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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I had the commodore before that, probably mid/late 90s is when we had it. Sadly it died and we put it away in a shed to rot away. I wish I still had the whole computer and everything with it, but my parents likely tossed it years ago. Yeah the 2000s were a good time to get into computers. I remember before we got a newer PC, I would always throw a fit to my parents asking for one. I learned PCs pretty quick, but I remember having to teach my mom how to use a PC many times until she finally figured it out.
  2. Sometimes I use my phone for work, but I will often be working and have a video on my other screen. I currently have a three screen setup for my PC. My main one is used for general use, work, etc. My second monitor is mostly used for video/screensharing from discord, etc. Third screen is mostly meant for Discord itself. I don't work much on my phone unless I'm away from my PC or not home. I used to work more on my phone, but got tired of doing that, so don't do it as much anymore.
  3. No idea what came of this, I'm guessing a few people did have a funeral for the games, but I didn't see or join in. Looking back at this topic now, I realize that most of these games don't have many people playing their online modes. That's even if anyone is playing, or was playing before they took the servers down. I'm sure some people will make their own private servers to keep some of these classics alive online.
  4. The Sims kinda puts things in perspective. I get that feeling too, why play a game that's so similar to real life, taking your hobby time over to play it, and then realizing that you may already do this in real life. But yeah, I played the Sims 3 for a while, and I didn't feel the same way you did, but I did think about how I'm playing this game, when I could be doing something more productive ya know. But still, it's a fun game to play.
  5. I have no intentions of buying the remaster series until they fix it 100%, which RS probably won't, because their focus is on making the new GTA. But yeah, that was probably one of the worst remasters/remakes to release. There really is no excuse for how bad it was at release, and probably how bad it still is. Rockstar/Take Two should know better than to rush things. What sucks even more, is that it's rumored that they are no longer making a remaster for GTA IV or RDR1. Which I was so looking forward to, but now looking at the trilogy remaster, I think we saved ourselves from disappointment.
  6. It's looking like it could very well be the best video game adaptation yet. At least from what I see in the trailer, it looks brilliant. Of course I'm not going in to expect a masterpiece, but it would be nice if it did become a masterpiece just like the game has.
  7. It's probably nothing, but who knows these days. If it's listed on a shop site, then there is a possible chance of it being real, since I don't think most shop sites would add a game just out of nowhere. But, I really don't want Konami making a Silent Hill game, their track record hasn't been great with the series, and I have a feeling they'll hurt it more than save it.
  8. Good question, I'd say probably the fist Batman game on the NES is one of my favorite licensed games out there, then again most Batman games are I'd say. Simpsons Hit and Run is great too, along with the many other Simpsons games out there, like Bart Vs the World. The Warriors was a really fun game too. Surprised they never remastered it or tried to remake it even. Telltales Walking Dead series is pretty decent as well. I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch, but those are just some that I can remember off the top of my head.
  9. I hope the story is good. Dan Houser is no longer with the company, and he was one of the leaders when it came to the story, so I am kinda worried that the story may be a bit lacking. But, who knows, maybe they will produce a quality story. lol they aren't going to scrap the game because of a leak, that would be crazy. I'd maybe understand if it was very, very early in development, but this is way ahead of that. It's possibly close to being finished. There's clearly some work to be done, but I think we're much closer to release than we first thought.
  10. It wouldn't make sense for the PS3 considering it's still a bit fresh on our minds. As well, it would need hardware similar to a PS3 and I doubt Sony would want to go that direction. I imagine it would be pretty costly as well. So it just isn't practical. It's a lot more practical to just re-release the games on the PSN marketplace.
  11. Yeah Christophe Gans is rebooting it from what I hear. To my knowledge, the second film isn't going to be cannon with the new movie, I don't even know if the first movie will be cannon either. It might just be a full on reboot. My guess it'll be called Silent Hill and delve more into the first games story instead.
  12. Looks like Netflix are starting their own gaming studio in Helsinki Finland, building it from scratch. They hired a dude named Marko Lastikka as their studio director, who previously worked for Zynga. I believe this studio will focus more on bigger titles. No idea what will result from this, but hopefully they produce some quality games. Source of news - https://about.netflix.com/en/news/building-our-internal-games-studios
  13. I played Two Point Hospital and felt the same way. Eventually it just became too tedious to play so I stopped. And at one point I felt like what I was doing wasn't enough, yet I was doing everything right.
  14. I wonder if he told Microsoft about the mistake, and if they let him keep it or requested it be returned. But if he didn't tell them, he got a free xbox series X lol. I bet he kept it, because he marked out his order # and tracking. So if MS did see it, they couldn't find out who he was. Yeah that's probably what I would do too, keep it to have in another room. Or trade it in for a PS5 or something so I have both consoles.
  15. Not really. I mean some games have made me think of real life experiences and some have reminded me of my home and where I live. Like RDR2 for example. Riding around at times, I wonder what the life was like for people that live in my hometown. Like, is this what they saw when they would ride their horses back in the day. Idk. I can't say for certain if there was anything else, but maybe something else will come to mind.
  16. I wouldn't have the patience to build something that big, and make it as close to the game as possible. I can build a lot in Minecraft, but not anything that big and cool.
  17. I really hope it turns into something where anyone can make their our tournament. Maybe even where you could give away prizes to winners. That would be pretty cool.
  18. Yeah I really need to do 2fa for most of my accounts. But I hate being tied down to an authenticator app to sign into most accounts. But to be safe it's probably highly recommend. Especially these days.
  19. I use both. These days I probably use my PC more for movies and TV than my actual TV. Main reason why is because I'm on it more often for work and hanging out. I watch movies almost every night with my friends, otherwise I'm gaming.
  20. First PC I remember owning was a commodore 64. My parents got it used from a yard sale many years ago. The first ever PC I got was back in early 2001 I think. Just a standard windows 95 PC, yes 95. Even though 98 was out forever by that point. We got it from a magazine or something like Fingerhut.
  21. There are companies that want to make it possible to buy, sell, trade digital games and digital items, even ones that have already been redeemed. There was a service called equiti games that was supposed to come out and do exactly that. It would let you sell the license for the digital game, so even if you redeem the code, play the game etc, you can resell it later. And some studios looked to be involved. I think Tiny Build was interested in it. It would also give a cut per sale to the devs and publishers. If they make it possible to sell and trade off your digital games and items, that would be awesome.
  22. I can't say I ever heard of KaiOS. I did a search though and it looks to be a Linux distro for mobile phones. Likely budget phones, and older phones. I see on their site they show off a lot of old style cell phones, like flip phones. But more of the recent ones that came out with smart phone features. Here is a list of their available phones: https://www.kaiostech.com/explore/devices/
  23. Oh for sure, there are a great deal of good mobile games out there. The big problem is, that it gets covered up by the amount of crap games and shovelware that gets released. It's partly why I don't bother much with mobile apps anymore, because you often end up with junk games for the most part.
  24. I forgot to mention, but this also kinda reminds me of the game Agony, that came out a few years ago. I remember seeing a friend playing Agony, and that from what I recall, had a very similar style and atmosphere, also tons of gore. There is also an adult game called Lust for Darkness, but I believe it also has sexual content, so idk if that's something you'd want to combine.
  25. I may have to do that for some games, especially something like Dark Souls, as I can never get good at it haha. I've played a fair deal of the beginning, but once I got to one of the first "real" bosses, I kinda gave up. But, if I knew how to build the best character for the job, I may give the game and series another go. 😄
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