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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I think the Just Cause games have boring stories that I don't really pay attention to, but the end of one of the newer games sees you flying around in a tornado near the end I believe. It's one of those games I have more fun just flying around with my wingsuit than I do playing the actual story lol.
  2. Those are the ones I see as most popular, but the other option can be used to discuss other sports games you dislike more. Madden has been the same game the last 10 years I'd say by now. They haven't advanced the series in any way in a long time, and it's quite sad. Because Madden used to be a competent sports game, but now it's no longer what it once was, just a sloppy made game with minimal changes.
  3. I could see people who do video game content buying this, maybe streamers and youtubers. And of course rich people with disposable income. I could see it being good for a VR arcade as well. That'd actually be kinda cool, but I can't see an arcade buying more than one of them.
  4. They advertise their programming all over the place, but I don't ever see ads about their mobile games. I bet if they did actually advertise, they would see more downloads. As for ads on Netflix, they will only ever be before and after programming. I doubt they would have ads in the middle. If they did do ads throughout their programming, maybe they will include new plans that includes ads, but the cost is much cheaper.
  5. Yeah, going back in time to relive those games the first time, would be fun I bet. I wish I could go back to those days honestly and re-experience it all for the first time, like I never have before.
  6. I don't know. I probably wouldn't call it a hype train, but I was hyped for a lot of games that many others were also hyped for. I didn't get interested in a game because of a hype train if that's what you mean. I don't join others in the hype if that's what you mean.
  7. I think the only thing that was interesting to me was maybe the new Dead Island game. I remember playing the original with friends, so there's some nostalgia there. The Lies of P game looks good, but looks tough so idk if it's for me. The Outlast Trials looks scary spooky, too scary spooky for me though.
  8. Not yet, I was just looking at it a few minutes ago, and was thinking about signing up, but I don't know if I want to. You need to provide feedback of course, and I don't know if I want to do that. As well, since it's a closed invite, you can't share any details about the game. Have you signed up @Clasher?
  9. This is the first time I have ever used the steam database. I guess it's cool to have these details, especially it being open to everyone. But I don't see myself ever using this for anything. But I'm sure someone who likes to keep track of this stuff will find great use with it.
  10. Rumbleverse is pretty much a battle royale game, but with wrestling instead of guns and other weapons. You can pick up chairs and I imagine other weapons as well. Well it would require them licensing those wrestlers, but it's possible. Fortnite just recently got John Cena, so there's always a possibility.
  11. I just realized too, this is coming out on Gamepass as well, so this is going to be a day one download if I still have gamepass when it drops. Looks like the release is December 13th, so not too long to go I suppose. I hope Justin Roiland keeps making wacky and weird games like this. The other game I forgot was called Trover SAVES the UNiVERSE, you can see the trailer for that one below.
  12. No, they weren't always like this. I'm pretty sure in the past they were more open to fans doing whatever they wanted with the series, like modding older GTA titles, and now days them wanting to remove the older games in favor of their remastered shit. And the fact they go after an ex employee like this, is messed up. They didn't need to take his videos down. If anything it's great to have that sort of content available to people, because it helps them learn how game development was back in the day. That's gaming history and Rockstar is tearing it down because they don't want anyone to have anything on them. Even though this was this guys stuff. But that's Rockstar for you these days. Only cares about milking as much money out of everything they do, or just GTA V maybe.
  13. That's the direction they're pretty much going into to. The last I heard of the gamestop near me, they mostly sell action figures and funko pops, and have less and less video games than they used to. I haven't purchased from Gamestop since probably GTA V on the 360. So 2013 or so.
  14. What petty bullshit on the part of Rockstar. They did this to a previous co-worker of theirs, who worked on these games. It's not like it was anything new or would have been bad to share. They were literally sharing old work they did before the start of like the 2nd game. It's not like it's GTA V secrets or something. It's just Rockstar being assholes essentially. And the funny thing is, these videos have been up for years. In the video below, they show 2014. There may even be videos older. But, this developer decided to remove or private the rest of the videos that were up, even if they weren't owned by Rockstar. Someordinarygamers did a video on it as well.
  15. That is honestly pretty impressive. Now the question is, how long can they keep those 20 million players coming back. I can see them sticking around for a long time if they constantly update this game. They would need to in order to keep the users around. They need to reinvent themselves every so often, much like how Fortnite does things and changes every season for the most part.
  16. Nice, I forgot about Cuphead, but I can see that getting included in there. That show may not be my thing, but I have seen some of the animation and cgi work and It's gotta win something. It's probably a clear frontrunner for that award. Yeah Sonic 2 makes sense as well. I can't think of any other game to movie adaptations out there. Are there any others?
  17. Nice, and it's not too far away either. I'm going to guess it won't work on the PS4, which is fair considering they have stopped working on the PS4 side for the most part. It sounds very promising, it's going to look really good I think. I really wish I can try VR one of these days.
  18. I think I lost a hatchet in a similar way. I know in order to carry multiple knives, you can select them through the weapon wheel by moving left or right when you're hovered over it. But I would assume you know that, as you mention some of the other weapons. I know hatchets/axes stay in their own category, knives in their own, etc. To me, it sounds like it could be a glitch. Because if you drop any of your weapons, they should go back to your horse or your weapon locker. My other guess is that you encountered a glitch where you lost them somehow. Not sure what the problem would be. I would reach out to Rockstar and see if they can figure out what the issue is.
  19. From what I see it hasn't been taken down yet. There's still that chance that Nintendo will swoop in, get this video removed and then have the people behind this little project remove it from the internet. I just wish Nintendo was cool with people making mods like this out of their games. As long as they don't monetize it in any way, I see no issue with it. It's not like these guys are going to be able to make money off of these games. I wish Nintendo would hire the mods who hack their games.
  20. Yeah it's going to go down in price pretty fast. It's already being discounted at some stores I heard. I wouldn't doubt in the coming weeks it'll be half off. No worries. I think the big issue with this game, is that it doesn't have that Saints Row soul. It may be a carbon copy of the last game in lost of aspects, but it doesn't have that same feeling it used to have. As well, the bugs are hurting it a lot. I think once those are sorted out, you may have a better game, but idk. I think going back to the same style of gameplay, hurts it. They needed to re-invent saints row I believe. Yeah they didn't change a whole lot, and with it kinda being a reboot, we thought it was going to be different enough, and it just seems like a shoddy version of its former self. Because I don't think the last Saints Row was this buggy. It's getting some okay reviews here and there. I saw IGN gave it a 6, which isn't great, but isn't that bad either. And it got an 8/10 at another site, which I don't know how anyone would rate it so high. I think once they fix the issues, it'll be a lot more competent, but we'll see how it turns out.
  21. Forgot it dropped today, going to start the download now so I can be ready to start it tonight or this weekend. But yeah, it's still weird to see it on Gamepass. Maybe it's a nice gesture since they want MS to honor the release of future COD games and Bethesda releases too I imagine.
  22. Oh you should like totally send me one if you're not using it, lol. Just kidding. 😄 I've heard bad things about the lite models, but I wouldn't mind picking up one. But I do worry a lot about joycon drift on those. Is it as bad as actual joycons?
  23. I'm sorry to hear that. May he rest in peace. I can't say I heard of him, or his games either, but it's clear he had some talent for game development. I may check his games out and give them a try. Would be cool if this resulted in him having the most downloaded game for the week or month.
  24. Well the whole point was to make topics to discuss just the games in their own spaces, since a lot of them don't yet have their own topics. I figured this topic would be a good place to discuss the show itself, what our favorite reveals were and so on.
  25. Gamescom has a ton of trailers today. And it looks like we got a new trailer for an upcoming Outlast game, called The Outlast Trials. I guess it has multiplayer, but not sure how it works just yet. I think it will have co-op where you and others have to work together. Or it might have modes where you can face off against others. That'd be really cool, especially in Outlast. Also, I guess there is a closed beta you can sign up for, probably requiring you to pre-order to get access, at least that's my guess.
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