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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah I can totally understand. Most people wouldn't be able to afford it, and most wouldn't see a point in buying one. But to have the money for something like that would be pretty nice about now. 😄
  2. I wouldn't say it's about not being able to go from PC to console. I have no issues gaming on console, but It's more of a matter of being able to afford the console. I can get more use out of my PC than a console these days anyway. But, if I had the money, I would get a PS5 as well.
  3. There has been rumors of a Bully 2 in the making for years now, and at the moment, it doesn't look like Rockstar is working on a sequel. Unfortunate, but that's Rockstar for you, maybe after they make their next GTA, they will make a Bully sequel. But I'm doubtful on that ever happening. If it were to happen, I don't think they would need to do a whole lot to fit in with the times. If anything, Bully was kinda ahead of its time in terms of how you interacted with others. From the geeks, jocks, preps etc. You could be friends with pretty much everyone, date anyone, and so on. I imagine a new Bully will continue that side of Bully, to where you're comfortable with all of the people. I think it will also go into the culture we have going now, from the way people talk these days, influencers, people trying to make changes and so on. There's so much they can take from the real world and fit it right into a video game. I think Bully 2 would be easy for Rockstar to make, it's just that I don't think they care to make a sequel. But I can dream. Maybe one day Rockstar will change their mind and make a sequel. Or hell, at least give us a GOOD remake of these classics, like GTA IV too.
  4. This this game will be any fun? It looks like it'd be a lot of fun, but I hope it has co-op, because I think it'd be way more fun with a friend or two. But idk, I kinda dig the whole Ninja Gaiden style with the combat and gunplay as an added bonus. Check the recent trailer that dropped for it. I'm really enjoying the song.
  5. This means DRM style safeguards for your games. Honestly I don't see an issue with this when it comes to digital games. I also have no issue with it if it's to stop people from using fake game carts or stolen ones. I just hope this doesn't result in games becoming one time use. I don't think that would be the case. I think with this it makes sense for the Switch, because it's not like they are looking for people who sell their games. I think they genuinely want to stop people from illegally duplicating the game or finding ways of sharing it. You can read more on this news here: https://www.ign.com/articles/anti-piracy-software-denuvo-announced-for-switch
  6. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/tinybuild-acquires-bossa-studios-ips-for-3m This is interesting. I had no idea TinyBuild was doing that good, but I guess they're doing great. They spent $3 million on Bossa Studios, but they also paid another $5.4 million for Russian studio Konfa Games. Had no idea they would make these moves. But I'm interested to see what this brings. Also, Bossa Studios did games like Surgeon Simulator, I am Fish and I am Bread. And going forward, TinyBuild will be the development team working on these IPs.
  7. I've been seeing a lot of YouTubers playing the The Mortuary Assistant recently and I was wondering when it blew up? I heard about it before, but never gave it much thought. Then I see everyone on YouTube playing it. And honestly it does look like a scary fun time. Here's the trailer: And someone playing it:
  8. Well it looks like this sale is complete, as Embracer Group now owns Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montreal, Square Enix-Montreal, and possibly more assets to come. You may have heard a while back that Embracer was attempting to purchase all of these studios. I don't know what Square Enix Montreal does, but I imagine it's not all of Square Enix correct? Eidos Montreal I believe made Hitman for example. It's said to include 50 other back catalog games, so we might be seeing some old titles from these studios making a comeback. Would be cool. Here's their press release on this: https://embracer.com/release/embracer-group-completes-acquisition-of-crystal-dynamics-eidos-montreal-square-enix-montreal-amongst-other-assets/
  9. I think for me, it's Sonic and all these cartoonish characters being in these realistic locations. It just doesn't fit or work, at least for me. And they haven't really strived far from the formula it seems. I thought they would have tried something new by now, but it's like they have to make similar locations and similar setpieces. I was under the impression they were going to make a more open world game with some linear aspects.
  10. I don't think they're going to go for anyone else. They already have two of the biggest ones in Activision and Bethesda. They will probably allow all of these games to come out for other consoles as well, as I think they are starting to lean into a more open ecosystem. So their games may one day work on PlayStation or their games at least work on PC. It seems Sony is making a ton on their games moving to PC.
  11. I'm really liking the design, it's sleek and looks like it'd be comfy in my hands. I wish I could afford controllers like this though, I'd just use them all for PC anyway haha. I usually use a PowerA pro controller for Xbox One on my PC. It's a nice controller and has survived a long time for me. But I have always wanted to try a real pro controller like the Xbox One elite controller or the new one they made and now this controller. But, I bet this will go for like $150 or so as well. Too pricey for me.
  12. That's awesome of them. I hope this can be used for many things, like controlling more video games down the line. It's always good news when accessibility is advanced in gaming. From the likes of the Xbox One adaptive controller and now this, imagine combining these tools to make it even easier to control games and do other things like coding, development, etc.
  13. It's starting to feel that way, considering that PS exclusives are dropping on PC, one of them being available on Gamepass of all places, a PS exclusive in Death Stranding. And there are more games coming to PC, like the Last of Us 1 Remake, and the second game as well. The Miles Morales spider-man will probably make a jump to PC as well, and same with the new God of War. And it may result in some of these games coming out quicker than the 2-3 year period it takes for them to make these games PC compatible. But, it makes me happy, because I own a PC and can take advantage of a game like Death Stranding. Even though I am worried it's going to be boring, I'm going to give it a try soon and see how it is.
  14. It's starting to go down a bit in popularity, but it's still highly watched on Twitch and other streaming platforms. Not sure how long that hype will last though. I think it will find a spot where it's concurrent, and gets about the same amount of players a week. But I think it'll fall under whatever Fortnite, Apex Legends and GTA V do number wise. If they keep bringing in interesting characters and charge for them fairly, I think it will keep those players coming. Much like with Fortnite these days.
  15. I guess you could say I hopped on the hype trains for most of the GTA games, but mostly with San Andreas and Vice City back in the day. I think my hype started to die down when we got GTA IV. But I would say I still joined that hype train a bit, then GTA V, but I've kinda lost my hype for the next GTA.
  16. The thing with Atari is that they are no longer the Atari we know, they haven't been for many years now. Atari is just Atari in name and nothing else. It's a new group of people who bought the name and are trying to bring it back to popularity any way they can. The problem with Atari is that I don't think they understand video games. That's why the vcs failed and will continue to do so. And that's also why they're now trying dumb things like NFTs. I don't even think they own most of the games they sell on their device. I think they own the license to sell and distribute said games though.
  17. Yeah to be fair I don't play a lot of golf games. Last golf games I played were old ones on PC and maybe a demo disc on PS2 or something. I think I played one of the pga games at my sister's house years ago. But that's been it. They're fun to play, but better with friends. I probably won't play this pga game, but if I got it for free I might play it lol.
  18. Also we shouldn't forget that the game looks to be mostly done. They will probably just need to do some polishing and fixing and they will probably release this on time. Though I'm never opposed to a short delay if they need it.
  19. Yeah it is taking quite a while for them. Hope they finish it soon. But then again I hope they don't rush it either. Sounds like they're giving them all the time they need to make this game. I hope they use all they can to make the best game they can make.
  20. I prefer my foreign games to use the language they are known for. So if it's a Japanese game, I want the cast speaking Japanese. I can read subtitles no problem. But I hate hearing American voice overs for games and movies alike.
  21. Did you ever play the Star Wars mods for Battlefield 1942 and battlefield 2 I think it was? They are pretty decent mods that make battlefield into a star wars game. I helped host an event where we played it with a community I work for. Was pretty fun. I played the first battlefront game, but didn't play much of it. I think it was on the PS2.
  22. Oh for sure. There will always be those that aren't good with certain depictions. And they have every right to ban those games until it's changed. Every country differs in their beliefs and if there is something they take offense to, we need to respect that. Otherwise those games won't do well in those countries.
  23. I've always wanted to utilize mods in skyrim. I have it on Xbox gamepass, I wonder if i could mod it through that. But anyway, I remember they made a mod with Macho Man Randy Savage as the dragons. So it would have audio queues from Savage, and it even has his hat and other parts of his outfit. I always thought it was a funny mod, and whenever I do eventually get to modding skyrim, that's one of the mods I will try if possible. As for others I know they have mods for better textures, water, etc. Isn't there a mod marketplace you can view on your Xbox version of skyrim? I would imagine so. I've never tried though, so can't say for sure.
  24. Inside came out on gamepass recently, and i kinda view those games in a similar fashion. I may download Inside to finally give it a go. Wonder if Little Nightmares is on gamepass or will ever be added to gamepass. I would like to finally play the game, but I don't know if I want to pay for it.
  25. I wasn't too fond of the C4, but then again I didn't play Fortnite too much when they had C4. I'm really getting a kick out of the nimbus cloud. I'm done with the kamehameha blast, but it comes in handy sometimes. I finally opened Vader on this battle pass. Don't much care for the extra skins you can unlock. They're just color variants and I am not particularly interested in them.
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