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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Dishonored games allow you to go through both games without having to kill anyone. You can use stealth instead and alter certain things to cause havoc in the world. It's really cool. I've been meaning to go through the game again and try the pacifist route. Should be interesting.
  2. I honestly hated State of Decay 2 because I hit a game breaking bug at one point that ended up killing some of my survivors. Ever since I gave up on the series. I'll admit though, I am interested in the next game, but I hope they fixed all the problems I had with it.
  3. The Tokyo Game Show will be airing September 15th. This will probably be the first time I have ever caught a stream of it. Is anyone here psyched for the show? Are there any games you're hoping they reveal during the show? Any you expect to see? Maybe some gameplay? I hear 505 Games has a showcase during the show, but I'm not sure about what else is happening. But feel free to discuss and share trailers in here during the show. Tokyo Game Show - https://tgs.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/2022/en/
  4. I remember those days. I was glad they allowed us to use the free apps without having a subscription. Gamepass ultimate also gets you XBL, which gets you games with gold as well. But I understand wanting to get the physical version. You could also look at it as a way to test out those games you want to get physically.
  5. I don't watch much as of late when it comes to video game analysis. Though I would like to know more channels that feature documentary style gaming videos. Kinda like the Gaming Historian. Others I like that I would recommend are (All of which I'm subscribed to): Did you Know gaming - Does a lot of documentary style content about games, some you may not even know about. Larry Bundy Jr - I think talks more about bad kickstarters, bad games, and other such things. LGR - Retro PC tech and retro gaming. Most focus is on the retro games, old PC devices/peripherals and old PC builds. Matt McMuscles - Discusses bad production of video games in his What Happun videos, where he goes in depth why a certain video game (or other media like movies, tv shows, etc) fail to live up to the hype or fail completely. Metal Jesus Rocks - Does content on retro game collecting/game collecting in general. May not be really about analysis. But I believe he worked for Sierra in the past and has discussed some gaming history on his channel. Modern Vintage Gamer - Does more content about retro hacking and retro games. My Life in Gaming - Like if PBS made their own YouTube on video game history. Rerez - Reviews of usually awful games and devices, really fun channel. Slopes Game Room - Kinda like a semi-documentary/mixed with top tens The 8-Bit Guy - Does content about retro PC tech, and has some game content here and there. The Act Man - Does mostly reviews and content on gaming topics. The Game Chasers - They have a documentary series where they go hunting for retro video games and action figures. I highly recommend checking it out. It's like American Pickers, but for video games. The Game Theorists - Discussion about gaming theories. Sorry, this kinda went down to a rabbit hole of suggesting too many, and probably some of these don't really fit the whole video game analysis. But I think most of them do, as they do kinda show game history in the process.
  6. I don't have any issues with gunfire in games. I know photosensitive games can be hard for people to play if they are prone to seizures and other visual problems. I can do flashing lights fine, but I would like not to, because I don't think anyone likes flashing lights in most things. There are some games that do have features for visually impaired people. I think the Last of us 2 was one of the major ones to feature a slew of visual settings to make it easier for people to play. I imagine they have something for people with photosensitivity problems that cause seizures.
  7. Honestly RDR1 and 2 for me. From the story, the characters, the gameplay, the DLC for RDR1 with the Undead Nightmare, the music and more. These games will forever be a part of my life because I have enjoyed them so much. Same with probably GTA VC and SA, maybe even GTA IV and V to some extent. Super Mario Bros 3 because it has brought family together for me. And it also reminds me of my childhood when I play it.
  8. Anything that requires a solution to solve maybe? Can be a literal puzzle you put together, a puzzle that requires you to connect wires, etc. I think for me, it's just anything that requires any bit of thought to solve. Like if there is a needed solution to solve it, it imo is a puzzle. At least to me it is.
  9. I'm sure I have. Like a key item in the story that was meant to be found later or during a certain moment in the game? I've found a lot of stuff in RDR2, Skyrim, and other open world games that I couldn't use right away and had to wait for a certain point. I'm not reminded of anything, but I know I have found items that I couldn't use yet or had to wait until a certain level or it was a key item for something.
  10. That's a good question. I'm honestly not sure I can think of anything. I'm reminded of a game called Rescue: The Embassy Mission on the NES, and during some portions of the game you're tasked with hiding from search lights. I didn't know you could hide behind walls and a few of the other areas. I always died during that part because I thought you could only use the doorways. I played it when I was a kid though, so I guess that's my excuse. 😄
  11. I don't mind IGN to some extent, but I don't really follow them for their reviews. I've heard stories about how they have plagiarized some reviews, and to be fair those were the writers and not IGN themselves. But it happens a lot more with IGN it seems, so I'm not really interested in taking their opinions at heart these days.
  12. If you want to learn to play under survival, I would suggest going to at least peaceful mode so that you can learn recipes and all that. Because when in creative you can use any block/items/tools you want in order to build and you don't see how each item is made. In peaceful and survival, you have to mine for your supplies. Creative won't teach you the recipes to my knowledge. What I did with creative mode, was build my world up first, and once I felt like my world was up to par, I could turn on survival mode and invite my friends in as well and turn back on survival mode. But most people start in survival or an easier difficulty to get the controls down.
  13. To be fair, they kinda pushed the franchise to its limits after a while. If anything this break was probably a good thing, since their last couple of games weren't as good. Last game they released in the series was Blacklist, which came out in 2013. So it has been quite a while. Nearly 10 years, damn. But I hope this remake turns out to be good. Here's hoping they also add a multiplayer mode.
  14. I think it's because our brain stops focussing so much on the graphics and pays attention to the game itself and its story. I find that I will enjoy the good looking graphics of a game for a bit, and then I just get invested into that game and kinda forget the graphics and it melds together perfectly. Idk, I think we just get used to the graphics as we play. These days graphics don't impress me anymore, because I feel like I've seen good enough. I know graphics will get better, but I feel we're close to that peak already. RDR2 to me still looks stunning, but I don't focus much on the graphics as I play. Unless I'm taking a relaxing ride on my horse and take in the sights. But otherwise my focus is on hunting, collecting cigarette cards, and slowing doing the missions. I believe it's more a hybrid remake/remaster. They remastered some of the scenes in game and changed some other things around. I believe they retooled the gameplay a bit, probably to be more in line with TLOU2. The character models were made to be more realistic as well. So yeah It's more a remaster than a remake, because I don't think most of what they changed qualifies as a remake.
  15. My guess is that it's not true. It would be odd to make a remake of Silent Hill 2 when I know there are fans of the first game out there as well. It'd be weird not to include a remake ofr SH1 first then SH2 and 3 and maybe 4 idk. I could see them doing just a trilogy remake. Because 3 ties into the first game. Also, the second game is a completely new story. These images could also be of a SH1 remake. Because in that you play as a man, so it could be the guy from the first game. I would love to see a remake for the original games, because I would like to play them with modern controls.
  16. I've heard some people claiming that the PS5 is technically a failure, and that is why the price hike is happening. I don't know if that's true considering they have sold a ton still, but I don't get why they are doing a price hike in the first place. I also heard in the same claim, that it's due to these areas not purchasing the PS5 as much, so instead they increase the price. idk. A lot of what's posted online may be false, so I can't verify if any of what I said is true. But I could see it in some ways.
  17. Fair, so maybe not Skyrim. I believe so. You should only see villagers in peaceful mode. I don't remember if enemies appear. They may appear but won't attack. But may attack when hit. Especially under creative mode. I don't even think enemies appear in creative. But villagers do I believe.
  18. When it comes to something like gamepass for example. It's cheap and gets you a ton of games at a single price. Not only that it gets you Xbox live as well, at least with ultimate it does. I don't buy games that often these days. That's one other reason I like gamepass, because it allows me to play all of these games I never would have otherwise. And with me, I tend to play a game once. And then never go back to it. That's another reason I like gamepass, because I can pull from a bunch of games, play them, finish them, and then grab the next one. I don't think I would purchase most of the games on game pass either. It saves me a lot in the long run.
  19. True. Disney has made movies/shows based off of many franchises. A lot of the stuff they do is part of the public domain. Like picking from greek mythology when they made Hercules for example.
  20. I get that, EA hasn't done much good, but as of late, it seems they are starting to let their studios work on the games they want to make. They aren't always awful. But the good they do doesn't change the bad they've done either. I'm just saying that EA doesn't always do wrong. It also depends on the developers too, because sometimes they make the bad decisions as well. But in this case, I'll reserve my judgement for when the game is officially out. If it turns out to be a grind and is no fun, then I will probably change my mind. Yes EA is most of the time awful, but they did once make 3 Skate games that didn't have any horrible gimmicks. So there is hope for them to do good there, it just needs to happen.
  21. Idk, I feel like they had a great deal of promotion. The first week it was out I felt like it was the talk of the town pretty much, so it had enough marketing. I just think Sony didn't think it had enough staying power compared to other games. That's what I think it is.
  22. Yeah, they may technically qualify, but I don't think they come close to the likes of what true survival horror games do. Because I believe in most of these games, it's kinda easy to survive, it's just the choices you make can alter things. I don't think it has enough "Survival", but it does have enough "horror" though.
  23. Which out of these two, do you think is the better of the two? As in the better in terms of what they offer and what they're capable of. I personally can't judge because I haven't had enough time with a Switch and I have yet to use a steam deck. I would assume the Steam Deck is a better device based on hardware and the library of games. But the Switch probably has a more accessible audience. Or is more accessible to the audience. If I had to vote, I would probably go for the Steam Deck, but I haven't used it. I did use a switch a few times and from what I played I liked. But I can't judge which is better until I get my hands on a steam deck. But, what are your opinions on this? I know it's hard to compare these two, there's different in many ways.
  24. Source - https://wccftech.com/state-of-decay-3-is-being-made-with-unreal-engine-5-and-help-from-gears-of-war-devs/ It looks like State of Decay 3 is in the process of being made, and they are going with Unreal Engine 5, so I'm psyched to see what they come up with. I honestly didn't like State of Decay 2, bugs kinda broke it for me, so I stopped bothering with that game and haven't played it since. I hope State of Decay 3 turns out to be much more improved and more fun. Are you going to be buying this game?
  25. That's a given. I'm sure Spider-man and God of War have some creepy mods out there. I'm more interested in seeing what crazy stuff people can mod in. Obviously character models, but they could probably add weapons and other fun things.
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