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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Well I stand corrected. I'm seeing some going for pretty cheap, around $70-$100 or so. So yeah not too bad I suppose. I was thinking they were a lot more. Maybe I'm confusing it with what the PS Vita prices are these days, but I checked that too and those prices aren't too unreasonable. Like $150-$200 or so, not bad at all really.
  2. Yeah exactly. The scene where the water was draining and you had to go down the steps to get away from him. But you had to wait for the water to clear enough, otherwise you'd be trapped in that spot. I also remember a scene where he's in a hallway and you can stare at him behind bars. And of course the cutscene you see him killing the mannequins. I can't push myself to play this game. I heard the Alien AI is really OP and can be a pain the in the ass to get through. Also the many jump scares.
  3. I think most games have friendly NPCs until you agro them by attacking or shooting them. I'd even say GTA has NPCs who are friendly until you bother them. But if you want something that's more friendly, maybe most kids games, Skyrim is pretty good with the NPCs, and maybe the Sims as well.
  4. I've been playing Madden NFL 21 again. Haven't played it in months, but since football is starting up again, I started to get back into it. Though I've also been considering getting back into ESPN NFL 2K5 instead. Other than that, mostly still playing RDR2 at the moment.
  5. I also heard that the Embracer group is trying to buy into FromSoftware as well. So it could be a competing thing between Sony and Embracer on who gets most ownership. I could see those two trying to buy it outright at some point. I wonder how something like this would work if they both bought 50% each, or close to that.
  6. Ah nice! Do you think that will bring a price increase? Or do you think they will try to price these new ones at the same prices the current ones sit at? Or will they be even pricier? I hope they're affordable, because the current deck is pretty affordable imo.
  7. Imagine the PC version with mods, people are going to get crazy with their games. You thought seeing Homer and Bart in God of War was one thing, wait until you see what people cook up for the last of us part 1. 😄
  8. I really think the problem is that they tried to make the environments look more realistic, more rundown. And same with the inside of buildings. I noticed in one of the comparison videos, that the color seems to be gone from many areas, and now it all just looks like the same dark and drab hallways. The character models look impressive, same with the animations, I'll give them that, but the rest just makes it look more dingy and dirty with less color. Even the realistic lighting looks kind off to me. But, that's the beauty in having the PS4 remaster, you can skip this one if you want. Hell, I still believe the original PS3 version looks good.
  9. There's so many good cross-gen games out there though. Also, I forgot to mention this, but I think these days it kinda feels like a requirement to have crossplay for most, if not, all online games to come out in the future. I think they would be dumb not to do this, because I would like to game with my PlayStation friend in some more games.
  10. For me it is more about what's available to me on said console. But, it also resorts back to what my friends own and play on. Sadly I don't really play with most of my close friends anymore. I mostly play on PC and with people I have worked with. Most of my friends are on Xbox, so I often go the Xbox route. But now that crossplay is happening more and more, I can now play with my friends more often, but I sadly don't. I usually go for PC these days because most of what I play is on PC and Xbox Game pass is more than enough otherwise.
  11. Honestly I don't know. There is probably themes of this in some games and other forms of media, no doubt about that. But I don't know if games intentionally do it in a bad way. I think it's always a way to show a character who is bad, or awful. Like a bigoted person in a video game who you may have to fight or work for even. Games like GTA have many offensive characters for example, some of the characters are clear bigots, either racists, homophobes, etc. I don't think it then means that game is promoting it. You know what I mean? Idk. I'm kinda confused with this topic. For me, I think there are characters in many games that are bigots; racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Usually they are painted as the bad guys these days, or shown as sleazy, and creepy often. I'm sure there are a slew of GTA characters we could name off as being one of the three I mentioned above.
  12. Nope, I hate hearing how a game, movie, tv show, or anything ends, as I may want to check it out myself. It's why I try not to look at comments when a new movie releases, because you'll often get spoiled. It happened to me with Joker most recently, and I hate it. If it's a game or other form of media I don't care much for, sure maybe I'll say yes to you spoiling it for me, but that's only if I never intend to watch it myself. Maybe I will, I like watching dumb movies too. 😄
  13. I second the Silent Hill series. I'd add that most horror games these days have some decent sound design. I remember Layers of Fear having a decent sound going for it. Not a big fan of the game these days though. Also I would add Jet Set Radio, GTA series, Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2. Tony Hawks Pro Skater series, Need for Speed, Madden etc.
  14. Especially if it involves some use of stealth. When I think of 007, I think of someone who does like to take a quiet approach until things go wrong. I could see stealth working well in that world. But my guess it'll be more action based than Hitman is. But I have faith in that team to make a quality game.
  15. I've played it on the PC first, but that PC died a while after so I ended up getting it on the 360. The 360 version is very limited as you can't build unlimited. I built a ton on my 360 map. I even built a massive hotel, but don't recall if I filled up all the rooms. Probably not. I then got it again on PC later on, and played on there from time to time. It's really fun if you give it time and learn the game. Or you can go creative mode and just build to your heart's content.
  16. Games like Dark Souls has an invader option I believe, so why not have that option in our single player mode? I think it would be interesting to play as anyone in the single player map. You get one chance to kill Arthur or John when you invade another person's world. The online is mostly dead at this point, so why not add a little feature like that to spice the game up a bit. I think it would make people play differently too.
  17. I really enjoy the Corridor Crew on YouTube. They're part the Corridor channel on YouTube. I mainly focus on their other channel, Corridor Crew, where they discuss CGI, animation, practical and visual affects, fun stuff like that. It's fun to see how some of the popular animated movies are made, or how CGI is implemented in a lot of the programming we see today. They also do a fun series called Stuntmen react, where they show off crazy scenes from movies where stuntmen did crazy stunts. If you're into movies and tv, and like how cgi, animation and all that jazz works, they are a great channel to check out for that type of stuff. They also like to compare cgi and animations from older movies and how it has changed over the years. He's one of their recent VFX Artists React to Bad & Good CGI:
  18. There are a lot of movies out there that are disturbing in nature. From literal snuff films to films that are just meant to gross you out and offend you. What are the most disturbing movies you have watched? I have watched the likes of Ichi The Killer, Cannibal Holocaust, Audition, A Serbian Film, Faces of Death, The House that Jack Built and a few others. I was pushed into watching A Serbian Film recently by a friend and I absolutely hated every minute of it. It wasn't as disturbing as everyone made it out to be, but it has some disturbing moments, especially near the end involving a child though it's implied, it's still messed up. I wouldn't recommend watching it, it's an awful movie. Name off some of the disturbing films you have watched. It doesn't have to be as disturbing as the films I mentioned, just anything you found to be disturbing. Please refrain from sharing images/stills from some of the movies being discussed though. I don't think we'd be able to anyway. Search at your own volition. Also, you can check out disturbing iceberg list mista gg did a year ago.
  19. Streaming has become huge, especially our post covid world, where now a lot of the programming we watch, comes out on a streaming platform or via other digital means. These days I imagine less and less people are going to the movies. At least when it comes to most movies, maybe not for blockbuster/summer blockbuster hits that are mostly meant to be watched in theaters. Or movies with tons of CGI and animation. More people these days probably prefer the comfort that streaming offers over going to the theater. I still like going to the movies to see big movies, but most other movies, I don't feel the need to. I'm fine watching a lot of movies on a computer screen or my big screen tv instead. As well, more movies that release in theaters are releasing to digital and blu-ray sooner than usual. I believe before covid and the pandemic, it would take a month to a few months for a movie to come out of theaters and release digital or on disc. But now, some movies are coming out right away to digital platforms, sometimes alongside the theatrical release. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think streaming has hurt theaters?
  20. Not really sure to be honest. I never really gave it much thought about zoom mechanics in games. I mean most games have a zoom mechanic I would imagine, at least a lot of the games I have played in the past. Whether it being aiming down the sights of a gun, or binoculars or something similar. I don't really know what else to say on it, as zooming is in a lot of games, even games where you don't use guns.
  21. That's honestly one thing to consider I suppose. Once that exclusivity deal ends, we may see Xbox and co. change their mind and make it exclusive. But, I have a feeling that won't happen. One, there would be some backlash from fans and I think it would result in MS changing their mind. What I hope happens is that they allow their games to go to PlayStation, but Xbox will get the exclusivity deals for DLC and other goodies I imagine. Or timed exclusivity at least. If they can do that, I think gamers will be fine with it.
  22. It's just that I had no idea that 2K was allowed to use the PGA Tour name. I looked up their golf game, and I guess their golf games used to be the Golf Club series. I forgot they even had golf games under their sports series. I am more inclined to side with 2K, as EA has a worse track record. But 2K is owned by Take Two, so we know how greedy that company has gotten over the years with Rockstar and others. Haha fair! 😄 Idk, I feel like EA is still worse in many ways, but 2K isn't far behind them.
  23. True, but to be fair to EA, it isn't something that is forced on users. Now if it were loot boxes we were talking about, I'd understand. Or if they forced you to get these microtransactions in order to get ahead, then I would understand. But microtransactions as they stand, aren't that bad. Also, I think it sucks when items cost a lot, if so, I just don't buy it. That's the choice we have as consumers. With Loot boxes though, it's different, in that you're not always going to get something good out of it, which imo, makes it gambling for sure. And I view that being way more predatory. But I understand, EA has a horrible track record, so it's hard to trust them. I still don't trust them, but if they don't push loot boxes or other greedy tactics on me, or force me to buy stuff to advance in game, than I think it'll be fine.
  24. Yeah I'd say 8 million sold isn't a bad number to hit, especially when other games get praised hitting that mark. If it's not numbers, maybe it's the ratings the game received. I think a lot of the reviews were mediocre reviews, and I think in turn that hurt the sales a bit. I remember seeing ads for this game quite a bit too, so they put a lot into marketing at least.
  25. It's just weird looking back at Disney making a game based off of a gaming franchise. I never would have thought something like that happening. For sure, being able to go back and correct certain things would be cool. Only downside is that you can alter time, and I imagine there's a ton of risks involved there.
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