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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. When I used to play Call of Duty a lot in the past, I would often yell at other players. I'd swear at them often and act like an asshole pretty much. I miss the randomness of public game lobbies, but I don't miss the arguments and whiney teens we used to play against all the time. Now days I don't play COD as much, and when I do, I don't have my mic in. And if I hear any loud and obnoxious people, I'll just mute them in game.
  2. My last phone costed me around $150 I believe. I forget. I can't afford to get anything at the moment. I want to eventually upgrade, because sadly phones become obsolete fast it seems. I don't even have service on my phone, I just use it around the house. If you're looking for a good gaming phone, I hear the newest flagship Samsung and Apple phones will do you well, but there are specifically gaming phones on the market. I believe Razer has one and I think there's another brand that makes a gaming phone, that's kinda similar to Razer, but I am forgetting their name.
  3. True, it's a fairly easy survival horror game. From what I have seen of the games, the choices seem to have impact, and sometimes you have to make them quickly on the fly. I imagine most gamers can figure out how to keep everyone alive in these games too. For me, I can see myself having an easier time playing these games, even though they may have jump scares and other cheap scares, I feel like it's more my pace and I can handle it more than say other, more popular and traditional survival horror games like Resident Evil. Yeah Evil Within is a game that counts. I think I tried the demo of the first game, but couldn't get into it. I watched a playthrough for both games, and I liked what I saw, but it's the type of game where your character kinda moves a bit too slow at times. At least that's what I felt from the time I did play it. I wonder if there are plans for third in the series. I feel it's been a long time coming.
  4. Lets move on from EA, it's kinda taken a turn to talk about how bad EA is. And I get it, EA can be awful at times. But let's move the discussion back to Skate itself. My hope for skate is that it plays exactly like previous skate games. I'm used to the controls, and can probably pick up a controller today and play the game like I did back in the day. If it plays like a true skate game, I don't care if it has purchasable items like clothes, skins, skate boards, etc. I think I'd be fine with the base setup you get when you start. But if they offer us free unlockables, that would be nice. I wouldn't mind that if they added microtransactions. I just hope they don't add loot boxes, those need to be cut out of games. Unless they give you them for free and don't sell them, but if they add it, they'll make sure to get money out of it.
  5. Yeah with free to play it makes more sense. And I especially accept it more when it's a smaller studio doing it themselves. Even though it's Epic Games, I feel like what I pay for it, gives me what I want. But with a paid for game, I don't like that there are items behind a paywall. Like single player should offer unlockables at least. Maybe online a mix of unlockable and paid for items. I'd be fine if we unlocked items still, and rare and unique items, not items everyone gets. I think that'd be cool.
  6. That is true. Especially now that they're buying up studios. Microsoft was accused of trying to monopolize operating systems I believe. Or something like that, I forget what it was. But yeah, they're all giant corporations trying to create more profits. When in reality they probably don't need all of those profits. At least not to the CEO and higher ups. I think the wealth in these companies should be shared more fairly. Like the developers getting paid the most along with voice actors and artists, etc. The CEOs should make a fair deal sure, but not too much either. It's time these executives pay the developers better wages, so that maybe then they're also more motivated to create better games. And I always figure the people creating the art, should be paid for it, not some massive company that takes most of the profits. Sure some of it should go to the company too, but damn, give the developers equal pay or better. They are the stars after all.
  7. A friend of mine uses an old door and a couple file cabinets for his desk. Not very stable I would imagine and probably takes up a lot of room.
  8. Retro games run on new tech, it's just that it was never optimized for the TV's we have today. The consoles back then used the red, yellow, white connections or rca I think they called it. So that only puts off like 480p or probably less I'm not sure. But with emulation you can do a lot. Games look crisp on my RetroPie setup. Of course nothing beats playing these games on a crt tv, as it just looks right. Also nostalgia.
  9. Mostly in Fortnite. I don't buy items a lot though. I usually get the battle pass per season. Sometimes I'll buy a skin or dance etc. If something cool pops up, I might get it.
  10. There are people using VR for mental health reasons. I hear it can help those with autism and other neurodivergent conditions. I know someordinarygamers on YouTube has a video about how he slept in Minecraft for a month for his insomnia. And I guess it helped him sleep easier. But yeah, I can see VR helping with many things including mental health. It could serve as a safe space kind of thing, like your happy place.
  11. Nope, but a friend of mine has a spreadsheet with fallout 76 details. I think the plans and other tips. He updates it with any info he finds I guess. I think it's a great idea to keep track of games.
  12. It depends. I don't really buy new these days. Or on release I mean. I can wait a while to get it. Plus I think I get enough from what I already have and what I can get from gamepass. I'll sometimes buy games on sale, but even then it's rare as I can get a lot of the cheap games on gamepass.
  13. It's kinda hard to do stuff while gaming. If I need to do something, I usually pause the game to check it out. But I don't usually do anything else while gaming. It's kinda hard to multitask while gaming.
  14. I haven't had to call too many support teams for video game companies. I called Sony years ago due to one of my memory cards being erased by their demos. I've also contacted Xbox support before. Xbox was fine, PlayStation was fine. I mostly otherwise email support. Call of duty isn't great with their support I feel. I've reached out to their online support, but I don't remember if they helped much.
  15. Is that the service you get to play games as well? Or is that a different service from Sony? I'm forgetting what it's called if it's different. It's not playstation now is it? If it offers games, I'd look into that.
  16. I usually just tell my friends when I'm going to be on. Or they will tell me. Sometimes we have to figure out a day, but usually we just let each other know when we can game. And then we hang out for a bit on Discord.
  17. Hmm, not a bad deal considering you get nearly a months worth. Most trials I've seen from these types of services are usually week long trials. So a plus for them.
  18. I know there was rumors of a possible remaster for Goldeneye coming, and it seems to be true. Goldeneye will be rereleased on Xbox and switch. The Xbox version will drop on gamepass day one. The game will also have updated graphics and includes achievements and split screen. Read more on the news here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/goldeneye-007-is-finally-coming-to-xbox-and-nintendo-switch/ar-AA11Moes
  19. Were you able to resolve the issue @StaceyPowers? Sounds like it's some tech bug that probably could have been resolved with a bug report to the dev team. It's probably something to do with the difference in hardware. I would imagine by now they have released a patch.
  20. Would be nice if they keep remastering their classics like this. I know we got Ducktales a while back. So I'd welcome even more, like the many Mickey Mouse games, the classics like Aladdin, The Jungle Book, etc. I wouldn't mind remasters of those games as well.
  21. I'm always excited for shows that showcase new and upcoming games. And I think this also works out into a game award show, so we may see some awards dished out too. I checked the site and found the Exhibitors List below. https://tgs.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/2022/pdf/tgs0831newsen.pdf Noticed Capcom and a few others on the list. I see Kojima is going to be there, so maybe we'll get a tease or announcement of his next game. Notice anyone you are psyched about seeing?
  22. It's such a good game with fun gameplay. Did you know it's a spiritual successor to the Streets of LA and NY games. They were going to make this game into the next Streets of LA game, but I think there was some issue with the copyright and they had to rename it to Sleeping Dogs. Which reminds me, I really need to replay this game again soon. It's so good.
  23. Honestly, I'd prefer the likes of an action adventure game. I thought the GoT game telltale did years ago was their worst game yet. I did enjoy it somewhat, but I felt like it was a waste of time to see these Forester characters that to my knowledge, were barely in GoT. I don't know if they were featured much in the books, but to me it didn't feel like GoT. Openworld imo, would work best for GoT. There was a game by Atlus that was kinda an action adventure game, but I hear it played horribly. The thing is, they already did, twice. One game by Atlus and one from Telltale. The Atlus game was a flop and got poor reviews, while the telltale game faired a bit better. HBO likes money though, so if they own the license to make GoT content, they could easily do a new game. With the new show coming out now, we could see discussions of that come up. If HBO sees money, I'm sure they will do it.
  24. Well this is a good start. It looks like the new Assassin's Creed Mirage will have some form of real gambling in game, and due to that it's getting an A rating. At least according to the Xbox Store. Of course, the A rating includes depiction of violence, sexuality, partial nudity and so on. But the big key thing here, is real gambling. My guess is loot boxes or other such things that promote gambling. Unless it's an error on the esrb side or Xbox, idk. But it does make you question what this "real gambling" could be if it is true. Source - https://novicegamerguides.com/news/assassins-creed-mirage-has-adults-only-rating-for-real-gambling-on-xbox-store/
  25. Yeah pretty much, I think anything relating to crime should count. So L.A. Noire like I said earlier would probably fit. Same with the Streets of LA games, The Godfather game, etc. And yeah, I think I'd count Assassin's Creed and Hitman. They listed Syndicate on the list, so yeah I don't see why not. Hitman you are committing the crime, and often taking out criminals. I played a bit of the newer Thief game that came out on 360/Xbox One I think it was. I never played the original Thief games though. So we could probably go for days listing off crime themed games. 😄 Can't say I've ever played it, but I did see some lets plays of it on YouTube years back. Looked kinda fun.
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