games.
  21. Isn't this kinda old news? I thought Sony was already worried and annoyed by Microsoft's recent acquisition and attempts at acquisition. It's a fair thing to be worried about. MS is buying up these big studios that are known to be multiplatform, and now there is a chance that Sony may no longer get these games if Microsoft decide to make the future games Xbox/PC exclusive. I don't think that will happen, but it could happen years from now.
  22. That's one thing I can't stand about cloud saves. I've had issues with them in the past, where they sometimes get over-written or my main saves are corrupted and somehow my cloud saves don't work either. That happened a while back, but I forget what game it was.
  23. We're talking about GTA though, this game would break sales records even with minimal marketing. I'm willing to bet this leak made more people interested in the game. And it's still very early stages of development. I'm sure they'll have it figured out by release. The only things I'm aware that were released was video of the game, no actual code or anything like that was shared to my knowledge.
  24. This right here. I agree 💯% I don't think paying more should give users the better support. Not everyone can afford to spend as much as others on their gaming hobbies. Some of us can barely afford the console, that purchase alone should be enough. We're supporting this company as well, so it feels like favoritism when they go and do this. Just promotes favoritism among their userbase.
  25. I've downloaded my share of free to play games. I mostly play Fortnite, but I've also played warzone, apex legends, and a couple others. I tried rumbleverse and mutliversus. There are probably others I'm forgetting about.
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