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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I signed up just the other day, figured I'd give it a go and see if I'm accepted in. Hated having to go in and sign in with an EA account and do all that. But once done it was pretty easy to sign up. Now I just need to play the waiting game and hope they select me. That's fair. The thing with live service though, is that if done right , you don't have to worry about buying stuff to be able to play. I hope that's the case with Skate, because I'd hate for it to be fueled by microtransactions. I hope with it being a live service game, that they also add free locations and modes/missions, etc.
  2. Kane99


    From what I have played and heard, the single player mode just feels lifeless and boring. Also it's slow, and when you see this type of game, you want it to be a lot more fast paced, like Smash Bros is. That's why having 2 or more players involved, makes it a lot more fast paced and entertaining. And each match goes a little bit faster because of it. But 1v1 is a bore and honestly I can see people skipping that side of it completely.
  3. The thing is, I think Amazon is going to end up doing more in gaming soon anyway. They already have Luna, and their own game studio, so there's a big chance we'll start to see Amazon getting more into the gaming scene. And I think they could make a service for streaming/playing games, kinda like what Netflix does, but this with actual games and not mobile ones. I could see Amazon achieving this success way before Netflix does.
  4. I would like to switch this a bit. Instead of a game with a bad story but good climax, I'm going to list a couple games that had decent to great stories, but had a bad ending. One that comes to mind is GTA IV. I love GTA IV, but that ending was such a letdown. I always expected the story to end when you took out the dude you were after. I honestly don't remember much about the ending. Also, Assassin's Creed 3 had a great story, but the lamest of endings. You literally chase down the enemy at the end and it ends in a cutscene. I wanted to fight that dude at the end, not chase him down a boat that's on fire. So dumb. But yeah, these games had lame climaxes imo.
  5. Well for some it is. For me it's a fairly decent game, but the bugs and problems it has, does hurt it some. I'd say more of a disappointment if anything, especially how it released broken and not up to what fans were expecting. Fans were hoping for a lot more than what they got. I'll admit, I didn't have as many problems as others did, but I got bored with the game fairly quick as well.
  6. It would be awesome if I could get one console/device and be able to play every single game made. It sucks not being able to play games on other platforms, because that means I then have to either pay a ton for a new console just to experience it, or watch a lets player complete it. I would prefer to play most of those games myself, but sadly that will never happen. I just wish we had one device where you can play everything on. Whether it be through emulation, or whatever, I would love for that to happen. But, the downside to one singular device is that we may end up losing games in the process, or it could result in your favorite consoles dying out. But, I doubt this would ever happen.
  7. Forgot to mention I'm pretty hyped for A Plague Tale: Requiem, really enjoyed the first game and I have a feeling I will enjoy the sequel as well. It's only a couple months away. Not sure if I'll be getting it day one, but it'll be on my radar for when it goes down in price.
  8. I'm thinking that maybe it's still being worked on and that's why the animations are a bit off. With the art style, I prefer the cell-shading style too, I think the character model looks plain and boring though. I wonder what the artists character models looked like, because I'm assuming they were much different. Maybe they tried to replicate the character models from the original games. Because they would work a lot better in cell-shaed graphics. The character model they have now, kinda looks like your run of the mill 3D model that doesn't really fit the cell shaded graphics like a more cartoon/anime style look. That's what I imagine the original character models looked like. More in line with the original games characters. I imagine they were going to look more like this:
  9. Yeah a lot of what you'll find will probably be on Steam, Epic Games, and I think Amazon's launcher as well. I think they have a game launcher. But you can also get some free stuff in certain games, that may work on console games as well. Just keep an eye out for what they offer. At the very least, you can build a small collection of PC games through Prime, so there's that. 🙂
  10. I don't know about the last part, but I wish the US stopped loot boxes. It heavily promotes gambling and I wish they would follow some of the other countries that try to ban them from games. I don't mind microtransactions, because you at least know what you're getting, but with loot boxes, you don't get that and in turn could be wasting money.
  11. To be fair, I think most people who are born in those times here are less likely to be interested in the metaverse as well. My dad was born in 1952, and he has no idea about this stuff and probably wouldn't care. I can see a lot of people just not being interested in VR to begin with. And for older people, the metaverse probably sounds like a foreign language to them.
  12. I believe it's part of cut content for the New Austin area, which I believe is inaccessible in the game. I believe it was originally planned, but they had to cut content and that's where they went.
  13. It's also being streamed a ton on twitch and YouTube. It's huge right now, reminds me of how phasmophobia blew up with people streaming it non stop for a while. Glad to see a game like this get some recognition. Though I doubt I'd play it myself.
  14. Yeah, now that I know what it's useful for, I could use it to find out what games are dead. I checked Gotham City Impostors on the steam db, and it came back with 5 people in game:
  15. The PS1 and the PS2 for me. I never owned the PSone or the PS2 slim, but I have always wanted to add them to my collection. One day I'd like to get a ps3 and a PS4. And of course a PS5.
  16. There's a lot they can work on. I hope they do that and do a lot of the other ips that have long stayed dormant for years now. And of course I'm always ready for more tomb raider and hitman games.
  17. What kind of phone do you have? Is it possible your phone can't play the game or it's not supported on your phone. I know my phone won't play most games probably. Some won't work great on different os types as well.
  18. I've still been playing red dead redemption 2 still. Mostly going slow trying to do all my hunting so I can complete my camp and get all the crafting upgrades. It's a slow process for me, but it's fun. I was going to grow my beard out and then cut it when it got back from the grauma mission (I probably spelled that wrong), but I'm liking the look of the beard and may keep it. But if I cut it, will let it grow back full again before the end of the game.
  19. Yeah I'd let my dad know first. But even so, having one my own wouldn't be bad either. I'm not that big into racing, but I gotta imagine it's a lot more fun to play via a racing wheel. And cool, if you ever make a racing setup, you should share your setup on the forum. 🙂
  20. Well that's good to hear. I'm still worried about joycon drift, but I guess I'll just have to risk it. One of these days I'll get a switch. 🙂 And damn, I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. People suck sometimes. 😞
  21. Kane99


    Yeah it seems the current 2v2 mode is the most popular, because you can bring a friend along to play or you can play against your friends too. Games are often better with friends, and having more players helps too. I hope they add a 3v3 or even a 4v4 mode. That would be chaos on the screen I bet.
  22. Man Sony with the hard losses as of late. What the hell are they thinking over there? I bet this is going to backfire for them, and will result in them changing their minds and then coming out with a heartfelt apology about how this was clearly the wrong decision on their part. It feels oddly familiar to another thing they did recently or a few years back.
  23. It'll probably go off voice prompts. So saying shoot to shoot your gun, reload to reload, run to run. General things like that. Saying turn left to turn left. It'll be used in combination with the controller I imagine for some. That would be my guess anyway. I imagine it works off of certain prompts and phrases.
  24. That's because their focus is on their paid for services. Like in Madden I think it was the MUT where you can open packs of cards where you get players to use in game. I imagine fifa has a similar mode to that. I think it's where they put most of their time, forgetting to actually made competant sports titles.
  25. Like I said with Netflix, ads will probably be at the start and end of a program. Or they might release tier plans where advertising is part of a lower priced plan, which could result in ads in the middle of videos.
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