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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I have no issues with nighttime in games. Maybe RDR2 because it can be tough to sometimes see your surroundings, but you kinda get used to it. Also, you don't want the nighttime scenes to be too dark, because you'll still want to be able to play at night. I think most games do night fine. RDR2 and GTA do them best I'd say. But most open world games I'd say do night time pretty good.
  2. GTA and RDR series are pretty good when it comes to random NPC encounters. I'd also include Skyrim, The Yakuza Series, Sleeping Dogs, and more. I like when games allow you to speak and interact with just about every character in a game. It makes the world feel that more real. And it gives NPCs something to do and be a part of.
  3. I think any system/mechanic in game should be easy to do for everyone. Or at least easy to utilize at first. If it's a complex system to get to work, I probably won't bother to use that portion of the game. I think the mechanics of a game, or how one controls it, should be easy for the gamer. Or at least accessible enough to work.
  4. I get that, but in reality you don't need to use those mods. I can enjoy GTA IV still to this day, even without the upgraded stuff added in. Because having the options to mod it is nice, but sometimes the original release is what I prefer. Same with GTA V. I know you can mod it to make it look even better. But even the base game holds up today. More power to you if you want to mod it, I see no issues with that. If it makes the game more enjoyable, awesome! 🙂
  5. I can only think of Dark Souls, but you kinda level up your health and all that. I don't think enemies get easier to kill, you just get better weapons and stats that help you defeat enemies faster. I can't think of any other games off the top of my head though, but I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
  6. I've only played a bit of New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. I have Fallout 3, but never played it. I am aware the older games are mostly top down, but I have never played those games myself. I wouldn't mind, as I hear they're quite good. Isn't it weird that the series has been around for 25 years? Crazy to think how time has flown by.
  7. Left 4 dead 1 and 2 come to mind, mainly because both games are meant to be played with people. You can play alone and with bots as your partners, but I would rather not, since it's no fun to play with the bots. It's not enjoyable to play with the bots, even though they will heal you first over the computer players, but it's not nearly as fun as jumping into a game with the buds.
  8. I think it's because Hollywood doesn't know how to adapt them period. It usually comes down to smaller studios and teams that actually are fans of the game to make them. Like Silent Hill for example, imo the best video game based movie. It still has many problems, and isn't that great of a movie, but it's the most faithful to the games, at least than any others out there. But now days, more people are fans of games, and it also helps that the quality of games have gotten to a point where they rival movies and tv in terms of quality and story. SO a game like The Last of Us, could easily be turned into a movie or show. But, there are also games that just don't translate well to film. Like the Hitman movies. They are awful movies, that aren't faithful to the actual games themselves. The reason why, is because Hitman doesn't work as a TV show. In hollywood you think "Hitman" and you think your run of the mill hitman style movie, with action and all that. But that doesn't work for the video games, because Agent 47 is a silent assassin, he never lets anyone see him. And that doesn't really work in a movie since you can't go around showing him take out people without any conflict. I think now days hollywood knows better and are letting other studios take them on. And it helps having the studio behind the game involved to help mold it into something that works.
  9. With Gamepass becoming a huge service for Microsoft and Xbox, and PlayStation having their own similar service now, do you think these services hurt the games that are on it? I know Microsoft and company makes a ton off of gamepass, but I sure hope that the games on gamepass, get a fairly decent cut out of each game, same with what PlayStation offers with their service. Do you think that many of these games would have sold more if they were outside of gamepass like services? Or do you think they stand to make more money from being tied to a gamepass like service? I imagine each game gets a cut out of the service fee, but how much do you think that'd be? And for the bigger titles that aren't technically exclusive, I wonder how much those titles get from gamepass.
  10. But there is also a bad thing that can come of this. If game content like this keeps getting released, we may not see early teases for games in the future. I can't imagine the debs are too pleased about people leaking the game, especially when it's not nearly done yet. When they see fans doing this sort of stuff, it then pushes Rockstar to not reveal much of anything in the future. No worries. You have a lot of time yet to finish it up. I doubt it'll be coming out in the next year or two. I'm a lazy gamer myself too. With GTA V at least, it is pretty easy to get through for the most part. Some hard missions here and there, but for the most part it's a fairly easy game to get through. At least imo.
  11. I think a game like Skyrim should be priced at $30 new, even if it's a remastered/remade version. I think we've had more than enough time with Skyrim, where it should not be a budget title on pretty much every console out there. Yet they still like to charge too much for the digital version, and I don't get it. Skyrim came out in 2010 didn't it? I don't think a 10+ year old game should be at full price, even if it's a remaster or something.
  12. Yup, I believe they call it the Google Graveyard or something along those lines. They've tried so many things over the years, and a lot of them failed within months. Stadia lasted a lot longer than I would have thought. I think the problem Google has, is that they like to test things, like Google Glasses for example. I remember people saying these glasses would be the future, but they looked dumb and I guess people didn't really jump at it. In turn, Google peaced out on the idea and moved on. Once their testing is done, they like to scrap things. And I think that's what they did with a lot of their past services. Like Wave or Google+.
  13. That doesn't really mean much since Christophe Gans is working on a reboot film of Silent Hill. So the best people to talk to about a Silent Hill movie is the team who originated it I imagine. I don't think that necessarily means that there is work being done on a new SH game though. He could be asking questions about Silent Hill, the story, the characters, etc. Or may be including some of the Team Silent in the mix, like Akira Yamaoka, who did the music for the games and the movies. And I can see him wanting him back for the music whenever a reboot movie does drop. I would love for their to be a new Silent Hill game too, but I'm not betting on that happening anytime soon.
  14. I thought the SteamOS was the standard OS that ships with the SteamDeck, or is it some other variation of an OS? I know you can put a lot of different OS's on it, but I thought they shipped with SteamOS to boot. I wish I could afford one, I'd honestly prefer one over the Switch, because I already have a hefty library on my Steam account, so having a handheld to take advantage of that would rock!
  15. They'll say it's for protection from losing ones account. It's 2FA essentially, so in order to sign in, you'd need a phone number on top of your email/login info. I think they're doing it to better keep an eye on hackers/cheaters. I mean, it'll probably help Activision and company catch the hackers/cheaters faster. Especially when they see a phone number tied to the account. Oh, and once you use a phone number, I hear you can't change it or use a different number. I may be wrong on that though.
  16. More so the time you get out of the game versus how much you put into it. For me, I just want the game to have a decent enough story, gameplay, etc, but for it to last a fair deal of time before I call it quits. Like, if I was spending $70 for a game, I'd hope it doesn't have just a simple 4-6 hour story mode. If I'm paying high price for a game, it better have enough content for me to enjoy. I think the shorter the story, or game in general, it should be priced accordingly. Like Stray for example, that game came out priced at $30 if I'm not mistaken, and it was relatively short. Which is fair. If it was priced at $60-$70, idk if I would have agreed with that price point for the amount of game there is. Most short games tend to go for cheaper prices anyway, so I'm not too worried about it.
  17. I wish I had a switch as well, but my nephew has one and he has often brought it over to my house to play. I wish I could afford to pick one up myself, because I wouldn't mind a handheld system I can take with me around the house and enjoy. But it'll have to wait one day.
  18. I think that would be cool, but why just a racing game? I'm sure there are games that have raceable cars, where you can do a lot more in the world you're in. Like GTA V for example. You can get a ton of car options in there, and you can also live in that world, experience it. And you'd have all the fun cars you want and then some. Maybe they won't control the same, but I could see it being fun. Yeah, but living in that world would probably be chaotic. It would be cool for a while, but the idea that you can't leave your vehicle would probably get boring after awhile. Unless you are able to leave the vehicles, because otherwise I'd think that'd be more hell than fun. 😄
  19. I wish more games included fast-forward/rewind. I know there are a good amount of games with time mechanics like that, but I kinda wish more games included the rewind option, even big triple A titles. I just like the idea or rewinding back to fix an issue or mistake I made. I doubt most games would add a rewind button, but I think it'd be cool to have as a cheat device or something. Kinda like how the Switch allows you to rewind retro games. I'd be all for that with modern games as well, if done right of course.
  20. I wish I could get invested in it myself. I have friends who like DnD and I know they'd teach me, I just don't like the pressure that comes with it. Same with any type of strategy game out there, if it involves a lot of people, I'm going to have a tough time with it. I can't compete with others when it comes to most of these games. I'm a slow learner and also slow at play, so I would only cause others annoyances if I played lol.
  21. They made everyone sign a waiver before they did it, so she likely has no recourse. But, they may still be able to get neglect for not properly protecting the pit. Considering the pit is only a foot deep and the floor was concrete, they should have included mats under the foam blocks to better protect their guests. I'm sure Twitch has more than enough money to add better protection, which is odd to me that they didn't.
  22. Kane99

    Xbox Museum

    I think it might have something to do with PubG, but I'm not 100% sure. The helmet looks similar to the Pubg helmet in some of the promos. Not quite sure why as I don't think PubG is affiliated with MS or Xbox aside from it being playable on Xbox. Worked perfectly fine for me. I used WASD to move around in combination with the mouse. I didn't notice any issues with moving around or accessing the site either. Maybe it's something to do with your hardware? I imagine older PCs may have some trouble with this, as it's kinda like you're controlling a game.
  23. I don't play too much horror games myself, but during the Halloween season, I do like to play games like Red Dead Redemption: The Undead Nightmare (which I may stream to a friends discord), and maybe some Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. I may even spin up Alan Wake remastered on PC and play the DLC I forgot to play the last time. Other than that, I don't play too much of the horror genre, so I can't really say what else I would play.
  24. I'm just hoping they don't botch this like they did with Cyberpunk 2077. Fans will be looking at them with a fine tooth comb just to make sure they're not releasing stuff half finisheshed. Cyberpunk 2077 was a let down for many, not because it was a bad game or anything like that, but it was because they promised us so much, and what we got wasn't what was expected. But, with more studios working on their games, maybe we won't see this happen again, at least I really hope not.
  25. It's what's keeping Xbox alive and likely selling more than Playstation as of late. The gamepass service is one of the best bang for your buck. I haven't purchased a new game in years now. Not only $2.9, but that's just their Gamepass portion, they reportedly still had $16.28 billion in total for that year. It's crazy to see those number.
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