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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. A new action RPG from the team behind Lords of the Fallen and The Surge. I haven't played either, but I heard both games were pretty decent. The trailer for Atlas Fallen doesn't show a whole lot, it's mostly another cinematic trailer, as to be expected. Anyway, is this going to be one of those games you check out when it drops? I think I'll pass. It's only releasing on new gen and PC.
  2. New trailer dropped at Gamescom showing off the gameplay, you can find it below. Looks a lot like Dead Space, but it's more zombies than anything. Doesn't look bad, but I feel like the Dead Space remake is going to blow it out of the water. But, we'll see. Do you guys think it'll be any good?
  3. This one looks cool, it's said to be set in medieval China, and is a supernatural swordfighting action-adventure game from Everstone Studios. It kinda reminds me of a mix of a samurai game and Assassins Creed in some regards. They had me at supernatural swordfighting! 😄 Oh, and you can run on water, so there's that!
  4. New trailer premiered at Gamescom, and shows what the story is going to be like. I think it mixes some gameplay in there, but it's mostly cinematic otherwise. Still though, I'm kinda getting hyped up for it, so it's a maybe buy for me.
  5. Another reveal at Gamescom, this one is called Lies of P and looks to be an action adventure game. It kinda looks like your usual Dark Souls games. From the gameplay, atmosphere, and themes, but it looks really cool. Wish I chad the patience for tougher games like this.
  6. Looks like Dune is getting a game adaptation. I feel like there already is a game based on Dune, but I could be wrong. Either way, this cinematic trailer doesn't say much, but I'm interested to see what they do with a Dune game. Check out the trailer below and give your thoughts. At the end of the trailer it reveals itself to be an open world mmo, so that's interesting.
  7. I didn't see another topic for Frontiers, so I figured I would revive the original topic I made for the game. They just released a new trailer for Sonic Frontiers at Gamescom and it kinda looks good, idk. It kinda reminds me of Generations, as it looks like a mix of 3D and 2D segments. But it looks like it also adds some more combat options as well. Idk, what do you guys think?
  8. Well it's about time. Two new trailers dropped for the new Dead Island 2. A trailer for gameplay and a cinematic one. The gameplay trailer can be viewed above, and I gotta admit, it looks pretty good. Here's the cinematic trailer below. What do you think?
  9. What's funny, is that I didn't know about it until I was on twitch one day and noticed prime loot or whatever it was. And went in there and noticed they were giving away a few games. And at this point I just forget I have games waiting for me in there. One of my friends gave me a year of Prime as well, so I keep forgetting to take advantage of the free games as of late.
  10. I think that's key. If EA just let their developers make games the way they want to make them, and it's not about getting in microtransactions or putting in dumb gimmicks to make extra money, I think they would receive much less hate than what they do nowadays. But they do let some developers work on their games.
  11. I'm honestly not sure. I could see Ubisoft making a great Blade game, but maybe Eidos as they did the Guardians of the Galaxy game and they did a fairly decent job there. Insomniac games I think did the Spider-Man games, so I think they would do a Blade game justice. And it'll be tied into the Marvel side with either Eidos or Insomniac. That or Rocksteady, as they rocked it with the Arkham series over the years.
  12. Yeah this is what I would imagine being the case. There has been games I have played that caused me hand discomfort before. And of course playing for long hours can cause eye strain. I don't know what else, aside from a sedentary lifestyle for playing too much and not moving enough. But I imagine most players take needed breaks.
  13. I mostly game on my PC these days. Will sometimes play on my Xbox One, but since I got my gaming PC, I've mostly played there. My xbox is mostly used now to watch YouTube and movies. I could use gamepass on my PC as well and play most of the games there. I might eventually put my Xbox One away, and just use the apps on my Roku TV instead.
  14. I got an Andaseat a while back myself, it's a surprisingly comfortable chair, and I'm a big guy. I'm very happy I got it, because my last chair I used caused pain in my bottom when I sat for too long, so I had to get something new. I'm glad I got it. The last chair I had was this used office chair. It was just too stiff for my needs I think. But yeah, I'd recommend an andaseat branded chair any day.
  15. They still publish great games, it's just that they also don't always do the right things. Their track record is that they don't listen to fans all that much. They sometimes release good games, like It Takes Two for example. They work with other development studios. As long as they let their studios make the games they want to make, EA will gain some respect. But it's the constant bad decisions they make, like with Dice and Battlefield for example.
  16. Yeah I figure Covid is a big reason. Especially since I recently heard that gaming profits have gone down a bit since the lockdown lifted, which I could see in turn causing less people to stream game content. Anyway, I could see some people doing 24 hour streams. I think there are some people that do that. I don't think I could stream for that long ever.
  17. Most of EA's sports games should be retired, or take a while off. I can't judge the FIFA series, but I know they too haven't changed much like Madden. I don't know about NBA Live, if they even still make that game, but I know NBA 2K is where fans go for Basketball. Anyway, if they just did one release and constantly update it every few months to a year, it would probably interest fans, and they can always make updates to the gameplay, and animations. Because Madden for example is the same game every single year with barely any changes.
  18. And I think that's the cheaper model too, I think the $35,000 model is bigger than that one. I think they even custom make them as well, but I could be wrong. Also, I think all of those green lights are sensors, and I can imagine those costing a lot too.
  19. The video game awards will be back this December, is anyone excited? I'm more interested in the reveals more than anything, but they will be adding one new category. That new category being best adaptation, as in video games turned into movies, tv shows, comic books and other such media. So you probably won't see the likes of The Last Of Us make the list, but I'm sure they will include the Halo show, that Resident Evil show and I imagine there are a few other game adaptations I'm forgetting. Anyway, feel free to discuss what games you think will also make the Game Awards this year. https://www.ign.com/articles/the-game-awards-returns-in-december-with-a-new-category?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A Trending Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2m5-9UI_yYzXZZyrHagCYvSDPw72xVk0kngiZAT4HNrUsHweM7QVLMY0Y
  20. Rumbleverse is a battle royale fighting game. In it you essentially beat up each other until a winner is decided, much like any battle royale game out there. The last person standing is the winner. Since it's a live service game like Fortnite and features wrestling as a theme in some regards, I could see pro wrestlers making the cut and being added as DLC. Do you think that could be a reality? I think if they can license characters like Fortnite does, it could work. I doubt we'd see AEW & WWE co-mingling, but you never know. I tried Rumbeverse myself and am not sure it's for me, but if it brings real pro wrestlers in the mix, I may try to learn it.
  21. According to this article: https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2022/08/22/star-wars-kotor-remake-developed-saber-interactive/?fbclid=IwAR2wNHC8xSSD5us_TkKkcWcxXuBhpvGspx-foZOcNTsAP0YLH504_0sZ5WA It is being said that Saber Interactive is now making the Star Wars KOTOR Remake. Aspyr media was making it with help from Saber, but now it looks like Saber will be taking the full brunt of it all themselves. Does this worry you at all? Or do you think Saber Interactive will a great job?
  22. Oh for sure. I just saw another review saying it was "Ugly and Boring Hot Trash", according to this site: https://www.gaminginstincts.com/review/saints-row-review-ugly-and-boring-hot-trash/ And they did a video review for it too: It's not looking good at all for them.
  23. With the new Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon out recently on HBO and HBO Max, it got me thinking, when do you think they will make a new Game of Thrones video game? We had a telltale game, a game by Atlus I believe and I think there was a mobile game at some point. But other than that I don't think we've had any other games since. I think it'd be nice to see another try at a Game of Thrones game, but in the style of an action adventure much like their first try, but actually better. I know there's a possible game there, there's a lot of history they could go off of. Hell the show is a prequel, so a game could be one as well, or it could go into the future after what happens. But I hope it follows the books and not the show so much.
  24. I had no idea there was even rumors of a Blade game being made by Ubisoft, but I guess that isn't happening. Ubisoft recently denied the rumors that they were making a Blade game. But now that we're talking about Blade, maybe there is a chance one day we'll see a Blade game. What studios do you think could make a Blade game? I know there was one for the PS1 that wasn't good by any means, but I could see a new Blade game doing pretty good. You can read the news here about this: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/blade-marvel-game-rumor-ubisoft-response/
  25. I think what OP may be trying to say is more advanced AI in video games, to the point where AI in video games learn from the player and the actions they do in game. I don't think he meant like adding AI, as we already have AI in games. I think it's more to do with making advanced AI in games, where it learns from the gamer, changed tactics and tries to twist the game on the player. Personally I'd like to see more advanced AI in games, where it makes the gameplay different each time. Kinda like how Left 4 Dead's AI system pretty much decided when the best time was to send hoards of zombies your way. But more advanced than that where enemies learn from the players. idk. That's my guess anyway.
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