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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. It's all media pretty much, but video games seem to get the worst rap when it comes to everything else. Now days it's video games as the scapegoat for violence in the world, but pretty much everything has violence in it, from the tv shows we watch, the movies, the music we listen to and the books/comics we read. I always find it funny when people use video games as a scapegoat for violence in the world today, when the majority of countries were founded on violence, genocide and more to begin with. Video games is far from the problem.
  2. Same here. I am hoping that EA allows this dev team to work on this game as they want to, and not add any dumb gimmicks that will weigh it down. Of course with EA's track record, it's hard to trust them and that's fair. I still don't trust them half the time, but I hope they don't ruin Skate like they did many other franchises. EA can rebound, and fix their mistakes by actually letting their devs work and make competent games. EA can stand to make a ton of money if they just let these studios realize their visions. They just need to stop with the loot boxes, and other greedy tactics they have pulled in the past.
  3. Yup, the TV show coming back would be awesome. I swear I heard rumors about them reviving the show a while back, but haven't heard much about it since. And yeah I never had the chance to play it, but now that it's getting remastered, maybe it's time I change that. 🙂
  4. What are some games that have unnecessary cutscenes? Like when a game has a cutscene for everything you do, or cutscenes that you don't think are really needed to advance the story. The article below lists a few games that have maybe a little too many cutscenes. I have yet to play Death Stranding, but they bring that up, as I guess the final mission is 2 hours of cutscenes with small segments of gameplay in between. They also mention MGS4. I haven't played any of the games on the list, but I know Kojima loves to produce movies in his games. From MGS1 to the current game, he has always implemented long cutscenes in his games. Especially with MGS 2, 3 and probably 5 as well. MGS 3 I played the most out of the bunch, and I remember it having a ton of cutscenes, but I never felt like it was too much. Anyway, read more about this here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/video-games-with-unnecessary-cutscenes/ar-AA11HLaC Name off some other games you find to have cutscenes that go too long, or cutscenes that are unnecessary. I think it counts, but I kinda get annoyed with RDR2 when you loot people and skin animals. They always have to do a little cutscene, or animation of Arthur looting people and skinning the animal. I know sometimes you can loot someone and it'll go faster by just reaching out. But yeah, it probably doesn't count, but it can get annoying when you want to play the game a bit faster. Would be kinda cool to turn those animations off to move the gameplay along a bit faster.
  5. I second that. Because who's to say the feature will work good enough. It could result in the game being too easy, or making it too hard at times. Or it could just be a mess and not work at all. I disagree with the last part though, that nobody wants this. I do. And I can see many casual players wanting a feature like this as well. Of course I think it'd just be better with easier difficulty, but this would probably be the next best thing when a game is tough and doesn't have any other difficulty options.
  6. Never thought I'd hear the day where video games may be able to one day adjust the difficulty based off of your mood. But I guess it's going to happen. Scientists have created a way where your emotions are estimated using in-game data. This changes the difficulty level based on your emotions at the time. I'm not 100% sure how this is done. It's better explained in the article I'm posting below, but to me, it sounds like they alter the difficulty often and study how the players interact with the different difficulty. There are other steps outlined, but I'm honestly confused by how it works haha. You can read more about it here - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/09/220906114213.htm I'm all for better difficulty options to be included, if this actually works, then that will be awesome.
  7. Source - https://gamefreaks365.com/best-crime-video-games-that-arent-gta/ full list here. What are some of the best crime based video games that aren't GTA? The list above lists the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2, Scarface, Sleeping Dogs and more. I really enjoyed a lot of the franchises mentioned, especially Mafia, Sleeping Dogs, RDR2, and so on. The list includes other games, so check it out and make your own judgements. Are there any other crime based games you would include? For me I think I'd also include L.A. Noire, even though it's a tad bit different, I can see it counting. Just from the other side as you play a cop. Name off some others that you can think of. Saints Row is surprisingly not listed.
  8. Awesome news for those who were into Gargoyles growing up. I really enjoyed the show a ton, but never really played any of the games. Though I hear the Sega Genesis game is pretty decent. And it looks like Disney knows this as they're remastering the Sega Genesis classic; Gargoyles. Gargoyles was a popular cartoon in the 90s. I remember watching it a ton as a kid and also had a couple of the action figures. So I may get this game when it drops. Are you? Source of news - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/disney-is-remastering-sega-genesis-classic-e2-80-98gargoyles-e2-80-99/ar-AA11HWDt
  9. If they announce the Switch 2 it'll probably be at one of the Nintendo Directs they do. I doubt they will announce it here or at any other show. But it would be crazy to see happen. Saw it was coming up, so figured a topic on it would be a good idea. We can always bump it when the announcements start coming out. I'll remember to keep this topic updated if there's any trailers/announcements worth sharing. 🙂
  10. The new Sniper Elite 5 game even have options where you don't have to kill anyone. You could set things in motion to cause problems for them, much like Dishonored did. People actually threw a fit about this being in a Sniper Elite game, because since you kill Nazi's in it, they thought people who played with stealth in mind, were bad people for not wanting to kill Nazi's. Honestly I killed most of them, because I suck at stealth with these games. But I am tempted to try this game out again and see if I can go through without killing a single person, or if I have to, just the main targets.
  11. Oh for sure, RDR2 online is pretty much dead, or not nearly as popular as it once was. I think it'd be great, would change a lot for gamers. Plus it could be a fun way to do roleplays where people are after you and you don't know who they are. Tis true, that's Rockstar for you. To be fair though, I think they needed to add different game modes to RDR2 online to keep it alive. Much like they did with the original RDR online back in the day. Give us some fun competitive modes to play. I'm not seeing a whole lot of fun with the current state of RDR2 online. The thing with GTA is that there's so much more you can do. IN RDR2 you limited with the horses you can use and not much else. I suggested in another topic that they add more options to RDR2 online, like even vehicles. Who cares about realism at this point. If we want RDR2 online to be worth any time, they just need to get creative with it. But Rockstar has left the building and won't be adding to it sadly. 😞 At least nothing major. Only for online mode though correct? GTA V had something similar where you could call someone to steal cash from other players and also a bounty system. For me, I would prefer it being in single player and it be a random NPC the player takes over. They have to try and kill Arthur or John by blending in to the world. Maybe they could give the invader an option to see the location where the player is, but not an exact point, maybe just the city or surrounding area. I think that would be cool. Or the invader could join in and have fun with the player, maybe help them out even. Like a co-op mode. Oh shit, maybe a co-op mode in single player after the end of the game. That'd be kinda cool. And yeah, even though RDR2 made a ton of profit. I think they knew that RDR2 online wasn't going to come close to GTA V online. Which is fair. But they could add some fun modes to online to spice things up. It doesn't have to be realistic either. I was always hoping they would add like a fight club mode or something. Hell, Undead Nightmare online would have helped a lot too. 😞 They could if they made the online different from the single player. At this point, I'd be okay if they just went wacky with the online mode. Just give us dumb guns that do dumb things. Allow us to do weird and fun missions with the team. Heists even. Weren't there supposed to be heists in RDR online at some point? Kinda like what GTA V had? Anyway, RDR just doesn't work in an online setting I guess.
  12. I might have to pick up a few packs of this Sneak Energy drink. I've never been one for energy drinks before, but as of late my sleep schedule has been blown up and I've been having trouble keeping focussed on my work. Due to that I've thought about trying some energy drinks. But, I don't think I want to try something like Red Bull or the various other brands on the market that are full of sugar and other additives and junk. So this topic kinda came at the right moment for me, as I've been on the lookout for a while now, and everything I've seen up to now, has been mostly unhealthy junk with tons of ingredients I've never even heard of. But Sneak sounds a lot more appealing in that it's not full of the junk you'd usually see in energy drinks. I do have some questions. Is this meant for people who want to work out? Or is it just an energy drink alternative? I'm not much for fitness these days, so I probably won't be working out much while using this, but is it safe to use if you're not working out all the time?
  13. Yeah, but for the most part they don't attack until you provoke them. Older games it was different because the AI was often unpredictable at times, but newer GTAs they will pretty much keep to themselves until you attack them or bother them. I think you could say the same for pretty much every other game out there. Most NPCs won't attack unless they're attacked first. Unless the character is meant to attack no matter what. And that's more to do with the coding for their driving. Because let's face it, GTA npcs aren't the greatest when following road rules. Just look at when you use a taxi in most of the GTA games. And to be fair, none of us players are following the rules of the road when playing GTA, so that could be a reason npcs hit us more often.
  14. In recent memory I'd say Arthur Morgan's rivalry with Micah Bell in RDR2. Micah is one of those guys that I don't think anyone likes, and that's why he works so well as a villain. Another game that comes to mind is Bully, and the guy you have to go up against in that game. I forget what his name is, but he would play all sides, he was that kind of character. He kinda starts off as a friend, but manipulates things and goes against you (Billy Hopkins I think is the main character's name) near the middle to end. I'm having issues remembering others. Maybe Mario and Bowser, that's a classic rivalry. 😄
  15. Does anyone see a point in Xbox Live anymore? I mean it still offers free games each month, but I don't feel it's needed anymore when Gamepass gets you Xbox live. The only point to get Xbox live now is just the free to play games and maybe playing some games online. But like with gamepass, you can do all that through that. I know i've said it before, but at this point, they should just drop xbox live and focus on gamepass going forward. Make gaming online free for all. Because I know Gamepass is more than enough for Xbox right now.
  16. Rick and Morty is huge. They already have some mobile games, and the creator of the series has two game out already. So it's not far from reality. Some of the characters have appeared in Fortnite and other games too. I can see them having board games and other types of games out there. There are also card games for Rick and Morty that are kinda popular. Like the Total Rickall card game, where it's kinda like a deduction game, similar to Among Us where you have to find who are the parasites and who are real. I've been meaning to pick it up one of these days, but been putting it off. But yeah, there's so much they can do with the Rick and Morty series.
  17. Yeah I have a feeling I would feel the same way if I played it long enough. I hear the AL is a little OP at times, where it can just get annoying at times. And I imagine if you're getting caught a lot, it's going to get very repetitive.
  18. I have it set on my PC and Laptop to use the blue light filter after a certain time, usually around 6:30pm est or when the sun goes down. For Windows it's simply called "Night Light", for Linux or Ubuntu, I'm not sure. It may just be a blue light blocker. It's a really good idea to use these filters at night, because prolonged viewing of a standard PC at night, can do some damage to the eyes. Another option you could take is to buy those blue light blocking glasses. There are a ton of them on Amazon and I think some of the big name gaming glasses feature blue light blocking as well. But yeah, I really like having the option, because when I do, it tints my screen a yellow color. It takes some getting used to, but it really helps at night.
  19. I didn't play a whole lot of Star Wars games back in the day. I played one of the Battlefront games back on the PS2/Xbox maybe. And maybe one of the Phantom Menace games on the PS1, but that's really been about it. I tried my hand at those Force Unleashed games, but couldn't get into it.
  20. Do you guys have any issues gaming with a cheap mouse? I try not to use cheap mice, but had to purchase one recently as my current one is starting to go. I decided to get one of the Amazon Basics mice. Was a little under $10. I probably won't end up gaming much with it to be honest. Probably not really meant for gaming in the first place, but I might give it a go if needed.
  21. Someone took the time to make a level in Halo Infinite that is heavily inspired by Mario 64's Lava Map. The map was built in the Forge mode, and looks very similar to the actual level. But I'm going to guess it's not an exact remake. It even looks to have moving platforms and stuff. I didn't know Halo offered the ability to make floating platforms with their creative options. You can also read more about this here: https://exputer.com/news/xbox/halo-infinite-forge-mario-lava-level/
  22. I'm for PC as well. Mobile phones are nice and all, and have some fun games, but I rarely bother with most mobile games these days. I don't like the control options phones have, while PC you have many more options. But yeah, PC all the way.
  23. I'm sorry to hear that about your grandfather and friend. Video games can be a great tool to help with depression. And it can be a good way to reminisce about the past, gaming with friends, family and more. I find comfort in gaming most of the time, because it takes me away from the hurt. Video games are cool like that ya know. It's especially nice if those video games help you connect with more people as well.
  24. For me, near the end of Season 1 of telltales Walking Dead game. When you have to make a horrible decision at the end. I won't say what if you've never played it, but it was a great story, sad ending. Also Arthur's death in RDR2. The first time I don't think I reacted much, but after I am done with this playthrough, I know I'm going to tear up. Just that ending music and all of it.
  25. That's the beauty in it. But you also need to remember that some people don't game that much, and in turn they also are wasting some money when they don't utilize the service. That's how I see it anyway. I like gamepass and services like it, because it allows me to game on my own time and my own pace. I can download a game, play it, quit it and delete it. It allows me more freedom than it would be to buy a $60-$70 game.
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